Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 24, 1939 ■ “FIXER DUGAN” AT CAVE CITY THEATER I llinois valley church OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. . Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 30 p. m. You are invited to meet with ut. F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. ------------- o-------------- CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Community Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. 11 a. m. Preaching o- KERBY UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School at 9:45 a. in. every Sunday. All are cordially invited. ------------- o------------- BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Sunday School .................. 10 a. m. Preaching ......................... H a. m. Song Service ..................7:30 p. m. Preaching .... H pt m. We were pleased to have sev eral visitors last Sunday. The in vitation to you is, "make our church your church.” Our Sunday morning service was a different type of service; we made it a dedication service. We now have new seats and a piano and hope to have a new building some day. The evening message was filled with good cheer and encourage ments The subject was "His Will To Us." Next Sunday night, we expect to discuss and answer the question, "Why Was the Bible Written?” The Little Church With the Big Welcome. Ed Wright, Pastor. Lewis J. Giles, who has been a| Bing Crosby's race track at Delmar, in Calfornia and who has served as racing secretary at Puy allup, will be judge and racing secretary for the Oregon state fair racing meet in Salem, open- ing Labor day. The fair will be run a full week, the racing meet but the first six days. L. E. Aller of Takilma was in Cave Junction Thursday showing the people his line of tailored suits and overcoats he is agent for. Oregon music composers will be honored on Saturday of the state fair, to be held in Salem, Sept ember 4 to 10, on the several programs to be given in the daily series by the Oregon Federation of Music clubs. Artists from all parts of the state will appear in the Federation’s musical enter tainments. The troubles of a quick-think ing circus adjuster in smoothing over internal disputes between members of the personnel of the show and in settling arguments with the law officers and rival showmen, comprise the entertain ing basis of “Fixer Dugan,” com ing to the Cave City theater next Wednesday and Thursday. Lee Tracy plays the title-role in this fast-moving film, and on his diplomacy and resourcefulness de pend many of the situations of the story. His romance with Peggy Shannon, the lion-tamer of the circus, and their joint problem of what to do with little Virginia Weidler, the orphaned daughter of one of the show’s acrobats, are woven into the plot in interesting ( fashion, as are many dramatic scenes with Miss Shannon's cats Little Virginia and Miss Shannon i have featured roles. The second feature on this big program is theunusual story "Ride a Crooked Mile.” With his hit performances in recent pictures, I display as will Oregon turkeys and poultry which won national ac claim for this state. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bilger of Klamath Falls arrived Wednesday to visit Mrs^ .Bilger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jacobsen. SAT, SUN, AUG. 26-27 DOUBLE FEATURE Feature No. 1 Jane says "What good is a beau if ha can’t help you fight? WITHERS %0Y wifh ARLEEN WHELAN RICHARD BOND DOUGLAS FOWLEY WARREN HYMER GEORGE ERNEST ROBERT KELLARD MINOR WATSON A 7O»h Pldvt* ./ Feature No. -»JOHN BARRYMORE VS Viriini« Waldlar Jl' ’ ■> RADIO Picture WED. Till RS.. AUG. V. 30-31— Feature No. 2 Clf CM * L,»i»t 1st Iknlli1 BLACK WALNUT Ice ('ream PINTS QUARTS 17c 30c Pre-School Specials Student Genuine Oil $2.25 Permanent M ave * Regular 14.00 Oil Per ie.:u-< nt Wa\< with i I reconditioning treat * ” Offer good until September only It'» Good Because It'» Fresh j Eat Mor«> let* Crpiimi FRANK FLOYD Proprietor 50c i Hair cut with tonic 35c ! Plain hair cut ........ 25c f Shave .......................... ..25c ! Children’s hair cut - I Child, hair cut with tonic 35c ^■.■¡iiiuniiiiiiiillIlilIlIlllIlllIllilHlIlllllllIHlin'i'imfn CHICKEN DINNER 6 p. m. 5TAÎMMUF PROCESS SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 ^American Legion hall I Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Cave City Dress Shop Wittrock’s Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma 50c Per Plate Publis is Invited Call: Wed. and Sat. 0 I 0 a 0 a I I 01 6 0 fi 0 0 % 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 y fi fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 ¿1 outstandi Y üscreen entertainment SPECIAL FLAVORS FOR THIS WEEK END Pineapple. Orange Sherbet 10c dish at our fountain I : i Kerby Barber Shop • Buy Now FOR THE CHILDREN WHO ARE PLANNING THEIR SCHOOL WARDROBES WE Eat Mort» Ice (’ream | DEEP ( UT PRICES : »««•»«•«Mtlttl fi I !•••".......... .................. ..... . .................. ... Drug Store : Send The News to a friend. Cave City Theater As a special tribute to the Ore- gon poultry industry and to the honors brought to the state at the recent world's poultry congress in Ohio the Oregon state fair offic ialt have designated Friday of the fair as Oregon Poultry day as well its farm organizations day. The fair will be held at Salem Sep temher 4 10. The Oregon exhibit at the Ohio congress will be on NEW ( AVE CITY i Drivers in the 25-39 age group were more often involved in traf fic accidents than any other age group, Ear! Snell, secretary of state, said today. There were 10,- 123 accident drivers in this age group during the first six months of 1939. This was 32 per cent of all the drivers reporting accidents irr Oregon during that period. fi Pitsi Hold« Racing fans who patronize the pari-mutuels at the Oregon state fair racing meet, which opens La bor day will be afforded the last word in absolutely fair races for the seeing-eye or photo flash fin ish will be employed on the race track this year for the first time. The meet at the fair tracks in Sal em will last six days none being held the closing Sunday of the state fair. entitling him to rank among the THE PROSPECTOR screen’s greatest character actors, He is a man that>s al) alone, Akim Tamiroff now returns to the Always in the hills; -creen ln a dashing story of a wild Aiways on the roam. Cossack of the Russian steppes i He looks in every crevice, who runs up against law and or And examine every seam; der in his adopted America. Looking in the rocks The story, one of the most un To see if it will gleam. usual screened this season, con cerns the conflict between the un He pans in all the gulches. tamed Russian and his American Also in every stream; ized son and what happens when Looking for colors, the son, an Army officer, must Hoping for a gleam. choose between his father and his duty. Meeting disappointment with a o-- smile; Subscribe for the News Always hopeful and content ♦«---K.—■—K——. Wherever he may be; Whether in the desert, j REDWOODS HOTEL Or camped beneath a tree. Grants Pass J. B. Ackley. - ------- o- ----- - Leaving your car in a roadway SOLICITS YOUR is like wearing a sign labeled PATRONAGE “Kick Me." In both cases some thing is pretty certain to happen and in the case of the car, it is Excellent Coffee likely to be involved in an acci dent. There were 549 cars thus IN CONNECTION involved in accidents during the REASONABLE RATES first six months of 1939. ( AVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON to OFFER REAL SAVINGS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. SHOP AND SAVE! I For Boys For Girls 10 15 25c PoloShirts 29 49 58c Anklets Styled for Service and New Fall Styles and Colors. All siizes Campus Shirts 25c Panties Pair Rayon Panties. Famous “Goldette” Make. 59c Each 08c Each New Fall Patterns. All Sizes. Knit Shirts, Shorts 19c Each Dr. Ames health Underwear. Combed Yarn. Pure Knit Cotton or Rayon Styles. All sizes. S1.98 School Shoes 98c Dresses Pair Oxfords or High Shoe Styles. All sizes. Each New Fall Style “Cinderella” Dresses. Sizes 4 to 16. "Shirley Temple” Dresses at $1.95 Socks 15c Pair Ek stic Tops, “Bear Brand” for Service. 15c Prints Yard SO Stillare, fi. L color Prints, New Fall Patterns. A B C Fine Percale Prints. 22c .yard. ! I Each Pair New School Anklets. Looks. 0 Wash Pants 75c ^l'48 Pair Fine for early school wear. Sizes 6 to 16 years. 9 GOLDEN RULE GRANTS PASS ü E 0 & 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 8 a 0 I 1