Illinois Valley News, Thursday- March 21, 1910 Page Two Theatre An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C. ATHEY SATURDAY and SUNDAY, MARCH 23-24— 1— News of the Day 2— Popeye in “Ghosts is the Bunk” 3— Crisis in the Pacific 4— The MIGHTIEST SEA DRAMA Ever to STORM the SCREEN .... Editor —■ SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County Rulers of the Sea" .. >1 50 One Year . .— Six Months ............ Three Month* ........ STARRING DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. — MARGARET LOCKWOOD Outside of Josephine County . >2 00 .................. .. ..............................................unHHHiXMUHMIIIHimiHMMHHMMMIMUWWMI*HIMIItMMMHMMMIMHHHMIMIMIKIMIHIIIIIIIttttlttHI8 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY- MARCH 27-28 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i* deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application A Three-Ring Circus of Fun Thrills Marx Bros, at the Circus O re P U B LI S Hl E R lPER ■ .11 MOVIETONE NEWS - GOLDILOCKS and the THREE BEARS A-S-SOCIATI OH ^REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Here is something right down our alley—perse- verence—continuous effort, is the key note. This lit tle poem is called “MY CREED,” and from whose pen, we do not know, but folks, it is just chock full of KERBY UNION SUNDAY truth. Cut this out and paste it in your scrap book,' SCHOOL and when discouraged, read it over and over again. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. It is remarkable the powerful stimulant it possesses. every Sunday. AH are cordially invited. ------------ O------------ MY CREED Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eye. Is oft but perseverance in disguise; Continuous effort of itself implies, In spite of countless falls, the power to rise; ’Twixt failure and success the point so fine Men sometimes know not where they touch the line. Just where the pearl was waiting one more plunge How many a struggler has thrown up the sponge? As the tide goes clear out, it comes clear in; In business ’tis at times the wisest win, And oh, how true,when clouds of doubt dismay, ’Tis often darkest just before day. A little more persistence, courage, vim, Success will dawn o’er Fortune’s golden rim; Then take the honey for your bitterest cup— There is no failure save in giving up; No real fall as long as one still tries, For seeming setbacks make the strong man wise. There is no defeat, in truth, save from within, Unless we’re beaten there, we’re bound to win. ----------------- 0----------------- TOM MILLER In county politics, this newspaper stays clear from recommendations of any sort. We will always try to treat each candidate in the same respectful man ner, and give each the srme publicity, but rules are always made to be broken, and we herewith deliber ately jump over the traces and break one of our most staunch rules. We are recommending to all our readers that they get behind Tom Miller and push, talk and give him the biggest vote any candidate ever had in this valley. Mr. Miller is a candidate for Circuit Judge for Jack- son and Josephine counties, and this newspaper is backing him for all it is worth. o----------- ----- BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School ............ 10:00 Preaching ......................8:00 Loyal Defenders ........... 7:00 Preaching .................... 11:00 Prayer Meeting, Wed. . 7:00 Orchestra Practice, Sat 7:00 a. m. P- m. P- m. a. ni. p. m. p. m. à The way always opens for the determined soul, the man or woman of faith and courage. It is the victorious mental attitude, the consciousness of pow er, the sense of mastership, that does the big things in this world. If you haven’t this attitude begin now to cultivate it. —Selected. o----------------- Happiness is a by-product which is attained by accomplishments, work well done, success, satisfying results. Î ♦ Keibel’s PERFECTION BREAD ♦ : CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Community Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. 11 a. m. Preaching ------------ o------------ Miss Hattie Willets of Roseburg came down for the funeral ser vices of Marilda Floyd, Tuesday. Miss Willetts lived in Kerby with her parents for some years and they were neighbors of the Frank Floyds. Miss Willetts is at present employed with the J. C. Penney Company as head bookkeeper. KERBY° NEWS (Continued from Page One) tending college'at Ashland. Myr- tice Jones, student at O. S. C. is spending the week with friends at McMinnville. Claudia Buck was unable to come home. Claudia is doing practice teaching at Ash land in connection with her work at Southern Oregon college. Among those who attended the extension banquet held at the Bridgeview Grange hall last Thurs day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Robinson, Kenneth Robin son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sauer and sons Jack and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slack, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs Wm. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Wilson, Mrs. Dollie Duncan. From the high school Home Economics class were Pauline Robinson, Dorothy Hogue, Winifred Hassler and Virginia Thrasher of Kerby. We want to compliment one member of the coun ty officials more than the rest, but we also include The 4-H Happy Workers sewing the entire personnel who had anything to do with the lub met at the home of their lead settlement the county made with the bonding com er Phyllis Jones last Saturday af ternoon for an afternoon of sew pany in the ease of the former county clerk. ing. The girls are making attrac Orval Millard, district attorney, used rare judg tive handbags from burlap with ment in getting $7,090.89 for the county in a settle lesigns made by weaving colored ment. He and Don Barnes, sheriff, sat up many varn through the material. All were present and aside nights until the wee small hours going over the books member« rom sewing they were entertained so that an accurate statement could be presented to ’>y music from KUIN and a special the bonding company. It would take much space to ■equest number their leader had tell the intricate details of this settlement, but we tsked for the girls. Refreshments vere served to finish the day. know enough about it to realize that the amount se Those present were Georgia Gold- cured for the county, was a grand stroke of genius, by. Zenna Slack, Dena Jones, and most all of it fell on the shoulders of Mr. Millard. arol Anderton, Rosemary Sachse, Joan Provo, Ella Sloniker, Ethel ----------------- o----------------- MENTAL ATTITUDE people will have an Easter pag eant at the evening services. All sourcefulness. One was the Dog in the Pacific;” and a Popeye are invited to these servicos which Star, an authentic reproduction cartoon, “Ghost is the Bunk,” com of the doughty paddle steamer Sir plete an evening of unusual enter will begin at 7:30 p. m. ius, which made history, in April tainment. On last Sunday evening, the of 1838, by being the first vessel young people organized and elect to cross the Atlantic under steam ed officers for the year. These power alone. The other was the ASK FOR Sunday evening meetings were Falcon, a stately, full-rigged sail started recently by the young peo ing ship of the packet type. Skiffs ple of the valley and are growing and rowboats were scattered about in interest. Discussions of relig offshore. Hundreds of extras, in ious and social topics are proving period costumes, were transported of value as a training for public to the harbor in busses. Of course, the Scottish port of appearances as well as instructive along lines of every day problems. Greenock-on-the-Clyde was also Officers elected were, Phyllis built, and magnificent shots of the Jones, president; Jerry Fox, vice- Falcon and Dog Star under way president; Vernard Lackey, secra- were filmed in the Pacific Ocean off the California coast. t.iry-treasurer. The story seen against these Les Henry, Sr., and Dave White, magnificent, authentic back- who are working at the Big Boy grounds, concerns the efforts of mine near Oregon mountain, are Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., mate of At Your Grocer having a few days off visiting the sailing ship, to gain backing 5 with friends in Kerby. to construct engines for propelling —o— a ship across the Atlantic from E>. .................................................................ft Guests at the home of Mr. and the plans of Will Fyffe, Scottish E- .................................................................GJ Mrs Hurley Wilson over the week inventor and foundryman. The re : , DR. A. N. COLLMAN end were Mrs. Wilson’s parents, alization of the dream of conquest Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark of Rose of the Atlantic by steam leads the Naturopathic Physician burg. Dinner guests on Sunday picture to a thrilling and at the : SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at their home also included Fran same time romantic climax as : 1 In Cave Junction ces and Bobby Sneider. Fairbanks, man of action, finally 2 EJ. —o— gets up enough courage to tell Miss Dollie Branham has as a Mis Lockwood, the inventor’s i JJ’ "••0 guest her mother, Mrs. Winnie Al daughter, of his love for her. Dr. Fred W. Gould 1 Î len of Myrtle Creek. In the supporting cast are such Dental Surgeon noted players as George Bancroft Tuff* Building Mrs. Harry Elroy has been ill Montagu Love and a host of oth Phone 4 with a cold and complications at ers. Grant* Pa** her home this week. Mrs. Ed A new March of Time; “Crisis Burke, who has been poorly is im proving. Dorothy Gibson is. as GAYMAN’S sisting Mrs. Burke with house work. SEED AND FEED FUNERAL HOME o-- Everything the Farmer needs in Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager fll.lH.I Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. ------------ o------------ MEETING “PROSPERITY” THE COUNTY SETTLEMENT i ...3 I L. B. Hall SEEDS, FEEDS, FERTILIZERS, Etc. 514 S. 6th Street. Grants Pass WILD ATLANTIC— (Continued from Page One) rock-on-the-Clyde, Scotland, the ports of New York and London, and the wild reaches of the North Atlantic as seen from the decks of two ships, Lloyd set a host of assistants and special researchers to work to make it possible to con struct authentic sets. With material gathered from sources in the four corners of the earth. Lloyd's technicians recreat ed Castle Garden (the Battery) along the shore line of the outer harbor of San Pedro, California, peopled it ready for the arrival of the Dog Star, a full-sized pad dle-wheel steamer. Just as much care was taken in reproducing the old London docks. An unbroken stretch of dock six hundred feet long was found on the waterfront near Wil mington. Tons of loose dirt were dumped on the wharf, watered to create the impression of a mud surface such as old prints of Lon don docks disclose. Then build ings were erected in early nine teenth century style. Alongside the wharf sailors berthed two period ships, in them selves fine examples of movie re HiiiimiHimiHp Kerby Union Sunday School is lanning a short Easter program for this coming Sunday The clas hes will assembly for a few min utes study and the program of recitations, songs and exercises will follow. The program will be finished in time for those to at tend church at Cave Junction or Selma or wherever they choose, Everyone is invited. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. The young AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. HULL & HULL STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS • and the FUNERAL HOME Ambulance «ervice day or nite 502 N 4th St. Best Grease Job Phone 334 You can possibly get at VETERINARIAN CAVE JUNCTION MOTOR COURT Horae* and Cattle my Specialty D|t. O. L. HOHLFELD 408 South 6th Street Day phone 162—Night 538 K. C. HAMILTON Grants Pass The Seal of Approval GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon ISMSMWSitSSIMMSSSIMIS« i|||IUHlmml*IIUIIIIIHir*l Awarded by the American In stitute of Laundering after Î Passing Rigid Tests Pi icjtup and delivery every Mon. day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 1900” f ™ WOULD 6tr We are EXPERTS In Watchmaking 4 Repairing Come in and See us. Clarence E. Eggers I 604 9. 6th St., •••••»•••»•«I Grants Pass | Josephine County MILLS Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Pass *HET UP* TOO, IF MDU NEULECrtD XJURSELF LIKE. XX) 0Ü THE (AR Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grant* Paa* Laundry Elroy, Grace and Dorothy Grey, Sharon Currier and Leader Phyl- is Jones. FASTER PROGRAM I,.,,,,,.,, Gone inSmoke! EXPERT REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed 1 : : MURPHY HICKS ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE | Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! You can't afford to be Without Insurance See TED ATHEY I Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A. HICKS i M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland