Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, February 1, 1940 Page Four Extra Good Food Begins with Extra Good Ingredients 0 BUY WELL KNOWN BRANDS Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, Feb. 2-3-5 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, Feb. 2-3-5 FRESH FRUIT AND Vegetables SHORTENING, PEARL 4 Pounds for ..................... 36c SUPERIOR GRAHAM CRACKERS 2 Pounds for ........................................... 27c COFFEE—Red “A” Special, 3 Pounds for 48c OUR ADVERTISER TOBACCO 12 Ounces for .................................. 40c ORANGES— Large, per dozen BACON, SWIFT’S PREMIUM Per Pound .................................... 20c HAMBURGER, FRESH Per Pound ........................ 15c SAUSAGE, PURE PORK Per Pound ........................... 16c SMOKED SALT 10 Pounds for........... 2 and 1-9 pounds for 89c ......... 23c 10c ROYAL CLUB JELL POWDER Close Out, 3 Packages for ........ r GRAPEFRUIT— Coachella, 3 for 6 for 15c . 32c 23c RAISINS 4 Pound Package 17c PURE COCOA 2 Pounds for .. CARROTS— Fresh local 3 lbs. 8c ONIONS— Sweet Spanish, U. S. No. l’s, 50 lb. sack HONEY 5 Pound Pail for 38c SWIFT’S MILK Tall cans, 3 cans for 20c 0 0 0 I I CREAM CORNSTARCH—With free pot holder 1 2 Packages for ................................................................. 55c DELICIOUS SALTED WAFERS 2 Pounds for ...................................... LARD Pure, 4 Pounds for Friday and Saturday Only POTATOES— Klamath 25-lb. sack $1.15 FLOUR—BOQUET 49 Pound sack for . 30c Jananas, Apples, Cab­ bage, Turnips, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Yams CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS Are The Best ! Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junction, Oregon O. W. GREEN 111 would be very glad .to have friends 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Coon of build up the club treasury. The call and see him afternoons or Grants Pass spent the week end as program chairman was asked to ar­ evenings. guests of Mrs. Coon’s parents, Mr. range entertainment to raise —o— and Mrs. M. B. Rexford. They re­ funds. After adjournment of bus­ Mrs. Harlod C. Hill returned to turned to their home Monday and iness matters, a potluck supper Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Hicks were Grants Pass the first of the week were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. was served by Mrs. W. T. Sher­ Grants Pass visitors the first of after spending the week end with Rexford who went to visit their man. The next meeting will be the week. her husband on their ranch on the son, Delbert, who was taken to the helt at the Legion Hall, Tuesday, hospital seriously ill. Feb. 5th at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Griz- Takilma road. zell of Ye Rustic Inn, were shop­ o Mrs. D. S. Rigel and Delbert ping in Grants Pass this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Athey re­ Rexford were dismissed from the turned home Saturday evening af­ Rescued Miner Tells Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manuel of Josephine General hospital the ter spending a week in Portland. Of Rock Slide Injuries Grants Pass were visitors in the first of the week and are grad­ They spent Friday and Saturday ually improving from their recent morning in Eugene where Mr. Ath­ valley this week. Fred Linkhart and Postmaster illness. ey attended the annual session of McLean of Kerby paid the News —o— C. C. Babcock and Frank Schis- the Ore. Press Conference. When Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Grizzell they arrive dh ome Mr. Athey had office a pleasant call this morning. ka were transacting business in the and daughter, Billie June, of a high fever and a good case of Linkhart, who played an heroic county seat last Monday. role in the recent rescue of an in­ Grants Pass spent Sunday with the flu. jured miner, Roy Fountain, near Mr. Grizzell's brother and family, Lee Ostrander was in Cave the McBee ranch on the Illinois Junction over the week end from at Ye Rustic Inn. In another column under "Let­ river, said that he visited the man Roseburg where he now makes his Deer Creek P. T. A. regular ters" will be found an interesting at the hospital this week and learn­ home. meeting has been postponed until defense of school district consoli­ ed the details of the accident j Thursday. February Nth, as Mrs. dation in the valley. This article ”7TeorgeT*^cott of Scott’s Mar- W. L. Warren, the president, was should create some interest as will Nelson Sisters Cafe ket made a hurried busines* trip CBjleonard returned from Forest Grove and Portland last Friday. He made the trip to For­ est Grove with Herntan Luethye of Holland, who was to enter the Masonic Home. later going to Portland where he purchased a new Chrysler sedan. See the State’s Largest Model Railroad in operation. See several reels of really great pictures and Refreshments will be served free. Admission. Adults ... Children with parents - - - - 25c 10c which brought the resultant rescue and news recognition throughout the state. Fountain was making a sluice cut when a boulder dislodged on the bank above and struck him on the head. During unconsciousness the injured man crawled several feet to the opening of the cut. When he came to, befogged mental condition left him uncertain in his directions. When he decided to crawl in the direction in which he thought suc­ cor might be obtained, he proceed- ed only a short distance when his fractured leg caught between two rocks; he was unable to extricate himself because of loss of blood and internal injuries. Here he lay in the drenching rain when his < partner found him several hours later. Fountain’s condition is improv­ ing, Linkhart said. o DO AGRICULTURAL WORK Seventy per cent of the children in the ten-to-fiften year group at work in 1930 were engaged in ag­ ricultural pursuits. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR NEW RENTAL LIBRABY AT THE CAVE JUNCTION MOTOR COURT Mysteries — Novels — Adventure Stories Romances MR and MRS. KENNETH C. HAMILTON NOW COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO VALLEY RESIDENTS Let me quote you on your next policy. I can save you 20 to 40r; on Non-Assessable Insur­ ance Protection. Let me prove it. FRED LINKHART OFFICE AT KERBY