Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, November 30, 1939, Image 1

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    to The
Illinois Valley News
Volume III
Student Activities
At Kerby High
Firms Change
By Eleanor Galeno
vacation is over and
Managements the Now many that absentees
are back,
Valley residents were much sur
prised this week when it was an­
nounced that Mrs. Florence O.
Hallock and Mrs. Frances Mc-
Mitchell had sold their Cave Junc­
tion Dress Shop and would leave
soon for California where they ex­
pect to spend the winter. Mr. Mc-
Mitchell will remain in Cave Junc­
tion for the present.
The Dress Shop will open Fri­
day morning under the new man­
agement of Mrs. Mae Haynes of
Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes
were here the first of the week
and the transaction was consum-
ated then.
Mrs. Haynes is no stranger to
catering to the trading public, she
having had a rather large store at
Port Orford, but recently came
from Medford where they have
been for several months looking
around for a location and decided
that the Illinois Valley was the
best locality to settle in.
Announcement is made in this
week’s News of the opening of the
H. & L. cafe under new manage­
ment, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badden
having taken over this popular
cafe, and will open Saturday, De­
cember 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Hemingson will re­
turn to their ranch near Grants
Pass and Mr. and Mrs. LeVan will
move to the Bad,den home in Ker­
Mr. and Mrs. Badden need no
introduction to the valley resi­
dents, and all their friends wish
them success in their new business
Skating Rink Expects
To Open Next Week
News was given out this week
that the skates for the rink in
Cave Junction had been ordered
and would probably arrive the
first of next week, and soon af­
ter the rink will open for the pub­
lics enjoyment in the Legion hall.
Bert Badden is in charge of the
rink and will have many features
for those who enjoy this popular
Birthday Party and
Meeting Joint Affair
Price 5 Cents
Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, November 30, 1939
No. 30
for FSA Is
Now Open
school will once more run on a
normal schedule. To start things
going the girl’s volley ball team
will play Grants Pass, Thursday
evening at the new high school in
Grants Pass. This is the girl’s
first game, and we certainly hope
they will return victors, and have
the best of luck in their future
Local Meat
Plant Busy
This time of year, the butchers
All farmers in Josephine county
expecting to request Farm Secur­ and meat cutters are busy in the
ity Administration assistance for bird field, but they also have their
next year's operations are asked to hands full with other varieties of
make application before the holi­ meat for the holiday trade.
In the Illinois Valley there is a
day season to avoid delay, an­
nounces Joseph W. Deremiah, meat packing plant that is stead­
county FSA supervisor, 6 Lund- ily growing and bids fair to out­
burg building, Grants Pass. Funds grow its present quarters if busi­
now available to meet all cur­ ness increases next year as it has
this year.
Next Friday, December 1st. the rent demand for loans.
Eligibility for FSA assistance
Keith Owen, proprietor of the
Letterman’s club will hold their
established Keith’s Market, is
annual dance. The proceeds will
go for equipment for the basket­ rent, lease, purchase, contract or the chief at this rapidly growing
ball team. The admission is 50c ownership of a family-sized farm, business and he is about the bus­
and ladies are free. This is cer­ and that he be unable to secure iest merchant in the valley. What
tainly a worthy cause, and we sin­ adequate credit from the local with killing, dressing, packing,
cerely hope it will be well attend- ' banks or credit production associ­ etc., and then driving his refriger­
ed. Also at midnight the Girl’s ation to meet his operating needs, ator truck all over the valley daily,
League will serve a luncheon for and maintain a “going unit.” Let­ he doesn’t have much time to play
25c per plate. The girls are work­ ters of reference from place of Chinese checkers, but he seems to
ing very hard and they hope their origin is required where farmers like it and grow fat, so no one
have not established legal resi­ should be sorry for him, even if he
efforts will be awarded.
does work 16 hours a day.
The FSA program makes avail­
Keith’s success is largely on ac­
The current basketball season
is about to begin. A game is able operating loans for neces­ count of his local product He
scheduled for next Tuesday, De­ sary livestock, feed, seed, machin­ buys all his cattle, hogs, sheep and
cember 5th, at 7:30 p. m. with ery, household goods, and coopera­ birds from the local farmers and
Crescent City. We aren’t exactly tive facilities; supplemented by then sells it over his counter and
sure the game will be held, but pi detical fdi in aiid liuiiie plaiia I truck to the local residents. This
word will go around if it is post­ providing for business-like man­ makes a very fine trading business
agement and home production of for the valley, as it keeps all the
family faad needs. Where debt money in the valley and is distrib­
— o—
This week is the end of the pres­ burdens are beyond capacity of uted all around.
Keith’s market is located near
ent six weeks period. Tests were the farm to carry, debt adjustment
but his truck is like gold,
in progress all this week and re-1
ports will be given out next week. tiations between debtor and cred­ it’s where you find it. But he
itor to reach an equitable solu­ usually keeps on his schedule and
o----------- ■
tion through refinancing, time ex­ has not missed a day calling on his
“MAN OF CONQUEST" tensions or other adjustments.
trade. He gets a truck full of
Applications may be filed at the meat there, regardless of weather
Grants Pass office from 9 a. m. to and he gets there, even if he has
“I shall never surrender or re­ 4:30 p. m. on Tuesdays, while In­ to’ call in a substitute for the
treat,” stated W’illiam B. Travis, formation may be secured at all truck. Of course he sleeps in on
Commander of the Alamo, and his times.
Sundays and holidays, but in cases
brave band fought with him to
of emergency he has been known
the death against santa Ana’s Mex­ GARDEN CLUB
1 to deliver some important orders
ican forces in 1836.
on the holidays.
“Those words rank with the
The packing plant is gradually
most courageous statements in all
All members of the Illinois Val­ growing and will soon have to be
history,’’ says screen star Victor
ley Garden club are requested to enlarged, for this business takes
Jory, “and it’s really an honor to
bring exchange gifts and also on new life every month and even
be chosen to portray such a man.”
Christmas decorations to the Odd now Keith is getting crowded for
Jory plays the dauntless Travis
Fellow’s hall for the annual room to take care of and store his
in the picturization of the life of
Christmas party of the club Thurs­ product.
Sam Houston, “Man of Conquest”
day, December 14th.
which comes to the Cave City
This is an annual affair for this
theater Saturday and Sunday, De­
Reed Dowlin of the Western
live wire club and is always well
cember 2 and 3.
attended and many unique decora­ Newspaper Union of Portland, was
Richard Dix plays the title role
tion schemes are evidence of the a guest of the Illinois Valley News
of the man who contributed much
popularity of the club activities. last Sunday. He left for Gold
to the destiny of our nation. A
This year is expected to eclipse all Beach early Monday morning on
his return trip to the home office.
(Continued on Pare Three!
previous parties.
Kerby News Notes
of General Interest
Foi City
The many friends of the George
Thrasher family were sorry to
hear of their accident, on the Med­ Water Works
ford Grants Pass highway Sunday
evening, but feel they have much
to be thankful for in their escape
from serious injury or death. Mrs.
Thrasher and daughters, Grace
and Dorothy, who were in Grants
Pass under the doctors care for a
few days, have returned to their
home at Tulelake.
Last Tuesday, Art Drews put
the finishing touches to the pump
that has been installed for the
Cave City Water company, and it
was started to work in the after­
noon pumping water at the rate of
1800 gallons an hour without the
least difficulty.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Webb left
Installing the casing and pump
recently for Santa Cruz, Califor­ was quite a job and it took six men
nia. Dave White went with them to handle all the heavy casing and
as far as Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. pump equipment, but everything
Webb have been staying at the was handled in good time and is
Maple Court this fall.
He has now in perfect working order.
in Fiddler's
The well showed plenty of wa­
Gulch, west of Kirby.
ter when tested by hand bail­
ing at the rate of nearly 50 gal­
Mrs. Martha Kanig of Seattle, lons a minute and the water level
and Mrs. Lillian White, sisters of never went below the 35 foot level.
Mrs. Jim Hogue, are at Mrs.
Laying the mains was under way
White’s home in Kerby. Both
also the first of the week, and
women have spent the past few next week those who are close to
months visiting in San Francisco.
the first mains will have water
and plenty of it. As fast as the
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sachse and mains can be layed, the entire city
Mr. and Mrs. James Waters spent
will have the opportunity to con­
last week end at Tennant, Califor­ nect up with the water company if
nia with Mr. and Mrs. DuBrielle
they wish to. The company will
and family. Mr. DuBrielle is Mrs.
install meters at every point and
Waters’ son.
the consumi r will only pay for the
amount of water used. A mini­
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buford
mum rate will be established which
and daughter Carol Ann left re­
will be small for the service ren­
cently for their home in San An­
selmo, California, after spending
A water system has been one of
the Thanksgiving holiday with
the crying needs of the city for
Mrs. Buford’s parents, Mr. and
years, and now that we have one,
Mrs. Clay Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs.
the residents should take advan­
Ramsey have also returned to
tage of it and help this worthy
Powers, Oregon where Mr. Ram
project along. Mrs. Minnie Cos-
sey is employed.
son is the principal owner of the
company and is desirous of sup­
Claudia Buck, student at South­
plying water to all the residents
ern Oregon College of Education
of Cave Junction who wish it.
at Ashland, spent the Thanksgiv­
The first mains are being layed
ing vacation with her mother, Mrs.
down Caves avenue, both north
Ada Buck, who is employed at the
and south from the point of con­
Gold Canyon Pony Ranch.
tact with this avenue. It will
cross the highway near the Leg­
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy ion hall and take in the north side
and sons Bill, Nelson and Bob and of the street.
daughter Nora Marie of Sausolito,
It may take a little time to reach
California, also several guests all who wish to connect up with
spent Thanksgiving holidays at the water system, but the work
their ranch west of Kerby.
will be rushed as fast as possible.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Elroy for the Thanks­ Five Generation» At
giving holiday, were Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving Celebration
Gordon Elroy and Ernest Elroy of
Both are sons of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Sherman
and Mrs. Harry Elroy.
and Mrs. Herman’s father, A. M.
Hummel of Los Angeles and Mr.
(Continued on Page Three)
and Mrs. Jimmie Miller and small
daughter, Margaret Marie, motor­
ed to Powers, Oregon, to spend th®
Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Schroeder. The occas­
ion also was in celebration of the
fifth generation in Mrs. Sherman's
family, and all reported a most en­
joyable time. Mrs. Schroeder is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sher­
The Holland Girl’s club met last
Saturday, November 25th with
Mrs. Guy Stewart. After the
meeting the club helped Betty Lou
Kaufman celebrate her 10th birth­
day. The event was a happy oc­
casion for Betty Lou and she re­
ceived many nice gifts.
Delicious refreshments were
served to the guests by Mrs. Kauf­
man. The next meeting will be
Thursday, December 9th.
Special Meeting of
Roti & Gun Club
There will be a special meeting
of the Kerby Rod and Gun club,
Monday, December' 4th in the
Ritz Tavern at Kerby.
Nominations of officers will be
the principal business to transact
with a proposed amendment to the
by laws. Officers wdl be elected
at the regular meeting, Friday,
December 15th.
All members
should try to attend both meetings.
-------------- o- ■
.......... ..... ............. 1
Regular Legion and Auxiliary
meeting the first and third |
Wednesday of every month.
Auxiliary sewing days every sec- |
ond and fourth Wednesday. Pot
luck dinner at noon. Everyone
is welcome
Tuesday, Dec. 5—Townsend club
meeting at Mrs. Amy Hussey’s
home. Nomination of officers.
Saturday, Dec. 9—Oregon Caves
club will meet at the C. Wendt
home on Caves highway.
Thursday, Dec. 9—Holland Girl’s
club at the home of Mrs. Guy
Tuesday, Dec. 12—Home Exten­
tion unit at the home of Mrs.
Hosford, O’Brien. Also Christ­
mas gift exchange
Tuesday, Dec. 14—Illinois Valley
Garden club Christmas party at
I. O. O. F. hall, Kerby, 2 p. m.
Monday, Dec. 25—Christmas.
Monday, Jan. 1—New Years.
Pump Starts
The pinochle party given by th®
Auxiliary last Saturday was a de­
cided success. Six tables played
and with the hostesses made a to­
tal of 26. High scores were won
by Emily Kellert and Art Drews,
second went to Sharlet Slack and
Bill Martindale.
The committee is working on
the Christmas program. Thia week
is the fifth Wednesday of the
month so no Legion or Auxiliary
meeting. Plans are being made
to attend the conference at Med­
ford, December 20.
This great picture come» to the Cave City Theater Saturday and Sunday, December 2nd and 3rd with Richard Dix in the title role and
a cast of characters that runs into the thousands.
Historical Battle» dramatised at never before with the Battle of the Alamo,
Subscribe for the Illinois Valley
Nows. Its worth the pric®.