Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 5, 1939 Page Two Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M Editor C. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year - —..................................................——....... Si* Months Three Month. .....................................................-................. SI 50 will increase taxes and in a very short time pay Student Activities (Continued from Page One) enough to more than pay for the work on the streets. It’s worth the County Judge and Commissioners I Wednesday the first regular consideration, and we would be glad to show them Student Body meeting was held. what is necessary to get the wheels in motion. This Many things were brought up and Among them was the is the first time we have called their attention to this discussed. date for the annual play night. It need, but we intend to practice our own medicine and was decided to have it Nov. 10. keep it up until we have some assurance that help will A school paper is wanted and there are possibilities of having be coming. one, so editors are to be elected ------- o------- from each class. It was voted to CONGRESS buy $4.00 worth of table tennis .75 Some of the monotonous acts of congress nearly Oatside of Josephine County drives the average layman “nutty” trying to figure $2 00 Ono Year out what they are doing and what it is all about. The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising Right now, these venerable gentlemen are making copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application a terrible fuss over lifting the embargo on war ma­ terials to belligerent nations. For the life of us we 0Rf6l0Of>S(Pl.PtR can’t understand what difference it makes whether P U B LI S h | e ÌT^ AjSV^'ATlOH they do or whether they don’t. The nations wanting them get them just the same by a round about way, and everyone blinks their eyes and asks, “How ^REDWOOD ¿MPI RE N EWS PAPER-PUBLISHERS^i^ come?” with no available answer. '5^ If Germany wants some of our war material sh^ can get a friendly nation not involved to buy them ’or her and the only difference there is, the goods MEETING “PROSPERITY” are sent to the friendly nation and then rerouted to Saying the same old thing in the same old way. Germany. This is likewise good for England and may seem to get monotonous to our readers, but that France and all the other warring nations. It has been done before and will be done again, so is exactly what it takes to make this theme succeed. why make a fuss about the embargo being lifted? Doing and saying the same old thing over and over again until we believe it. Once that belief is substan­ The way we see it, if they lift the embargo, thous­ tial the way is paved to shake hands with “Prosper­ ands of idle men will be put to work at once, but if they don’t the number will gradually increase until ity.” Propaganda is nothing more nor less than telling about as many will be working in the long run. But congress must make a showing and try to the same story over and over again, and when it is convince the layman they are doing great work and told often enough, the public begins to believe it. Of course there are different ways of saying it and do­ the more fuss they make the more the issue becomes ing it, but it all amounts to the same thing, it is still foggy- Io the final analysis it is plain propaganda, and the more they yell about their stand, the more propaganda. Why not try this propaganda stuff on yourself people believe them. It’s the same old stuff, but it in a way that will help you and yours. Decide def­ works. initely on a course of procedure. Then start shoot­ a two fold rallying point: First, a Grange Program ing your propaganda and do it enthusiastically. Soon brief mention of the contribution (Continued from Pa^e One) you will have listeners, and soon they will begin to of state and national organiza­ be interested, and if you keep it up your plans will a uiisia clciuuiidiiig the Wiacst uf tions; second we want this meeting statesmanship tyid the best of to be a springboard from which we mature. patriotism. On the other hand, dive off into the blue waters of This is not new stuff—It is as old as civilization. our abundance of food and fiber, into the greatest for­ The medicine man of the old Indian tribes was a-pro- and our opportunities for the set­ Tomorrow ward movement of all the years. pagandist, but he made the tribes believe him, and tlement of our problems through It is this latter achievement that organiztion, education and coop­ I challenge you all to move for­ accomplished his purpose. eration are everywhere manifest. ward—in membership, in growth Try your own way of going about getting ahead. It is fortunate therefore, that Our only advise is not to get discouraged. Keep it we pause on the 30th of Septem­ and in service. Fraternally, ber. the close of the Grange year, up. Success must eventually be yours. L. J. Taber, and gather for a mighty Booster j -------------- -o--------------- Master, The National Grange Night meeting, not alone to re­ A solo in Spanish costume was SELLING JOSEPHINE COUNTY count the opportunities of the ! .50 Larry Manuel, secretary of the Grants Pass and Josephine County Chamber fof Commerce, has started on a campaign to sell Josephine County to her own citizens, and it is a good idea. At the last meeting of the chamber, he called at­ tention to the grapes at each plate, and stated that if the people of Josephine county would insist on Josephine county grapes they would not have to ship any of the product, for the harvest was light, and by selling the grapes to home people, they would become acquainted with a superior product and help home industry at the same time. It was shown that these grapes were of sweeter content than those shipped in and tastier and looked much better, so it was not a hard job for him to sell the chamber members the idea. This should be carried out in the Illinois Valley. Our products are just as good as those shipped in, and they taste better and look better, so why should we not use them, when we get a better article and help home industry both in the same breath? The stores in the valley should cooperate with the grape growers and carry only Josephine county grapes, es­ pecially in the variety that is grown here. Iiet’s try scratching each others back for a while It’s a good tonic for what ails us, and it works to each others advantage. You buy my products and I’ll buy yours. Try this propaganda as we suggest in “Meet­ ing Prosperity,” and it will surprise you how well it works. ----------- ■■■ o-------------------------------------- ( AVE JUNCTION STREETS All the streets in Cave Junction are dedicated to the county as the city is unincorporated, and it was necessary to have a custodian over these arteries, so the county had to be the goat. Cave .Junction is handicapped because we only have two streets. The main Redwood highway and the Oregon Caves highway. We have other streets platted, but they are absolutely impassible and they need attention. This city is in need of many residences, but no one wants to build out in the wilderness where they can not get to their homes with a car, so there is no build­ ing. If the county court will spend just a little money on the back streets of the city so people can get to their homes with a ear, there will be several new res­ idences built, and they will all pay taxes to help pay the cost of the county government It seems to us a good business move if a few hundred dollars spent given by Mrs. Florence O. Hal­ past, but more important, to plan I lock; Mrs. Harry O. Mills present­ wisely for the months and years ed a humorous monologue; solo ahead. We are asking every duet by Mrs. A. A. Johnson and Grange in the United States to se- i Mrs. C. C. Babcock; Mr. and Mrs. cure seven new applications for Jim Payne presented dialogue en­ membership in honor of the Seven titled “The Newlyweds Make a Founders of the Grange. Then we Garden"; readings were given by want seven reinstatements before Mrs Bessie Watt and I- E. Athey. the end of the year. Worthy Mas­ Freiling L. Sawyer, Pomona ter and Patrons on behalf of the Master, gave a talk on the accomp- oldest and strongest farm organi­ hlisments an<| purposes of the zation, we ask you all to remem­ grange. Closing the audience ber that the strength and power sang “The Battle Hym of the of the Grange rests in the Subor­ Republic.” dinate branches and the individual Following the program dancing Patrons. I am glad to report that was enjoyed and music was fur­ our Order has more members in nished i by Mrs. C. O. Babcock, good standing tonight than ever Miss Gertrude Bloomingcamp, Herbert Watts and Lee Ostrand­ before in all its long history. As Master or the* National er. < -------------- o-------------- Grange, I am challenging each Subscribe for the Illinois Valley of the 8000 Granges and 800,000 members to make Booster Night News. 1 Its worth the price. ANNOUNCING Weekly Meter Service for the ILLINOIS VALLEY with HORSE SHOW and RODEO I equipment. No further business being brought up the meeting ad­ journed and the various classes dispersed to have their class meet­ ings. At them, they decided upon their play for playday. and their 1 class editors. We hope the school paper materializes, for we know that it will be a great success. —Eleanor Galeno This week completed the health inspection of all students made under the direction of the physi­ cal eduction teachers. Miss Mills and Mr. House. PORTLAND, OREGON October 7 to 14 19 Show« ta One » Ilevan aere« uadev one roof. Iihibit« of' pure-bred Livestock/ Doga, Poultry. Pel Stock, Wild Life, Mae. ufacturod and Land Producta, 4-H Club and Smith-Hugh«« Vocational Education Work; alao the Horae Show, and Indoor Rodeo Prtmlum List* tom fures - mi unes Notice The refrigeration plant in the Lewis Market is not satisfactory to me and I do not intend to open the market until it is. Consequently the riarket will not open this week as planned. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. B. O'KELLY Pacific Mineral Recovery Co Cave Junction, Oregon It is our desire to cooperate With the indiv­ idual miner and mine owner in developing the mineral resources of this county. To this end, we will have a plant to recover precious metals from gold bearing sands, and if will be ready for operation in the near future in Cave Junction. Miners who have gold bearing sands can se­ cure full information from— F. R. LITTLE ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS OFFICE Cave Junction, Oregon SATURDAY and SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7-8 The Story of Abraham Lincoln That Has Never Been Told! A Great Motion Picture To Thrill the Entire WorM! TO TO G 11 I I i FONDA •BRADY WEAVER ■ WHELAN with HENRY ALICE MARJORIE ARLEEN ■5 ' y j STANDARD. 4 BURNER OILS :: V Z* ? EDDIE COLLINS • PAULINE MOORE RICHARD CROMWELL • DONALD MEEK DORRIS BOWDON • EDDIE QUILI.AN Brilliantly directed by JOHN FORD NEWS OF THE DAY CARTOON: “The Little Goldfish” j Heat with Oil WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, OUT. 11-12 • IT’S CLEANER ! • IT’S INEXPENSIVE! • IT’S EFFICIENT ! * o X' O The Best Bad Bandit on the Rio Grande! LEO CARRILLO The Girl th« Gambier For Further Information Call Howard Bearss With TIM HOLT and STEFFI DÜNA Al Cave Junction. Oregon A COMEDY RIOT EDGAR KENNEDY in “BABY DAZE" Sam Stinebaugh Oil Co. Ph. 508 PACIFIC inTERnnnonnL LIVESTOCK xposmon 29thRnnual and for ßth & A Street Subscribe for the News Grants Pass I Theatre