Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, June 29, 1939 Illinois ey SMART PEOPLE ews An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 .................. Editor Busine*« Manager M C. ATHEY L. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County $1 so .75 so One Year ..... Sis Months ... Three Month« Outside of Josephine County $2 00 One Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application \ REDWOOD ÉMPI RE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS UaitJ Smart people make the most out of a bad situation and reverses are turned to their advantage. They may nibble at the bait but seldom take the whole hook. Dye-hards don’t only nibble, they take everything in sight, hook, line, sinker and all, and then holler like the devil because they get hooked. There never was a situation so bad, nor so good, but what it could be improved upon with right think ing and right direction applied. ----------------- o----------------- “People will walk 10 blocks to spill some dirt about his fellow man, but wouldn’t walk across the street to > pat his neighbor on the back for doing something | worth while.”—Charlie Leach. ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. tn. You are invited to meet with us. . F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. MEETING “PROSPERITY” Our campaign aimed to show how “Prosperity" can be brought to all of us is causing considerable thought among some of our readers who have started their scrap book and are going to follow through. There has been many queries concerning the book, “T. N. T.—It Rocks the Earth,” by Claude M. Bristol, the theme of which opened our eyes to the great power existing in every man and woman. In view of the fact that no distributor in Southern Oregon carries this CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH book, we have made arrangements with the publishers to get a limited supply of this result getting book which may be* obtained for one dol lar. The book will make your study of this interesting theme much | Community Sunday School at clearer, and we positively know anyone who follows through with 9:45 a. m. this theme, gets what they want. 11 a. m. Preaching OPTOMETRISTS Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St Grants Pass j i Dr. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grants Pass ! remodel the garage so it can be used for that purpose. Jim Hogue, George W. Horn, F. W. Jones and William J. McLean were appoint ed as a committee to make a sur vey of fire hazards in Kerby. Rachael Thrasher, Alice Hogue, and Edna McLean were appointed as the financial committee. The next meeting was be held Mon day last at Wilson’s store. (•JllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl! INH« pl L. B. HALL FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. ------------- o HULL & HULL Beck-Johnson Nuptials Solemnized In Medford FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 Quin THE BARBER Bart McCue i JULY 4TH CAVE CITY, ORE VETERINARIAN Horse« and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 408 South 6th Street Day phone 162—Night S38 Grants Pass GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon We can make it like NEW Clarence E. Eggers Mac’s Market No. 1, S. 6th St. COME IN AND TRY THAT STEAKBURGER They are all talking about NELSON’S CAFE Grants Pass DANCE I Dr. H. W. Hermann Dr. S. E. Herman 3“ We were very agreeably surprised this week to learn that quite a few of our readers read every mes sage on “Prosperity” that we publish, and they are Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. For ultra chic you simply must have a redingote costume this trying their best to get what good they can from every Sunday. All are cordially spring. Very smart models are them. made of either navy or black silk invited. Geo. W. Horn, These are the kind of people we take a great pleas • Noise—lots of loud, ear-shattering crepe tailored to a nicety. These School Supt. noise —is the principal ingredient of are "set off” with the daintiest, Sunday ure in trying to help. Those who try to help them every child's Fourth of July cele most feminine lingerie cuffs and col ------------- o---- selves. We do not blame anyone for not accepting the bration. But the danger has been lar. Just as chic and the newest KERBY CHURCH NEWS removed. No longer need you thing out is the redingote of pure philosophy of this theme, or we cannot all see alike, worry when Junior and Sis decide to silk printed crepe, after the manner but we know that if anyone will conscientiously apply Church services every Sunday rouse the neighborhood. New me of the model pictured. This costume out the fashionable navy the mechanics of this philosophy, they cannot fail to night at 7:45 Pictures and lec chanical noisemakers have been de carries tures. Come signed to replace exploding fire and white combination in that the receive some Benefit, and the benefit will depend on An interesting service is prom crackers and miniature bombs. redingote is of navy and white print ed silk crepe worn over a white the application applied. ised for next Sunday night at the frock. Very up to the minute. Some of you may think it ridiculous that we re Kerby church. Special musical peat the same things over and over again, but we program at 7:45, followed by a film entitled, "2500 want to call your attention to the fact, that is just stereoptican Years of History in 213 Words." what we all have to do to make this theme successful All free. Bring your neighbors. I'm Hog Enough to Want Your Busine«« —Repeat, believe, know, keep thinking the same thing Service will c|ose at 9:00 p. And Man Enough To Appreciate It until is occurs. It will if you believe and keep think sharp. -------------o— KEITH S MARKET ing it will. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Don’t forget that water dripping on a stone will CHURCH gradually wear a hole through it. The same holds school 10:00 a. nt. good for thought. Constantly applied thought will Sunday Preach:ng, 11 a. m. wear down any resistance, and if continually applied, Preaching 8 p. m. conscientiously, honestly, it will eventually succeed, Illinois Valley Grange but always remember that it must be a just and good Last Sunday was an ertremely thought. This theme works both ways—It’s dyna busy day at the old church. Sun OLD TIME day School was good and a nice mite when used for a wrong purpose. crowd for the morning sermon, It is our inherit birth right to have all the good In the afternoon about 30 gather on this things anyone can enjoy. Make up your mind what ed at the Sucker creek bridge and young lady's face expression Is not due to fright. seven young folk obeyed the Lord The sparkler gun which slip holds is you want and keep it constantly before you. That is and were baptized ib the Bible guaranteed safe. It shoots out SATURDAY, the way to make your dreams come true. Never for teaches. sparks, but they will not cause fire. a moment doubt the result. If this is done honestly About 50 people gathered for JULY 1 and conscientiously, you will lie master of the situa the evening service and special music was supplied by the differ tion and your desires realized. Good Music ent musicians. The James broth — ------ o------------ ---- ers are talented young musicians Admission 50c and played two number*. We al WHAT /\ MAN! Illinois Valley Grange Hall ways enjoy Mrs. Florence Hallock, When William Allen White takes his pen in hand to discuss men and affairs he writes something that is worth reading. Recently the editor from Empor ia, Kansas, took a trip east and visited in Washing ton, New York and Boston. Upon his return he wrote an editorial concerning a visit, to the White House. His impressions of President Roosevelt are set forth in White’s customary vigorous style: “I found him rugged; the six years of his hard life in the White House have not broken him,” says the Sage of Emporia. “Indeed he seems less harrassed by events than he was two or three years ago. He is unperturbed by the calamities of the time, husky and has lost none of his charm. We heard him talk for an hour and a quarter upon a most delicate subject to 150 editors one evening’’—White was then president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors. “For the most part, at least 50-50, these editors came into * »*oom hostile to him. They went out at least 901 ent with their guards down—pleased. The old ' su. : still has its pulling power; the old manner a gay Kerby Club Organizes candor with a light and sophisticated touch-and-go, To Protect Homes happy, ingratiating, still magnetic. “But Lord how they hate him. I don’t mean the Last Monday evening a meeting editors. I mean his enemies, who are mostly in the of the Kerby fire prevention club was held at Wilson s store. Wm. privileged classes. Not since Grover Cleveland . . . J. McLean was elected fire chief, have I seen and heard such hate, such venomous, spite H. II. Wilson treasurer, and F. W. ful, wicked, malicious hate poured upon any man. In Jones secretary. A campaign was the last six months of his White House days. Hoover planned to bring fire protection to the various homes in Kerby by was our head devil. Upon him we visited our sins. making use of available water. “How this man now in the White House, who must The fire truck has recently been know how a certain section of Americans loathes him, repaired and they have bought lies about him, cover him with their slime; how he can 150 feet of new hose. Millie Tre- fethen has donated the use of her smile and keep sweet and saw wood, i sa major mir garage to house the fire truck and acle to this affiant... What a man!” R. B Phillips has volunteered to A. J. OSTRANDER, M. D. C. M. Physician and Surgeon Cave Junction, Oregon Print Redingote Last Sunday. June 25th, the wedding of Miss Frances Beck and Forrest Johnson was solemnized at the home of Charles Cingcade at Medford, at a very pretty cer emony with about 30 friends pres ent. ---------------------O------ ------ -- Following the ceremony a boun KERBY UNION SUN. SCHOOL tiful wedding supper was served her soprano solo furnished the evangelistic note which we try to build into every Sunday night service. She will sing for us again/ next Sunday- night. The James brothers have agreed to bring their guitars and Gene Vance will be there with his saxo- phone. If you like music we ad- vise you to come early. The speak ers theme will be "Winning a Bride,” a beautiful old Testament love story in type. We are doing our very best to make these services interesting and instructive. We have no time to preach doctrine or church creeds. Our motto is, "No book but the Bible and no creed but Christ.” Communion will be ser ved Sunday morning at the church. We hope to meet you Sunday- night at the "Little Church with the Big Welcome.*' Ed Wright, Pastor. --------------o------------- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY to the guests and later the happy young couple left midst a shower of rice on a honeymoon trip that took them to Crater and Diamond lakes. They are now at home to their many friends in the valley at the Wl A. Johnson home in Holland. -------------- o-------------- Alton Duncn has returned from Arizona where he visited with his wife and daughter. -------------- □-------------- Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grants Pas* Laundry PHOTOGRAPHS Developing and Printing Camera* and Supplies Artcraft Camera Shop Bridge view 113 N. 6th St. a □ F H A LOANS SAVE WITH ICE BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH AN ICE BOX is EASY TO BUY and ECONOMICAL to USE A papei roll is led through this "gun." A plunger worked by com pression. crashes against the paper, with the same noise effect as the smashing of an air-Hlled paper hag. Grants Pass Valley Lumber Co. Phone 47 West F St. —■ > I REDWOODS HOTEL I Granta Pass ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE COMPANY Phil Sawyer, Proprietor SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES WE SELL QUALITY MERCHANDISE Gone n ói Smoke. Working on the same principle, this gun Is fastened to the end of a stick. It is tired by tapping It against the sidewalk. Manufactur ers are developing more and more knick-knacks to insure a noisy, but safe and sane Fourth of July. See Us For SPERRY POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS Always in the Lead : Also GILL BROS GARDEN SEEDS Swift'« Red Steer Fertiliser« I Murphy'« Paint* and Varnishes Don’t Wait Until it is i TOO LATE! I : : : ! You can’t afford to be : : I : : Without Insurance See TED ATHEY I (»•»«••••S »••«»•»••••••»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••« £ : : : MACK'S SEED A FEED STORE E. C. Gayman, Prop. Phone 578 514 S. 6 St Grants Pass IHUillHNHfllHIHHIHHIHlmiWIK