Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1939)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 6, 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Homer White, Sr., MOVED TO TWIN FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Homer White, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hein arrived and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnson in Kerby Wednesday with a truck of Takilma, spent the Fourth at to transfer their household furni Brookings. ture and C. L. Schumacher's and ------------------------------ , left for Twin Falls, Idaho today, (Thursday) with Mrs. Schumach MINER’S SUPPLIES! er and sons Bob, Lloyd and Lewis, Mrs. Schumacher’s mother, ! and A SPECIALTY Mrs. DeEtta Scott, where Mi. I Schumacher and Mr. Hein have ! purchased a grocery store and market and are now operating it. I General Merchandise I for Every Family I Need I ! 9 » i Lew Hammer’s Selma, Oregon American Legion PICNIC DINNER Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cook of O'Brien entertained 18 guests at a picnic dinner on the Fourth. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Yocum and Jack Cooke of Med ford, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kret- singer and daughter. Miss Hosford of O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins, mother and stepfather of Mi. Kretsinger, Mrs. Lois Cooke, mother of Mr. Cooke and host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cooke and family. ¡■1 iiiiiiii . iiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiihiiihiiii , ii , iiiiiiiiiiiii ,I i ^7] Dance I I Eat More Ice Cream = I I NEW CAVE CITY I Drug Store I DEEP CUT PRICES : SATURDAY, JULY 8 : Admission 75 Cents SPECIAL F lavors FOR THIS WEEK END McConnell Orchestra Apple Betty American Legion Hall New Flavor, Delicious : Pineapple, Orange Sherbet PINTS QUARTS 17c 30c Eat More Ice Cream GRAHAM’S DRY GOODS ILLINOIS VALLEY MOTOR CO. » and Ready To Wear Store a G. A. Hicks, Prop. I With a Fine Line of I : 2 | EXPERT REPAIRS I MEN’S WORK SHOES \ All Work Guaranteed MURPHY HICKS | \ : 1 ¡ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE j .. .......................................................a •s : I I I : ASK FOR : : I At Your Grocer D on... : FOUND—1939 Chauffeur’s badge State of Oregon. Loser can 1 recover same by identifying number and paying for this ad à vertisement at News office. •B 9-ltc i The Seal of Approval FOR TRADE—About 5 dozen quart jars for pints. Harold 8-ltc Hill,*Cave Junction. SPEND A LITTLE—BUY A LOT IN CAVE CITY. I want your listing if you want to sell or trade your property. Elwood Hussey. 45-tfc Awarded by the American In-: stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests 2 Pickup and delivery every Mon : day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY : a FOR SALE—Wood lathe and mo tor, excellent condition. 18.00 cash. Never a buy like this again. See at News office. 9-tfc 2 : ♦ I MILK GOATS for sale or trade for hay. Mrs. Elvina Stock- well, Loop road out of Bridge view, Route No. 1, Kerby, Die gon. : f PERFECTION BREAD Grants Pass I Û' CLASSIFIED ADS ♦ Keibel’s : 610 “H” Street : : 2 FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valley News office. FOR SALE — Small ranch con sisting of 10 acres with good house. Will be sold at a price you cannot afford to pass To tal price 1500. See M. C. Athey at The News office. : “Since 1900” Notary Publics OLD NEWSPAPERS—one bun- die 10c News Office 51tf AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland Josephine County MILLS Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Paas 1 OFF IN THE CORNER WITH PHIL SNORT ------- v I don’t know why I am writing the*e letters, unless it is because there are a few people who want them. It seems a futile effort to me, to contribute my time and such talent as I possess, in an al most useless labor to stem the de struction of wild-life. I am in pos session of facts that show that the needless taking of the life of wild things is steadily going on by lay men and by officials who are sup posed to protect and propagate fish and game life. Two cases of foolish and unreasonable acts comes to me from the Sucker creek and Althouse districts, and other cases from elsewhere in the Illinois valley: It is reported to me, from over Holland way, that there is a man, if it be proper to designate him as a man, who has killed over 100 deer and made “jerke” of them since last fall. From a source that I nor anyone else, in the Illinois valley can dis pute. comes a report that deer are being trucked from Deer creek to Cow 'creek, this by order of the State fish and game commission, because they are destroying “crops’’ for some rancher back in the wilds. We are asked by that same Commission to secretly turn in any of our neighbors who get hungry and kill a deer for his larder, and that the source of information will be held inviolate. Who, in the name of Sam Hill is going to turn in a hungry neighbor for killing a deer, when wholesale destruction, as these reported, are going on? Everyone who knows anything at all, knows that deer have most of their fawns in May; reason tells us that young fawns do not fol low their mothers while they are feeding. I am given to understand that these deer are run from a field into a stockade, a truck is backed up to a chute and the deer loaded into it regardless to sex; the fawns are left to perish. It seems that the government makes a farce of everything they undertake. Every effort to con serve ends up with destruction. Laws are made to protect our game so that some knotted head ed Jim Crow, belonging to some state game commission, can get out with his underlings and de stroy more, and the tax payer pays the bill. “Oh God of our fathers, our weary hearts turn to thee! How long, oh how long will such things be? We do not know, we can not tell, but from out the dark ages of the past the white winged an gel of promise takes it flight into the mists of the future’’. -------------- o-------------- BIRTHDAY PARTY A double birthday party was held last week for Bud Schults and Lew Krauss. During the evening games were enjoyed and later a delicious birthday cake and ice cream were served to the fol- lowing guests: 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lew Krauss and I sons, Fred Krauss, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krauss and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Krauss ami family, Nels Ol son, Mrs. Sybil Riggs and Mr. and Mrs. Bu<l Schults. -------------- o— SURPRISE PARTY A farewell surprise party was given recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Norton who are leaving soon to make their home in Washington. The following were present: Mrs. M. Walton and daughter Charleen, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hogue, Mr. and Mr» Ebb Hogue and daughter Peggy, Dora. Mary Lou and Louise Ham mer. MRS. ARNOLD ENTERTAINS Last Friday afternoon Mrs. C. Y. Arnold gave a party for the ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. Harry Sader, sister of Mrs. Amy Hussey was the guest of honor and received the guests prize. Pinochle was played during the afternoon and prizes were won by Sharlet Slack and Marie White. Among others present were Mes- dames Edith Hayes, Irene Morris on. Pearl Martindale. Amy Hussey and the hostess Mrs. C. L. Arnold. — . o— Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watkins were business visitors in Grants COMPLETE service on all types of domestic and commercial re Pass last Wednesday. Will be in Cave frigerators. Jackie and Jimmy Owen, sons Junction every week. F. of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Owen, left orders with A. Rigby. Leave Wednesday for a visit with their 48-tfc The News office. grandmother at Klamath Falls. SELL IT!—If you have something you don’t need or don’t want, Art Drews was in Portland over why not uae this column to sell the week end to visit his mother, it. Costs so little and results Mrs. Emma N. Drews, who was «7 are astounishing. years old at a family reunion July 1st. day. He returned home Wednes- I Mrs. Paunita Freitas was seen in Grants Pass Wednesday. Roy MacFarlin of the Grande Oro mine was a caller in Takilma Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dundas were in Grants Pass on business Wed- nesday. Richard and Ralph Messenger left Wednesday for Corvallis to visit friends for a few days. George Mansfield of Klamath Falls is visiting old acquaintances and friends in Selma. Nat Wooley severed the end of his finger last week while trying to unload a gas engine. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son Don went to Alturas, California to spend the Fourth with Mrs. Johnson’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Owen of Ta kilma have moved to Elk valley for the summer. Mr. Owen stationed there as fire guard. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turner of Bly spent the week end and the Fourth visiting Mrs. Turner’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tycer. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gates Beatty spent last week end Holland. Monday they drove to Cave Junction to spend the day. Roy Hervy accompanied them. --- O— Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bewers of Klamath Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Art Olson of Glendale, stopped in Cave Junction over the Fourth to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hem- ingson of the H. & L. cafe. The Bewers and Olson* are old time friends. The following fishing enthus iasts left this morning for Baby foot lake for a two days fishing, The following started on horse- back from the Cave City Park: R. T. Baumberger, Wm. J. McLean, Fred Linkhart, Ralph Huber, all of the valley and two guests at the Cave City Park, James Charles and son of Berkeley, Calit SAVE Now on all Whirlpool Wash. Machines Two Models Wa. $61.50 A neighborhood gathering of friends met at the J. J. Villair home for a Fourth of July picnic. Those who enjoyed the afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Thrasher and family and Mr. Thrasher's mother, Mrs. Delia Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Patrick and family and Miss Fay Tycer. Now Two Models Wa. —O I— Last week in mentioning the new owners of Cave Junction Mo tor Court, formerly H. M. Hay den’s camp, we did not know one of the important members of the new court. Miss Celeste Hamil ton, sister of K. C. Hamilton, is also interested in the court. Miss Hamilton is indeed a very charm ing young lady and will add much to the personnel of the court. -------------- o— The “Hollywood Boulevard” concession on Treasure Island oc cupies 104,650 square feet of the Gayway at the California World’s Fair. ------------ $67.50 Now Rogue River Hardware “WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE” Grants Pass, Oregon o--------------- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the School Board of Union High School District No. 1, Josephine County, Oregon, at the School building at Kerby, Oregon, until 8 o’clock p. m., Thursday, July ! 13, 1939, for the construction and j equipping of an addition to the Union High School building. The : bids will be publicly opened. Bids : received after 'the time fixed for i the opening will not be consid ered. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the residence of the Chairman of School Board, Luc- ius Robinson, Kerby, Oregon. up- on deposit of $10.00. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond made payable to the School District, in an amount not less than five per cent of the amount of the bid. The School Board of Union High School District No. 1, Jose phine County, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informal ities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, or before the award of the contract, unless said award is delayed for a period ex ceeding thirty (30) days. Mrs. Effie M. Smith, Clerk, Union High School Diet. No.l, Josephine County, Oregon. & Clearance Sale Sale Starts Friday, July 7th A MONTH LONG EVENT Featuring VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT It is not often we can offer values as great as these, but we must clear our shelves to provide room for in coming merchandise! Hundreds of Items that mean a real Saving Ask about our BLANKET “LAY AWAY” PLAN Golden Rule Grants Pass %