Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June 29, 1939 Page Four Kerby News Notes of General Interest Surprise Shower Given For Mrs. H. M. Hayden NEW ICE CREAM MACHINE FOR CITY H U American Legion About 20 members of the East­ Samuel Smith, proprietor of the * ern Star chapter gathered last Cave City drug store, has just fin­ Thursday evening, when they ished installing one of the latest * EUGENE BROWN ELECTED >4 DIRECTOR OF HIGH SCHOOL planned and carried out a delight­ ice cream machines on the pacific '■'.■'Ufi.' ful surprise handkerchief shower coast, in fact it is the first 1939 ■y The annual meeting of the for Mrs. H. M. Hayden, who with model of the Super-Cold ice cream TUESDAY NIGHT Union High school was held Mon­ Mr. Hayden anti little daughter, machine to be sold and installed in day afternoon at the high school Sara, left today, Thursday, for the state. JULY 4th The government, so we were in­ for the purpose of electing a di­ their new home in Ventura, Cali­ CT formed, liked the Super-Cold ma­ rector. Eugene Brown of O'Brien fornia. Admission 75 Cents Mrs. Hayden held office in the chine so well that they installed was the only name appearing on chapter and was one of its most 80 of them on government ships, the ballot. Sixty votes were cast McConnell Orchestra with Brown receiving 30. Other faithful members. She also as­ and from all accounts they are names were written in and Lew sisted whenever possible in all af­ giving perfect satisfaction. Soft, delicious flavored ice Hammer of Selma received 23 fairs and her charming personal­ American Legion Hall votes. Others who received writ­ ity had endeared her to everyone. cream is made in 12 minutes with ten in votes were M. Maurer, who It is hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Hay­ Super-Cold, and Mr. Smith is re­ is the retiring director, Mrs. J. J. den will make trips often to this ceiving the cream from the Arden M••••••••••II•••••••IIIII••••••I•••I•I•••III•••••••••••••••1 section for they will always re­ Farms, manufacturers of the Villair and C. H. Brooks. I famous Sun-Freze ice cream, and The budget was read and the ceive a hearty welcome. For Fourth of July DANCE Some very lovely handker- also from Grover’s in Grants Pass clerk's yearly report received. SUPPER The board held a meeting Mon- chiefs were presented to Mrs. assuring him of a plentiful supply. Hot Hamburger Lunch The machine was set up and day evening with Graham Smith Hayden by the ladies attending Including Salad and Jello Harry Floyd the party. Mrs. ready to run last Wednesday apd of Eugene, architect, present, Dessert—Coffee Plans were made for additional made the presentation with a few | the people of the valley now can rooms which will be used as class well chosen words of friendship enjoy the very latest thing in ice LADIES AUXILIARY cream. Announcement of the new rooms to be added to the high expressed by the gifts. Miss Nell Hayden during the machine is on page five of this is­ school building before this coming evening served refreshments, as- sue of The News. school year. sisted by Miss Lois Caine. ------------- o — tables and small fruits. Mrs. Helen H. Hill, who has Long wide rows for horse culti- been visiting Mrs. Dollie Duncan, Special Federal Fire vation was one of the features of has returned to her home in Port­ Laws Start July 1st the W. A. Johnson & Sons farm land. X garden on the upper river road. on the farm, not from the stand­ House which should be of interest SEEMS Special federal fire laws to Successive planting of early and point of commercial production, to all those having produce to LIKE Mrs' Ada Miller, who has been safeguard the forests from fire late vegetables has also been prac­ but in the savings to the family preserve for winter use. THEY visiting her son and his wife, Mr. during the hazardous summer ticed and a large variety of fruit in cash living expenses. Lunch was eaten in the shade and Mrs. Blake Miller, has gone months NEVER Miss Welch announced a frozen become effective on July trees in the family orchard was to Grants Pass. on the W. B. Kemy farm near WEAR pack demonstration on the after­ These special regulations observed. first, noon of July 7th at the Court i Wilderville. pertain to the requirement of a OUT! The well-planned garden of J. H. Pomeroy returned from campfire permit, except at desig­ Mrs. Fred Reynolds, lower river Seattle-to spend the week end with nated forest camps; to no smok­ road, was inspected and observe B' his family. He returned north 0 ing while traveling; and to the re­ tions made. Sunday evening. quirement of an ax, shovel and County Agent O. K. Beals point­ water bucket on all camping ed out that the area devoted to Lloyd Morrison, who spent the trips. the farm garden can easily be winter in San Luia Obispo, Cali­ The regulations that come into made the most profitable acreage fornia, has returned to his home effect July first are: in Kerby. 1— Requirement of a campfire CLASSIFIED ADS permit before buildng a camp fire Mr. and Mrs. Blake Miller have on any national forest land, ex­ FOR TRADE—About 5 dozen gone to their ranch near Anchor OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NOW READY cept at designated forest camps. quart jars for pints. Harold on Canyon creek for a few days The designated camp grounds in 8-ltc Hill, Cave Junction. vacaton. the Illinois Valley are the Gray- » back forest camp, the Store Gulch I WILL HAVE a good supply of Firecrackers, Roman Candles Sky Rockets Mrs; I I A. Peterson made a U. S. ROYALS Oregon dry land apricots, right : forest camp, and the Elk Valley U. S. TIRE trip to Grants Pass last Wednes- after July 4th for 3c a pound. forest camp. Buzz Wheels, Torpedoes, Etc. Everything you (UASO n «.•-fw day on business. 600-16 F. W. Cooper, Kerby. 8-ltp 2— No smoking will be permit- $12.76 600-16 need to help celebrate and make a noise ted while traveling, except on a $8.92 "Those Careless Kingcaids" Miss Helen Young who has been twoway surfaced road. have thoughtlessly strayed and visiting her grandmother, Mrs. 3— An axe, bucket, and shovel “Fifty Famous Sky Stories” have Ella Young, left Saturday for her will be required for each party flown away. Would anyone see­ home in Olene, Oregon. camping on the national forest ex­ ing these books, please send them cept parties« that pack in on their back to the Kerby library? Mrs. George Thrasher and back. daughter Grace, shopped in Grants Attention is called to the year FOR SALE—Beets, carrots and Pass last Wednesday. THE TIRE MAN long regulation, which prohibits onions. New fresh vegetables 643 So. 6th St., Grants Pass the use of fireworks within the from our own garden. L. Beard, Mrt F. W. Jones returned last national forests at any time. This 1 mile off left of Caves high­ Friday evenng from Crescent City Cave Junction regulation also applies to the des­ way. 8-ltp (Equip with U. S. HOYAIS NOW> after spending two weeks with her ignated forest camp grounds. •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■h niece, M rs. Ear] Tesch, who is ser- Camp fire permits may be ob­ FOR SALE—Hardwood Van for iously ill. $20.00. Mrs. O. W. Henry. tained at the Redwood Ranger 8-ltc station. Cave Junction; Cedar Mr. and Mrs Lucius Robinson Guard station on the Caves high­ WANTED — Galvanized water of Kerby, transacted business in way; the Store Gulch G. S. on the tank between 1200 and 1500 Granta Pass this week. Illinois river road; and at the sev­ gallons capacity. Andrew Holt, eral lookout stations. Holland, Oregon. 8-ltc C. L. Schumacher and Paul ------------- o------------- Hein have returned to Twin Falls. USED FURNITURE Idaho, after spending a few days Vegetable Gardens Are 4 Piece mahogi ny bedroom at the Schumacher home in Kerby. Inspected By Group Mite for $49.50 Meta! beds full size $4.50 Mrs. A. C. Barnes of Kerby Four well planned farm vege­ Springs, full size $3'.5O made a business trip to Grants table gardens were visited by 40 Walnut dinette table and Pass the first of the week. interested enrollees in the county­ * chairs | ■ wide gurden project being con­ 8.3x10.6 Axminster rug $9.85 Mrs. DeEtta Scott, Mrs. C. L. ducted by County Agent O. K. MANCHEL FURNITURE CO. Schumacher and Robert Schcu- Beals and Home Demonstration 112-114 N. 6 St., Grants Pass macher returned Monday from Agent. Nola A. Welch. O. T. Mc­ Vancouver, Washington, where Whorter, extension horticulturist, FOR SALE — Shingles, three they were called because of the accompanied the tour and dem­ grades to choose from. Redwood death of Mrs. Scott's son-in-law. onstrated the use of dusting and and pine. Woodbury Mill, spraying equipment for garden O'Brien. 7-2tp In Our Readv to Wear Department. Bud McLean went with Clem insects. SPEND A LITTLE — BUY A LOT Sauer to the head of Sucker creek On an area of 20,000 square WAITING FOR IN CAVE CITY. 1 want your to assist with the driving of cat feet, A. W Burton, Jenkins ave­ listing if you want to sell or tie. Tbe cattle will be left there nue, had 22 varieties garden veg trade your property. Elwood until «‘Inter because of the bet­ etables in addition to small fruits SPRING (OATS AND SUITS Hussey. 45-tfc ter pastpre land. and fruit trees In 1938 Mr. Bur­ —o--- ton reported this area had pro­ FOR SALE — Mining location Mr. and Mrs. Art Kellert and duced the following amounts of blanks, both quartz and placer son spetjt last week end at their produce in addition to supplying and trespass notices at home near Kerby, Mr Kellert, as the family needs of fresh vege Illinois Valley News office. chairman of the grade school tables and fruit. board attended the special meet Produce sold $ 73.00 FOR SALE — Small ranch con­ ing* of the board last Saturday. Produce canned 115.30 sisting of 10 acres with good Clearance of Spring Hats, values to $6.95, all go at $1.00 —o— house. Will be sold at a price .Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Blackmore Total $188.30 you cannot afford to pass. To­ and daughter Victoria left Wed­ It was pointed out here that tal price $500. See M. C. Athey nesday for Canyonville. Oregon, moderate irrigation and shallow at The News office. where Mr. Blackmore has employ­ cultivation is advisable ment. The Blackmores have been Mr. and Mrs. W E. Kemp of WE BUY SELL AND TRADE at living in the G. A. Peterson home Wilderville explained that by the MACK'S TRADING POST. Ready to Wear Department. Odds and Ends — Hats. Blouses north of Kerby. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, Har addition of forest leaves, barn Shorts. Sweaters. Slacks, Etc. --o ■■ ness and Farm Implements, yard manure, and commercial fer­ Mrs. Clara Magill of the Log tilizer, the soil in their family Across the street from Hout's Cabin cafe in Kerby is vacationing garden had improved to the point Shell Station. in California visiting friends and that now the small area of approx relatives. On her return home imately 15,000 square feet sup­ OLD NEWSPAPERS—one bun ! I > c N, « x < ' ■ ■ she will visit the fair on Treasure plied all of their needs for vege- One large table of close-outs. Children’s white Shoes, values up Island. In her absence her sister, COMPLETE service on all types Mr«. Henrietta Robinson will have to $1.98 a pair of domestic and commercial re charge Of the cafe with the assist the entertainment for the after­ frigerators. Will be in Cave noon and ice cream and cake for ance of'Mr* Bert Hadden. Junction every week, F o refreshments with candles and A. Rigby. Leave orders i with Wendall Jones was happily sur place cards for decorations. Pres­ The News office. 48 tfc prised last Friday afternoon when ent for the occasion were Earl and a number of hi» young friends Evelyn Horn. Rosemary Sachse, SELL IT!—If you have something you don’t need or don't want, came to help him celebrate his sev Audrey and Eileen Cooper. Max Grants Pass. Oregon why not use this column to sell enth birthday. The older sister, Morrison, "Cubby" Wilson, "Mick­ it. Costs so little and results ey" McLean, and Wendall and being hostess for Myrtice Jone» the occasion. Games furnished Dena Jones. i are astouniahing. Dance ROÏALS FOR ME! tr»»* »*. línAs*nrr Fireworks Jacobson's Variety Store "to" Skid Duckworth SALE A Pre-Ath of July Sale That Will Save You Money i/2 PRICE One-Half Regular Price Ladies Hats $1.00 Bargain Counter 59c Children’s Shoes $1.00 THE GOLDEN RULE