Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 14, 1940 “That’s Right—You’re Wrong”—Hot Diggity grabs the laugh-getting honors of National Wildlife the film. Lucille Ball is excellent as the glamor girl and May Robson Restoration Week Something delightfully new un- furnishes much of the fun as Ky Save America! This caption ap der the screen sun is the tuneful ser’s redoubtable grandmother. pears on placards issued by the ------------ o------------ comedy, “That’s Right, You’re National Wildlife organization and Wrong,” which comes to the Cave President Roosevelt has designat City theater Wednesday and Kerby News Notes ed March 17-23 as National Wild Thursday, March 20 and 21. life Restoration Week. Starring Kay Kyser with his or of General Interest Here is how you can help in the chestra and Adolphe Menjou, the > movement. The Rod & Gun Club picture breaks sharply away from has receievd Wildlife stamps, a the conventional boy-meets-girl Mrs. J. W. Cooper was hostess new series, and they are for sale story theme on which most band to the members of the Dorcas soci at $1.00 for 100 stamps or 25c for leader films have been based. ety at her home in Kerby on Wed 25 stamps, and the album for 1940 With engaging candor, the produc nesday. sells this year for only 10c. The ers admit that such a theme is stamps are beautifully lithograph threadbade, and develop their plot George Horn returned on Wed ed in four colors from paintings around the ingenious thesis that nesday evening after a two weeks by famous nature artists. The sub it is impossible to find any other business trip to Portland and oth jects include well-known^ game theme. er points. Mr. Horn is salesman and song birds, mammals, fish Consequently, the story deals for a wholesale drug company. wild flowers and trees. with the hilarious but futile ef ------------ o-------- F. W. Cooper is putting in a forts of a big Hollywood film Co. to make a picture with Kyser and patch of strawberries at the north Student Activities his band, and in so doing it offers side of his place. The Coopers gay laughter-packed entertain are expecting to build a house At Kerby High ment. Kyser and his musicians por on their property in the near fu tray themselves throughout and ture. Menjou has the role of the luck By Eleanor Galeno Mr. and Mrs. George Horn have less producer assigned to the task (By Eleanor Galeno) of bringing Kyser to the screen. as a house guest Mrs. Horn’s aunt, Last Monday reports were giv- At first, Kyser and his followers Miss Elma Mathews of Chicago. en out. It was with excitement are enthusiastic and proceed to go Miss Mathews is a bookkeeper and that the last eleven weeks of Hollywood in a big way. But pres is on her vacation. She will re school began and the time is ently Menjou discovers that his turn by way of California and also drawing near for commencement. trusted pair of scenario writers visit in Colorado on her return to The seniors on Wednesday went have concocted an utterly unsuita Chicago. to the senior conference at the ble story for Kyser, and are un Grants Pass high school. Dean “Shorty” Ralph Phillips of the DuBach, of O. S. C., gave the able to think up a good one. Faced with this impasse, Menjou Ritz Tavern is on an extended address and it was intensely in- tries to get Kyser to tear up his visit to southern California. Rum teresting. He talked before the contract. The batonist fights or has it that Shorty may be elig whole student body, then to the back, his maneuvers speeding up ible for a charivari on his re- seniors, then to those seniors who the film furiously to a hilarity- turn. intend going to college. It was —o— packed climax. highly instructive and most help In a letter received from Mr. ful for all, and he was a grand Kyser scores notably in his in itial effort and with Menjou easily and Mrs. Jack Whiteman who are speaker. living in La Grande, they state The home economics girls are that they expect to be at their to serve the banquet of the home place on the Caves Highway about extension unit. The girls will March 25th for a ten day stay. look very nice in white organdy Mrs. Whiteman also told the sad aprons and head pieces. It will i news of the death of Jack’s moth be a grand experience for the er in Michigan a few weeks ago. girls as well as a practical one. Grandpa and Grandma Whiteman lived in Kerhy a few years ago The Kerby high girls voliey ball and later moved to Bend then back team played the Rogue River TELEGRAPHED ANY to their old home in Michigan. girls Wednesday afternoon after PLACE IN U.S.A. Jack Whiteman was back in Mich school. The two teams were quite igan at the time of his mother’s evenly matched as to skill but Phone Order« 402 death. the Kerby team won 26 to 23. | ------------ o------------ Next week the Kerby team plays Grange Program Was a return game at Rogue River. Cut Flowers Funeral Pieces F. T. P. flowers Probst Flower Shop Masonic Building GRANTS PASS Won’t You Take Our Advice and Get Your Car Ready For That EASTER TRIP ? We offer you EXPERT Car Repair Service by men who KNOW THEIR TRADE. Aik any of of our satisfied Customers in YOUR nei gh- borhood. CARBURETORS • IGNITION WOOD'S MOTOR CLINIC 506 Eatt J St. « Grante Pate Greatly Enjoyed O’BRIEN LIBRARY Feeding and care of chickens HAS NEW BOOKS was discussed by the Illinois Val ley Grange Thursday evening. The generous consignment of Charles Babcock explained the library books from the County li feedintf'of baby chicks; Asa John brary for the Branch at O'Brien son described a new brooder has been received and such a house he had just completed which choice selection as Miss Hill did is heated by piped furnace heat; send! There are books for ALL George Wells showed how his the family — beautiful children's flock was profitable by utilizing books, with colored pictures; mys feed grown on the farm, Clarence tery, cowboy and western stories, and Freeling Sawyer gave ex and a full allotment of Oregon and amples of profitable flock manage Pioneer stories, such as “The Land ment. Mr. Foerst emphasized is Bright” by Binns; “We Must scientific culling and feeding. March" by Honoré Willsie Mor Lucius Robinson said that under row; “Before the Covered Wagon” the old school law which is still by Parrish of Portland and others; in force, newly organized districts Indian and mining stories and sev receive more state funds than can eral books by such intriguing au be secured with the new reorgan thors as Pearl Buck. Zane Grey ization plan. •ind Edna Ferber; biographies such The lecture program was put on is “Sailor on Horseback,” being by the chaplain, Pearl Barrett. ‘he life of Jack London; that fas- Patriotic songs and readings were •inating story of Alaska, “Spawn contributed by Anna Stiwalt, of the North;” "Ridgeway of Mon Frances Miles, and Francos Smith. tana” by Raine; mystery stories, A rodent control program with such as “For Goodness Sake” and a representative from the biolog “Dangerous Dowager” not to men ical survey department will pre tion many other fine books. cede the next grange meting, Mar. The library, housed at Waldo 21. Refreshments were served Motel, is cared for by Mrs. Robert by Viv Johnson and members of Balzke, who will gladly loan books her committee. to any accredited person in the o------------ community. Subscribe for the Illinois Valley ----------------- o------------------ News. Its worth the price. Why’t th» Large, Sunny Page Five * * * * Smith proudly came home in their new car. The Olds was purchased through the agency held by Des Byrne on the Caves highway. Theatre CLASSIFIED ADS UNION HIGH School District No. 1 will receive bids for seventy (70) cords of wood. Eight cords of this must be cut in 16” lengths with 1/3 hardwood. The remainder (62) cords) must be one-half fir and one-half hard wood, half of this to be two feet in length and half, four feet. Bids will be opened at the next regular meeting of the school board at the high school office, Monday evening, April 1, at 8 p. m. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Effie M. Smith, Clerk. I Lucius Robinson, Chairman. Saturday and Sunday, March 16-17— Two Big Laugh Features NO. 1—GEORGE O’BRIEN in 'Trouble in Sundwon' NO. 2— Paulette Goddard and Bob Hope in "The Cat and the Canary Wednesday and Thursday, March 20-21— A Bombshell of Sensational Entertainment With Kay Kyser and Adolph Menjou AND Donald Duck in “OFFICER DUCK” Frank J. Newman CANDIDATE FOR Circuit Judge SAYLORS BOXED Candies will delight the recipient at Easter tide. Easter Candies Galore. Colored Egg Candies, Bunnies, Baskets, Paas Dyes and Tints. The Shack, 105 N. 6th Street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 44-ltc ON THE NON-PARTISAN BALLOT MAY 17th PRIMARY Thirty-right year* active practice, 32 in thia district; pretent District At torney of Jackton County, term ex piring January, 1941. Aik anyone who knowt me at to my record at an attorney and citiaen. Keep me in mind at your next Circuit Judge. (Office ,W.W.WAW<.WAV.VASS\".SSVk"AV.,kSAAA. BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH No Fairy Tale Valley Lumber Co. West F St. Phone 47 Phone 167 in Courthouse, Medford, Oregon, Telephones 635 and 314-J-l.) Pd. Political Adv. F H A LOANS I GRANTS PASS Day or Night 24 HOUR SERVICE Tow Car Once it wern’t We ain’t money to upon a time I knowed a man who said no use to carry a insurance policy— never had no fire. I ken use that do somethin’ else with. But this poor old codger had a fire and it took everything he had. An insurance policy would have built his store and put a new stock of merchandise in. And the cost is so small when you buy a MUTUAL policy from BODY & FENDER REPAIRING FRED LINKHART TOMMIE'S “The Insurance Man” KERBY, OREGON SUPER SERVICE Sixth and L Streets DRESS SHOES SPORT OXFORDS Newest styles in Straps, Pumps or Ties in Gaberdine Patent or Kid leathers, many styles in combination leathers Many styles in low or medium heels. Black, navy, tan, white, and the ever popular Saddle's in both colors. We’ve ararched the market to telect for our patront only those items of apparel which bring to thia taction the beet in quality and latest in fath- ion. You will be well-dreeaed for the Fatter Parade if you permit Lowell a to oeracribe your neede................... And at what a saving 1 1 I Man Quitting? ELECTRICITY WILL BE CUT 1’ROM 2 TO 3 P. M. FRIDAY MARCH 15th Addition of Line Equipment to provide Better Service for the Illinois Valley makes it necessary to Break Circuit for a period of approximately 1 hour. FOR RENT— A large, sun ny pleasant gentleman’s room for rent.—Ad in Buffa lo News. ------------ 0------------ Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Smith of the Caves Highway, made what «eemed to be an insignificant bus iness trip to Grants Pass last week, but on returning home their friends were glad to see them drive up in a new 'bO Oldsmobile. Recently Mr. and Mrs. John W. DRESSYrFROCKS With plenty of frills, jackets, etc. in both _ ______ Prints and Plain Colors. We invite 7--*- you - to see these at your earliest convenience. *5.95 Wash Frocks Those smart street dresses that you love to wear all summer be cause they can be Laundered for each occasion. $3.98 EASTER CARDS California-Oiegon Power Company that are clever in design and ma terials. Presentable for that hur ried trip down town. *1.98 HATS SUITS COATS EASTER EGG DYES Make your selection early. Plenty of Flowers and Col or. Felts or Straws. Black and Navy predomin ate in both plain colors or Pin Stripes. A small depos it will hold your selection till wanted. Our stock is complete with both Tweeds and the dressy Blacks and Navys. Fitted or Boxy Styles. BOOKS & STATIONERY for Easter Gifts $1.98 up $12.95 up $12.95 up BLOUSES Demaray’s GRANTS PASS New Styles in Crepes, Geor gettes, and Batistes, with lots of lace trims to add. that Feminine rt QO touch jl.UO / / / / "That’s Right—You’re Wrong" WANTED—Heifers in exchange for alfalfa hay. Warner A. Johnson near Holland. 45-ltp BRAND NEW Presto-O-Lite Bat teries. $2.95 and your old bat tery. Campbell’s Super Service Station. Next to Court House, Grants Pass. Ore. 43-4tc — t / LOWELL'S “ 202 S. Sixth Grants Pau /