Page Seven Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 11, 1939 I HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO THE NEWS Be Ready to Sign (¡range Referendum Home Economics Club Elects Year’s Officers ■ Miners Should Do Assessment Work COMING TO THE FOR SALE—Pigs, O. F. Lee. first house south of White school. 1-1 tp Instead of placing the entire The Home Economics Unit met There is no telling what the burden upon the circulators of the at the home of Mrs. Florence Hal- government will do about assess- petitions to get signatures, I wish 1 lock with 22 people present. After merit moratoriums for prospects Mr. and iir< Lew Hammer to urge Grange members to go out a pot luck dinner which was en and mines this year, and the min of their way to sign the petitions. joyed by all, the president Mrs. ers who want to hold their pro When the committee is announced Wilber opened the meeting. Elec perties should do their assessment in your Grange, why not seek tion of officers for the coming work and take no chances. General Merchandise out the committee and indicate years was the first order of busi The moratorium may and may ness. Those elected were as fol your desire to sign the petitions? not pass. If it does all miners who for Every Family While, of cobrse, it will be nec lows: President, Mrs. E. A. do not do their work are protected essary for the circlulators to call Breech, vice president. Mrs. S. S. but if they do not pass and the Need upon many of the voters to secure Bunch, secretary. Lena Payne, moratorium, all will have to do the the signatures, we can all help Treasurer, Mrs. E. J. Wilber. i assessment work. The home demonstration agent and make the work lighter. We do There is a strong sentiment in net expect to confine the petition Nola Welch gave a book review, Washington against enacting the Selina, Oregon circulation to the committee that entitled “The Log Cabin Woman’’ moratorium again this year, and is appointed. If any other Grange which was enjoyed by all. After some of the wise ones predict that member is willing to circulate a ¿1 short visiting period the meeting it will not be done, so the miners 1 petition, just write to the state was adjourned to meet in June at -hould do their work and be pro Fl the domestic science room in the tected. 1 Grange headquarters. NOBBY Those who circulate petitions Kerby high school, where the 4-H -------------- o-------------- club girls will display their work. ’ should remember that the state CARD OF THANKS TOP ! law requires that the circulator - - o We wish to express our sincere SHOP shall see the actual signing of the Mrs. C, C. Babcock, president thanks and appreciation to the Le : petition by the registered voter. of the Illinois Valley Garden club, gion, Ladies Auxiliary and to all : J State law also prohibits any pay Mrs. H. O. Smith, state vice-pres friends for the kindness and sym f : ment to circulators for securing ident, Mrs. Sam Bunch and Mrs. pathy and beautiful floral offer TENTS — AWNINGS : names. A. A. Johnson will leave next ings in the loss of our beloved CANVAS GOODS Let us not underrate the import Sunday for Forest Grove to at husband and brother. ance of this referendum. The tend the annual meeting of the HARNESS AND SHOE Mrs. Patricia Gahler. 1 Grange has long been a defender State Federation of Garden clubs. Mrs. Lydia Frohnmaier. REPAIRING 1 of our Direct Primary Election Mrs. Robert Harris, president of Laws On several occasions political Grants Pass club will join them. CLASSIFIED ADS leaders have tried to return us to E. C. TAYLOR the old convention system and this Mrs. Dora I. Brown entertain- Presi. bill is just another step in that di ed at an afternoon tea at her home FOR SALE—Ice refrigerator, in quire at News office. 1 tf rection. Fraternally, Ray W. Gill, the Willadora on the Redwood 406 S. 6th St. COW COMFORT — Buy your : Master Oregon State Grange. ! highway last Wednesday, the fol- Grants Pass stock and household fly sprays i C. H. Brooks of Deer Creek will i lowing guests: Mesdames Martha in bulk at Pruitt’s Feed Store. ■Ê be at the Chamber of Commerce ,Webb, Mary E. Seat, Mabie Dar- 506 M. St., Grants Pass, Ore building in Cave Junction, Friday, i ger, Lillie Peters, Florence Green, gon. 2-ltc E" May 12th between the hours of 12 Maud Watkins and the hostess, FOR SALE — Acre ground, house o’clock noon and 1:00 p. m. with , Many games were played, one of and furniture, woodshed, chick Franciscan Pottery a petition. Those who wish to sign ’ them being the popular Chinese en house, garden, strawberry it in the city can go to the C. of C. checkers. ¡Roseville Vases patch, some wood. Price $500. building and do so. i Chase Chromium Gifts W. E. Martindale, Kerby, Ore. If you want to have this bill Picnic lunch for children and 1-ltp LHotpoint Appliances put on the next ballot, go to the parents of the Kerby grade school petition. building and sign this district will be on Holton Creek, OLD NEWSPAPERS—one bun- : Thor Washers I Other grange members also have Friday, May 19, the last day of die 10c News Office 51tf Philco Radios a petition to sign. Read what this school. It is being sponsored by bill does, then make up your Kerby P.-T. A. and they request COMPLETE service on all types of domestic and commercial re : mind to see it changed. each one to bring their own sil- frigerators. Will be in Cave ■ ' —o................. verware and cups. Junction every Thursday. F. Come to the Legion dance, Sat : A. Rigby. Leave orders with urday, May 13. Music by McCon Dave White, Dollie Brenham and The News office. 48-tfc nell’s five piece orchestra. Prices Ruth Watts motored to Gasquet Complete Electric and Radio Service usual and GRAND prize. last Sunday to attend the ball WANTED TO BUY—Furniture, Next to Golden Rule, game. stoves, all kinds of tools, har Grants Pass Mrs. Ralph T. Baumberger and ness and implements. Mack's IL T. Baumberger, Sr., made a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watkins Trading Post, across from □............................................................. E business trip to Grants Pass last were transacting business in Hout's Shell Oil station, Cave Send The News to your friends week end. I Grants Pass Tuesday of this week. ! Junction. 49-tfc ♦ ♦ ♦ Brownell Electric Cave City Theater SPEND A LITTLE—BUY A LOT IN CAVE CITY. I want your listing if you want to sell or trade your property. Elwood Hussey. 45-tfc Saturday and Sunday» May 13 14 Ratite ** & Everythin? SELL IT!—If you have something you don't need or don't want, why not use this column to sell it. Costs so little and results are astounishing. ? MÊNJOU • OAKIE • HALEY Trailing Animal Stories MGM News BOXING MATCH—Two Weeks from toright, on May 83rd, there will be a boxing match that may develop into a grudge fight, between Bert Watkins, 190 pounds and Harry Welch, 185 pounds. It is intimated the referee will be blindfolded and the boys can do anything but bite and kick. This is going to be worth seeing. Admission is only 25 cents. Wednesday and Thunday May 17 18 Village Blacksmith Paramount New* NOTICE OF WARRANT SALE ■ Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. on the fifth day of June, 1939, and immediately . thereafter publicly opened by the School District Board of Union High School District No. 1, Jose phine County, Oregon, at the schoolhouse, in Kerby, Oregon, for an issue of warrants of said school district in the amount of forty two hundred dollars ($4, 200.00), said warrants to be dat ed, June 6, 1939, and to mature serially in numerical order as fol lows: $840.00 on June 6, 1939. $840.00 on June 6. 1940.' $840.00 on June 6, 1941. $840.00 on June 6, 1942. $840.00 on June 6. 1943. Said warrants to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 4"< per annum payable semi annually, principal and interest payable at ! the office of the clerk of said school district of Josephine coun- ty, Oregon. Said warrants were duly auth orized at an election held on the 8th day of October, 1938. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of U m bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EFFIE M. SMITH, Clerk Union High School Dis trict. No. 1. Josephine County, Ore gon. Publication dates: May 11, 1939. May 18. 1939. May 25, 1939. -i>y ||S| r % CHECK OUR STORE for £ FIRST! MOTHER’S DAY—SUNDAY, MAY 14 We Have the Gift Your Mother Wants •V with ISSllÆjl®!1— Saolad Machanism All-Steel Cabinet Stainless Steel Super-Freeier I g - Sliding Shelves ■nd a long list of other notable contribu tions to better refrig- ■ration at less cost. IH 5» » Now (hit 1939 blue-ribbon G-E Refrigerator give» yow fo, rtCO*’"* Selective Air Conditions i 1. Sub-Frming St ar agi. • 2. Law Tim- paraturi with High Humidity Storage. • 3. Moderata Timperatute, High Humidity Qn«s I ’ Storage. • 4. Safety- Zane Cenerai Storage. — $2S1 gtGUl>* M-»® i Help Mother brighten her work and kitchen with a $^0» f \ ScH Ä / I >. Y GENUINE f f “ ä -41 7 < t wk ■. «jCEi Trays that release two or more cubes at a time — freeze up to 48 lba. of ice in 24 hours. General Electric’s New Adjustable Interior Arrangements. TODAY t M ICIS AM LOWEST IN O-l HISTORY sad easy Itrai ir $te; Gt! Mt « ¡ ni* ? SILEX COFFEE MAKER *3« TREASURE SPECIAL G-Es different combination! of tem perature and humidity keep food« at their fullest, finest flavor—preiervo health-giving vitamini—provide the molt practical lowcost method for food preservation known today. Both your food and your investment are safe in the General Ek trie—it’s built for keep»!’' CCD G-E'» New Quick- ’3” ,.lu. only F ’2” (redtH* slifkHv Mffcar) These and many other useful (ifts a display at our store— V CHECK OUR VALUES! ELECTRIC GENERAL e • HARDWARE BARGAINS stf* *** *’• 10 Qt. Galvanised Pail SO Ft. 5 8 Ribbed Ply Hole 1 at S herwin -W illiams Ijj, FREE BOOK Paint flcie — ßry irttr 1919 Mom« Dec<xi*or by Rockwell <e**’ Hire it s tint ed>**on by on* ,t Amend I f«»o» »e srt*sH md writ- .•*» Slop m tode, to* your copy All »or •ntor’nstion on piyng fo» you» pamt leb 6, the moots No down payment can- r<act .nciodn labor and material and ftmt payment ,tn t du« until 30 days alter the wnrk <• complited ................... 19c 20 Gal Garbage Can $1.19 $2.49 4 Tine Spading Fork 89c Grau Kitchor 59c 6 Inch Riveted Blade Garden Hoe 49c Ai« 19c Steel Leaf Rake 59c Handle The New (¡eneral Electric (’leaner H rr ¿fAAIETY is now in stock. You will be surprised at the low price and the pleas ure of cleaning with it. ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO Where Most People Trade J Grants Pass, Oregon