Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 2, 1939 An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ................... Editor Business Manager M C. ATHEY L- E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year ...... Six Months ... Three Months Outside of Josephine County Si 50 .75 --------------o- 50 CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH $2 00 I : LETTERS --------------o only do good when put into practical application, and Perennial Prospector if you ever spent a dollar in your life to better ad­ vantage, we would like to know it. (Continued from Paire One) Here is the “Tap” that Mr. Bristol sends for your tered places, and determinedly go information: over and get his gold pan from We all know that when two people are associated behind the stove and begin scour­ together over a long period of time, they tage on cer­ ing off the thin coating of oil tain characteristics of one and another—It’s been that has been its extra protection said that they even begin to look like one another. all winter, and put it on a good hot stove, turning it carefully to Seriously now, give thought to this great force that is insure an even blue all around the at work—it’s suggestion, the dominating thought bottom. Then all ground hogs and force that gets over to the subconscious mind, and for foolhardy robins to the contrary, the purpose of getting over to you a more penetrat­ you know that here are signs of that never fail. Nature is ing idea of this power, I call your attention to the first spring bestirring herself, All is well with It’s entitled, “He Could Take It” and it’s a digest of the world. The new season is at hand, and to strengthen his morale. Here it is: Just before he drops off to sleep on nights when he spring has already arrived, full in the old prospectors feels low, he calls into his consciousness the picture of blown, heart. a great man of history. As the story of this man’s life The Perennial Prospector. ------------- o------------- unfolds before the businessman’s mind’s eye he al­ ways gets an antidote for his troubles, and when he Improvement Shown In awakens it is with renewed courage. He sees this great High way Traffic in State man overcome his troubles and the suggestions that Wholesale changes in the traffic come to the business man supplant those that would improvement records of Oregon otherwise cause him to flounder. The great man whose counties were noted as figures life sweeps before this business man in review, is for the first month of 1939 were Abraham Lincoln, who in 30 years of constant effort released, according to Secretary State Earl Snell. ’ ) failed to achieve a single personal victory, and yet at of Clackamas county, which finish, 52 became president of the United States. And what ed 1938 in top place in Group I, does the business man really gain by conjuring up was the only one of the winning these mental pictures?—simply realizing that he too, counties to retain its place on the basis of this January's improve­ can overcome obstacles and go to town. Think about ment in traffic accidents, injuries this in connection with your plans for 1939 and others and deaths compared with the to come. first month of 1938. In Group II. --------------------------O-------------------------- THE MINERS’ JUBILEE Hood River county took a com­ manding lead, while Wasco coun- ■ ty came out of the cellar in Group III to take top spot. Accidents and injuries through­ out the state as a whole declined 'lightly compared with last Jan­ uary, while fatalities rose from 17 to 20, due to the recent death of several persons injured in Jan *• uary accidents. Josephine ----- r..... . county stood * in fourth place among the stale's eight Group III counties on jhe basis of its January record, com­ pared with January of last year. Counties in this group ranked in the following order: Wasco Utna- tilla. Union. Josephine, Klamath. Douglas. Baker and Deschutes.- There appears to be some doubt in the minds of the board of directors of the Miners’ Jubilee whether there will be another Jubilee or not. They are leaving it up to the citizens of the valley to express their de­ sires. If they want a Jubilee they will have to let the board know and likewise if they do not want one. It seems a pity to have the situation in this class. I'he Jubilee is a civic festivity wherein no one bene­ fits except the business that reaps a harvest during such an affair It was planned as an advertising fea­ ture to let the world know that this section was one of the first and most productive of all gold regions in the early days, and the Jubilee’s intention was to ------------- o— ■ ■ commemorate the gold days with a celebration. The last Jubilee may have had some features 279 Are Enrolled In that were not according to Hoyle, as it were, but Home Gardening those who patronized them knew what they were do- After ■ alow beginning, appli inging and as far as weknow, no one was hurt. cations for enrollment in the The objectionable features will lie left out of this home vegetable garden project year’s Jubilee, if there is one. being sponsored by the county If the people want another Jubilee they will have agent and home demonstration to let the board know and do it at once, for the pros­ agent’s offices, have been pour ing in during the last 10 days, and pects look black at the present time. 279 applications were on file o—------------- Tuesday morning. The men whom I have seen succeed best in life O. K. Beals said that the first have always been cheerful and hopeftil men, who letter of instruction would be went about their business with a smile on their faces, mailed to enrollees Friday, This will contain advice on how much and took the changes and chances of this life like to plant for an average family, men, facing rough and smooth alike as it came.— fertilizing, choice of varieties. I ■o DR. A. N. COLLMAN SPECIAL NOTICE Naturopathic Physician The American Legion will in the future, charge only 75 cent« for dance tickets. This charge is for everyone without exception. The change in price is made with the intention of benefitting all concerned. W. E. Martindale, Dance Manager. CAVE CITY, OREGON I C. H. Metz left last Saturday for Brookings and brought Mrs. Metz, their daughter Belva Jean, and son Howard Grant back with him to spend a week. : : 3 CAVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H" St. Grants Pass : : Saturday and Sunday March 4 and 5 : |“A MAN TO : REMEMBER” □’ With Anne Shirley and Ì Edward Ellis. Also : : i “March of Time*’ and Mickey Mouse Cartoon Wednesday and Thursday March 8 and 9 : : : j : Dr. Fred W. Gould / . llltl L B. HALL FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager : Also Disney Mickey Mouse AMBULANCE SERVICE 14th Chapter of Phone 388 “DICK TRACY RETURNS” : dl......................................................... GJ Cor. 5th & C Sts. VETERINARIAN New Cave City Store CUT RATE DRUGS Horse* and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 627 So. 6th St. Day phone 162—Night 538 GIFTS Grants Pass For All Occasions Emerson Radios HULL & HULL 25c Pair of Rubber Mittens for Household work FREE With Purchase of Large Size Velure Vanishing Lotion Velure Lotion Klines Mittens ................. Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Granta Pass : /‘PECKS BAD BOY ¡WITH THE CIRCUS”! I : CITY, ORE. Dr. H. W. Hermann : FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. 60c 25c Total Value ...................... 85c, Special Price 49c CAVE CITY Phone 334 GRANTS PASS HOTEL DRUG STORE MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon I ' > American Legion Overall and Apron THE BARBER Bart McCue i : : CAVE CITY THEATRE [oJ.UMISIIillMlliltllllillllllMtMMiSIISiillillllllSilMSISSIIsQ '3*0 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY IHIIIIHIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIHHIIH llllllll i Editor of The Illinois Valley Community Sunday School at News:— The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising 9:45 a. m. The Kerby Rod & Gun club is copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application Preaching .......................... 11a. m. interested in gathering informa­ Commqnity singing, 7:30 p, m. tion on predatory animal situa­ ------------- o- ■ tion in Josephine county. We are BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY especially interested in obtaining CHURCH an opinion from residents in the county as to their approval or dis­ Sunday school ................. 10 a. m. approval of the use of poison in _____________________________________ , Preaching at 11 a. m. exterminating predatory animals, \ REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS uWtJ also whether they believe a boun­ Although there were only thir- ty system should be put into ef­ ty-two out Sunday morning . for fect. The club would appreciate Sunday school, all had a good time an expression of opinion from MEETING “PROSPERITY” and all stayed for the eleven every interested party. We are o’clock preaching service. Our circulating two separate forms superintendent, Our campaign aimed to show how ‘‘Prosperity’ can be brought to newly elected one in favor of poison and the al) of us is causing considerable thought among some of our readers Frank Hibbard is doing his best to who have started their scrap book and are going to follow through. make the school a real Bible other, not in favor of poison. To those whom we may be un­ There has been many queries concerning the book, “T. N. T.—It Rocks the Earth,” by Claude M. Bristol, the theme of which opened school for all ages. If you are not able to contact and who would our eyes to the great power existing in every man and woman. In attending elsewhere it will pay like to express their opinion, drop view of the fact that no distributor in Southern Oregon carries this you to come over and enroll with a post card informing the club of book, we have made arrangements with the publishers to get a limited us, you are not too old yet. your view point. supply of this result getting book which may be obtained for one dol­ We are holding Sunday night lar. The book will make your 'tudy of this interesting theme much Trappers and hunters we would clearer, and we positively know anyone who follows through with preaching services now, so we try also like to get an estimate of the to combine a sermon of help,and this theme, gets what they want. number of predatory animals you instruction to the Christian with We bring you this week one of Claude Bristol’s an evangelistic message to all. (The have caught or trapped in the last “Taps of T. N. T.” We also want to tell you again that sermon theme was, ‘Before and year. We would also like to hear from any one who has lost dogs we have a few of those marvelous books, “T. N. T., It After,’ based on the story of the or stock through the use of poi­ Rocks the Earth.” We are not going to keep them prodigal son, before and after he son. Send your information to the came to himself" Luke 15,17. Kerby Rod & Gun club, Kerby, very much longer. If anyone wants one, and we want “ Next Sunday, March 5 will he Oregon. to say, that if you are following this theme you can’t communion Sunday. Kerby Rod & Gun club. afford to be without one, you must act soon, for we The little church with the ' big welcome. Ed Wright. are not going to keep them laying around. They can o- One Year Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wackner are visitig Mrs. Wackner’s mother. Mrs. Will Trefethen at Holland, seed treatment and nutritive val- ues. - The final date upon which per- sons may enroll is Saturday, March 4, Mr. Beals said. Through­ ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH out the spring and summer enrol­ OF SEVENTH DAY lees will be advised through let­ ADVENTISTS ters or meetings on how to man­ age a well-planned garden, and Sabbath school at 1:30 p. m. secure a maximum of benefit from Speaking at 3 p. m. ' L it. There is no charge for mem­ Prayer and study, Wednesday bership. evening at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with ........................................9 ua. F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. VVe are now Handling I MONTAG ! Dance GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY RANGES i Ranging in Price fromj -------- -------- $43.75 to $84.50 SATURDAY MARCH 4 Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday ! f a Reasonable Allowance I for your old range I Prizes for Lucky Couples Bennett’s Orchestra American Legion Hall | | Clarence E. Eggers I JEWELER WATCH REPAIRING All Work Guaranteed at a Price you Can Afford to Pay | 1 j J I i I ^Mac’s I MANCHEL’S FURNITURE 112-114 N. 6th Street Grants Pass Market No. 1, S. 6th St.| I I I Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Granta Past Laundry Nails NELSON’S CAFE Largest Stock and Most Complete Line of Sizes in Grants Pass PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE YET ALL NAILS Have you met the Sisters who operate this Cafe? ETHEL and LILLY ANN ARE AMERICAN MADE. When shopping in Grants Pass Lunch with Us Sherwin Williams Paints I I I JSTA1MBRUF 1 PROCESS i FOR EVERY USE Get your 1939 Home Decorator FREE, illustrated by Rockwell Kent i I McCormick-Deering jFRENCH LAUNDRY j & DRY CLEANERS TRACTORS and FARM IMPLEMENTS SALES and SERVICE - Agencies j Rogue River Hardware ¡ “WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE” Grants Pass, Oregon ■ : : THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every dav through E. G. Gayman Says THE BEST FEED IS THE CHEAPEST FEED : Buy the feed which has the best ingredients money can buy—Milled by a company of over 75 years experience — THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR The Ch rut tan Selene* PublUhlne Society One. Norway Street, Boston Maaiachusetta » Pleaae enter my subscription to The Christi an Ocleaot Monitor for a nrr’fxi of 1 year 112 Mi « months M M J months IJ M 1 month 11 00 Wednesday imuo . *ncludin< Mafastne Section 1 year B2 M • issues 25o Call: Wed. and Sat. V’ 0. : n rseords tor rou ths world's cisan. constructive doln