Page Six Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 5, 1939 Bridgeview Grangers To Stage "Harvest Home" Dance ------- +-------------------------------------------------- —---------------- —---- —__ _______ _________________________________________________ i David Felt of the Grants Pass each year as the result of unconfined PHIL SAWYER Mrs. R. E. Thomas of Klamath fires. An incinerator such as this 1» Falls came last week Wednesday Typewriter Company was a busi will insure safety in burning rubbish GETS NEW TRUCK <ire to visit with Mrs. L. W. Monroe of ness visitor in our city last Fri ¡I 11 f Costume Affair Is Saturday 1 Prevention and garbage. An adequate supply of water should be at hand. • Uy national proclamation the week October H-ll has been designated Fire Preven tion Week. This community, and all others, has been urged to co-operate in reducing fire hazards. Even though haz ards have been checked, fires still break out. Here are. a few common fires and meth ods of fighting them. BARBECUE AND FREE CIDER TO ATTRACT MANY One of the elite affairs of the season is scheduled for this com ing Saturday evening, October 7, when the Illinois Valley Grange will hold their annual Harvest Home dance and party. One of the big features of the evening will be all the free cider you can drink. Roy Wells, master of the Grange has been grinding apples and making sweet cider all week, for he contemplates many thirsty throats during the even- In a majority ot cases only the most elementary facilities are avail able for lighting automobile fires. Here a driver has tilled his hand kerchief with dirt and is pouring it on a motor blaze. IJirt, always avail able. will effectively smother fires This week Phil Sawyer, propri etor of the Illinois Valley Ice com pany, brought home a brand new International truck which he will use as his ice delivery truck, Phil has had a steady growth for his ice business and this sum- mer it was necessary for him to run his plant 24 hours a day to meet the demand. His plant is a modern, up-to-date one, and he has a storage warehouse where he can store tons of ice for future delivery. Many new additions to his plant are planned for next year. This business has the ear marks of being a very substantial indus try, growing with the growth of the community it serves. CAVE JUNCTION MOTOR COURT furnaces stoves t sheet metal Authorized Distributing Sta. DANCE SATURDAY, OCT. 7th STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS I A COSTUME stoves a prolific source of fires—particularly when heating grease-filled frying pans. A close-fitting lid. clamped over the pan, will speedily smother flames, cutting off necessary oxygen. ASK FOR : : : TICKETS 50c ■ lie sleeping cigarette smoker en- dan;ers everyone a. ound him. Many homes arc eqr'pped with extinguish ers. the ■ - st scientific method of combatting fire However, the fire dcpartmeui should always be called fir* t. tin n emergency measures take n by the individual. Barbecue Supper FREE SWEET CIDER : : I Keibel’s Cooked Food Sale Saturday All Day An accumulation of rubbish near the furnace is always dangerous. Ashes, falling from the shovel, can easily Ignite any debris. A pail of sand or water near the furnace is a necessary precaution. All day Saturday, October 7th, S the Illinois Valley Garden Club will hold a cooked food sale in Martin’s Hardware store. All kinds of delicacies will be on sale and it will all be home made. You know the rest. Cakes, pies, etc., will have an important place on the counter. ------------ o------------ Send The News to a friend. ED. C. NEWMAN, Owner ♦ Everything in Sheet Metal and Heating A Woman's Work Is Never Done ! LIGHT LUNCHES 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pass Extra Stopping Power- New Brake-Action Tread Come In... FEEL Why It Makes the ladies — BLESS ’EM — Too. have worked hard during the Harvest and the Canning Season . . . . But they won’t Relax . . . Oh, No! There’s House Cleaning . . . And all sorts of things that must be done before winter sets in . . . and they’ll get them done . . . someway, somehow! Quicker, Straight-Line Stops That’s Where We Come In ! Rub v*xir hand over “Brake-Action" Tread. F«rfi Is (harp-edged “grippers." Sarhow they are art nt a priMtvtivu angle. Then you'll tvw why they resat (kxK give ijuaker. Kairi (tops. We can be of LOT'S of HELP . . . • nd do a wonderful job on that Housecleaning Project . , . Anunjnx New Tire Gives Yoa 2500 Extra Grippers Refun* You Buy Aay The. . . THINK Can you atlord to be without the pro tectum of this tire’s quicker-stopping, non-skid "Brake-Action” Tread? Valley Lumlier Co. PhOM II DOES THINGS You Never • DRAPERIES • RUGS • BLANKETS Our help will not only lighten the load but will be done properlv be cause it will be done with the— STAIMBÄDF PROCESS ♦ Steen Straighter ♦ Ruk-s Smoother DUCKWORTH | MANY OF LAST YEAR'S GARMENTS CAN BE RE STORED BY OUR ODORLESS DRY CLEANING PROCESS To Help with Your ing Budget............. AT NO EXTRA COST ! f itti Excellent ( offer Shop J))Ul Pickup and Delivery Service Twice a Week for the Illinois Valiev Dreamed A Tire Could Do • Stopa Qua-krr * Wean I amwit SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE GRANTS PASS this harvest business! FRESHLY FROZEN CREAM BULLIONS CAN AHURI) Grants Pau PH. 54 R It’s A Man’s Job The only Siberrian shop in Jos ephine County. Visit us and be convinced. Imagine! 2500 rxtra grippers for each wheel! They open up the instant you apply your brakes .., grip, hold ... stop your car quicker, safer, straighter <<i the sliH'erx-st of wet pavements. REDWOODS HOTEL 639 S. SIXTH ST. BUT THEY SAY F H A LOANS 4' At Your Grocer JORDAN'S OLD NEWSPAPERS one die 10c News Office BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH : Newman Sheet Metal PERFECTION BREAD ------------ o IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES FOR BUILDING FOR MINING I GOOD MUSIC - DOOR PRIZE West F St. FOR ALL PURPOSES COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE ATLAS TIRES & BATTERIES GRANGE HALI Bridgeview ing, but he says he has all they can drink and expects to have to take some back home. So go pre pared to indulge to your heart's content on sweet apple cider, fresh from the keg. Another feature of the even ing is a costume affair. If you want to stay healthy and keep in good company, better attend this interesting entertainment and dance in your old clothes. We have heard it snickered around, that those who insist on coming to the dance in their Sunday meet ing clothes, better bring along an extra dime or so, for they may hold an impromptu Ka n gn roo court, and a dime will he cheap for good clothea. Get into the spirit of this evening’s good time and come in your old clothes and don't get excited if you spill a little cider on Susie's dress or your own overalls. An excellent orchestra has been secured for this evening under the direction of Mrs. C. Bab cock. and it will be a that one can desire—the best. The evening will have an added attraction at midnight when a barbecue supper will be served Of course the supper goes extra, but who cares when they get n feed like the Grangers prepare, and this time it is going to be barbecued , and I’ll bet'chu they have pumpkin pie to boot. If that isn't worth going miles to get, we have missed it, but we are not going to miss the dance and the barbecued supper, and for all this "huey” we expect an additional piece of pie. The "huey part is our lingo, which "ain't" the best, but you all know that we mean when we say This is the even ing of evenings ami a rare one at that! OIL WOOD SAWDUST • K. C. HAMILTON HARVEST HOME day. Tsk&s*. THE TIRE MAN Lilieral Allowance for Your Old Tires 6th and "M" Streets Granta Paas If Laundry and rFQflCll S Dry Cleaning 515 J Street Phone 77 Grants Pass