Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 31, 1939 ^IlSSSSSI IS lilt •• *••••»••••••••••• ’ "E years. The sisters and Jake are my future wild life letters when OLD GKOL'CH all past eighty years old. The visi­ the Illinois Valley News can find Pre-School Specials tors are going on to Los Angeles space for them. The many who I to visit other relatives have complimented me on these Student Genuine Oil $2.251 o—- letters I wish to know that their Permanent Wave .. j ' DANCE at the American Legion words highly gratifies me whether Regular $4.00 Oil Per­ Genevieve and Ray Entier who hall, Saturday, September 2nd. I am deserving or not. manent Wave with a $3.50? have been spending the past Always a good time at the Legion reconditioning treat. = ------------ o------------ month with their grandmother, i dances. Excellent music. Every- Offer good until September 10: If you eat heavily on picnics Mrs. Clyde Johnson in Kerby, ex­ I one invited. only during the Labor Day holidays, pect to leave Sunday for their take that nap right after luheh, CAVE JUNCTION | home in Portsmouth, Ohio. Ray is OFF IN A CORNER “1 don't like that hammerhead not while you are driving hopie, a junior in high school and Gene­ BEAUTY SALON j says a warning from the safety shark." The WITH PHIL SNORT vieve will be a freshman', •Why? ” division of the secretry of state’s young people are making the “He’s always knocking sume .. ................................................... -6.00 Net prices — with year old tire. Other sixes at proportionate saving*. g OOOYE a ">«•♦ b, ’••'■••♦••Zio Goo‘‘>'»or ,OrY *.rvj< ,o - — ■"oafbs "Win •' fir. limit to suit you! Instant credit. No red tape. Small dow payment. 12 to 20 weeks to pay. Payments as low a OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30 Across Street from Chamber of Coni. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORES (¡RANTS PASS. OREGON I Kerhv Barber Shop 605 “G" Street Phone 754