Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 13, 1939 Page Four 8 Honest Merchandise at a Fair Price 0 a 0 Attracts the thrifty shopper to the Model Grocery fi 0 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, July 14-15-17 FRESH FRUIT AND Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, July 14-15-17 fi SUGAR Vegetables ROLLED WHEAT 44c 53c s 10 Pound sack for I 10 Pounds for SUGAR, PURE CANE FARINA $5.09 44c BERRIES, Fancy Local 1(H) Pounds for ............. 10 Pound sack for 0 Young and Boysen fi 5 HONEY MATCHES 2 Boxes for 37c 15c Pound pail for Carton of 6 for 0 MECO CATSUP 15c BEEF 19c STRAWBERRIES— CORN fi 2 Bottles for .... 39c Libby’s, 2 cans for Extra Large 0 FLOUR 2 Boxes for PEARL SHORTENING SI.OO Boquet, per sack 40c 4 Pound package for .... fi 25c FLAVOR-AID JEWELL SHORTENING I 6 Packages for 13c WATERMELONS— 1 Pound package for........ per pound CERTO 43c PURE LARD, Swift’s Silverleaf Brand 0 2 Bottles for 13 c 2 Pound package for fi 3 CORNFLAKES APRICOTS BACON SQUARES Packages for 18c 0 WHEATIES 1 Pound for ............ Per Lug fi 2 Packages for 23c SWIFT’S PREMIUM BACON 09c 28c per pound .................................. * 0 2 PURE COCOA 15c Tomatoes, Celery, MECO PEAS Pound can for fi OATS, ALBERS Peaches, New Potatoes 303 Size, 3 cans for ... 38c 0 Quick or regular, 10 pound sack for 27c No. 2 Size, 3 cans for fi 0 fi I CLAY MASSIE FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS O. W. GREEN Cave Junct ion, Oregon 0 I Friday and Saturday Only * / Model Cash Grocery Bob Lindgren and Luther Sher­ Mrs. Agness Smith has as guests members of the valley will go to rier, Jr., will spend next week nt at her home for a short time, Mr. Grants Pass tonight, (Thursday) the Lake of the Woods Boy Scout and Mrs. Clifford Smith and fami­ to hear Harry R. O'Brien deliver a camp. ly of Portland and Mrs. Della lecture. Mr. O’Brien is sponsored McMillan of Corvallis. Mr. Smith by the Grants Pass Garden club. Mr. and Mrs. K. I). LeVan spent Ms and Mrs. W. D. Goodrich is a son of Mrs. Smith. Monday in Granta Pass shopping. 'of Fresno, California, will arrive Kumfy Kamp dining room made next Saturday for a two weeks H. D. Manning of the Rogue Mrs. A. Theuerkauf and son vacation at the C. C. a few changes in personnel this Babcock River Roofing Company of Grants Carl were shopping in Grants Pass home. week. Pauline Sims and Dolly Pass and son, Jerry Kane, were in Monday. —o— our city the first of the week, on Decker are no longer there Miss Guests at the D. B. Mclrvin business and a trip to the Oregon Adelaide McCrady is now employ­ Ralph T. Baumberger was in ed in the dining room. Caves. Grants Pass transacting business home are Claude Mclrvin, a broth- — o— I er, George Critchfield and Delmar the first of the week. Brownfield, all of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Green of Mr. and Mrs. Bell and son Mar­ Santa Barbara arrived last Sun­ vin of Long Beach, California, vis­ Mrs. Delia Linnton of Portland Claud 11. Tucker returned last day at the Quarantine station to ited the Oregon Caves last Mon­ is visiting her brothers, Roy and George Wells for an indefinite Saturday from Los Angeles, where visit Mr. Green’s brother, Ernest day morning and on their return he had been visiting his mother, who is connected with the inspec­ were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. stay E<1 Wright on the old Brown ranch. I Mrs. Mary Tucker, for the past tion station. o ■ — o— Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Hicks several week* A large group of Garden club Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sawyer and with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turner and and Miss Juanita Shipley made a nn Tijjnjnn ht ’.n: 35 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tycer and trip to Grants Pass last Monday. - o- ■ son, left for Lakeview after visit- MEN’S WAIST OVERALUS Mrs. Robert Halske's sister Mrs. mg for a few days at the home 79c Standard Quality, pair C. R. Thomas and daughter Doro- of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tycer. —o— thymae. of San Francisco, are MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Mrs. Sherrier of Blye, Arizona, visitors at the Waldo Motel. 69c » Clean up. and a bargain —o— and Mrs. Mary Getschel of Long ■s Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barnes Beach, California, are visiting at WORK GLOVES and family of O’Brien moved last the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert 19c Genuine Horsehide, pair Sunday to the Tip Top mine for St. John. Î5 — o— the summer. ¡S MEN’S WORK SHOES Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Burish of —o— $1.89 All Ia’ather, Pair Mi's. Elizabeth B. Holland of Milton, Oregon, were visiting at Bridgeview returned from Santa the horn«“ of Mr. and Mrs. Bert PLAY SUITS Rosa, California last week where St. John recently Mr. Burish was 19c 3 One Lot Blue Denim Suits at she had been visiting a sister, formerly Bert’s boss at the Milton Mr* Molly Hyatt, Box company. •3 Locals UOLD PACK CANNERS Blue Enamel A Ll MINV M TE A K ETTLES Each BLUE ENAMEL DISH PANS Each Writ« or call for the Spacial Bank-by-Mail Envelope and explanatory Folder showing ths convenience of this plan. Grants Pass Branch o/ United States National Bank Miaair Need Office. Portland. Oregon flltlll »trotii isiiitsti ciirsiiGis 98c 19c 21c Old English Floor Wax, polishing -ct 69c daughter, Cleo and nephew Bud Cross of Palo Alto, California, ar­ rived last Saturday and spent July 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Babcock. Miss Cleo will re­ Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cross and main for the summer. CONVENIENT . ECONOMICAL In worm, summer weather an electric range is a neces­ sity in YOUR kitchen ’ It's CLEAN—no soot, oshes and grime, no scouring of pots and pans ! COOL, too ’ Electric cooking ends the drudgery of preparing meals in an overheated, unhealthful kitchen, CONVENIENT in every way—instant heat exactly where you want it ct the turn of a switch; automatic cooking, too, gives added hours of leisure. ECONOM­ ICAL ? Certainly ! Only half os much as you'd guess it would cost ! $1.19 Sta-way Insect Repellent, ousts the mosquitoes. Iiottle Mrs. Minnie Cosson were in Grants Pass Wednesday. Mr. Sawyer at­ tended a meeting of the soil con­ servation committee while the women folks shopped. LET US FIGURE YOUR BUILDING JOB Martin's Hardware Co COPCO Cave Junction I