Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 19, 1939 Illinois Valley News publicans should nominate Sena- tor McNary for president. ■o THE BEAR IS ON THE MARCH MINER’S SUPPLIES The Russian Bear has reared up on his hind An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest A SPECIALTY Extension Unit valley in the world, the Illinois Valley ahd its surrounding districts. legs and is on the march again in Europe. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois > And civilization has Herr Hitler to thank for Held First Meeting Valley Publishing Company. arousing the bruin from his watchful somnolence. The Illinois Valley extension Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at The Russian system has long anticipated world re unit held their first meeting last Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 General Merchandise volution and establishment of communism in all na Tuesday at the Bridgeview Grange for Every Family Editor M C ATHEY tions. Her dreams seemed far fetched for she had hall, Mrs. Mattie Seyferth assist Need ing Miss Nola Welch, home demon no friends on any side but rather was shunned and stration SUBSCRIPTION PRICES agent. A buffet luncheon kept aloof from civilized affairs .... even to was served by Mrs. J. Houck and In Josephine County 51 50 O b « Yaar , ... the extent that only in recent years was she able to Mrs. Mae Hearing. The November ........................................................................... 75 Sia Months ... 50 carry on profitable trade with the commercial na meeting “The Cook Goes Out” will Thraa Month* also be held at the Grange Hall. Lew Hammer's Outside of Josephine County tions of the world. $2 OO Tribute was given to the memory Ono Year But the Bear is on the march. He has virtually of Mrs. Earl Crouch, a former Selma, Oregon The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising swallowed up all the smaller nations along the Bal valley member, who passed away copy which i> .teems objectionable. Advertising rates on application tic this week and even staid old Sweden is becoming recently. o- uneasy as he laps the waters adjacent to her eastern Josephine County shores. Interesting News MILLS Yes, Hitler woke up the Bear .... and the From Payne School Cash prices for Feeds and Bear will one day prove the Wolf for little Red Rid Seeds of all kinds By Carol George ing Hood Adolph .... with an upper lip eye Phone 123 Grants Pass REPtVOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUB USHERS There are ten pupils registered brow for dessert! in our school this year. Seven are Gb When war began early in September we had the girls and three are boys. EXPERT REPAIRS j idea that Russia would lie in waiting until the na We organized a Sunshine club. OR. OSTRANDER tions of Europe had exhausted themselves in their fu The officers are President Jean AU Work Guaranteed Vice-President Alberta tile attempts to save minorities, democracy, et cetera George, MURPHY HICKS Pullen, Secretary Myrtle Pullen. Few men have come into the Illinois Valley to and then step in to gobble up the ruin. But our dope The ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE! purposes of this club are to make their home who were loved and esteemed more seems, now to be in error. (j] help us behave, We are making than Dr. A. J. Ostrander by the residents of the val Communism fitted the uncivilized, uneducated scrap books of pretty pictures ley as a whole. He came to us almost as a stranger, natives of various continents and because it is suit from magazines. Wardrobe Cleaners During this month we are dec and in the short time of six months he endeared him ed to this type of humanity it has worked with a de orating the school room with Hal The oldest and best since 1911 self to every one he came in contact with. His loss to gree of success in ingnorant Russia. lowe’en pictures, borders and au Free Pick up by Grant* Pas* this valley is beyond measuring. He gave his services Thus, the very factor that the Bolshies marched tumn leaves. Laundry to all, and no one was turned away for the lack of fi almost simultaneously with little Adolph may prove On Tuesday Miss Nola Welch came out to organize our 4 H sew nancial resources. the redemption of civilization and keep the Russians ing club. We elected the following Dr. Ostrander was a man among men. He formed from foisting their radicalism on others—for Ger officers: President, Betty Earle GRANTS PASS his opinions rapidly and rarely made a mistake, and many and the Reds will most assuredly be defeated. Vice-president, Alberta Pullen, HOTEL Secretary, Jean George, local his outspoken manner made him respected, admired MINERS HEADQUARTERS leader, Bessie Watts. We will be and trusted by all. The valley will go on for a long 615 "G” Street on Wednesday, November 22, it gin our projects next week. Grants Pass, Oregon time before another man of his ability and knowledge was anounced today by Earl Snell, secretary of state. will settle among us. It was a quirk of circumstances TX < Reminders to motorists to send that brought him here, and accident takes him away. FRENCH LAUNDRY JORDAN’S in their applications early if they Dr. Ostrander and his wife came here to live because ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH wish to be included in the draw & DRY CLEANERS OF SEVENTH DAY the climate agreed with them, and they felt fine, in ing will be mailed from the secre Agencies fact the doctor had been in many places where his Sabbth ADVENTISTS tary of state s office November 9. School at 9:30 a. m. Cave City Dre** Shop practice could have been very lucrative, but he and Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. License plates will be mailed im Wittrock'* Store, Kerby mediately upon completion of each Lew Hammer, Selma his wife choose this valley because their health was Prayer meeting Wednesday at transaction, but may not be used FRESHLY FROZEN CREAM 7 :30 p. m. better here. Call: Wed. and Sat. prior to December 15, Snell said. The only Siberrian shop in Jos There was a service held for him at the Cave City us. You are invited to meet with The number of applications on ephine County. Visit us and be convinced. theater Wednesday afternoon, when many friends F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. file in time to be included in the annual drawing for low numbers LIGHT LUNCHES gathered to pay their respects and listen to Dr. Wil 632 S. 6th St., Grants Paas has increased from year to year CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY liam A. Brown and a few others wfo told of the love STJUMBAUF and this year it is expected around and esteem this man had richly deserved from his fel Community CHURCH 22,000 will be included, it was PROCESS Sunday School at PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY said. For 1937 the number totaled lowmen. It was not a funeral service. It was a spon 9:45 a. m. 11,355, for 1938 it was 16,606 and taneous burst of grief which led those to the theater Preaching 11 a. m for 1939 it was 19,895. Dr. H. W. Hermann ------------- o to pay their last respects to this gentleman, who was Dr. S. E. Herman KERBY UNION SUNDAY o- such a grand man. OPTOMETRISTS SCHOOL Whatever anyone else believes and thinks about Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Tentative Bid Made Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. death is their own business. But we do not look upon every Sunday. All are cordially To Bring GOP Meet Grants Pass this experience as most people do. We believe this invited. o------------- thing called death, is just another experience. It’s a A tentative invitation to bring BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY road we take where no one ever returns to tell us the state convention of Republi DR. A. N. COLLMAN CHURCH what it is all about, and we believe Dr. Ostrander is Sunday school, 10 a. m. can clubs to Grants Pass was Naturopathic Physician made at the week-end meeting at on a grand trip, one that our language is completely Preaching, 11 a. m. SATURDAY AFTERNOONS The Dallas, Harry Pinninger said inadequate to express. He is on a vacation, a rest, and Loyal Defenders, 7:30 p. m. in Cave Junction Tuesday. With M. J. McShane, 8 p. m. Grants Pass peaceful voyage, which his activities while on this Preaching, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, Pinninger was a delegate from the sphere have so richly earned for him. local club. McShane was a mem 7:30 p. m. sr “Bon Voyage’’ to you Doc, we know you are Orchestra Practice Saturday ber of the finance committee and [ Dr. Fred W. Gould Penninger of the committees on going to have it. This world has been a better place Night 8 o'clock. Dental Surgeon Prayer Meeting Wednesday credentials and resolutions. Tuff* Building Dependable for having had you, but your new place perhaps need Night The invitation to the state Re 8 o'clock Phone 4 ed you too, and we of this sphere should be grateful If the old Bridgeview Communi publicans has been turned over to Grant* Pa** Home for having you as long as we did. ( ty Church building could speak, Ted Cramer, president of the --------------- o---------------- perhaps it would say that its busi chamber of commerce, for fur Furnishers PHOTOGRAPHS est day since its erection 55 years ther action if desired. AROUND THE WRONG CONTINENT The convention reelected La ago, was last Sunday. In the after Developing and Printing ¿48ft : I X !•••••••............................................................... Thielen Furniture Co. aaaaaoiaa,,».......... Q wh IIIIII .......... tlllMilllHMIlllllllltllllUIIIMtlltlllMtmtlQ : 1*1 ........ . 3.......... *.................. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,.,aaaa,a*taa*«,aaaaaaaaaa,aaa 1 At the recent Panama conference during which nations of' the Western Hemisphere discussed the European war and took steps to insure the neutrali ty of this continent, a neutrality zone was established extending 300 miles on all oceans adjacent to North and South America. It strikes us that the zone is around the wrong continent. To us, the logical place for this 300-mile zone is adjacent to the European continent. But since this is the action of the nations on this side of the globe and the conference has come to a close with this zone established it is not yet too late for the United States, now discussing the neutrality issue in Washington, to make amends according to our theories on the subject. This country will enter the war by virtue of one of two issues or a combination of both. They are simply: Insults to our shipping interests on the high seas; or monetary obligations by warring European nations to Wall Street. If the United States conscientiously seeks to stay out of the bloody holocaust hovering over Europe there are two steps to take. 1. Forbid cred it; 2. belligerently defend our rights on the high seas. Thus it should behoove Washington to move th« 300-mile zone to Europe and order the navy and air forces to blow hell out of every periscope and man- o’-war found outside that limit—English, French, German, Japanese or Russian. O----------------------- Reform is difficult. You see, deciding to reform makes you feel so righteous that anything more seems unnecessary. It»< noon KeV. Frost of Medford with Mar Tooze as president. Governor tn. about 30 musicians and workers Sprague in his address said Re- SPEND YOUR MONEY gave us a wonderful program. : WISELY : The twenty piece orchestra, the Trade with mixed chorus and the mixed quar-1 REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass tet, also the number by the ladies : E. C. GAYMAN duet; it was thrilling. The music i X Owner supplied just the right preparation I : MACK'S SEED A FEED : for the powerful Evangelistic mes SOLICITS YOUR STORE I : sage delivered by Rev. Frost. They PATRONAGE 514 S. 6 St. X Phone 578 were here last Wednesday night. i : Grants Pass We hope to have them with us for : a weeks revival meeting soon. No Excellent Coffee Shop QUALITY MERCHANDISE : at the Right Price. book but the Bible, no creed but IN CONNECTION : Christ, at the "Little Church with REASONABLE KMTES We Specialize in the big welcome.” : SPERR fS DAIRY and i Ed Wright Pastor POULTRY FEEDS ........ o- - ■ Former Resident Passes Away The many friends of Mrs. Earl Crouch a former resident of the Illinois valley were shocked and grieved to hear of her sudden death when she passed away. Sun-1 day, October Sth. at her home at Cody. Wyoming. Mrs. Crouch was the mother of Harold C. Hill for mer resident of Cave Junction but i recently moved to Grants Pass. : Ì INEVEK rEAÆPc A RECKLESS PRIVEE- »'HP O?ULP PUT- EA(E TRO u FLE j -------- Artcraft Camera Shop 113 N. 6th St. L Grants Pass HALL B FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sta. HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service dag or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 1 n*< VETERINARIAN The Seal of Approval Horse. and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 408 South 6th Street Day phone 162—Night 538 Grants Pass .... ... Complete Line of WATCH STRAPS AND BRACELETS : o : New License Plates For Early Buyers Oregon motor vehicle owners who file their application for 1940 registrations prior to November 22 will be included in drawings for low numbers, to be held in Salem Camera* and Supplies Awarded by the American In : stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon : day aad Thursday in Cave I Junction, Kerby and Holland Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A HICKS GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 1900” Clarence E. Eggers _ 604 3. 6th St, Grants Pass Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland I