Illinois Valley News. Thursday, August 31, 1939 The PenGUin Indicating the necessity for an Anna May Wong, America’s intensive campaign for the safe-! foremost Chinese actress, turned ty of elderly pedestrians, Earl first earth for the 11,200,000 Snell, secretary of state, today de China walled city concession at clared that 80 per cent of the the l*t* World’s Fair of the West pedestrians killed in Portland dur on Treasure Island. World renowned Sung and Ming ing the first six months of 1939 were over 55 years of age. Forty- glazes from the Tenth and Four five per cent were over 65 years teenth oenturies, is a part of the China section of the Palace of Fine of age. the California World’s Arts, -------------o ------- fair. Cheer Up Patient—You know, this is my first illness. Kind visitor—Well, let's hope it will be your last. - UNITED STATES — DEPART- M. for the Red Cedar, seventy-five Famous Pacer Dan Patch MENTOF THE INTERIOR, GEN- cents per M. feet B. M. for the Was National Celebrity ERAL I.ANI) OFFICE. O. & C. Incense Cedar and Hemlock. Thia ADMINISTRATION, P O R T- LAND, OREGON—Sealed bids, marked outside "Bid for Timber”, IS1 IT and addressed to the Chief Forest ÏHKBE JUST er, O. and C. Administration, 410 Custom House, Portland, Oregon, MARKET will be received until 10:30 a. m., 'ROUND Pacific Time, Sep. 22, 1939, for roív the purchase of timber upon IPENGUIÑ tracts hereinafter described; the SGGJÎ cutting and removal of the timber NOTHIK-V., NO/ to be carried out in accordance with the forest practice rules ap proved on July 7, 1938 by the Sec TO DO BUSINESS, retary of the Interior. Each bid ADVERTISE must state the amount per thous and feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species or class of timber. No bid for less than the appraised value will be con sidered. Each bid must be submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be in the form of a certified check on a solvent National Bank and in fav or of the Chief Forester of the O. Music! Dancing! Crowds! Fun! Excite- and C. Adminstration. The amount mert I on the Midway! of the deposit will be computed at Additional Feature»! the rate of at least 20 per cent of the first $1000 of the bid, plus at ZOE DELL LANTIS AND THE Prospect—Are you quite sure It least 10 per cent of any additional ALL AMERICAN REVUE will be perfectly safe for me to In- Nightly at 8 amount of the bid in excess of vest In your company? $1000 and up to $10,000. The de SAN FRANCISCO MOUNTED Promoter—Absolutely safe, Even posit of any successful bidder will SHERIFF’S POSSE & HORSE SHOW the water in the stock has been Nightly at 8 except Sunday 'Trust In God, Keep Powder Dry* be credited as a first installment filtered and sterilized. PARI-MUTUEL HORSE The saying, "Trust in God and in payment for the timber. Checks unsuccessful bidders will be re RACING keep your powder dry’’ is attributed of Afternoon» except Sunday at 1 .30 turned upon award of the bid. A to Oliver Cromwell. It is supposed bond on all sales will be required to have originated during one of his in an amount computed at the rate Ceneral Admission, 50c campaigns in Ireland in 1649 or 1650. of at least 20 per cent of the first After 6 P. M., 25c According to tradition, Cromwell $10,000 of the bid, plus 10 per Children 12 and Under, FREE made an impassioned address to his cent of any additional amount of Starts Labor Day "Ironsides" when they were about the bid in excess of $10,000. —Salem MOST EVERYTHING to attack the enemy who had taken Payment for timber will be re MARKED DOWN 5 to 50 <; position on the opposite side of the quired in advance of cutting, pay a river. He concluded his speech with ment in full at the time of filing What about those last Picnics? the admonition: "Put your trust in the contract being required in sales Any Two for 10c God, but mind to keep your powder amounting to $2000 or less. In Picnic Items Sat. Only ..15c dry.’’ This tradition is vouched for larger sales, payment may be by Edward Hayes in his "Ballads made in a number of installments EXTRA SPECIAL Leather Apron, only one $2.50 of Ireland," which was published in scheduled to keep pace with the 1855. The compiler comments on rate of timber cutting and payable SCHOOL SUPPLIES the subject in a note under the bal upon demand from the Chief For TOILET ARTICLES lad "Oliver’s Advice,’’ which was ester. The successful bidder in each written in 1834 by Colonel Blacker, sale exceeding $5000 in amount VALLEY VARIETY a British officer. Each stanza of will be required, prior to the ap Blacker's ballad ends with the line proval of the contract covering STORE "Put your trust in God, my boys, such sale, to furnish a sworn fi and keep your powder dry.” Cave J notion nancial statement showing ability to fulfill the terms of the con tract. For copies of the form of pro- i posal, form of contract and bond, and other information, application should be made to the Chief For ester, O. and 0. Administration, Portland, Oregon. The timber volumes, given in the following appraisals, are esti mated and may be more or less than the amounts stated. Living cull trees and young tim ber less than merchantable size are reserved from cutting. IN BENTON COUNTY: T. 13 S„ R. 7 W„ Sec. 23, NW'4 NW >4 Yellow Fir 2035 M. feet B. M„ Hemlock 340 M. feet B. M., none of the timber to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. feet B. M'. for the Yellow Fir, seventy-five cents per M. feet B. M. for the Hem lock. This timber to be sold on cruise. IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY: T. 3 S„ R. 3 E., Sec. 29, SE'4SW4 and WttSE’4 Red Fir 2100 M. feet B. M., Red Cedar 340 M. feet B. M , Red Cedar Poles 360; none of the timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Fir, $1.50 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Cedar, forty cents each for the Red Cedar poles. This timber to be sold on cruise. IN COOS COUNTY: T. 29 S„ R. 9 W., Sec 7, NE^SEK, SW *4 SE*4, Yellow Fir 1440 M. feet B. M., Green Port Orford Cedar 1965 M. feet B. M., Red Cedar 15 M. feet B. M., Dead Port Orford Cedar 225 M. feet B. M.. none of the timber to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Yellow Fir, $9.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Green Port Orford Cedar, $5.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Dead Port Orford Cedar, $1.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Cedar. This timber to be sold on cruise. IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY: T. 39 S„ R. 6 W., Sec. 29, 3HNEK, NEUSWii, NVkSE'4, Green Port Orford Cedar 315 M. feet B. M., Dead and Down Port Orford TWO 1939 PLYMOUTH COUPES, New Cedar 30 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber to be sold for less than $7.00 per M. feet B. M. for the ONE 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 2000 Miles, Courtesy Car Green Port Orford Cedar and $5.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Dead and Down Port Orford Ced- ONF: 1939 DODGE SEDAN, Heater, Radio, Seat Covers, Fog ar. Trees below 26 inches DBH * are reserved from felling, This Lights. 10,000 Miles, Courtesy Car timber to be sold on cruiBe. IN LANE COUNTY: T. 15 S., R. 1 W.. Sec. 9, NW 14 NW >4, S% NW 14, NViSW*4, Red Fir 1005 M. feet B M., Yellow Fir 5760 M. feet B. M.. White Fir 15 M feet B. M., Red Cedar 50 M. feet B. M., Hemlock 355 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber to be sold for less thn $1.75 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Fir, $2.00 per M. feet B M. for the Yellow Fir, $1.00 per M. feet B. M. for the White Fir, Red Cedar and Hemlock. This timber to be sold on cruise. All Port Orford Cedar trees 28 i inches in diameter or less, and all other merchantable tree species 10 inches in diameter or less, shall be reserved from cutting T. 16 S„ R. 2 W, Sec 29, SHSEU. Red Fir 1690 M Feet B. M., Red ¡Cedar 70 M. feet B. M., Hemlock [ 50 M. feet B. Ml.; none of the tim- ' ber to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Fir, $1.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Cedar, fifty cents per M. feet B. M for the Hemlock. This timber to be sold on cruise. T. 18 S„ R. 1 Wi, Sec. 13, NEK, Yel low Fir 8715 M feet B. M„ Red Cedar 80 M. feet B. M., Incense Cedar 20 M. feet B. M., Hemlock GRANTS PASS, ORE TELEPHONE 34 621 EAST M STREET 305 M. feet B. M., none of the timber to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Yellow Fir, $U00 per M. feet B. In his day Dan Patch was a na tional celebrity. He was a pacer, and the first horse ever to do a mile in harness under 2 minutes. To understand the immense interest in him it is necessary to recall that in 1905. when he paced the mile in 1:55H, the automobile was still an experiment To the American peo ple. the possession of a horse and buggy was a mark of respectability, and to have a bit of blood between the shafts, or a fast, spanking team, was a social distinction, observes a writer in the Kansas City Times. That was the reason why nearly every farm home, and many a city home, in those days had a picture of Dan Patch on the wall. We can remember that old picture yet. It was a famous chromo and showed the noted bay fairly flying along, every foot off the ground, the spokes of the sulky behind him a blur, and the driver leaning forward, his arms taut on the reins, the very personi fication of speed. It was a thrilling picture, and one understandable to every one as it would not be in this day of steering wheels and foot throttles. SPECIAL Clearance New Cars Good Cars Page Five Old Cars Jalopies But They Must Be Sold to Make Room For 1940's Lots of Late Models to Choose From We Won't Be Hard to Deal With CARNER’S Automotive Service Co Dodge ... Plymouth 1 timber to be sold on cruise. T. 18 S, R. 1 W.. Sec. 5, SE>4SE14 Red Fir 1030 M. Feet B. M., Red Cedar 140 M. feet B. M., Incense Cedar 20 M. feet B. M_, Hemlock 25 M. feet B. M., none of the timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Fir, $1.25 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Cednr, $1.00 per M. B. M. for the Hemlock, seventy- five cents per M. feet K M. for the Incense Cedar. This timber to be sold on cruise. T. 18 S., R. 6W„ Sec. 33, EKNE*4, SK NW *4. and S4, Red Fir 6310 M. feet B. M., Yellow Fir 7720 M. feet B. M., Red Cedar 230 M. feet B. 5$, Hemlock 150 M. feet B. M., Red Cedar Poles 190; none of the timber to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. feet B. M. for the Red and Yellow Fir, $1.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Cedar and Hemlock, thirty-five cents each for he Red Cedar Poles. Thia timber to be sold on cruise. Second growth timber and all areas designated by the Chief Forester or his represen tative shall be reserved from cut ting. T. 18S„ R. SW., Sec. 23, NE>* SEU, Red Fir 1250 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. feet B. M„ This timber to ba sold on cruise. IN MARION COUNTY: T. 8S„ R. 1 E„ Sea. 27, NEKSWK Red Fir 375 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. feet B. M. This tim ber to be sold on cruise. T. 9S., R. 2E„ Sec. 1, NViNWK, SEK NW4 Red Fir 425 M. feet B. M„ Yellow Fir 1200 M. feet B. M., Hemlock 20 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber to be sold for less thn $1.50 per M. feet B. M. for the Red Fir, $1.75 per M. feet B. M. for the Yellow Fir, $1.00 per M. feet B. M. for the Hemlock. This timber to be sold on cruise. IN YAMHILL COUNTY: T. 4&, R. 6W„ Sec. 31, EKNEK, Red Fir 2675 M. feet B. M.; none of the timber to be sold for leas than $1.75 per M. B. M. This tim ber to be sold on cruise. The right to waive technical de fects and to reject any and all bids is reserved. Dated at Portland, Oregon this 21st day of August, 1939. W. H. HORNING, Chief Forester. U. & C. Administration. __________________ 16-19 inc. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT—Cabin partly fur nished with barn and chicken house. Inquire of Mrs. Cecil Slack, Kerby, Oregon. 17-ltp FOR SALE—Small electric range, $10.00, See Ashby Fulk. 17-ltp STRAYED CATTLE—F<mr_head of strayed calves have come on to my place. No brand on the cattle, except enrs end-cropped. Owner will please call for them and pay for damages done. Geo. K, Champey, Old Waldo road. 17-ltp SHOE REPAIR—shop and har ness maker badly needed in Cave Junction. Wonderful val ue in equipment. Inquire at Val ley Variety store. 17-ltp FOR SALE—Two Guernsey hei fers, milking now. Hibbard, 3 miles south of Bridgeview. 17-ltp FOR SALE—Two good milch cows. One just fresh, the other fresh Sept 1. Clyde Hayes, Rt. 1, Cave Junction. 17-ltp BU1LI) where your investment is protected by restrictions. Build ing lots for business, residence lots or homesites from 1-2 to 5 acres. Eligible for FHA loans. Inquire at News office. 14-tf FULLER BRUSHES Saves work. Saves Money. Mar shall Barber, dealer. 1100 W. “G" street. Grants Pass or mail address, Rt. 2, Box 210. Mail orders prepaid. 14-4tc FOR SALE—Wood lathe and mo tor, excellent condition. $8.00 cash. Never a buy like thia again. See at News office. •-tf« OLD NEWSPAPERS—on* bun- die 10c News Office ftltf DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE ef one of these small elaaMfied ads. They get results, and eMt so little. FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quarts and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valiev News office. SELL IT!—If you have something you don’t need or don't want, why not use this column to sell it. Costa so little and results are aatounishing. FOR SALE — Small ranch con sisting of 10 acres with good houae. Will be sold at a price you cannot afford to pass. To tal price $500. See M. O. Athey at The News office. Subscribe for the Illinois Valley News. Its worth the price.