» 9 Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 11,1910 Page Four Cole Offers Tip On Planting Sweet Pea Bed I that eggs are rich in protein, need' ed for the growth and repair of muscle, bone and blood, and they say that for the younger members Members of the California State of the family, at least, an egg a Highway Commission in session | day is desirable. Eggs are also rich — in Sacramento Jan. 26 passed a i in vitamins A, B and D. The com- A simple method of starting motion introduced by Commision- 1 bination of iron with vitamin D and replanting sweet peas is con­ er L. G. Hitchcock of Santa Rosa I makes egg yolk one of the first tained in this suggestion made by backed by Redwood Empire As­ foods to supplement milk in the | Chas. A. Cole, horticultural in- sociation, memorializing Govern­ diet of a very small child, say the . spector for the state department or Culbert L. Olson to include in nutritionist specialists. In the country as a whole, egg of agriculture. Start the seeds his call to the special Legislative ¡production at the first of 1940 | indoors in a fruit basket lined with session a proposal that members . was the largest on record—nearly paper. Fill the basket within one of the Legislature adopt a reso­ ! 9 per cent greater than a year inch of the top with sand; place a lution naming the highway be­ I previous and 40 per cent above layer of sweet peas on the sand, tween Santa Rosa and Sebastopol then cover with a half inch of sand the “Luther Burbank Memorial ' the average on January 1. Egg and water thoroughly. Set in a Highway,” for the reason that, market quotations the middle of warm place. Burbank’s most active experiment­ January were low everywhere, be­ When the plants are up an inch al gardens and home were in San­ ing 5 to 6 cents a dozen cheaper and one-half, cut through one cor­ ta Rosa, while his workshop gar­ at Portland than a year before. ner of the basket and its paper dens were at Sebastopol. The increase of 9 per cent in lining, pourt water on the sand Adoption of such a name would egg production compared with a and it will run off, leaving all be a lasting memorial for the plant year ago was caused more by roots on the tender plants. Then wizard who is buried beneath a heavier production per hen than plant outdoors. giant evergreen at the Burbank by the increase in the number of home in Santa Rosa and in sup­ hens, according to the extension GAYMAN’S port of the suggestion Redwood agricultural economists in charge SEED AND FEED Empire Association officials de­ of market news at the college. The | clared they would change identifi­ number of layirg hens is estimated Everything the Farmer needs in SEEDS, FEEDS, cation on maps and folders, which at approximately 3 per cent above FERTILIZERS, Etc. are given extensive national dis- the number on hand a year ago, tribution, to conform to the new with the average output per hen 1 514 S. 6th Street. Grants Pass name. 9 per cent greater. o- 1 Eggs are still being shipped from Subscribe for the Illinois Valley coast to’he New York New«. It’s worth the price. I'm Hog Enough to market at the rate of 30 to 40 cars ------------- o-------------- Want Your Busine.a a week, although top quality Paci­ Want« Highway Named Theatre Presents Double Feature This Week End After Lather Burbank ---------- As a special treat for theatre- ' <>f the title, the young lady who is goers of the Illinois Valley the J unfortunate enough to be pursued management of the Cave City ' by “The Cat." Theatre is planning a double fea- Getting down to the story it ture program for Saturday and starts with Hope, Miss Goddard Sunday evenings, announced Lar- and four other potential heirs of ry Musil, Manager. the deceased Cyrus "Norman pro­ The main feature on the bill ceeding to that gentleman’s de­ is a picture that has a great rep- serted, lonely mansion in the Lou­ utation of delighting audiences isiana bayous. There they are wherever shown. The ever-en­ greeted by the deceased’s house­ larging legion of screen and radio keeper and by the lawyer who is fans who look to Bob Hope for the to read the will. ultra in gag comedy can prepare "The Cat” strikes shortly there- PAULETTE GODDARD IN MYSTERY HIT AT CAVE CITY THEATER SAT. AND SUN. 9 fic coast white eggs brought only 24 V4 to 25 cents per dozen at auc­ tion there on January 17. The home economics section of extension service has issued a list of 10 selected recipes for pre­ .----------------------- 1I _ paring eggs for the table, a copy It is the time to eat eggs, that of which may be had from any • _____ a ____i i__________ 1x1» . . ___ vitamin filled, concetrated health county extension office or direct food, say the O. S. C. agricultural from the college. and home economics specialists, ' Mtfag current market reports. > Producers need the help owing REDWOODS HOTEL to record breaking egg output by Grants Pass the layers without a corresponding, pickup in egg consumption, des­ pite the lowest January farm price I SOLICITS YOUR level for eggs in 30 years. The | PATRONAGE situation offers consumers an op­ portunity unequalled at this seas­ on of the year, to include more Excellent Coffee Shop eggs in the diet. IN CONNECTION The home economists point out1 ITEMS OF INTEREST TO TOWNSENDITES Beware of canards, cautions Dr. Townesnd. Again the propa­ ganda machine is active. An ef­ fort is being made to stir up dis­ content among the Townsendites by misrepresentation as to,the pro­ visions of the bill. For example there has been printed in a hostile paper inV Florida the statement that the bill provides for a min- nmum payment of $50 to all “eli­ gible." to be financed by a "na­ tional income tax.” “More dan­ gerous and atrocious is the state­ ment that such a measure will be supported by me." He says furth­ er, “It need not be explained by me to Townsendites that 1 have never advocated or consented to a national income tax, nor have I approved of a “minimum of $50 a month for eligible.. ’ The Doc­ tor goes on: “When the bill is presented it will follow the basic principles of the original Town­ send plan, providing pensions to all 60 years or over who voluntar­ ily retire from gainful occupation. It will follow also the basic prin­ ciple of the transactions tax, changed perhaps in terms but achieving the same results. There will be NO sales tax, or income or anything but a levy on gross sales which is entirely different. Under the provisions of our measure there will be a maximum of $200 a month which is our final objec­ tion and always has been. There will be NO RETREAT from the basic principles which we have al­ ways advocated. NO surrender, NO compromise." after, reaching from behind a hid­ den panel in the library to grab in a death grip the lawyer as he talks to Miss Goddard. As the picture approaches its climax. “The Cat” becomes even more menacing driving Miss Goddard to the point of insanity. It’s all Bob Hope can do, with cheerful asurance, to calm Miss Goddard; ami with some shrewd deduction, to track “The Cat” into a hidden passageway as the picture approaches a blood­ chilling climax. The theatre programs for the month advertise Laurel and Har­ dy in "Flying Deuces” as the sec­ ond feature of the program but due to unforeseen difficulties this release could not be obtained Mus­ il learned early this week. That patrons will not be disappointed a substitution is being made and as a result a fine western picture, "Trouble at Sundown” starring George O’Brien is being secured, Both are exceptional pictures and the double feature program gives local people an opportunity to see two fine movies for price of one. REASONABLE RATES STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS I r................-......................................a and the Naturopathic Phy.ician Best Grease Job SATURDAY AFTERNOONS In Cave Junction DR. A. N. COLLMAN You can possibly get at ....... CAVE JUNCTION MOTOR COURT I I E ..................................... a Dr. Fred W. Gould I K. C. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pass a C A LOT OF PEOPLE FOEUET ALL AfcUT THE PATfEEV UNTIL ITS "DEAD* BETTER TIRES TODAY FOR LESS MONEY ♦ : At Your Grocer A TOUGH JOB ... What we’d like to tell you is that our furniture is gosh-awful nice but the price is down where everybody can afford to buy—we’ve got good stuff all right enough but it's not all uppity- high-class. How to get the idea over to folks of the Illi­ nois Willey is a tough job. We can’t put it in words so let’s skip it. Come in— we’ll show you by hand. Manchel's Furniture “Furniture You’ll Admire at Price« You'll Appreciate” 112*114 bk Sisth St. Grants Pass Josephine County MILLS Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Pass Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grant. Pas. Laundry GT ! .u.i.imulUlllllllUmllUIUIIIIIIIIIHIWUHmilUUlfi) EXPERT REPAIRS | AU Work Guaranteed I MURPHY HICKS i : ILLINOIS à ........................... AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland * ELK’S ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S I I I DANCING PARTY Fairgrounds Pavilion GRANTS PASS ! SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1940 I I ADMISSION $1.00 SOLD! WE’RE SOLD on the idea that the Illinois Valley and western Josephine County needs LIVE-WIRE PUBLICITY WE’VE SOLD the local Chamber of Commerce on the idea and they will assist in distribution of such publicity. YOU'LL BE SOLD on the idea that you will need advertising in our 4th Anniversary Edition a 32- page tabloid to be published in connection witfl our May Oth. 1940, issue and to contain loads of interestingly written data < on this section of Southern Oregon and lively illustrated with pictures of development, activity, etc. Cave Junction Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 VETERINARIAN Horae, and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 408 South 6th Street Day phone 162—Night 538 Grants Pass Save 3 Percent Easter Motorists by paying in full on or before Easter is a happy season—a season when people like to visit friends in far-off places—it’s the beginning of the season when people want to go places and do things. FRIDAY, MARCH 15th The last day to pay and receive discounts. Never before in the history of automobiling have (This rebate APPLIES TO AD VALOREM TAXES ONLY AND DOES NOT INCLUDE IRRIGATION ASSESSMENTS.) Dodge - Plymouth Cars given so much value for the Price! Go this year in style— In A New Dodge or Plymouth! Do Not Perimt Your Taxes to Become Delinquent. ALSO Be Sure and Bring the Description of All Your Land. USED CARS THAT SHOUT “BUY ME” A. Donley Barnes A nklEîVC Automotive LAKNCK 3 Service Co. 621 East M Street SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR Josephine County, Oregon Grants Pass 1 Q Notary Publics Illinois Valley News Cor. 5th A C Sts. | VALLEY GARAGE| Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager FUNERAL HOME : K< Granta Pass >s((tl(ss««tsMstl FUNERAL HOMF. Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A. HICKS : : Clarence E. Egjfers 604 Si 6th St., HULL & HULI ASK FOR Keibel’s PERFECTION BREAD Come in and See us. — BONAFIDE CIRCULATION — Phone 388 ♦ We ar. EXPERTS U Watchmaking & Repairing L. B. Hall AMBULANCE SERVICE In 1910, the average cost for an automobile tire was $25, which at best could run 2,500 miles, a cost of about 1 cent a mile. Today the average cost is $12. and it is expected to run about 25,000 miles which is a cost of only 1-20 of a cent a mile. ffl. 3 MINERS HEADQUARTERS «15 “G” Street Granta Pass, Oregon And Man Enough To Appreciate It KEITH'S MARKET Hens So Prolific Egg Prices Skid; Urge More Buying to laugh, and to be thrilled, when his new starring picture, “The Cat and the Canary," is present­ ed Saturday and Sunday. And in the bargain they can make ready to see Bob indulge in plenty of romancing with one of the love­ liest leading ladies, Paulette God­ dard, ever to invade a menacing hand (the hand of "The Cat” in this case, naturally.) Hope has been cast as a radio comedian, and Miss Goddard is seen as magazine illustrator, but, symbolically, she is "The Canary” GRANTS PASS HOTEL