Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1939)
Illinois Valley News. Thursday, June 22, 1939 ( AVE CITY THEATER MINER’S SUPPLIES! i A SPECIALTY I i I I General Merchandise i for Every Family i Need I i i I i Lew Hammer's i I Selma, Oregon I « STA1MBRUF PROCESS March of Time Cave City Dress Shop Wittrock's Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma 1 Call: Wed. and Sat. I ARNOLD’S SPECIAL COFFEE Per Pound 18c 2 Pounds for .......... 35c ♦ Arnold’s Dodge Pickup $725*00 I WANTED - NO MASTER NEWS OF THE DAY I I I I I I i QJ«iitaattatt •« aMMMMMatMMeMeeeeMMMawaeeaeeeeeeeoMt««^ | Plu. Ì Agencies Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Schumach- 1 er and Paul Hein returned to Cave Junction last Wednesday from Twin Falls, Idaho. On their way back to the valley they stopped in Portland and Camas, Washington, where they visited with Mrs. Hein and her parents for a few days. They expect to remain for a week or more. Mr. Schumacher and Mr. Hein have their eyes on a store at Twin Falls. Idaho, but it will take a little time to make the deal they want, so in the meantime they returned to their old horn«- to visit for a few days. GROCERY The state electrical inspector made a visit through the valley Cave Junction Wednesday, ami inspected the lighting system at the Rainbow e .......................................... Gardens, found them in good con Send The News to your friends dition. I I I FRENCH LAUNDRY! I & DRY CLEANERS I Page Three Roland Young. Mr. Allas and Constance Bennett prior to their trip to the Riviera in Hal Roach's “Topper lakes a Trip,” the new comedy at the ... . Theatre. COMING SOON TO THE CAVE CITY THEATRE Summer ’it’ Fishin9 9n9 Stuff SAT., SUN., June 21-25 CAVE CITY THEATER "<0 American Legion Will Hold a 4th of July DANCE DELIVERED IN ILLINOIS VALLEY OWL CAFE Automotive Service Garner's Regular Meals and Short Orders DODGE 621 East “M” Street Fried Chicken our Specialty Cave Junction PLYMOUTH Grants Pass —with— ®....................................................................................... T exaco • Gas, Oil, Greases Angleworms . . . twisted pin . . . piece ot string . . . willow branch. It all spells summer, which makes its official bow to North America on June 22. (IdwdiiMIG/ ILLINOIS VALLEY MOTOR CO. G. A. Hicks, Prop. Gf............................................................. EJ fEXPERT REPAIRS | All Work Guaranteed I MURPHY HICKS [ I ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGEf QlHIIIIIl'IIIIHIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIHII'lll.......... I................... gj O-................................................. ASK FOR ♦ Keitel's PERFECTION | BREAD ♦ At Your Grocer .............................. ................................<—•••••■...................... ........ ........i..................... «......... Ç The Seal of Approval Awarded by the American In-1 stitute of laundering after ; Pas-ing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon j day nd Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY | •‘Since 1900'' ........................«•••<•.... ...... ............ 0 Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland Safe Driving Must Be Efficient Driving | Miners | | I i There is no moratorium this year. You must do your assessment work. When you have com- pleted this, it is necessary for you to make out a proof of labor form and file it with the county clerk. .nd MOVIETONE NEWS WED. - THURS. June 28 - 29 In attention and speed are of ten the true causes of accidents Josephine County which dricers attempt to explain IT PAYS TO LISTEN MILLS by saying, “I didn’t see the other Beati The Ads car (or the pedestrian) .in time Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds to stop»'' declared Secretary of Stu e Earl Snell in a recent dis Phone 123 Grants Pass cussion of the traffic safety prob lem. CLASSIFIED ADS “Safe driving,” explained Snell, WANTED—Good gentle saddle ‘'must be efficient driving, and horse, for cash. Cave City I’ark. the first rule of efficient driving 7-1 tc is constant attention to every sign, movement and circumstance FOR RENT Modern 1 « within the driver’s range of vi WITH HER house. See Bert Watkins. 7-..c sion.’ The drivers who explain that LOST — Man’s vest, color brown wool. Leave at Jacobson's Var they did r.ot see the object in time to stop before striking it are iety store. Dr. R. J. Bestul. 7-ltp telling the truth, but before such tatements can be accepted as FOR SALE — Shingles, thiec ■a isfactory explanations it is nee- grades to choose from. Redwood e sary to go a step further and and pine. Woodbury Mill, determine W1H the driver did not O’Brien. 7-2tp see the object in time to .stop safely. SPEND A LITTLE— BUY A LOT This second step in the investi IN CAVE CITY. I want your gation will, in almost all cases, listing if you want to sell or bring out th«- fact that the driver trade your property. Elwood was not paying attention to the Hussey. 45-tfc | circ ur... t-.ices under which he was FOR SALE — Mining location driving or he was traveling too blanks, both quartz and placer fast for existing conditions. Even though evidence indicates and trespass notices at the that the driver swerved his car Illinois Valiev News office. ami applied his brakes in a fran FOR SALE — Small ranch con tic effort to avoid th«- collision sisting of 10 acres with good the unpleasant fact that he was house. Will be sold at a price going too fast to stop remains self you cannot afford to pass. To evident. The high per centage of serious tal price $">00. See M. C. Athey accidents on the streets and high ii)li value ONLY at The News office. ways during hours of darkness is trim tlifhtfy hlfh«r) wi BUT SELL AND TRat traceable to the tendency of driv MACK'S TRADING POST. ers to travel faster than driving You, too, will be pleated with Furniture, Stoves. Tools, Har conditions justify. When a driver ness and Farm Implements. fails to adjust his speed to permit this bargain value. It will give Across the street from Hout s a safe stop within the distance you e great deal of enjoyment Shell Station. clearly illuminated by the head lights of his car he is failing to *— end better fatting coffee OLD MBWSPAPERS me ba die 10c News Office Siti | keep the car under safe control. 365 deyt e year. Pyre« brand The sudden appearance of an ob COMPLETE service on all types ject on the street, highway ahead flen. of domestic and commercial re places the driver among those who frigerators. Will be in Cave Junction every Thursday. F. “didn't see it in time to stop.” Efficient driving makes it nec A. Rigby. Leave orders with WITH uma BOWL HANOU The News office. 48-tfc essary for the driver to be pre- ' SELL IT!—If you have something pared to stop at any time within ROGUE RIVER you don’t need or'don’t want, the distance he knows to be clear HARDWARE CO, why not use this column to sell I ahead of his rar. --------------o- .. it. Costs so little and results Where Most People Trade are astounishing. Subscribe for the News Grants Pass We have the necessary blanks to fill in. i Come in to The News office and buy your blanks. ................................................................................. i