r ni ir 1 RT Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 6, 1939 NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freitas were shopping in Grants Pass this week. BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. West F St. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Strong of Takilma were in Grants Pass tran­ sacting business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Burch were in the county seat this week tak­ ing care of business matters. Mrs. Cora Barnes of Kerby was in Grants Pass Monday on bus­ iness. The Civic club will hold a cook­ ed food sale at the Cave Junction Dress Shop, Saturday, April 8th. Harry Akerill of Greens creek, spent a day last week getting sup­ plies at Holland. — o— Mr. and Mrs. A. Theuerkauf of Camp Muir, made a business trip to Williams Tuesday. J. E. Longfellow was transact­ ing business in Grants Pass the first of the week. : I I : a CAVE CITY THEATRE Phone 47 PHOTOGRAPHS Q 1/ost representative and unchanged of all children's toys are those of Easter time Artcraft Camera Shop Grants Pass Cinderella Beauty Shop EASTER SPECIAL OIL PERMANENT, $2.50 up CLARA STRALEY Hadley’s Dress Shop Mezzanine floor Phone 70 Farewell Reception The teachers of Selma, Dryden and Central schools plan a prac­ Given for Ken Wells j tice day next Saturday for the ■ Josephine County Last week in the Masonic tem ­ Kerby play day. The W. W. Gt MILLS girls meeting was postponed on ple at Kerby, after the regular business meeting of the lodge, a that account. Cash prices for Feeds and farewell reception was held for Seeds of all kinds M rs. Earl Atchison of Klamath Kenneth Wells, sponsored by the Phone 123 Grants Pass Falls is with her mother, Mrs. Eastern Star and Blue lodge. Pinochle was enjoyed until late The furry rabbit, as usual. Is the Maude Hogue, who is on the sick NOTICE hours after which a delicious light most popular of children's Easter of list and will remain here until her lunch was served by the ladies. The Creation of a Weed Control toys In 1939. Christmas presents are mother has fully recovered. already broken or forgotten, and District Mr. Wells is leaving to take a their owners eagerly welcome the position with the Anderson Log I Mrs. J. Davidson is able to be IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Easter bunny. Here a worker in a ging company at Lakeviews THE STATE OF OREGON larger eastern toy factory cuts the around again after her recent ill- FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY. pattern for a rabbit, which, Easter ness. In the Matter of the Establish ment of a Weed Control Dis- trict for Josephine County TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the order of the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Josephine County duly : I : made and entered on the 28th : Saturday and Sun day, day of December, 1938, and en­ : April 8 9— tered in Volume 7 of the Commis­ sioners' Journal of said Court at “KENTUCKY” Page 641 thereof, there was and is hereby ordered and established iq Technicolor a weed control District embracing I all the lands located within the With Loretta Young and boundaries of said County, and it Richard Greene was and is further ordered and de­ s "MARCH OF TIME" clared that Russian Knapp Weed, White Top, Dodder and Water Hemlock, were and are noxious I weeds to be* destroyed and pre­ : Wednesday and Thursday, vented from producing seed within April 12 13— said District. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI­ “GIVE ME A SAILOR” 2 FIED that this notice is published S for two consecutive weekly issues With Martha Raye and of The Grants Pass Daily Courier, Bob Hope the Grants Pass Bulletin, and the Illinois Valley News pursuant to ■é the order of the Court above re­ Cl* ferred to, the date of the first pub­ lication being April 6th, 1939, and I f the date of the last publication April 13th, 1939, and that I MINER’S SUPPLIES being immediately g/ter the last publi- [ cation of this notice said Weed A SPECIALTY Control District will be fully es­ tablished and the provisions of law­ pertaining to the control, destruc­ General Merchandise tion and prevention of noxious weeds therein will be in full force i for Every Family and effect. By order of the Court afore- said. Need F. L. COON, County Clerk. 48-49 Sunday morning, delights some hap­ py child. : : i j 4 Quarrelsome Donald Duck is rap­ idly growing in popularity. Though many other Easter toys are manu­ factured, the bunny and Donald eas­ ily lead in total sales. This partic­ ular duck, when completed, may be shipped to any part of the world. FOR SALE— 1928 Chevrolet Sedan $30.00 $80.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Willy Sedan $160.00 1937 V-8 Pick-up __ $490.00 DES'*GARAGE Selma, Oregon EXTRA SPECIAL NEVER BEFORE have you had a chance to purchase new radios at such drastic low prices. SPARTON RADIO— $69.50 value for $39.50 SPARTON RADIO— $49.50 value for $27.50 STUDIO DAY BED— Extra value for only $27.50 MANCHEL FURNITURE CO. 112-114 N. 6th St., Grants Pass. Texaco Gas, Oil, FOR BETTER USED CARS LOOK TO CARNER’S PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan, 1937. This car looks so much like new that we have it in our new car sales room. Low mileage. The price only $695.00. ILLINOIS VALLEY MOTOR CO. Mrs. Inez Tucker is up and around again after having been on the sick list for some time. — o— Selina Baptist Sunday school invites you to attend ser­ vices Easter Sunday. The average attendance has been about 70 and it is hoped at least 150 will at­ tend. Come and help us make a record. In front of the largest group of spectators they have had at any of their games, the Rocky Dale soft ball team played th» Kerby team Friday afternoon and won 17 to 5. Mr. Doney of Rocky Dale and Mr. Mac Neal of Kerby were the umpires. During the Sth inning, Sammy North of Rock Dale injured his thumb and his place was taken by Howery Roberts of Takilma. Rob­ ert’ Lindgren who has been ill, will soon be able to take his place again on the team. The next game for Rocky Dale will be with Kerby at Kerby, Friday, April 7. The games are gaining interest at Rocky Dale who has won all her games but one. o-------------- Mrs. Farren has been feeling very poorly for some time, not able to be out of bed. —o— Subscribe for the News Electrical Outlets EXPERT REPAIRS j All Work Guaranteed I : MURPHY HICKS I ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE; Surrounded by thousands of slutted toys, this girl is busy dressing a rooster. After workmen have com pleted manufacture of the toy, it is then dressed and made ready for shipping. .Manufactured primarily for smaller children, Easter toys are usually not mechanical. AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McLane and three sons of Klamath Falls were Cave Junction soft ball team visitors at the Harry Mills home will play the CCC team Sunday near Bridgeview Tuesday. afternoon at 2 o'clock at Cave Junction ball grounds. After this Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slack of game, the Kerby team will play Kerby have moved to Central the winners, making a double Point where Mr. Slack is employ­ header. ed in a mill. SPECIALS at Martin’s Hardware SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY ONLY New Shipment of Cool Summer Work Clothes PANTS—Very Special .......................... $1.39 SHIRTS To Match ................................. $1.09 CREW NECK SPORTS SHIRTS— Attractive colors, special at 63c MEN’S LASTEX TOP SOX— Bright color combinations, 2 pair for .. 25c Garden Plows, iron or wood handles ... $3.89 Garden Hose, splendid qual., 50 feet $2.89 Simonize Cleaner or Polish, a box ............. 43c Aluminum Tea Kettles, 6 qt. size $1.09 Genuine O’Cedar Floor Mops, each 63c New shipment of Vernon’s Early California Pottery, all colors. Make your selections early MARTIN HARDWARE Cave Junction, Oregon Staple Groceries of the Dependable Brands that every housewife knows are good It is indeed a pleasure to have you shop in our store. We appreciate your patronage Cave Junction, Oregon CARNER’S AUTOMOTIVE Dodge Plymouth 621 “M” Street, Grants Pass FOR SALE—Late '29 model Stu­ debaker coupe. Good condition, new front tires. Must be sold by June 1st. A bargain for 125.00 See George H. Shade, off Redwood highway, turn at Worden's 45-4tp After spending several months in remodeling and improving the Ritz Tavern, "Shorty" Phillips held a formal opening last Satur­ day night when his popular resort was crowded with patrons enjoy- ing the new, improved place of amusement. The dance floor has been en­ larged and counter seats as well as tables are now ready for those desiring either style of seats for lunch. The Tavern takes on new life and a great improvement over the old establishment. Congrat­ ulations, “Shorty” on giving the valley residents a greatly improv- ed Tavern. GROCERY Are You Getting YOUR SHARE? f j,,.••»>>>«<»IMW,„ Notary Publics RITZ TAVERN OPENS ARNOLD'S EXTRA VALUE in this 1937 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan with ra­ dio and heater and other extras. 8 m it—Drive it—only $675.00. Your present car may make the down payment. COMPLETE service on all types of domestic and commercial re­ frigerators. Will be in Cave Junction every Thursday. F. A. Rigby. Leave orders with The News office. 48-tfc Preparing for the summers irri­ gation, the Kerby ditch company started to clean out the ditch the first of the week and make all needed repairs for the coming season. If nothing develops to hinder, it is expected that water will be in the ditch the last of next week. "Œ The Big Oversized Dodge Pickup, only $725.00 here. Carload in next week. G. A. Hicks, Prop. Kerby Ditch Being Cleaned and Repaired SOFT BALL SUNDAY --------------- o--------------- ROCKY DALE SOFT BALL TEAM DEFEATS KERBY CLASSIFIED ADS Lew Hammer's Phil Sawyer Sports New Ice Delivery Mr. and Mrs. A. Spinas went to Roseburg last Sunday where Recently Phil Sawyer, proprie­ Mrs. Spinas will visit her mother, tor of the Illinois Valley Ice com­ Mra Walker for a few weeks. pany, purchased another truck for his ice route and painted it up Mr. and Mrs. Alva Laws and so that it looks like a city deliv- son of Kerby were guests at the ery truck. home of Lew Krauss and family Phil is now able to take care last Saturday. of the needs of the valley when it comes to ice and he will deliver Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer attended it to your door, He has the val- the Deer Creek Grange meeting ley phone and a call will bring last Saturday. him P. D. Q. He also has refrig- eration boxes for your meat,etc., The D. C. D.’s will meet at the where it will keep at the right home of Mrs. Edgar Barnes on temperature indefinitely. j Thursday April 13th. The subject -------- --- o-------------- will be new uses of old things. Developing and Printing Camera* and Supplies 113 N. 6th St. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Webb were in Grants Pass the first of the week. I : SELMA NOTES F H A LOANS Page Three This workman trims the whiskers on Brer Rabbit, and no one could be more of an authority on the job Perhaps be is prompted by jealousy to clip them that close. Regardless of the length of his whiskers, Bret Rabbit always finds himself In the arms of some enthusiastic five- year-old on Laster Munday morning — O-------------- "That caps the climax." SPEND A LITTLE—BUY A LOT “Doesn't the climax ever K<> IN CAVg CITY. I want your bareheaded, pa?” listing if you want to sell or trade your property. Elwood Hussey. 45-tfc SELL IT!—If you have something you don't need or don't want, FOR SALE—At a bargain, ma­ why not use this column to sell hogany Cecilian Player Piano. it. Costs so little and results See Paul Hein. 48-ltc I are astounishing. So little outlay to gam the convenience of many Outlets There's every mem­ ber of the family to be considered for reading lamps, sewing lamps, the BUSINESS GOES WHERE IT IS ATTRACTIVELY INVITED ILLUMINATED NEON SIGNS POINT THE WAY vacuum-cleaner and other appliances Buy comfort Electricity is the leost ex­ pensive and the most perfect servont G® PG® I Eugene Neon Sign Co Medford Branch, Medford, Oregon