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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 11, 1939 FEET HURT If they do, we can correct most of the difficulty Review of Kerby Grade]School Jj - ARCHES and PADS In April. 1937, when Alva Laws took the principalship an intensive Moderate Price» campaign of baseball practice was inaugurated for both boys and Fine Workmanship girls. As there were no zone games as now the teams played off at SHOE CRAFTS the play day in Grants Pass. The SHOP all boys team was not very suc cessful but the girls team won the Chas. E. Bickwell county championship that year. 611 “Hustling H” Street In 1938 the county was divid- , Grants Pass ed into four zones for baseball playoffs. There was only one team 1 classification, that of a boys team, i This team could include girls as Congratulations Illinois Vai ley News. We believe the co-op well as boys. This year the Kerby erative spirit of Illinois Valley grades team did not reach the is the secret of its progress county finals but did win its own district championship. In 1939 the prospects of having WE SELL QUALITY a good team were rather poor since MERCHANDISE mostk of the older players had See U» for graduated leaving a group of Sperry Poultry and Dairy Feeds young and small players ranging Always in the lead in age from 10 years to 13 years Also Gill Bros. to choose a team from. However, Garden seeds-Swift’s Red steer even under the handicap of having fertilizers and Murphy's Paints young and for the most part in and varnishes experienced players as far as in tra-school baseball was concerned, MACK'S SEED A FEED STORE Kerby grades again came through E. C. Gayman, Prop. with the district mixed team Phone 578 514 So. 6th championship. The only game lost this year to a mixed team was to Fort Vannoy to see which team Send The News to your friends would get to play in the county Made to Your Order 0 fl School Improvement In the fall of 1937 the school curriculum was partly reorgan ized and an attempt was made to partially departmentalize the work. This system while carried out for only four subjects was highly sat isfactory. One teacher handled the music and writing through the whole school, another teacher took the art work and a third teacher handled the manual training. For the first time in the his tory of the school a full school op eretta was given at Christmas time which won the praise of all who saw it. The art students turned out many fine soap carvings and a start was made in learning fingei painting. The boys learned the use of the elementary tools and turned out many interesting and useful pieces of woodwork. This year under Mrs. Peterson there has been splendid improve ment in writing with many of the fl Gold Canyon Pony Ranch Kerby, Oregon, Wm. P. Greiner, Owner fl HOME FOR BOYS, 11 YEARS AND OLDER « fl « fl championship for mixed teams. This year's team membership was composed of Dean and Ellis Ty cer, Rob Roy, • Frank McLean, Duane Le Van, Byron Slack, Lee Hassler, George Kellert, Bob Rey nolds, Jack Sowell, Lewis Schu macher and Norma McCrady. FREE RIDING HORSE FURNISHED EACH BOY Under the Personal Supervision of Wm. P. Greiner RATES $35.00 PER MONTH LITERATURE ON REQUEST & fl I fl 9 0 & students trying for their writing certificates. Miss Roberson has developed finger painting and art work and has very greatly improved the | music program of the school. A regular course in manual training was not carried on this year, but a combination of man ual training and art fibre weav ing was developed by Alva Laws. A display of completed fibre work was shown in Grants Pass and there were many comments that the students work compared very favorably with the best commer cial work that could be bought. On the basis of a comprehensive testing program using the New- Stanford Achievement tests and the county semester tests the scholastic achievement of the en tire school has risen each of the past two years. The primary department under Mrs. Peterson shows a very decid ed gain in achievement over last year's record In the intermediate department the lead has risen steadily under the teaching of Miss Roberson. In the upper divi sion Mr. Laws’ pupils have shown decided improvement over last years. The seventh grade of this year show greater improvement over last year's seventh grade than this year’s eighth grade shows over last year’s eighth grade. On the basis of the county semester tests this year's seventh grade ranks 20.33 per cent higher than last year’s seventh grade. The eighth grade this year car ried two additional classes that had not been taught in that grade here tofo-e. This year the eighth grade shows a general average in all subjects of the county semester tests and the achievement tests, that is 12.72 per cent better than the class of last year showed on the basis of the same class of tests. In the Legion scholarship tests given last year the Kerby eighth grade won 6 of the 10 awards in cluding first in the girls division. These tests were given to the stu dents of the Deer Creek and Il linois Valley eighth grades. For the tihrd consecutive year Kerby will play host to the eighth grades of the schools of Dryden, Central, Selma, White, Holland, Takilma. Spence, Rockydale, O’Brien and Kerby for the eighth Page Three grade graduation to be held in will complement that of Mr. Dere the Kerby high school gymnasium miah, assisting the housewife as he Monday evening. May 15th at 8 does the farmer. o’clock. The home supervisor's task is to Play Day help a family live within its in Last year for the first time all come, at the same time increase its the schools of the Illinois Valley standard of living, Mr. Deremiah and Deer Creek valleys were in said. vited to join with Kerby in a half --------------o-------------- day Play Day and May Day cele Come to the Legion dance, Sat- bration which was so completely irday, May 13. Music by McCon- successful that this year instead lell’s five piece orchestra. Prices of just a half day the school boards isual and GRAND prize. of the various districts allowed their schools to come to Kerby Send The News to your friends for a full day of sports and enter tainment. The fine spirit shown by all taking part in our Play Day was an outstanding feature of the pro gram. Highest scoring of this year's meet goes to Holland school with MOTEL 53 points. The balance of scor ing was as follows: Kerby 52, Selma 34, Rockydale 26, Central O’Brien, Oregon 17, Takilma 16 and White 15. while Dryden and Spence tied with MODERN 7 all. The program for the day was CABINS as follows: The day from 9 a. m. to 12 noon was given over to track There are two place* to eat and field events exclusively. The Here and Home afternoon began with group sing ing by all pupils of the valley un Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balzke der the direction of Mrs. Coovert. The primary children then gave a folk dance and May pole wind ing directed by Mrs. Peterson and Miss Roberson. Congratulations to The rest of the afternoon was given over to baseball. The Kerby THE NEWS team lost the right to play in the county championship game at Grants Pass, by losing to Fort Vannoy by a score of 20 to 3. After the feature game of the Illinois Valley afternoon another game was play ed between teams made up of Meat Co. players from Kerby and Selma, called the North End team and players from Takilma and Rocky Good Prime Steer dale, called the South End team. The South enders won. Beef Alva Laws, director of Play day, these past two years wishes to take ! Cave Junction, Oregon this opportunity to thank all who have helped in making these two days the success they have been. ••I••!•••I•••I••MIIII•II•••••M•••••••I••I•••••••••••••••••••••••J | | Waldo L............. 4 New Federal Home Supervisor at G. P. Congratulations to The News A new federal employee for Tosephine county took office Thursday with the appointment of DREWS HOTEL Miss Bernice Kellogg as home su- AND CAFE >ervisor for the Federal Security idministration office in the Lund- ROOMS 50 CENTS »urg, building, Grants Pass. Dir ector J. W. Deremiah announced, and up 'he was transferred here from <lamath Falls. Regular Meats and Miss Kellogg will assist farm Short Orders amilies who wish to obtain loans ’rom the FSA in drawing up a Marie Wilson, Prop •omplete home economics plan for Cave Junction, Ore. he year, with every form of home jxpendtiture budgeted. Her work ±........................................................... 11 I Placque for efficient and distinguished service awarded Gainer Automotive Service Company by Chrysler Corp. We Congratulate The News ON THEIR SECOND ANNIVERSARY May You Live Long and Prosper The finest bathroom baritone is spoiled by chat ON' THEIR EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY tering teeth—but there's never a chatter after We hope to have the privilege of rendering to our patrons in the Illinois Valley the same fine cooperation and service you have given Vour clientele during your business career in Grants Pass. an automatic electric water heater enters the house. For then the water is always piping hot, ond there's plenty for baths, dishes and washing. The Camera want to thank the good people of the Illinois Valley for their loyal pat ronage, and hope to have the privilege to continue to serve you. Our Service Depart ment is capable of taking care of all makes of cars but we specialize in Dodge and Plymouth. Give your family the benefits that hot water bestows. You can do it easily and inexpensively with our budget plan Why not phone for complete details on the purchase of an automatic electric Carnet Automotive Service Co DODGE hot water system today. PLYMOUTH The California Oregon Power Company