Page Four 0 0 fi 0 fi fl fi fl fi fl fi fl fl 8 fl fi fl a a fi fl fi fl Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 13,- 1939 I Home of Advertised Merchandise Specials of the week-end, Friday and Saturday ■ SOAP SALMON, Purity Pink Per can ......................... Fresh O. K., Large size 10 bars for......... Fruits 13c WHITE KING SOAP POWDER Large package for ...................... 33c CRYSTAL WHITE Large package for 36c and Vegetables 84c » MORNING MILK 3 cans for .... ..... 19c ORANGES— 2 dozen for 23c SCOT TOWELS For the Kitchen, ............................................. 19c LETTUCE— 2 heads for 23c BEANS, Red or White 10 pounds for 43c CELERY— Utah, per bunch lOc GOOD BROOMS At this price keep an extra one handv 33c OATS 9 pounds for ................................................... 40c YELLOW MEAL 9 pounds for .................................................. 26c WHITE MEAL 9 pounds for ... 30c ASPARAGUS— 2 pounds for 15c TOMATO JUICE 15 ounce cans, 4 cans for 61.24 TEA GARDEN DRIP SYRUP No. 10 size, each 5c PEAS, CORN or TOMATOES Regular 15c variety, 6 cans for 25c PEARLS OF WHEAT Cup or Saucer Free with each package BANANAS— per pound LUX TOILET 3 bnrs for ( LAY MASSIE FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junction, Oregon fl Mrs Ida Graves of Crescent City, and Mr. and Mrs. William Trefethen of Holland were guests Mr. and Mrs. H. Ingles of Med- of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson ford spent last week end at their Easter Sunday. mine on Bolan creek. Miss Grace Jarvis of the Siski Roy McFarland, who has been you camp left last week for her working al the Oro Grande mine home at White Salmon, Washing near Crescent City, spent this ton, to visit her mother for three week with his family at Takilma. weeks —o— Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Miller have Mrs. Mary Valen and her son John, were in Grants Pass Sun made many improvements to their day to attend the wedding of Mrs. home. New furniture and inter ior rearrangements have added to Valens granddaughter. their convenience and made the Charles Austin of the Southern home very attractive. Mrs. Cora Bullock of Oswego, Oregon. is visiting Mrs E. L. Coovert for about 10 days, Mrs. Bullock/ thinks this ' valley is a splendid place to live. SATURDAY APRIL 15 Prizes Bennett’s Orchestra Admission 75 Cents American Legion Hall «nd think of th« l«bor it m ><* you. Nothing like th« Econ* omy of en Electric R«ng«. • Surebuild • The combined growing mash for the first 12 weeks, then change to • Surelay • The Pullet Grower and Laying Mash, and feed it to maturity with BOTH MASH and GRAINS IN OPEN HOPPERS Just two mashes instead of three, It’s Simple, Economical. Depend able. Proved and Profitable DOUBLE FEATURE “Always in Trouble With Jane Withers and “Born To The West Wednesday and Thursday, April 19 20— “Flirting With Fate With Joe E. Brown and Leo Carrillo ....... ...gj START YOUR ( HICKS ON Electric«! Cook ing m«4ni to your utcniili, ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS Cave Junction, Oregon This Is The Simple SPERRY Plan April 15-16— : Now’ is the time to get your Business Cards, Folders, Letterheads, Envelopes—In fact any thing in the printing line that you need, The News is in a position to give you the best of it all around. A postal card will bring a represen tative pronto. >•< Sataurday and Sunday, Th*«’« I ! O. W. GREEN Dance CAVE CITY THEATRE I Mr. and Mr- Stephen Ballew of Portland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mil W I M. I a . on the Holland road for a short time. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman of Los Angeles is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harold Hill of Cave Junc tion. She will remain for a month or more. a I their daughter, Mrs. Thresa Loom is of Corvallis, accompanied them home. Mrs. Loomis left for her home Thursday. — o— Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock and daughter Dorethy of Mist, Ore gon, visited over the week end at the Antileer Valley farm at O'Brien with their relatives, the Stiwalts and Browns. They were Mrs. Helen (Juffs and son Billy on their return trip home from of Portland spent Saturday night San Diego. and Sunday visiting friend* in the valley. Mrs. Quffs formerly re ♦ sided at Kerby and has many American Legion friends here. I The PCtlGUin Potfl and Pans Keep No Shiny and Clean! a trict at O’Brien school, was the usual success on Friday preced ing1 Easter. Mrs. Williams and her school gave their spring ex hibit. Instead of a program the children gave a demonstration of their years work. Among the guests was H. H. Wardrip, county superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ticknor of Oregon mine on the Althouse was Last week Marjorie and Joyce the CCC camp made a trip to Cor called to Sail Francisco the latter Breech, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. vallia for Easter. On their return | part of last week on busines«. E. Alvin Breech of Siskiyou camp Mrs. Ethel Pickett arrived in accompanied by Irene Huffman Cave Junction from Klamath came home front Crescent City Falls last Tuesday to spend a few to spend the Easter vacation. days looking after business in While here the family and Irene Huffman, accompanied by Mr. and terests IT IJ1 Mrs. Bob Bottel «motored to Crat —o— JUST THERE Mrs. E. N. Cooke and Mrs. E. er Lake for skiing. Mr. Breech SITS MARKET Kretsinger gave a pinochle party took his movie camera along and 'ROUND took pictures, and all enjoyed the r<?F/ Saturday evening. There were AND PENGUIN six tables, prizes were given and trip. KGGJ? —o— refreshment» served. NOTHIN An Easter picnic, which has be NO/ —o— Gene Anillews of Grants Pass come an annual event of the dis- TO DO BUSINESS, was visiting at Bridgeview Weil nesday. Mr. Andrews is an old ADVERTISE friend of the J. E. Holland fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd had as guests for Easter George I . Mar tin, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Martin, Mr and Mrs. E. J. Wilber and son John and Hugh Morris. B 0 fi fl s a a » o o a » s » a Model Cash Grocery fl fi 0 fi fl B 0 fi fl MACK’S SEED AND FEED STORE 511 South Sixth Street E. C. GAYMAN. Prop. Grants Pass Telephone 758 : : i r = s