Page Four Q 0 Q fl fl fl a a fl fl § fl fl fl fl Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 4,1939 fl fi 0 B Specials of the week-end, Friday and Saturday 0 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. and SAT., MAY 5 - 6 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. and SAT., MAY 5 - 6 B DILL PICKLES PUREX 23c 0 33c FRESH FRUIT ANI) One-Half One-Half gallon for gallon for B Vegetables SALAD DRESSING 9 BRAN FLAKES 32c NEW ONIONS — 5c MIRACLE WHIP, 1 quart for Per package ..... B 3 Bunches for 10c 9 PEACHES MILK, Swift’s Evaporated GROCERIES OF QUALITY 27c Yellow Cling, 2 cans for GRAPE FRUIT Royal Club, fancy, 3 cans for 35c ( HOK E BLACK FIGS 5 pounds for 25c SHORTENING 4 pounds for 43c SUGAR 10 Pound bag for 53c MOTHER’S OATS Large package for 30c fl RADISHES— 3 bunches for 12 cans for lOc PINEAPPLES— Each 30c STRAWBERRIES— 2 boxes ASPARAGUS— 2 Pounds for 17c 70c .............. SAUER KRAUT 2*4 Size cans, 3 cans for 27c PUMPKIN 3 Cans for ............................................... 25c MACARONI 10 Pounds for 40c lOc GELATINE DESSERT 3 Packages for CELERY— Fancy Utah, each 17c KLEENEX TISSUE Large package for Model Cash Grocery fl Q fl ( LAY MASSIE FORMERLY SC HUMACHERS fi­ fi 0 a O. W. GREEN Cave Junction, Oregon I Mrs. Phyllis Tucker of Klamath county and her mother spent the afternoon of May 1st with their old friend, Mrs. Ed W’right. Clyde Hayes spent a week in April as juror at Medford. Miss Jean Abernathy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mar Mr. and Mrs. W. D. LeVan of tin, spent the week end with her the H. & L. cafe were in Grants parents. Miss Jean is attending Normal at Ashland Pass today shopping. --------O ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Floyd ac Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnson of Waldo Camp made a business trip companied by Mrs. J. M. Smock to Grunts Pass Monday. and Mrs. Eva Sutherland of Brookville, Pa., made a trip to —o— Mr. and Mrs James .Mien have Crater Lake Friday. moved to the ol