Page Three Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 27, 1939 • ! COMING TO THE SELMA NOTES Cave City Theater MINER’S SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY The Deer Creek P.-T. A. will hold a meeting, May 4th at the school house in the evening. This meeting is important and all mem bers should make it a point to attend. Visitors are also welcome to the meeting. Saturday and Sunday, April 29 30— General Merchandise for Every Family Need Darryl F. Zanuck's Greatest Production! The Selma school children are planning a program Friday night, April 28th, for the purpose of rais ing money to visit the Oregon Caves the last day of school. Tick ets are 5 cents per person. Coffee, pie and cake will also be sold to those wishing light refreshments. This is an exceptionally worthy worthy cause and the valley folks should patronize the program. J esse J ames • IM TtCHNICOLOH L ■ '’“S* Lew Hammer's Selma, Oregon TYRONE POWER HENRY FONDA NANCY KELLY RANDOLPH SCOn • ceti ol thovMnda Al.o "MARCH OF TIME" Wednesday and Thursday, May 3 . 4--- Texaco Gas, Oil, Greases Wanted to buy, furniture, stoves, all kinds of tools, harness and implements. Mack's Trading Post, across from Hout's Shell Oil station, Cave Junction.—Adv. ------------- o------------- Tom Gilligan of O'Brien was in Grants Pass Monday on business. ILLINOIS VALLEY MOTOR CO. ( |liiUMitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiti........ . G. A. Hicks, Prop. The Seal of Approval ! t MIMIItlllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||> NEW CAVE CITY i = 5 Drug Store DEEP CUT PRICES GIFTS day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland For ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS All Diamonds Guaranteed I “Since 1900" E............................ = .iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHini - 0 F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. CANDIES and GIFTS West F St. for Phone 47 MOTHERS DAY HORNING’S SHACK CLASSIFIED ADS GRANTS PASS FOR SALE—2 burros and pack saddles. Guernsey milch cow with calf three weeks old. Cave City Shingle Mill. 51-ltp Del Rogue Coffee Shop Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Patterson OPEN ALL DAY We Welcome You Anytime PRUITT'S FEED STORE Grants Pass Can furnish your needs in FEEDS and SEEDS. DAIRY and Poultry feeds, hay, grain, fertili zer. Vegetable and Flower plants fresh daily. EXPERT REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed i Pruitt’s Feed Store MURPHY HICKS 500 M Street ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE WANTED TO BUY—Furniture, stoves, all kinds of tools, har ness and implements. Mack's Trading Post, across from Hout's Shell Oil station. Cave Junction. 49-tfc Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD FOR SALE—Drill steels, ham mers, picks, mattox, pivers and dozen steel sanitary folding cots and mattresses, fruit jars, platform scale, stock saddle and other miscellaneous articles. Ed Lind, Lind Home. 49-4tp Holland REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass FOR SALE—1930 Buick sedan, formerly owned by J. M. Smock of Holland, see J. S. Wolke, Oldsmobile and International Truck Agency, 6th and D St. Grants Pass. 51-ltp SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE • Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION WHY PAY MORE— REASONABLE RATES When you can buy Mel-O-Flake Hard Wheat Flour in 491b bags for only $1.15. Guaranteed Satis factory. Pruitt's Feed Store 506 M Street OLD NEWSPAPERS—one bun die 10c News Office 51tf COMPLETE service on all types of domestic and commercial re frigerators. Will be in Cave Junction every Thursday. F. A. Rigby. Leave orders with The News office. 48-tfc / SPEND A LITTLE—BUY A LOT IN CAVE CITY. I want your listing if you want to sell or trade your property. Elwood Hussey. 45-tfc | Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! FOR SALE—At a bargain, ma hogany Cecilian Player Piano. See Paul Hein. 48-ltc | You can’t afford to be Without Insurance SELL IT!—If you have something you don't need or don't want, why not use this column to sell it. Cotts so little and results are astounishing j See ILim ni TED ATHEY —...... | ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO. Phil Sawyer, Prop. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiitiiiiiuuiMniBi-F IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllll ------- o------- The W. W. G. girls met at the Ì home of Phyllis Barnes last Sat I 5 urday. Month End Sale of Odds and Ends of : : : : : Are You Getting YOUR SHARE? BUSINESS GOES WHERE IT IS ATTRACTIVELY INVITED ILLUMINATED NEON SIGNS POINT THE WAY i I : I : I WASH DRESSES Each III*«« It •••••••••••••••••*••*•■*>•••******"**'**,l*l,**'**l****>(*,,****i**>(*1 : i i i : : i : Friday and Saturday I I I I Only d 50c Eugene Neon Sign Co Medford Branch, Medford, Oregon 1 been developed during the depres sion, what can we expect when times are normal. He was enthus iastic for the future of the valley. Mrs. Workman of River Bar Lodge on Smith river said they were strangers here, having just 3 purchased their place. She asked if other camps had many “chisel- a ers” come their way, explaining that some had found fault with their rates and they wanted to co operate with other camps on rates. She also said later they had a re porter friend on a San Francisco paper who would publish news items of interest. Mrs. Huber of Kumfy Kamp as sured the last speaker that there were always a few “chiselers" but not to pay much attention to them. Most of the people are satisfied 5 with j-ates and accommodations. Robert Balzke tried to renig on speaking but gave the informa tion that O'Brien was up and com ing and when the Gardens get in to operations they will be going places. He intimated that while O'Brien was just a suburb of Cave Junction, they had every thing down there, the beautiful Gardens, good fishing, camping, gold and lots of things to offer visitors at O'Brien. Wm. McLean was called on, but & in his place he introduced Mr. Horne of Maple Court. Mr. Horne said they had been here only a month, hut came to make a living E and have some fun in doing it. Blake Miller said he was mighty pleased with the attendance at this meeting. He reported that while he had been in the valley only two years the consumption of electric $ energy had doubled in use. Ki! Mrs. Symns, of Symns camp on Smith river said she was glad to have had the opportunity of at tending the meeting and was de lighted with it. A. L. Mallery, vocational ad visor at the CCC camp said he was, indeed glad to be at the meeting. He said that if there was one thing that made us appreciate what we had. was to see someone who had much less. M. M. Nelson of the Forest Ser vice said he believed he was in the wrong crowd, for his camps were free to all customers. However, he told the camp owners that soon the service was going to make a small charge for wood, water and other items. He also said that all guides were instructed and knew where all the camps were located and the rates for cabins, etc., and gave this information gladly to all who asked. Mr. Wasmond of the Orange and Black camp asked about the billboards we are paying for on the highway, and wanted to know if anyone had seen them and if they were what they should be. Mr. Sabin told him that he had seen them and while they were not exactly what he would have plan ned, he believed they were good signs and doing a good job of di recting traffic over the Redwood | I L-2 L3C £ Hobbs, Wall : GRANTS PASS I STEAM LAUNDRY I MOTHER’S DAY Mother’s Day Cards Mother’s Day Candy ARRANGE WITH THE ICE MAN FOR REGULAR DELIVERY Kerby Play Day will be held Friday, April 28 starting at 9:00 a. m. All schools of the Illinois valley and Deer Creek will partic ♦I ipate. : The D. C. D’s. had planned to postpone their meeting a week, but due to being able to have Miss Welch at the meeting if set back a week, it was decided to do this and the meeting will be held May 18th at the home of Mrs. E. Wood cox. ... o------------ : Awarded by the American In-s : stitute of Laundering after | Meeting at Caves Passing Rigid Tests i Pickup and delivery every Mon ; (Continued from Pace One) Ice Box Ready PLAY DAY APRIL 28 Come hear the new dance band 'at the Legion hall, Saturday, April 29, featuring the McCon Dean Warren and Ed Norman nell orchestra. left Sunday for Montague, where (pllltiM they will work for the Smith I : I Brothers Lumber company. CAVE CITY ■ o ■ Mrs. Helen Warren left Monday : for Portland, to be with her father who is seriously ill. The Four H club girls in cooking and sewing will meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Saturday, April 29th. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THAT ------- o------- I DRESS SHOP ‘ROAD DEMON” With Henry Arthur and Joan Valerie uniuiinBiiiiuuiiniiiHiitiuniiiruiiiiniiiiniiiiihiuHUtuniiumiitinuHimmumuiMintmnnii- highway At this point there was considerable discussion on signs. Just before adjourning to the dance floor, where many enjoyed | themselves until a late hour, Pres ident Smith said the next meeting of the chamber would be held next Monday evening at 8 p. m. at Cave Junction. I « G CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA SELLING OUT AFTER 72 YEARS IN BUSINESS SALE NOW ON 1 n I 35c Ladies’ Hats and Purses Values to $1.95, NOW Ladies’ and Children’s $1.95 Dresses .............................. ... 98c Rayon Art Thread lc 5c Value, 2 for ................ Levi Overalls, Waist and Bib, NOW Pair................ $1.29 Boy’s Dress Socks, Values to 25c NOW Pr. McCall Patterns, Values to 60c, NOW’ Each Ladies’ Shoes, Bargain Table, Pair......................... 10c 10c 79c Rayon, Cotton Yardage Values to 35c Yd. NOW Ladies’ Dress Shoes, White, Black, Brown, Values to $5.00, Pr. $1.79 Ladies’ Ravon Dresses $1.95 Values, NOW’ ......... $2.49 Ladies and Children’s Dresses, NOW Crochet Cotton, 100-yd. Silk Thread, NOW’ 50c 17c Ladies’ Rayon Hose NOW, Pair...... 5c Men’s Sport Oxfords, Values to $2.15, NOW Men’s Overall .lumpers, NOW...................... 98c Boys’ Tom Sawyer Sport Shirts, Sweaters, NOW’ .................. 69c Men’s Work Shirts $1.00 Value, NOW Boys’ Sweat Shirts 95c Value .................. BARGAIN TABLE Boy’s Shirts, Men’s Underwear, Ties, Boy’s Suspenders 19c Shoe Laces, Assorted sizes. Pair Men’s Work Gloves NOW, Pr............. 5c Hobbs, Wall CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA FIXTURES FOR SALE $1.69 69c 59c 2c