Courier Illinois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Volume II No. 43 Jubilee May Be Put In Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, March 2, 1939 Student Activities At Kerby High Kerby Takes Perennial Cave City Mrs. Frank Beer of Grants Pass is teaching economics and geo­ graphy at the high school this week until Merl Farmer who is at the University of Oregon doing some work necessary for his cer­ At a meeting of the Miners’ tificate. Mr. Farmer expects to be Last Tuesday evening there was Jubilee committee last Monday, back in Kerby this coming week, a special program of sports of­ there was a fair attendance of the to resume his classroom duties. fered th« people of the valley for board, and much discussion was the benefit of the Kerby high indulged in, mostly regarding the Kerby high school basket ball school basket ball team so they Jubilee for this year. team with Bob Schumacher as could go to Ashland in the sec­ A motion was made that we do manager and Principal F. W. tional battle to see who goes to not have the Jubilee this year, but Jones left Wednesday afternoon play for the championship. it was not seconded and did not for Ashland where they will par­ With last evening’s benefit, come up for a vote. The question ticipate in the president's cup di­ Kerby was assured of their ex­ the board was concerned with is vision of the southern Oregon B penses to Ashland for the elimina­ whether the valley wants another League tournament held at the tions. Their first game was be Jubilee and whether they will help Nunnal school. T'lose making the lieved to be Wednesday evening support it with their interest and trip are: Don Hill. Bud Brooks. of this week. See notice of this help when needed. Ray Bergman, Les Henry, Ivan game in another column. The first Jubilee found mgny Ili