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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1939)
Page Two Illinois V alley News, Thursday, July 6, 1939 ey Illinois ews An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ...................... Editor Butine«« Manager M C. ATHEY L. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County *1 50 .75 50 One Year ....... Sia Months ... Three Months Outside of Josephine County $2 00 One Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application O rí &1 o N PUBUSWEH ÍREDWÓOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS unit] MEETING “PROSPERITY” Our campaign aimed to show how “Prosperity” can be brought to all of us is causing considerable thought among some of our readers who have started their scrap book and are going to follow through. There has been many queries concerning the book, “T. N. T.—It Rocks the Earth,” by Claude M. Bristol, the theme of which opened our eyes to the great power existing in every man and woman. In view of the fact that no distributor in Southern Oregon carries this book, we have made arrangements with the publishers to get a limited mi*piy of this result getting book which may be obtained for one dol lar. The book will make your study of this interesting theme much clearer, and we positively know anyone who follows through with this theme, gets what they want. ---------------------------------- ()---------------------------------- The Morning Oregonian came out last Monday with a complete new type dress. It is a grand im provement to the oldest newspaper in Oregon and we congratulate the management and editorial staff on the improvement in the papers new dress. Mrs. Blackmore. Mr. Peterson is superintendent of the Pomeroy ranch. A. J. OSTRANDER, M. D. C. M. Physician and Surgeon Cave Junction, Oregon Glenn and Mike Young attend- ed the Rodeo at Klamath Falls over the 4th. Dr. H. W. Hermann Dr. S. E. Herman (Continued from Page One) HOMEMAKERS CAMP* Nola A. Welch, home demonstration agent, is again preparing for the ¿nnual Homemakers Vacation camp, this year to be held at Fir Point Conference grounds near Glendale. Every woman is entitled to some kind of a vaca tion-some kind of relaxation from the every day task of housework or whatever she is doing. Husbands should realize this and see that they get this little va cation. It only lasts four days, but it is a wonderful opportunity for the women folks to get together — get new ideas—new energy to carry on with their home duties. There is a fine program for those who want to take advantage of it, but this is not necessary. One can go and relax and enjoy the fullness of four days of perfect ease, and come home refreshed, full of pep and new ideas for carrying on the most wonderful job in the world—Mother, housewife and home man ager. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY KERBY NEWS thing that is NOT wanted. If you want it, let us know and we will do all we can to help, and “believe it or not,” we CAN help this project along. What say? ----------------- o----------------- OPTOMETRISTS Ken Morrison and Woodrow Neely left Wednesday morning for Sutherlin, where they have employment. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H" St Grants Pass IIIIHHUHmillHIlf»! 3' Dr. Fred W. I Gould Seven children were examined at the clinic held at the hihg school building Wedne-day afternoon. Dr. S. B. Osgood and nurse Ruth Ganiere conducted the clinic with Mrs. Martin Sachse in charge of arrangements. Two smallpox vaccinations, one diptheria immu nization and eight tuberculin skin tests were given. The skin tests were given to adults who request ed them. It was found several of the children had defects and need ed medical attention while there was nothing which was serious, prompt attention can easily rem edy the defects so that the chil dren will enter school with good health records. Although this was a pre-school clinic a few older children were examined. Dental Surgeon Tuff« Building Pbone 4 Grant« Pa«« ...¿•J L. B. HALL FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sta. HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 Q JORDANS given an emeitic and was rushed to the office of I)r. A. J. Ostrander, but it was too late as he died en route Funeral services were held last Sunday at the Hull & Hull Fun eral Home in Grants Pass with in terment at Granite Hill cemetery. -------- o-------------- SIBERRUN : : THE BARBER Bart McCue CAVE CITY. ORE i Do you ever get mentally lazy? Sure you do, just I • like everyone else. That is the time you need “T. N. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH 0 OF SEVENTH DAY T.” the most. That is the time we begin to slip back FRESHLY FROZEN CREAM ADVENTISTS VETERINARIAN and it takes so much energy to get back on the old The only Siberrian shop in Jos Horse« and Cattle my Specialty ephine County. Visit us and Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. straight and narrow path to success. That is one of be convinced. DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Names of Creeks are the great secrets of Claude Bristol’s “T. N. T.” Never LIGHT LUNCHES 408 South 6th Street Prayer meeting Wednesday at Confusing to Laymen 632 S. 6th St., Grants Pass let up—Keep everlastingly at it. Day phone 162—Night 538 7 :.'!0 p. m. Grants Pass Here is a great lesson in that reasoning from Mr. You are invited to meet with Josephine county has one of Bristol. Read it and digest it, and as he says at the us. Oregon's 42 Bear creeks, accord F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. OWL CAFE end, “draw your own conclusions”: GRANTS PASS ing to findings of the Oregon unit -------------- o-------------- Regular Meals and “My brother in Denver,” said the wife of the fire CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY of the Federal Writers' project HOTEL Short Orders which is conducting research oil insurance man, “much older than I, tried to teach me MINERS HEADQUARTERS CHURCH Fried Chicken our Specialty the origins of the state’s geograph 615 Street this theme a number of years ago. He’s been very Cave Junction ic names. The other 41 streams Grants Pass, Oregon successful in using it and I just know it works, but Community Sunday School at of the name are distributed thru because my brother is so successful it may be my hus 9:45 a. m. 20 different counties. ..11a. m. Oregon has 11 Horse creeks, band becomes a little envious and with his stuhbor- Preaching --------------o- Bring In That Old two of which are in Josephine I'm Hog Enough to ness closes his mind to what my brother tried to give Want Your Busine»» WATCH BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY county, as well as one of the seven uh , and then goes along entirely on his own tangent. And Man Enough We can make it like NEW CHURCH Dead Horse creeks and the only To Appreciate It “To show you that it actually works and at the Horsehead creek. Other equine Clarence E. Eggers KEITH’S MARKET name- for Oregon streams are same time give you my husband’s attitude, let me tell Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Mac's Market No. 1, S. 6th St. Horse Basin, Horseshoe, Horse you of an experience we had in San Francisco several Preaching, 11 a. m. Sign, Horsetail, Black Horse, Lost Preaching 8 p. m. years ago. I wanted my husband to have a better po Horse, Wild Horse, White Horse, COME IN AND TRY THAT sition and I finally persuaded him to apply at the KERBY UNION SUNDAY and Pony creeks. Some of the STEAKBURGER other animal names for creeks in SCHOOL headquarters of another company. He did this but They are all talking about the state are Baboon, Badger, Cat, there was no opening. Three years went by and now Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Cougar, Cow, Gopher, Mule, Pan NELSON’S CAFE and then I would ask my husband what his chances every Sunday. All are cordially ther, Porcupine, Sheep and Fox Grants Pass were. He kept telling me that he saw them regularly invited. STAIMMUF creek.«. —O' but there just wasn’t any opportunity there for him. Geo. W. Horn, PROCESS Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Comstock Sunday School Supt. 1 made up my mind that there was and then it dawned Wardrobe Cleaners returned to their home in Califor on me to use what my brother had taught me. This fine Sunday school was or nia Wednesday after a two weeks The oldest and best since 1911 “Every night before falling asleep and many ganixed just four weeks ano by visit with their daughter Mrs. Jack Free Pick up by Grants Pas« times during the day, I kept saying to myself (using Rev. Randall, missionary for the Van Zee at the Quarantine sta F BENCH LAUNDRYJ Laundry his first name)----------- is going to get that position. American Sunday School Union. tion. & DRY CLEANERS —o— W. Horn was elected super I don’t know how many times I kept repeating it but Geo. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gallager of intendent, Mi-s Alice Hogue, sec i Agencies PHOTOGRAPHS I just knew that it was going to work, so one day 1 retary and Lee Hassler, treasurer. Oakland. California, are vsiting prevailed upon my husband to see them again. He The following teachers and of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Hicks. Mr* Cave City Dress Shop Developing and Printing Wittrock's Store, Kerby Camera« and Supplies said there was absolutely no use but he would do it ficers were also elected: Mrs. Gallager is asister of Mrs. Hicks, Lew Hammer, Selma expect to stay a couple of to please me. He did, and he was almost stunned Thelma Wilson. Mrs. Alice Horn, They Artcraft Camera Shop ( harlotte Badden, Myrtice Jones weeks. Call: Wed. and Sat 113 N. 6th St. Grants Pass when he was told to go to work at the first of the and Dorothy Hogue. month. I called his attention to what my brother had A bell rope was donated by the Reuben Tucker of Selma left 0 told us and what 1 had been doing and he just scof Wilson General Merchandise -tore for Los Banos, California last S F H A LOANS week. Mrs. Tucker and daughter and the bell which has been un SAVE WITH ICE fed saying that he had been after the position for BUILD NOW — PAY BY for some time is again ring Ardith accompanied him as far as THE MONTH three years, and whatever thought I had been putting used AN ICE BOX Lincoln, where they will visit Mrs. ing out each Sunday morning. As is forth had nothing to do with it.” (Draw your own this is strictly an inter-denomina Tucker's brother and family for Valley Lumber Co. EASY TO BUY tional Sunday school, all are cor- a short time. conclusions from this story). West F St. Phone 47 and dially invited to attend. Copyright 1937 by Claude M. Bristol ECONOMICAL to USE Mrs. J. H. Blackmore and ----------------- o —------- «laughter Vicky, of Canyonville, Rites for Tony Baffi REDWOODS HOTEL FLOOD CONTROL spent several days with Mrs. C. R i ILLINOIS VALLEY I Grants Pass Held Last Sunday Stout at the Esterly mine while ICE COMPANY Some times the Illinois river gets so high that con Last Friday morning a -wallow Mr. Blackmore and Mr. Stout : Phil Sawyer, Proprietor were attending the A. I. M. E. siderable acreage of good soil and farm land is taken of nicotine poison spray, mi-taken mining SOLICITS YOUR session at Baker, Oregon. for wine, proved fatal to Tony PATRONAGE down the stream with high water. nimmilil —o ■ Baffi of Takilma. The government has machinery to put into oper Mr. Baffi came to this country Mr. and Mrs. Cass Wymore ation that will prevent this, and we believe that a dis from Italy ami for the past 14 have again assumed management Excellent Coffee Shop trict should I m * formed of interested property owners years was employed on the ranch of the camp lodge at the Shona IN CONNECTION Wauna camp. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and go after a project that would clean out bottle of Ed Basye's. He has no known Wymore, who formerly operated REASONABLE RATES necks so that the river would go along without dis survivors. After taking the drink he rush the lodge, found it necessary to turbing farm land. If the land owners on the river ed to the house, telling Mrs. return to Portland on account of want this work done at absolutely no cost to them, Bayse of his mistake. lie was pressing business. WE SELL QUALITY MERCHANDISE they should lose no time in forming a district and then take the proper steps to get the work done be Se« Us For fore high water comes. SPERRY POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS The river has been known to go on a rampage and Always in the Lead when it does a lot of good farm land goes with it. This can be remedied and now is the time to do it. If Also enough interested property owners on or near the GILL BROS GARDEN SEEDS rivVr are interested enough to let us know they want Swift'« Red Steer Fertiliser« the work done, we will see that proper steps are taken Murphy’« Paint« and Varnishe« Don’t Wait Until it is to form a district and get the wheels in motion for the TOO LATE ! MACK'S SEED A FEED completion of this needed project. If not convenient STORE You can’t afford to be to call, drop us a postal card saying you want this E. C. Gay man. Prop. Without Insurance work done and we will see that the district is formed. Phone 578 614 S. 6 St. The reason we ask for your expressed interest in Grants Pass See TED ATHEY the matter is because we do not want to start some- I i I Gone inSmoke!