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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 11, 1939 Page Eleven ing 1939. Counties which receive □' the aid, based on the necessity for control and eradication of preda tory animals and on financial co operation, are as follows: Baker, Illinois Valley News, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jackson, Cave Junction, Oregon, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Marion. Gentlemen: Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Wal The California Oregon Power lowa, Wasco and Wheeler. company wishes at this time to ex o tend its hearty congratulations to the Illinois Valley News upon the celebration of its second anniver Bulletins Available sary. At Forest Service Since another year has passed, there have been some important G. E. Mitchell, supervisor, Siski developments in the Illinois Val you National Forest announces the ley, among which have been the forest service has available for further extension of our service free public distribution, bulletins lines to more adequately serve its and circulars covering subjects on residents. At the present time the General Forestry. Forest Protec company is spending a large am- tion, Forest Botany, Silviculture, out of money in re-routing the and Utilization of Forest Products. present line between Wilderville Detailed information concern and Selma. We have recently ex ing specific subjects may be se tended our line from O’Brien to cured from the supervisor’s head the new resort. Rainbow Gardens, quarters, Federal Building, Grants and we expect in all probability Pass, Oregon. to build an extension along the ------------ o------------ Caves highway past the Anderson Mrs. Lucille Floyd, Mrs. Helen Sawmill. Other contemplated ex Ulrich, Mrs. Florence Hallock, her tensions are being worked on and sister Mrs. Carol Martin and Mrs. it is only a matter of time when W. F. Darger attended the lunch our facilities will be available to eon and conference of the South a greater number of people. ern Oregon D. A. R. held at the We feel that we have been a Medford hotel last Saturday. partner in the rapid growth and -- progress of this valley and the F H A LOANS greater we can make our service available the more it will help pro BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH mote commercial and agricultural activities and in general help the Valley Lumber Co. growth of the entire district. West F St. Phone 47 Again we congratulate you and wish to assure you of our contin ued cooperation and good faith in any enterprise which will help the WALT’S Illinois Valley. Very truly yours, RADIO SHOP F. L. BREWER. District Maager. OFF IN THE CORNER CALIFORNIA OREGON WITH PHIL SNORT POWER COMPANY SENDS GREETINGS Strychnia, or strychnine, one of the most powerful poisons known, a poison that will kill any form of animal life if administered as a poison and not as a stimulant, now comes our county agent and says that it will not kill quail. pheasant or chickens. I wonder how many residents of the Illinois valley, who read either the News or the Courier, who believe this poppycock. I will tell you how this question can be settled: Buy your selves a 25 cent package of poikon barley and feed it to your chick ens. I do not believe many are going to chance the risk. Just what the scientist can do to strychnine that will cause it to kill ground squirrels and be harmless to quail, pheasants, silver grey squirrels— in fact, any seed eating bird or mammal, is more than I know, or anyone else, for that matter. As a member of the Kerby Rod and Gun club I have been designa ted to write a serial of letters, pointing out the causes of wild life disappearance and the means of restoration. I have been a firm friend to wild life conservation for more than a quarter century; I hate hypocrisy in any form; I hate any science that interferes, in an.y way, with God’s plans; I pity any so-called scientist who is so ignorant that he will upset the Almighty’s plans by “improving” on them; I more than pity these “scientists” who think they know more than God Almighty Himself. NEW CAVE CITY In days past and gone I 1 have pointed out, both in verse and prose, that man is the most . de- structive predatory animal on DEEP CUT PRICES earth. You can not point out any other animal on earth, other than -------------- o-------------- man, that has contributed to wild life destruction. Before the advent Exceptional Pinochle of man—“white man'—to our For southern Oregon, our forests and Hands Held at Party waters were teeming with wild-life MOTHERS DAY Recently Mr. and Mrs. George and there was no destruction by W. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Alva any predatory animal. Nature so Mother’s Day Cards Laws were having an1 evening's balanced things that the carnivor Mother’s Day Candy entertainment of pinochle at the = ous feated and the herbivorous ENGAGEMENT AND Martins. Mr. Martin and Mrs. thrived. WEDDING RINGS Laws were partners and Mr. Laws When white man found his way and Mrs. Martin were partners. All Diamond* Guaranteed I to our forests here, he found In Nearing the end of a perfect dians, couger, bear, wildcats, fish evening, the bidding became spir ers, wolves and many other preda ited between the two gentlemen, tory small animals, and, in addi PHOTOGRAPHS finally Mr. Laws sold out to Mr. tion to these, he found herb eat Developing and Printing Martin for a 750 bid, thinking it ing fauna of all kinds. The Indians Cameras and Supplies was impossible to make the bid. fished with bone fish-hooks, spears Mr. Martin asked his partner if Artcraft Camera Shop and arrows; they hunted with she had any spades and she handed 113 N. 6th St. Grants Pass spears and arrows; the cougar ate ______________________________ what deer he needed; bobcats, him enough to make 1500 trumps. Mr Laws asked his partner if fisher, foxes, mink and martin fed she had any diamonds, and she Del Rogue Coffee Shop mostly on rodents; wolves and would have made him 1500 trumps Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Patterson coyotes fed upon rabbits, rodents as well. These two exceptional and fish, and many of them were OPEN ALL DAY killed by salmon poisoning. Some hands broke up the game. We Welcome You Anytime ------------ o wolves are immune from salmon Grants Pass Department Allocates poison, as are some dogs. Since I have been here I have been a Predatory Animal F’unds ?........................................ '0 number of coyotes dead from sal- EXPERT REPAIRS. :: poison. All the foregoing white The allocation of the $36,000 : man found here and no destruction appropriated by the recent session AU Work Guaranteed going on, no need for rehabilita of the legislature to provide for | MURPHY HICKS tion in woods or waters. God did state aid to counties in employing = ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE not extract strychnine from harm predatory animal hunters was an E......................................................... 4) less plants and broadcast it to kill nounced this week by Dr. W. H. predacious animals or obnoxious Lytle, chief of the animal industry rodents division of the state department Notary Publics I am in this wild-life conserva of agriculture. AMY HUSSEY tion matter in dead earnest; I Under the provisions of an of M. C. ATHEY mean it will do by word or deed, ficial order, $17,250 will be the LUCILE FLOYD all that I can to stop this awful maximum allotment to 15 counties Holland waste of wild-life, animate or in for predatory animal control dur- animate. I will forego the taking « of life in any form unless it is Josephine County REDWOODS HOTEL absolutely necessary to take it. MILLS Will all members of the Kerby Rod Grants Pass dn Gun club follow suit? Will Cash prices for Feeds and the friends of conservation, every Seeds of all kinds where, do the same? Will the Phone 123 Grants Pass SOLICITS YOUR friends of conservation chase the PATRONAGE foisoner and the sportsmen with guns off their land. Will they de ny the trapper access to their land Excellent Coffee Shop and streams, banks? Let the cou IN CONNECTION gar and coyote hunter discard his REASONABLE RATES j traps or poison and use trained dogs instead, but for God’s sake let the bobcat, the fisher, the mar ten, the mink, the skunk, the ring tail cat and the fox live; all these «’fix. are beneficial friends to man; all except the skunk are rodent catch ers. While the skunk will eat birds When shopping for bar eggs, if the opportunity comes his gains the natural place way, but he is the main insecti vorous. All the foregoing small an to look is at the Bargain imals are predacious by nature, but if you let them live they will ' House. We buy, sell and take care of the crop destroying ' rodents. Sometimes I think that j trade in all kinds of new the trapper is the most criminal and detsructive animal on earth. ; and used merchandise. I never knew but one who ever | i amounted to a tinkers damn, and : ♦ he was a trapper by winter and an ’ honest-to-goodness rancher the, GRANTS PASS rest of the year. i : He who causes poison to be dis- ■ Don’t Wait Until it is BARGAIN seminated thruout the woods and TOO LATE I : fields is a greater criminal than HOUSE You can’t afford to be a dozen Lucrezia Borgias. Let us have conservation and less conver Without Insurance 624 626 S. 6th St. Phone 66 sation. ------------ Q - — Granta Pasa See TED ATHEY i = Subscribe for the News Drug Store GIFTS B Gone . in Smoke! VALLEY ELECTRIC SHOP NEWMAN SHEET METAL WORKS ♦ Franchise Factory ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING Dealer for Carrier — Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating 639 S. 6th St. Grants Pass ♦ 707 S. 6th Street Grants Pass Congratulations TO THE NEWS Wilson's Grocery Kerby, Oregon H. H. WILSON Prop. Feeds Washing Machine Sales and Service for All Electrical Appliances for the Home Poultry, Dairy AUTO RADIO REPAIRING 637 S 6th Street Grants Pass T urkeys A AMAZING LOW PRICES Start Your Chicks Right With Our MASHES and SCRATCHES OnWorld-Famous HAY—STRAW—FEEDS—SEEDS Our Prices Compare With Others TIRES REDWOOD us about tbit great new tire value Your Needs in Feeds Seeds 550x17 Duckworth THF. TIRE MAN 643 South 6th Street Grants Pass THE U.S.TIRE (Beard ZT»I«O«O) Other sizes proportionately I m FEED STORE Friendly Service Bill” Reeder, Prop. Phone 756 Located at Junction Redwood and Pacific Highways, Grants Pass, Ore. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THAT Ice Box Ready ARRANGE WITH THE ICE MAN FOR REGULAR DELIVERY ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO Phil Sawyer, Prop,