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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1939)
Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 3, 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY government traffic survey. Coun were transacting business in the ty Engineer H. B. Brown advised Pass last Monday. Wednesday. A. J. OSTRANDER, Mr. Brown said that the taking An independent newspape*- devoted to the development of the richest Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hamilton of M. D. C. M. I of a vehicle count is a government valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH 1 requirement before funds can be the Cave Junction Motor court Physician and Surgeon Published every ThursCay at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois OF SEVENTH DAY Valley Publishing Company. advanced, according to the Grants were in Grants Pass the first of ADVENTISTS Cave Junction, Oregon Pass Courier. the week on business. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ------------- u------------- Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Massie and ........................................... . Prayer meeting Wednesday at Annual Picnic At M C. ATHEY .. .. Editor two daughters were Grants Pass | DR. A. N. COLLMAN 7 :30 p. m. Elk Creek Park visitors the first of the week. You are invited to meet with Naturopathic Physician SUBSCRIPTION PRICES us. The Illinois Valley Garden club In Josephine County Eddie Martin had the misfor I SATURDAY AFTERNOONS F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. held its annual picnic at Elk Creek «1 50 Ono Year ...... tune to fracture his right wrist In Cave Junction o-------------- Six Months ... .75 park last Friday with about 26 last Tuesday while working at the [«jlllllllHIIIIIUIIIumiUlUlltlllltlltHtlllHIlllUMHHIIll Pl Three Months 50 CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY members attending and were very lumber mill. He was taken to the Outside of Josephine County pleased to spend an afternoon in $2 00 Ono Year CHURCH Grants Pass hospital for medical the trees beside a nice cool Dr. H. W. Hermann Community Sunday School at treatment and is now wearing a stream. The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising 9:45 a. m. bandage for a while. Dr. S. E. Herman copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application Mrs. Breech and Mrs. Bottel Preaching OPTOMETRISTS 11 a. m. had the tables arranged with gal- o- Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted I Ions of cold punch and coffee Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. KERBY UNION SUNDAY | that everyone enjoyed. There Grants Pass Along With the New« | were plenty of good eats which SCHOOL Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. members brought and also on sr every Sunday. All are cordially hand was ice cream which helped O" ■B : Dr. Fred W. Gould ! invited. to make the very hot day most en I ^REDWOOD ÉMPI RE N EWS PAPER P VBLI SHERS uäij Dental Surgeon Sunday evening church services joyable. : : American Legion Tuff. Building at the Kerby church will be dis- —O- Phone 4 I — i continued for a while as the even GRANGE CALENDAR Grant» Pa.. ..... ........................... ......... ........jn ings are too warm for comfort. | MEETING “PROSPERITY” Last Sunday evening F. W. Coop- I Illinois Valley — First and third Thursdays, 8 p. m. ...... • er showed many attractive and L B. HALL Deer Creek—First and third Sat Our campaign aimed to show how “Prosperity” can be brought to i beautiful pictures with accompan- FUNERAL HOME urdays, 8:30 p. m. all of us is causing considerable thought among some of our readers I ¡ng Bible verses, He gave inter SATURDAY, Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager who have started their scrap book and are going to follow through. Redwood — Second and fourth im I esting explanation of the pictures. There has been mamy queries concerning the book, “T. N. T.—It AMBULANCE SERVICE AUGUST 5 Thursdays, 8 p. m. ■o------------- Rocks the Earth,” by Claude M. Bristol, the theme of which opened Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. Fruitdale — Second and fourth : our eyes to the great power existing in every man and woman. In : view of the fact that no distributor in Southern Oregon carries this Produce Mart To Have Saturdays, 8 p. m. book, we have made arrangements with the publishers to get a limited i ,, . . Admission 75 Cents Williams—First and third Thurs- supply of this result getting book which may be obtained for one dol- liranu Opening Saturday days, 8 p. m. lar. Tbe book will make your study of this interesting theme much HULL & HULL clearer, .and we positively know anyone who follows through with McConnell Orchestra The formal opening of the Rogue River Valley — First and this theme, gets what they want. third Saturdays, 8 p. m. FUNERAL HOME Junction Fruit and Produce Mar Merlin — First and third Fridays, ket, dealing in both wholesale and Ambulance service day or nite -----------------o American Legion Hall 8 p. m. 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 “Every day in every wav, I’m getting better and ! r‘‘tal1 Products. « scheduled for Grave Creek — Second and fourth this Saturday, A. B. Davis and E tel......................................................... better. “Every day in every way, I m getting bet Johnny Clark, proprietors, an- Wednesdays, 8 p. m. QsMMSSSIttttllMHatMMfllSIIISItMtllKtMIMMMIMMlMSMM | ] [p...... ............................................... Shan Creek — Second and fourth ter and better.” Say it times without number, said nounced Wednesday. The store is : Complete Service On Saturdays, 8 p. m. i Eat More Ice Cream : All types the great French physician who brought this message located in a new building just Missouri domestic, commercial Flat — First and third south of the Caveman bridge on to America. Fridays, 8 p. m. 5 Refrigerators Pacific highway, and iM already NEW CAVE CITY : I Have we ever told you before of the old gentleman open for business. Leave Orders at News Office who used to tell a whopper of a lie, and he told it so It is the intention of the pro- I F. A. RIGBY ■ many times that finally he believed he was telling the prietors to sell wholesale to the E DEEP CUT PRICES truth, and when anyone doubted his veracity, he was stores in the Illinois Valley giving them the best in fruits and veget VETERINARIAN hopping angry. Tell it to yourself often enough and ables early in the morning. Horses and Cattle my Specialty SPECIAL FLAVORS you will believe it, and when you believe it, it is com o FOR THIS WEEK END DR. O. L. HOHLFELD ing near realization. Bridge Held Up for 408 South 6th Street : Orange and Pineapple :: Kind readers, this theme is not hard. It only re Government Car Count Day phone 162—Night 538 Oh,0h1 . ’S Wrong Way! Grants Pass quires steady application, and we promise you that READ THE AD$ <3^ DANCE Drug Store Ice Cream if you give it your earnest consideration and do the State construction of the bridge COAX In CustomerjWith few simple things necessary, you can realize your am over the Illinois river on the Ta ADVERTISING kilma-Waldo road is being held up bitions. Backed, ty Good Cervice h temporarily pending a federal First—Make up your mind definitely what you want—Then start hammering away to yourself the thought that, “I want it and I can have it.” “I want J it and I can have it.” Say it until you believe it. I Dream it, pray for it. Keep thinking about it all you Starts Friday, August Fourth I I can, day and night, and if you will believe in it with out doubt, it will come that much quicker. Our last and final Clearance Sale of all That is practically all there is to it. Constant ap Summer Merchandise. We have made a plication of thought gets the results. Nothing was special effort to gather all this seasonal eveit done in this world without first thought be merchandise in one last sale. You will be hind it, then application and work brings it around. surprised at the low prices. If done consistently and persistently, we know re Don’t Fail to See the Fourth Annual sults are yours. GLAD SHOW—Fri. and Sat., Aug. 4th and 5th It is never too late to start. Why not make a res I olution to give this theme a start now? Indeed you will be surprised at the quick action if you go after it in a big way. “T. N. T., It Rocks the Earth” will help you, it has helped thousands. It costs only a dol lar. If you want a book we will get it for you or you can send for it. Don’t say I’ll do it tomorrow, tomor row never comes. Today is the day. Start now. ----------------- o----------------- Friday and Saturday, Aug. 4 and 5 GOOD AMERICANISM Pineapple, Orange Sherbet ilOc dish at our fountain : : It’» Good Because It’» Fre»h : :__________________ ________________________ _| J I Eat More Ice Cream = ■Ô I'm Hog Enough to Want Your Business And Man Enough C To Appreciate It KEITH S MARKET WATCH i Clarence E. Eggers | Mac’s Market No. 1, S. 6th j | St. j Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grants Pass Laundry 5TAIÄÄRUF PROCESS Artcraft Camera Shop I 113 N. 6th St. ! I bench L aundry i F j & DRY CLEANERS ! i • Agencies DODGE and PLYMOUTH automobiles and many good, used cars that are waiting for you at bargain prices. | Cave City Dre»» Shop • Wittrock’» Store, Kerby I Lew Hammer, Selma ! Grants Pass F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. Phone 47 West F St. i i j REDWOODS HOTEL i Grants Pass Call: Wed. and Sat. SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE CARNER'S : Automotive Service Co : I Grants Pass, Oregon Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES i PLYMOUTH WE SELL QUALITY MERCHANDISE See Us For SPERRY POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS Always in the Lead THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through Don't let anyone tell you that advertising adds to the cost of goods. Advertising reduces costs. When goods are advertised, more of them can be sold. The cost of handling a large lot of goods is not much greater than that of handling a small lot. Thus on a large and successful sale, the operating and over costs per article are small. Salespeople in a store keep drawing their pay, even if few people are coming in. The rent and other costs keep running on. Advertising provides a great er outflow of goods to divide up these costs. j PHOTOGRAPHS Developing and Printing Camera» and Supplies And make CARNER’S Spacious show rooms your headquarters and while here inspect the new’ DODGE Bring In That Old We can make it like NEW GOLDEN RULE STORE the GLAD SHOW At the Auxiliary dinner and impromptu meeting held after it last Sunday evening in the Legion hall, the few who were there heard a message that should have been broadcast all over the nation. Neil Allen, Grants Pass attorney, was the princi pal speaker at the meeting and gave his listeners something to think about the rest of their lives, and we sincerely hope that those who heard him will put into practice some of the fine thoughts expressed. Mr. Allen told of the great work the Beaver State Camp is doing for Young America, and this message alone was worth traveling across the state to hear. Though it may be a little late, nevertheless, we would like to hear this same talk he gave concern ing the Beaver State Camp, over the air on the first day the new broadcasting station opens in Grants Pass. It would be one of the high lights of the first days program for the new station. ----------------- o----------------- ECONOMICS OF ADVERTISING MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon (PINTS...................... 17c [QUARTS.................. 30c : FINAL CLEARANCE L GRANTS PASS HOTEL THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ■1» hurriiji/oiui Duly Sru^prr h record. tor rou th« «rorld’i rivan, eonrtructiv» dole»» Th» Monitor do»« not esplolt crime or .»nsatlon neither doe« It l»nore them, but deal« correctively wnh them Feature« tor buar m»n and ai* rh» tamilr. inc lud in« th» Weeklr Macanne section Th» CJirtitlan Selene» Fublishin» Socitt» One. Norway Street Boston. Mass« Pleasr enter my su^acript on to The Chrtsttan Science Monitor for a neriod of «.Lyrai,liot •month» MH J month» IJ M ! month 11 M Wednesday issue, -ncb’ding Mutai tn* Section i year 12 (W) « iwue» 2M Ha me ....................................................................................................................... AddreM Ci»#* 99 : I J in Smoke! Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! You can’t afford to be Without Insurance | See TED ATHEY Also ¡GILL BROS GARDEN SEEDS Swift’» Red Staer Fertiliser» i Murphy’» Paint, and» : MACK’S SEED A FEED STORE E. C. Gayman, Prop. Phone 578 514 S. 6 St Grants Pass O***“