Page Two « Illinois Valley News, Thursday, February 16, 1939 RESERVE SUNDAY TO ATTEND CHURCH SERVICES Kerby News Notes of General Interest Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and ita surrounding district*. By Adah Jones Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Paul Kunkle, who has spent the Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at past few months at Oatman, Ari zona, has returned to Kerby for Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 a visit with Mrs. Kunkle and his .............. Editor children Lois and Bob, who are M C. ATHEY Buiine** Manager staying here during the school L. E. ATHEY year. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County Besides a splendid sermon you will hear our young peoples’ choir of which the community may be justly proud. They are under the able direction of Mrs. Lee and her talented daughter, Bonnie Jean. All young people are invited to come and join us, and if you can play an instrument we might or- ganize an orchestra. o TEACHERS OF VALLEY (Continued from Page One) •nd animals in Josephine county to a minimum. To recommend the passage of any constructive legislation that may come before the legislature. that our organization believes would be beneficial to wild life conditions in Oregon. To recommend that a definite program of wild life education be started in our schools, in order that the younger generation be taught the value of conservation and to solicit their support in a program for the improvement and conservation of wild life in the state of Oregon. Our organization extends a vote of thanks botlt to the Oregon State Game commission and the United States Forest Service for the splendid cooperation they have extended to our organization in the past. Wm. J. McLean, Sec. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Phytician CAVE CITY, OREGON THE BARBER Bart McCue The Girl Scouts met Monday night at the library for their reg omics room. Present for the oc ular meeting and decided to casion were: Ferd W. Jones, Mrs. Outside of Josephine County change^ meeting time to Friday Thelma Wilson, Miss Alvenia Con »2 00 Ona Year evenings. The Scouts are prac nell, Merl Farmer, Mrs. Myrtle The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising tising a one act play and a num Walton, Miss Lois Speaker, Miss copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ber of the smaller girls expect to Ila Higgenbotham, Miss Ruby start practicing a flag drill, Higginbotham, Mrs. Lola Peter- both drill and play to be part of sen, Miss LaVerne Robertson, a program to be given later in Mrs. Lorna Byrne, Mrs. Susan Haines, Miss Phyllis Krouse, Mrs. the month. Mary Holland, Mrs. Marjorie Var —o— Faye Tycer spent last Sunday ner and Mrs. E. L. Coovert. -------------o at Tulelake where she visited the ENROLL WITH FARM George Thrasher family. She CAVE CITY \ REDWOOD ¿MPI RE NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS I ^Continued from page One) • WSK • accompanied Mr. Thrasher who has been employed at the Holland THEATRE cgfÿs13* store. They found Virginia arnd supplied to those who enroll in :------------------------------------- her grandmother, both quite ill the Farm Garden Project which MEETING “PROSPERITY” will be conducted by the Exten- : Saturday and Sunday, : with colds. sion Service in Josephine county ’ February 18-19— Our campaign aimed to show how “Prosperity” can be brought to This has been moving week for this year. “The Cowboy and the I all of us is causing considerable thought among some of our reader» two Kerby families, fortunately Meetings will be held during who have started their scrap book and are going to follow through. Lady” the season in communities where : There has been many queries concerning the book, “T. N. T.—It for both, they were able to make interest is shown by the enroll- With Gary Cooper, Merle Ob-j Rocks the Earth,” by Claude M. Bristol, the theme of which opened the move between rain storms. eron and Patsy Kelly our eyes to the great power existing in every man and woman. In Les Henry and Les Jr., moved ment, A letter will be sent each ------------------------------------------ 1 view of the fact that no distributor in Southern Oregon carries this Sunday into the small house be month with timely information. A book, we have made arrangements with the publishers to get a limited garden tour will be planned this! Wednesday and Thursday, : supply of this result getting book which may be obtained for one dol longing to Glenn Young north summer. 3 February 22 23— lar. The book will make your study of this interesting theme much east of the high school. The Hen Enroll now as gardening weath clearer, and we positively know anyone who follows through with ry’s have lived on the Maurice “THE TEXANS” this theme, gets what they want. Sauer place north of Kerby for er will soon be here. Yours very truly, several years. Bud Hoskins and With Randolph Scott, Joan “I Know It, I Believe It, and It’s So.” O. K. Beals, Co. Agt. Bennett and Mae Robson family moved this week to the —o----- Editor’s note—Those who do I Maurice Sauer place and will be : 12 Chapter of I “I Know It, I Believe It, and It’s So.” farmers for a change. The Hos not have time to go into Grants, DICK TRACY RETURNS” ----- o----- kins have lived at the south end Pass to register in the Farm Gar den Project, may call at the News GJ- .... .... ............................... of Kerby and Mr. Hoskins has “I Know It, I Believe It, and It’s So.” been employed in Cave Junction office and we will enroll you and : ----- o----- CAVE JUNCTION j and at various other jobs the past see that Mr. Beals gets your name . I Believe It, and It’s So.” “I Know It, few years, Their many friends and all the benefits that goes with ----- o----- wish them success in their new a membership. Enroll now. t o------------- Keep saying it all day long, every time you wake venture. SI 50 .75 SO One Year ..... Sis Month* Three Month* CAVE CITY, ORE □ Dr. H. W. Hermann optometrist Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. Grants Pass Dr. Fred W. Gould I I I up at night. Keep thinking it. If you want to get along faster, get Claude Bristol’s book, “T. N. T., It Rocks the Earth.” If I could NOT get another copy, my book would be absolutely priceless. Make up your mind you are going places and then keep repeating the above with the thing you want. Use them together. Do this sincerely and get the thrill of your life by realizing and getting what you desire. IT WORKS. ------------------------------ ()----------------------------- ONE OF THE BEST SELLERS Katherine Taylor used to live in the Illinois Val ley during the years of 1932-35. She lived on the ranch behind the Holland school where Oscar Nealy lives now. Katherine Taylor is now famous. She wrote a book and it has proven one of the best sellers. It is entitled, “Address Unknown,” and deals with the dreaded German situation and the fear the populace has of the rulers of the nation. Overstep the bounds of (their) propriety, and your postoffice address is “unknown.” Katherine Taylor’s pen name is Kressman Taylor. If you have not read the book it is worth your while. ----------------- o----------------- THE POLLUTION BILL 'O'— "" Mr. and Mrs. Alva Laws and son Bobby spent Sunday at Med ford where they were guests of Mrs. Laws parents, the occasion being a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Law's father. Valentine day proved the usual interesting event for the Kerby grade school children. Each M«m had an attractive decorated b^x prepared several days before, so was well stocked with Valentines by the time it was due to be open ed. Each child received a gen erous supply of both hand made and ready Valentines from the box. As a special treat to the intermediate and primary grades refreshments were prepared by Mrs. Clara Magill and served by the teachers to the children. — o— A car driven by a man, tempor arily employed at Cave Junction, ran into the car belonging to George Mellow, high school stu dent, while it was parked off the highway in front of the Ritz Tav ern one day last week. Mellow's car received little damage but the other car had some bad dents. A curve on the highway through Kerby makes it difficult to see ahead if speed is over the limit. —O' Mrs. Doilie Duncan had as a guest Tuesday her small grand daughter, Christine Duncan of Holland. Christine i* recovering from a severe cold. —o— Mavis Corwin of Grants Pass was a guest last week at the home of Mrs. Millie Trefethen. Miss Corwin was formerly a resident of Kerby. Few miners of this district realize what the so- called “Pollution Bill" means to them if it passes the state legislature. There are not enough mining men who will fight for their interests, at least fight the legislature. So the legislators think you are not in terested and laws are made that make mining a haz ardous business. If this bill passes this session of the legislature, it is vicious enough to nearly put the finishing touch to mining operations in Oregon. It will put mining under the direction of the State Fish and Game com mission. If you want this to happen, just keep your EXTENSION UNIT MEETS mouth and pen still. If you don’t—write Represen Last Tuesday at the Grange tative Miller and Senator Wipperman at Salem and hall in Bridgeview, the Illinois | Valley Extension Unit held their tell them so, and you had better do it P. D. Q. meeting with a good attendance. -----------------o----------------- Meat cookery wa» the main topic. SOCIALIZED MEDICINE There is no doubting the fact that the Illinois Val ley is isolated as far as hospitalization is concerned, and there are times when it would be convenient to have an M. D., but until there is sufficient business to interest a first class doctor, we cannot expect to hold one. In the meantime we have one of the best doctors in the state, and the only handicap we are under is the fact that he cannot write a prescription. Other than that he does nearly everything a register ed M. I), could do. It the county court would release itself from the State Medical society, or whatever it is called, and use its own initiative in the dispensation of medical service, the county would be better off. If this was done, it could lie arranged to have a registered M. D. and a nurse make a regular visit to the valley every week and take care of cases that perhaps are other wise neglected. KERBY ROD & GUN CLUB (Continued from Page One) ''--------- r Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sta. VETERINARIAN Hone* and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 627 So. 6th St. Day phone 162—Night 538 Grants Pass HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance »ervice dav or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon USED CARS Always Better Value* All-Way* OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms—Reasonable trade» 612 South 7th Street 4 Clarence E. Eggers JEWELER WATCH REPAIRING All Work Guaranteed at a Price you Can Afford to Pay Mac's Market No. 1, S. 6th St. Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grant* Pas* Laundry NELSON’S CAFE Have you met the Sisters who operate this Cafe? ETHEL and LILLY ANN THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every dav through When shopping in Grants Pass Lunch with Us THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A h InlerHaiioHal D m I? Ntuifiafirr It record* for you th* world * clean, eomtructlr* doln** Th* Monitor do»* not exploit crim* or sensation; n*lth»r do»» It l*nor« th*m. but deal* correctively with them Feature* for bu»y men »nd *11 th* family. Including th* Weekly Magaalne Section The Christian Sciane* Publish In* Soeiets On*. Nor«»; Street. Bo«ton. M»«e*chu»ett« Please enter mr «ubacrlptlon to The Chrlatlan Selene* Monitor for ■ period of 1 rear 112 00 « month, 1« 00 3 month* »3 00 1 month 11 00 Wednesday Issue including Maialine Section 1 rear 13 60. 9 Issue* 35* 5TAIMMÜF PROCESS Name Address StmpJo Copy oi RfquOit FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Final Week Deer Creek Grange will give a minstrel show Saturday, March 11 to help raise funds for their new addition recently built to the hall. Rehearsals will »tart shortly and the cast of character* will soon be given. A committee of C. H. Brooks, Don Thompson, Lew Hammer and chairman Mrs. Mary Thompson will be in charge. Merchandise Cleo Doney, daughter of Mr. and Mr* W A. Doney has been confined to her home for the past three weeks with a severe case of rheumatic fever. L B. HALL FUNERAL HOME JUST UNPACKED Mrs. E. J. Wilber and Mrs. H. O. Smith gave reports of their at tendance at the Home Interests conference. Miss Nola Welch in troduced the new farm garden project which will be conducted jointly by the county agent and Home Demonstration agent. ----------- »— Dental Surgeon Tuff* Building Phone 4 Grant* Pa** DRESS SHOP close Tannen lake to angling dur New Spring Styles ing 1939. It is planned to recom-' in mend the alternate opening and Mode O ’ Day Frocks closing of these lakes until the Also fish life is built up so that it will not be necessary to keep either Monterey Modes one closed. The alternate clos- , in ing will allow one lake to be open Sport Pajamas every year. The club program for the com- Hours: 9:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. ing year is listed as follows: Saturday 9:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Erection of a club house. To continue the program for in creased stocking of our forests and streams and to assist in this Increase the membership to 200 CANDY GIFTS or more. For Ail Occasions at program in ever way possible. To make a further study of HORNING’S SHACK streams that dry up every year, GRANTS PA SS these streams take an enormous toll of fish life every year, and to make any recommendations that will improve conditions in this I'm Ho| Enough to type of stream. Want Your Busina** To make an active campaign And Man Enough to reduce the predatory bird and To Appreciate It animal life in Josephine county ____ KEITH’S MARKET and to recommend to the proper authorities regulations that would tend to reduce predatory birds >MtN4*MMMt44M44tt((4tM8MN88M8888M| | DOYLE’S Close Out Sale Of course lots of items are “gone” but you’ll be surprised at the really wonderful bargains offered this last week. SHOP! SAVE! BUT HURRY! “It’s Now or Never’’ Come! Alma'» Dress Shop, Cava City Wittrock’* Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma Call: Wed. and Sat E. G. Gayman Says THE BEST FEED IS THE CHEAPEST FEED Buy the feed which has the best ingredients _______ ____ r __ money can . buy—Milled by a company of over 75 years experience — SPERRY'S FARM . TESTED FEEDS Suremilk. Surclay, Surebuild, Surebroiler, Sirraturk, Sarerabbit Buy in half or ton lota and save money MACK’S Seed & Feed Store 514 a 6th Street Grants Pass a