Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1939)
Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 9, 1939 -f had protection of a roof, protection from the ele FILM CAPTURES I SPIRIT OF THE ments. j MINER’S SUPPLIES GLORIOUS WEST Nor is lack of socialized medicine the only contrib An Independent 'Newspaper devoted to the development of the richest A SPECIALTY factor to this heartrending story of the Okla- Thrilling to the color and vigor I .valley in the '■World, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. uting , Published every Thursday st Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois homa Woman. Had our economic system been what of the west as it was captured by VtUey Publishing Company. ‘ it ‘ should 1 ’ ’ ’ be, this forlorn woman would have had no Zane Grey in his exciting romance ’Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at “ Heritage of the Desert,’’ patrons cause to be abroad on the highway, “ hitchhiking Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 General Merchandise home” after having sought employment with other of the Cave City theater may have the opportunity to see this extra for Every Family M C. ATHEY ..... Editor members of her family in the west. ordinary good picture Wednesday Need It is probably all right to view actions of foreign and Thursday, November 15, 16. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES attitudes and make criticisms as is our wont, but— It’s all about a tenderfoot from In Jwiephine County One Year .... We have a back porch that needs sweeping, too. the east who goes west to check $1 so Six Months ... up on his landholdings, having be .75 o---------------- Three Months 50 come suspicious because he no Lew Hammer's Outside <tl Josephine County HOLIDAY SHOPPING longer derives any revenue from Ono Year 32 00 his western real estate. His Selma, Oregon treacherous representative, on The Illinois Valley News reaarves the right to reject any advertising It is getting along to that time of year when we copy which i> deems »Ajectionabie. Advertising rates on application of his plans, arranges to begin to think about the great holiday season and hearing have him bumped off. But the its shopping problems. murderous attempt is foiled. In Josephine County 0 R f fi sf/LP I a We are going to make a fine suggestion. Why not time’s nick the prospective corpse PUBLIS»V\> A}SP’*TI°" MILLS try shopping among your friends this year? If you is saved by a God-fearing rancher, who with the aid of his pretty Cash prices for Feeds and became embarrassed and were up against it, do you restores the easterner to Seeds of all kinds think a mail order house would send you an article daughter health. During his convalescence, Phone 123 Grants Pass ^REbWOÔP ÉMP1RE NgWSPAPLR PUBLISHIRS you needed? Just write a letter to them and tell them the patient learns about the tribu how much you need the aforesaid article and tell them lations of his pious host, how he 0' ...........................................................0 you will pay them as soon as you can, and see what lost several sons; and though he : EXPERT REPAIRS f has no proof, he knows that the happens. All Work Guaranteed MEETING “PROSPERITY” same scoundrel, representing the Your own friends are in business in your own sec stranger, is the schemer behind : MURPHY HICKS | They know how much you need help, and while all his troubles. ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE 1 We want to talk to the business men and women tion. they may not be in a position to extend unlimited -------------- o QtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimQ this week. We want to give the ma message, that if credit—They do HELP in cases of necessity. They Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Tycer and applied, they can make their store or render a service, pay taxes in your own section. They contribute to all daughters Alice and Donna, from whatever the nature of their business may be, what worthy causes and help their own people. They help Menard, Montana, are visiting at, Wardrobe Cleaners they want it to be. You are to be the judge of what build our cities and communities. They are one of us. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ' The oldest and best since 1911 Burke in Kerby. Mr. Tycer is a you want. Don’t you really think its good business to trade son of Mrs. Burke, and has lived | Free Pick up by Granta Pass We have said many times that consistency of pur with them instead of sending your money out of the in the Illinois Valley a good many Laundry pose and continually staying at it, brings results. section years before going to Montana. for good, to a mail order house? Hitting the nail on the head drives the nail into the ----------------o---------------- Francis Badden is selling the board. It’s the continually applied thought that gets GRANTS PASS A CREED Saturday Evening Post and Lad the “ham and eggs.” Definitely decide on an objec HOTEL ies’ Home Journel in Kerby and MINERS HEADQUARTERS tive, what do you want your business to be? Then To live—be loved and to love mankind— will receive $1 commission if he 615 *G* Street To smile when things hurt you most— sells 10 Posts a week for four | get that thought firmly fixed in your mind and keep Grants Pass, Oregon weeks and 10 December Journals. [ it there and don’t let it go. To speak no word of scorn of men— To praise all good but never boast. The business man or woman who sits back and JORDAN’S just lets nature take its course, will get just what they To listen to another’s story through— ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY To measure faults with a liberal rule— are thinking about. Likewise the live wires who want & DRY CLEANERS a better, larger, more serviceable business or store, To never say, “I told you so,” Or judge the other man a fool— can get just what they picture in their mind. You are Agencies Cave City Dress Shop the one to set the pace. You are the one who must To say the things that you’d like to hear— Wittrock's Store, Kerby decide what you want, no one else is going to do it for That deeds, like doves, return to roost— Lew Hammer, Selma FRESHLY FROZEN CREAM Remembering that praise is sweet to measure, you. The only Siberrian shop in Jos Call: Wed. and Sat. That a friend is life’s most hallowed treasure. ephine County. Visit us and We do not presume to bing or boast—But we are be convinced. —Selected. confident that if your store or business is in the red, LIGHT LUNCHES and you will do exactly as we tell you, we’ll bring it 632 9. 6th St., Grants Pass will be helpful and instructive to out of the red in a months time, and we won’t ask you you. The Little Church With the STAJMMDF to du anything unreasonable. We will only ask you Big Welcome. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PROCESS Ed Wright, pastor. to use the good sense the Lord gave you to use. -------------- o-------------- Everyone of you have an abundance of power stored Dr. H. W. Hermann up in that body of yours, sufficient to do anything you ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH SAVE TINEOIL FOR Dr. S. E. Herman OF SEVENTH DAY want to do. Why don’t you use it? OPTOMETRISTS JUVENILE GRANG “As ye believe, so ye are.” Don’t try to confuse Sabbth ADVENTISTS Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted School at 9:30 a. m. Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. this sentence, or make it other than what it is. If you Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. One of the activities of the I Grants Pass BELIEVE you have a good store and are making Prayer meeting Wednesday at Juvenile Grangers, is gathering all the tinfoil they can get hold of. money, so you are! If you believe times are tough 7:30 p. m. 0-....................................................... a You are invited to meet with The members of this newly formed and this is going to be a hard winter for business, and ! DR. A. N. COLLMAN i body, smooth the foil out and I there won’t be any profit—So it will be. “As ye be us. F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. when a sufficient quantity is saved Naturopathic Physician lieve .. . .” that’s what you will get. ■ ■ -o--------------- they can sell it and realize some i SATURDAY AFTERNOONS I It is just as easy to believe nice things as it is ugly CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY thing for their treasurer. In Cave Junction Every cigarette package has tin CHURCH things, unless one is eternally thinking reverse E Grants Pass Community Sunday School at foil in it. Just stick it in your thoughts, then it is hard to correct them. But to most 9:45 pocket and leave it with one of the 3' a. m. of us who art* just letting nature take its course, it is Preaching 11 a m. stores in the valley for the Juven Dr. Fred W. Gould iles and they will pick it up and just as easy tor us to help nature along with construc ------------- o-------------- Dental Surgeon : : do the rest. I : tive thoughts and beliefs. Nature is a grand and Tuffs Building. KERBY UNION SUNDAY Every article purchased that has Phone 4 Dependable SCHOOL glorious institution. It will do marvelous things when j Grants Pass ni. tinfoil around it should be saved Sunday School at 9:45 a. we are willing to help it along. And it won’t do very every Sunday. All are cordially for these children It won’t cost Home much damage if we just sit down and let it drift as it invited. you a cent and will make them 0............................................................ g . happy. Furnishers will We will still exist. And if you are satisfied to ■ —■ ■■ o ------- Í DR. E. E. BROOKS J o- i just exist, all this is BUNK to you. so SKIP IT, and BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY I DENTIST I CHURCH don’t give it another thought. Mrs. Jim Whitehead was shop- Hussey Brooks Building I 10:00 a. m. ping in Grants Pass last Monday. But if you want to get ahead a little faster and Sunday School I Cave Junction SPEND YOUR MONEY 12:00 a. m. meet “Prosperity” on his own terms, get your think Preaching WISELY i Loyal Defenders 7:00 P- m. a tank working and try to help yourself. One good way Preaching REDWOODS HOTEL 8:00 P- m. Trade with to do this is to let the people KNOW you want them Prayer Meeting. Wed. 7:00 p. m. Grants Pass POTTED PLANTS — CUT E. C. GAYMAN to come in your store or business and trade. If you Orchestra Practice, Sat. 7 :00 p. nt. FLOWERS and FUNERAL Owner Piece«, Sent by Wire Anywhere don’t invite them and let them know they are welcome Among our visitors Sunday were MACK’S SEED A FEED SOLICITS YOUR PROBST a lot of them won’t come. And this theme, if you are Mr. and Mrs. Strom and two : STORE s PATRONAGE COWN TOWN SHOP practicing it, tells us to keep everlastingly at it. We daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phone 578 514 S. 6 St : Masonic Bldg., Grants Pass of Moro Bay. California. The don’t care what method you use to do this—there are der Grants Pass : communion service was observed several— but you should do it and keep it up. Excellent Coffee Shop according to Christ’s instructions QUALITY MERCHANDISE : Illinois Vali ey News SIBERIAN Thielen Furniture Co. 3 3 )tllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII***llll*IIIMII**«***l(ltil '-ZSZsZSZ^ZsZsAsZ-. <K WE HAVE BROOMS . . . ? Recently an armless Oklahoma woman was found by the roadside in one of our neighboring states; she had just given birth to a baby without assistance of medical profession or friends. Law enforcement of ficials removed the woman and her child to a hospital where both are being treated; the family was enroute home when the incident occurred. We Americans are a queer lot in many respects. We throw up our hands in holy horror at the atro cities of war in Europe, in Asia; we condemn other nationalities and governments for their actions and their attitudes. Yet we, here in the greatest country on the face of the globe and with reputedly the high est type of civilization ever known, haven’t found a solution to many “atrocities.” We have the greatest array of medical attributes it is possible—with our limited knowledge—to have. Yet people die because of the lack of attention and women give birth to babies in a wilderness by the side of the road. The birth of the. Savior, lowly as it was, and was sweetly solemn and help ful. The young folks meeting at 7 o’clock under the direction of Paul Kees was especially inter esting to our CCC men. They en joyed a reading by the pastor en titled “Trouble in the Amen cor ner." Mrs. James, our musical direc tor, opened the evening service with an instrumental number in terpreting the old hymn, “Abide with me," after which she direct ed two orchestra numbers. The sermon on “The Ninety and Nine’’ was illustrated with a camp fire scene with Mt* and Mrs. King sing ing the familiar old song. “There Were Ninety and Nine.’’ The old building was comfortabaly filled. Sunday night, November 12. will be a treat to music lovers. We expect two extra instruments in the orchestra and just before the message. Mrs. Arnold of Cave Junction will sing. “I Do Believe the Bible.’’ This will prepare the way for the sermon on “Facts Con cerning the Bible.” This service : : : I A^EO A DCiVER i F HE WISHEPTÍ? HWf Hi$ TIRES irFLAîEO-HE SEZ : at the Right Price. IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES L B HALL FUNERAL HOME L. B. HALL, Mgr. : Mrs. AMBULANCE SERVICE We Specialize in SPERRY'S DAIRY and POULTRY FEEDS 5 Everything the Farmer Need« s. . . . We can get it for you. : • •••MteWMItl ltttttratttttWMSIIttlMMMtlltl ietll liQJ mill IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIItWIH^] I The Seal of Approval Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. : HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 VETERINARIAN Awarded by the American In stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland : : Complete Line of WATCH STRAPS AND BRACELETS GRANTS PASS i Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A HICKS STEAM LAUNDRY Clarence E. Eggers "Since 1900’’ & Horses and Cattle mv Specialty DR O. L. HUHLFELD 408 South 6th Street Day phone 162—Night 538 Grants Pass : "0 «04 a 6th St, Grants Pass :