Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 21, 1939 I Illi noîs Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districU. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C. ATHEY Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICEb In Josephine County One Year ...... Sia Months .. Three Months One Year 81.SO .75 Outside of Josephine County 80 >2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application PER IATI ON O reg P ub li s Hi e ^REDWOOD ÉMPI RE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS UnïïJ have a good diamond this year where many games will be played. Rocky Dale will play a prac­ tice game with the Kerby grade I school boys in the near future at ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH 1 Kerby. OF SEVENTH DAY o------------- ADVENTISTS Harold C. Hill returned to Cave Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Junction last Tuesday and for Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. the next few months will be em- Prayer meeting Wednesday at ployed by Dr. E. E. Brooks and 7:30 p. m. | C. E. Dudley at their mine where You are invited to meet with ■ considerable building will be in us. I progress. F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. I --------------- o Dr. A. N. Coll man was in the city Thursday looking after bus­ CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY iness matters. Mrs. Harold C. CHURCH Hill made the trip with him and Community Sunday School was a guest at the home of Mr. 9:45 a. m. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong in Hol­ m. 11 a. Preaching land. ■o- ---------- —o------------- KERBY UNION SUNDAY Mrs. K. C. Hamilton of the SCHOOL Cave Junction Motor Court made Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. a hurried business trip to Grants every Sunday. All are cordially Pass last Wednesday. ------------- 0------------- , invited. 0 CAN U. S. STAY OUT OF WAR BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH MEETING PROSPERITY (Continued from Page One) their demand soon became that Sunday school, 10 a. m. I they should be free to carry on Preaching, 11 a. m. their immensely profitable trade Preaching, 8 p. m. which was created by the high We had a good time in the Sun­ day services at the old Church last prices of belligerent markets and Sunday. We had good crowds the high freights for ocean ship­ both morning and evening and all ping.’’ And So, War were good listeners and enjoyed Therein lay our troubles. Brit­ the evening sermon “Weeds” which was based on the parable of the ish warships seized American men and cargoes. Rather than make wheat and the tares. Don’t miss next Sunday night's , war out of that, Jefferson had meetings. Young folks service at congress clamp an embargo, pro­ 7:30 under the direction of Miss hibiting American vessels from Freda Kees; this bible service will sailing to foreign ports. Within a year our foreign trade be interesting to people of all ages. The Sunday night sermon subject thinned to a trickle, one-sixth of will be taken from the same par­ its normal volume, New England able that was used last Sunday | wanted to secede. Business went night only this time we will talk from bad to worse. At last the about “Wheat.” Will have a good embargo was modified, but the song service and some good in- [ ill feeling between Great Britain strumental numbers. No begging and the United States mounted, for money and no books but the and the war of 1812 was the re- suit. bible. It was very much the same “The little church with the big story when we entered the World welcome.” ED WRIGHT, Pastor What is the dearest wish of your heart? Every­ one of us has something stored away in our bosom that we desire most of all. It may be love. It may be money. It can be almost anything that is just and right. Whatever it is, it CAN be yours if you have the determination to go out and fight for it. Photograph this dearest wish of yours in your sub-conscious mind. Do you know how to do it? Think about it constantly. This thinking stamps it in your sub-conscious mind. The more you think, the more indelible it becomes to the sub-conscious. The sub-conscious mind is always working. It never sleeps, and when you need it the most, it has a habit of letting you know it is awake. Did you ever start planning on something that you have been thinking about considerable, and be­ gin to get ideas on your planning? That is your sub­ conscious mind telling you things. If you didn’t have this litle fellow’ with you, you wouldn’t have an idea worth a cent. It is the instrument in your cranium that makes you a live wire. Give it a chance to work and it produces remarkable results. But if you don’t ------ o— plan and think of the things you want, the sub-con­ scious mind remains undeveloped, like a weakling, Kerlv Sunday School Growing in Numiters and you are losing one of your best friends. We have told you this time and time again, The kerby Sunday school which make up your mind! You must have something that has been growing in numbers and is uppermost in your mind that you want. All right, interest is planning for Rally day start out and get it. Plan on how’ to get it. Do the on Sunday, September 26th. A program of songs, choruses, ex­ best you can and have faith and believe it will ma­ ercises and recitations is being ture. You will be surprised at the avenues that will prepared. The Sunday school open wide their doors for you when you get down starts at 9:45 a. m. D. D. Ran­ to business and strive to get the things you want. dall Sunday school missionary will present and speak after the When the thing looks hopeless and you seem to be be Sunday school hour. Of special in the deepest despair, tht tables will turn and the interest will be hte presentation sun will shine and hope will be born anew and your of gold crosses to all those who little sub-conscious mind, like a little child, will lead have perfect attendance during the past quarter. Also all who are Mou. present for the rally day services (»• THE WINO — SHE BLOW ! War. It’s the usual way a neutral gets tangled up in a war. , By the time German submar­ ines had sunk 55,000 tons of our shipping and killed nearly 50 Am­ ericans, we were ripe for anger over the Lusitania disaster, and a declaration of war. In 1935, we first began to try to shape up a law to keep us neu­ tral in the event of war. By 1937, we had adopted the age-old principle of Jefferson—the em­ bargo to keep our vessels out of war trade in event the Presi­ dent declared a war existent. That, of course, means dropping our rights as neutrals to free seas. The history of neutrality has been full of contradictions like that. It leads to all sorts of com­ plications—arguments over con­ trabrand, privateering, retalia­ tions. Nations at war have even fought for trade of their enem­ ies. Great Britain, in the World War, for instance, prevented Am­ I erican shippers from sending hog­ backs to Sweden on the grounds that the glycerin in them found ; its way to Germany, Yet Great I Britain, herself, sent hogbacks to Sweden and profited from the 2 trade. These are the facts about neu- trality distilled from our 150 years of experience as a nation, 3 we usually let our sense of right and wrong lead us into the struggle, or else we insist on our right to use the world’s highways. MINER’S SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY General Merchandise for Every Family Need Lew Hammer's Selma, Oregon ta ASK FOR ♦ Keibel’s PERFECTION !: BREAD j !: ♦ At Your Grocer >«UiSt(M*tSUMeUU4«m ■■a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Thielen Furniture Co. A. J. OSTRANDER, M. D. C. M. Physician and Surgeon Cave Junction, Oregon Grants Pass Dr. H. W. Hermann Dr. S. E. Herman OPTOMETRISTS Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258 -J 519 "H” St. Granta Pass Dependable Home Furnishers FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Cave City Dre»« Shop Wittrock’» Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma 0' i11iIii11111111111ili11111111 ■11111111111111IIli111111ilSIIMliI I DR. A. N. COLLMAN | I Naturopathic Physician WE SELL QUALITY MERCHANDISE Call: Wed. and Sat. STMOHUF PROCESS SATURDAY AFTERNOONS I In Cave Junction I s See Us For SPERRY POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS 3’ Always in the Lead I iintiiitiitit i tnitsttitiiiiiiiiiHiiti t unii••• • ■ ■ 111 ■ • i < I : Dr. Fred W. Gould I Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pass I Also IIIIIHHIIIimilHIIHHIUlllillllHINW« GILL BROS GARDEN SEEDS Swift’s Red Steer Fertilizer! Murphy’s Paints and Varnishes MACKS SEED A ! FEED STORE E. C. Gayman, Prop. Phone 578 514 S. 6 St. Grants Pass will receive a gift. Nearly every child in Kerby is enrolled in Sunday school and is hoping to double the attendance at the Rally day services. Every­ one is invited. George Horn is Superintendent and teacher of the Young People’s class; Mrs. Hurley W’ilson, Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Lucius Robinson have charge of other classes. — ■ o ■ liilliittiMiiiiiiiiiillttSttSSIMiiil It’s “An ill wind that bloweth no man to good,” so the good book of Proverbs tells us, but at times, what a cost? The last World War brought prosperity to mil­ lions of people in the United States, and heartaches to a different million, and wrecked lives to another hundred thousand. What a price for prosperity! The analysis of the present war on page one of RO( KY DALE SCHOOL this issue tells a most remarkable tale of what events INTERIOR PAINTED can lead to. The author is not .just blowing his horn. Rocky Dale school house has He knows something of human nature, and there are just had its interior face lifted ten million men in the United States out of work and with a new coat of paint and the I Don’t Wait Until it is kiddies hardly know the old room. some are not even on relief. TOO LATE! Soon the desks will get the same If this country waits until England and Erance medicine and when completed, the are on the verge of losing this war, or even getting school will show a marked im- | You can’t afford to be Without Insurance an even break and lasting until the resources of the provement. The base ball diamond is also world are mostly used up in fire arms, and then we coming in for its share of im- See TED ATHEY decide it is time to step in to “save democracy,” the provements and the boys hope to g ,ttiiiiI«•••••!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' damage will have been done and what we will save out of it? And it is foolish to kid ourselves — the English speaking nations MUST stand together. This war has the finger marks of living, per­ haps, the last war. Truly “a war to end all wars.” . . Entire countries can be obliterated, snuffed out of existence. Anything can happen. With a ruthless Still the Most Economical Heater Money German military machine in the saddle, the worst Can Buy. can happen. Prices are going UP............ This is indeed an “ill wind." even though it may Our Present Stock has bring back prosperity to this nation and puts to work NOT increased in Price. . ten million men. But the war lords would have it, BUY NOW so here it is, and most of the people of the United while Prices are down and stock is complete. States, even though it is heartrending, know we can’t stay out of it. We believe there is one consolation, AIR - TIGHT HEATERS however, if it can Lie called that. We do not believe $2.35 - $2.75 - $2.95 we will ever send an army over the seas again. We THESE PRICES WONT LAST LONG! may send men with airplanes and the navy, but never an army. And if we are going to do it at all, right now’ is the time, so we believe. It's like taking a nasty dose of medicine—the more we keep thinking about it Grants Pass 112-111 North 6th Street the worse it seems. We’d like to meet the man who knows the score! : [ redwoods SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shop inSmoke! IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES JORDAN’S ? : ” FRESHLY FROZEN CREAM : LIGHT LUNCHES 632 3. 6th St., >i«lfi«llillitlliiliiil>SllllilllilllilS«S«»llll*SII ( j Complete Line of WATCH STRAPS AND BRACELETS The only Siberrian shop in Jos­ ephine County. Vizit us and be convinced. MONTAG... CIRCULATING WOOD HEATERS Manche! Furniture hotel Grants Pass Clarence E. Eggers 604 A 6th St., Grants Pa& lisuiiiiiii««- ii*«»eiiisiti»ie*iiiii*iiiiiit»«»iUit«z«*utezMi [ I Grants Pass f