Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 16, 1939 0 I 0 a 0 a 0 a a a 0 a I 0 0 0 » 0 a 0 Q 0 6 0 ■II 0 THANKSGIVING A store full of "goodies" for your Thanksgiving table • Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, Nov. 17-18-20 33c 33c 63c lOc SUGAR, Brown 3’/2 Pounds for SUGAR, Powdered 3 Pounds for SYRUP, Crystal, Staley’s 10 Pound pail for SPINACH 2l/2 size cans, each Vegetables Corn 303 Size, 3 Cans for CELERY— Fancy Hearts Per Bunch PUREX 1 Gallon for lOc WHEATIES 2 Packages for GRAPE FRUIT— Arizona 6 for KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 49 Pound sack for.................. Finest Selected Dates 2 Pounds for RAISINS 4 Pound Package for Bulk, 2 lbs. 5c 67c 73c 3 Pound Tin 3 Pound Glass Jars a a 0 48c a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 I $1.09 4 Pound Pail for COCOANUT Fancy Shred, 2 pounds for .... MACARONI or SPAGHETTI Bulk, 5 pounds for.................. 35c POTATOES— 25-lb. sack 3Oc COFFEE, Royal Club 1 Pound Glass Jars « SWIFT’S PREMIUM LARD 8 Pound pail for.................... MINCE MEAT— OLEOMARGARINE, Gem 2 Pounds for ...... JELLO All Flavors, per package PUMPKIN No. 2 Can, 3 Cans for Friday and Saturday Only 30c HONEY, Pure 5 Pound pail for Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, Nov. 17-18-20 FRESH FRUIT AND HEINZ BABY FOODS 3 Cans for a 0 a 0 a 0 a 40c 0 33c a $1.49 0 We sincerely wish yours will be merry Cranberries, Grapes, Delicious and Roman Beauty Apples, Avoca dos, Artichokes, Lettuce We Carry a Complete Line of CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS O. W. GREEN Cave Junction, Oregon , visiting at the home of Mr. and Tuesday for Portland and Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Govornor and Mrs. Irven Johnson. ton, Idaho, where he will visit for little daughter Lorraine of Mow- a short time. ick, Oregon and Mrs. J. E. Dur —o— kee and son Edward of Gold Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Baum- The many friends of Vic Brown spent Saturday afternoon at the The O’Brien school is closed this berger of the Cave City Tourist were sorry to hear of his under- I. K. Drake home, Mrs. Drake is park made a business trip to week due to illness of Mrs. Julia gowing a serious operation. Mr. mother, grandmother and great Grants Pass Monday. Williams, teacher. Brown is a well known valley res grandmother of Mrs. Govornor, —o— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Ham ident but is now residing near Mrs. Durkee and Little Lorraine. E. L. Oppie and Albert Herndon ilton of the Cave Junction Motor Klamath. left Saturday to visit in San Fran Court were in Grants Pass on busi Holland Girls’ club met at the cisco and other points in Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Massie mo home of Mrs. Guy Stewart Satur ness this week. tored to Ashland last Friday, re day, November 11th. The new Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bulzke and Mrs. M. J. Breuning has been turning with their son and daugh song books were enjoyed by all. Fred Galeno are in San Francisco teaching at the Advent school the ter who visited with their parents Embroidery was started and every this week visiting relatives. last week as Mrs. Star Bumby has over the Armistice holiday They one is working hard in order to been confined at home with the are attending the Normal at Ash complete this work by Christmas. Miss Alma Griffin visited at the flu. land. Refreshments were served. Next home of Mr. and Mrs. Ortis Seat —o— f meeting will be November 25th. last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Grizzell Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hill, —o— now living in Grants Pass, were of Grants Pass were guests of Mr. A. M. Hummel arrived the first J. J. Mutiseli is now buying all guests over the week end at the and Mrs. L. H. Grizzell of Ye Rus of the week from Los Angeles and the Guernsey heifers that he an home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bab- tic Inn on the Redwood highway. find for sale in this community. The Grizzells have just returned cock from an extended trip through the —o— Mr. and Mrs. A, R. Lockwood I Wendel Lee left by bus last south. SHOE REPAIRING were county seat visitors in Grants Thursday morning for Bellflower, Pass the first of the week. All members of Belt Lodge No. Calif. He expects to return about L. A. Beard November 20th with his parents, IS, A. F. & A M., are requested Cave Junction Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Lee. by Worshipful Master Dr. A. N. were transacting business in the Collman, to be sure to attend the —o— county seat last Tuesday. Gene Brown returned to his meeting Saturday, November 25. —o— home over the week end from his Election of officers and other im Mr. and Mrs. J. F Reynolds of chrome mine "The High Plateau,” portant business. Make this a date CHRISTMAS Granta Pass were in the valley last and spent Sunday afternoon with NOW PHOTOGRAPHS Tuesday, and stopped to call on a his mother, Mrs. Ed Wright. few friends on their way home. Arno Brown living in the Deer —o--- SPECIALS —o— Mis. Vlrick of Klamath Falls re Creek district, had a very sad for a short time only Commissioners Richard McElli turned to her home after visiting misfortune last week when he re gott and John Valen were out in her daughter-in-law and son, Mr. turned home from his work. He the valley the first of the week and Mrs. John Vlrick on Caves found his home completely des Come Anytime looking over county roads. highway for several days. troyed by fire and is now at the —o--- —o— home of his sister, Mr* F. L. Wil Artcraft Camera Shop Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Sowell spent GRANTS PASS T. H. Runyan, nephew of Mr. son. the week end at Klamath Falls and Mrs. Clyde Runyan, left last Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh King and | ♦ <• children of Ashland were guests I of Mr and Mrs. L. H. Grizzell of I i Ye Rustic Inn last Sunday. Mr. j ASK FOR | and Mis. King just recently moved I to Oregon from Eunice, New Mex ico, where the Grizzells formerly I made their home. ocals I Thanksgiving Dinner , Local Turkeys, Ducks, Roasting Hens and Fryers — per pound 18c to 22c Guaranteed Tender Order Yours Today Pork Roasts, per pound • I I ( AVE JUNCTION MOTOR COURT K. C. HAMILTON 16’>c Cut from young hogs ATLAS ANTI-FREEZE Keibel's PERFECTION BREAD is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Sherman for a few weeks. Before returning south he will visit his granddaughter, Mrs. Schroeder of Powers, and later go to Roseburg where he will visit Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Miller and his great grand son, Jimmy, Jr. Nelson Sisters Cafe Specializing in “CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH Grant* Pa** ANO HERES A SPECIAL ONETIMEOFFER WE'LL BUY YOU THIS $|”Boxof FACE POWDER ano pnesi ht it to you as a gift FOR PARTY GLAMOUR DAY AND NIGHT If Ou 7/ thn/7 or or this f one f/me special offer. 1 Clip and sign the Coupon below and bring to our Rexall Drug Store. We'll buy you the Miss Holiday Face Powder a* a gift when you buy a >1.00 jar of the Face Creams. That's all there if to it. And you’ll be de lighted to get acquainted with these new Mis* Holiday cosmetics. They're created to give you party glamour day or night. Here's all you have to do to get the >1.00 box of Miss Holiday Face Powder. Clip and sign the coupon below and bring it to our Rexall Drug Store. It entitles you tx> one regular >1.00 box of Miss Holiday Face Powder when you purchase a >1.00 jar of the Face Cream—a >2 .00 value for only >1.00. You save >1 00. No strings attached. Simply buy th* >1 00 jar of Face Cream and we'll buy and give you the >1.00 box of Face Powder. Be one of the first women to use this glamorous new Mis» Holiday Face Powder and Cream—Act now! (Limited offer.) REDEEM THIS COUPON AT OUR TsisH DRUG STORE .. This .coupon entitles me to one regular >1.00 bos of Miss Holiday Face Powder when I purchase a >1.00 jar of Miss Holiday Face Cream at (insert name of store.) My NO!"» r - MUST HAVt COI PON ).• P C*A V*he I 10 *1 )< My Address tallito _ Cave City Drug Store ♦ Your Rexall Store At Your Grocer Remember -TheHermtt Drug St«, f« LOWEST PRKES IN TOWN! Don't let your motor freeae O'KELLY’S MEAT MARKET Cav* Junction Oragon WEED TIRE CHAINS You'll need 'em (hi* winter