Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1938)
Illinois Valley News. Thursday, December 29. 1938 Chritsmas Program CAVE CITY THEATRE (Continued from Page One) Coming Attractions at Cave City Theater Page Three 1939 Will Be (Continued from Page One) We want to thank our friends and pat The merry romantic adventures with all major highways of the Several special musical num rons for their loyal support during the past bers were given on the program, of a madcap heiress who runs out Pacific coast. year and sincerely wish all the people in the Mrs. Edmond Meola sang “Star on her fortune and into a roving “We intend to stimulate inter : Valley a Prosperous and of the East.” accompanied by reporter who’s out to get her story est in winter traffic into the Red Friday and Saturday, Mrs. Lee. Other numbers were a but comes back with her heart, are wood Empire, and a more general Dec. 30 and 31 solo by Mrs. Griffeth of Grants gaily depicted in "There Goes My use of the Redwood Empire sys i “There Goes My Heart” Pass; a duet by Mrs. C. C. Bab Heart,” starring Frederic March tem of highways,' Hull said, “by j With Frederick March and cock and Mrs. Asa Johnson; a so and Virginia Bruce. Friday and telling people of the Northwest Virginia Bruce lo by Mrs. Byrum Gray, accom Saturday, Dec. 30 and 31. what awaits them in this region.” panied by Byrum Gray on the A great cast, headed by the This will be done by exhibiting : Sunday and Monday, Jan. 12 flute; Rev. George Gray sang, new streamlined Patsy Kelly, Nan photographs of points of interest “KING KONG” “We Three Kings of the Orient cy Carroll, Alan Mowbray and throughout the Nine-counties, the f Starring Fay Wray with Robert Are,” preceding the giving of the Eugene Pallette, supports the Golden Gate Bridge, radio pro : Armstrong and Bruce Cabot tableaux. stars in this comedy romance of grams, folders, maps and a wide Tableaux portraying the Christ a girl who threw away a million variety, of Redwood Empire dis Wednesday and Thursday mas story were lighted by various dollars, deserted her yacht for a play material. Jan. 4 and 5 colored lights and an illuminated bargain basement, and found that Reports already show that in “PAINTED DESERT” star giving a beautiful effect, ’ you can have a barrel of fun eat creased winter traffic during the with George O'Brien Scenes given were of, the shep ing hamburgers, riding subways past few years has caused hotel, : herds, angels message, wisemen, and falling in love with a guy to ; resort and motor-court owners 5th Chap. Dick Tracy Return.- : two manger scenes and the cross whom you'd always been just a and operators in the Redwood Em and crown. x headline—and a headache. pire to remain open throughout Your Program Good Friday, Mrs. Mills read the descriptions On Sunday and Monday, Jan. the year thereby making available Dec. 29 and the acting was done by Otis 1 and 2, Manager Fred Rout has travelers accommodations to è o Hussey, Duane LeVan and Lloyd booked another thriller. The j to meet their individual desire. Schumacher, as shepherds; Char straitgest role ever assigned a Similar activities are to be car Illinois Valley Grange J lotte Badden, Myrtice and Doris woman is portrayed by Fay Wray ried on in Southern California ¡ Jones, angels; Wendell Lee, Ken in “King Kong,” which currently | Intermountain states to develop. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin and Byrum Gray as returns to the screen after its travel and interest in the Redwood NEW YEAR’S EVE I Morrison sensational debut five years ago. wisemen; Mr. Mills as King Her- Empire as an all-year recreation Cave Junction ed; Lewis Schumacher and Lu Miss Wray is captured in the j al area. ther Sherier as guards; Ortis Seat, jungle by a giant ape, 50 feet tall,} fto'toto to to to to to to to to toto totototoj o a priest; Lloyd Schumacher, a and while it holds her between its [ scribe; Dorothy Gray as Mary. fingers as a boy would clasp a| “World’s Fair Premiere—Feb George Allen and Lewis Stone Singing for these scenes was by captured beetle, the gigantic thing ruary 18 and 19“ was selected re are working on a modern cabin worn out preacher we would like Mr^ Hallock, Ann Sherier sing becomes fascinated by her beauty. cently as the official title for the 1 at Rainbow Gardens near O'Brien. to hear of it. SATURDAY. DEC. 31| ing the cradle hymn for one man Her struggles to escape from the i momentous opening celebration of —o— ger scene. The entire audience monster, form the production's in the Golden Gate International Ed Taylor bought the old San Admission $1.00 sang "Joy to the World,” in the credibly adventurous background. Exporition, according to Leland ders estate on the Illinois river manger scene with angels and Robert Armstrong and^ Bruce ( a Cutler, president of the Exposi recently. Mrs. Babcock’s trumpets. The last scene was the bot are featured with Miss Wray. tion company. Orchestra large white cross and the crown. Again plenty of action of the I. B. Hearing of O'Brien spent ------------ o- For All Occasions Benediction by Dr. William A. highspeed usually associa American Legion Hall Brown. After the benediction, ted with variety the holidays with his family in George O’Brien's film Mr. and Mr». Ben Harpold en- Grant(, paM. Cave Junction boxes of candy from the Sunday vehicles, is offered in the out- I tertained Mr. and Mrs. Dave j Emerson Radios ------ 0------ School were brought from under door star’s latest picture, “Painted ! Webb, Mrs. Belle Nash and Dan | Albert Curno of Takilma is the beautifully decorated tree, Desert” which will be seen Wed | Farlien at a Christmas dinner, visiting his parents in Grants SPECIAL and passed to the children who nesday and Thursday, Jan. 4 and ; Pass. I'm Hog Enough to 5. were present. For Saturday Only Want Your Busine»» —o--- With its picturesque outdoor CLASSIFIED ADS And Man Enough Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balzke en Slayton’s Break Up scenes, many of them actually | — To Appreciate It Another Old Timer KEITH S MARKET filmed on the Painted Desert it FOR SALE Storage galv. wat tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ga- A (old 39c self, the picture ranks high er tank», one 4 ft. 8 in. high, leno for dinner Christmas. Passes To Reward among the season's action offer- j another 4 ft. 11 in. Large, heavy CAVE CITY Annie Jane Spears Coffey, bom ingS. Dealing with a long strug- | tanks. Inquire News office, j Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson 34-ltp of O’Brien visited Christmas with in Georgia, June 6, 1862, died gle for the ownership of a million DRUG STORE Mr. Johnson's father and mother, Dec. 24. Annie Spears was married dollar mine in the Arizona desert, | BUY Out of the high rent district Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Johnson CANDY GIFTS to William Coffey in January 1880, a romance and scores of exciting and save on Murphy road. of Takilma. S' situation are woven into the plot. and with her husband and his par For All Occasions at (P GEORGE GROEBLI, your trac- ents, sisters and brothers and sev Originally discovered by an old HORNING’S SHACK eral other families crossed the prospector, the mine is transfer tor, Implement and Machinery Last Friday night chicken THE BARBER man. Perfection Milkers, Cream thieves GRANTS PASS robbed ___ the _____ roost of nine _____ _______ plains, the same year they were red to a crooked promotor and Bart McCue Separators, Aermotor Wind- big fat hens at the home of Ed married, all driving ox teams. They then to O’Brien, a young rancher, mills, J. I. Case Tractors and Wright. If anyone knows of a settled in Josephine county a lit who is the first to learn that the CAVE CITY. ORE Implements, Water Systems crime any meaner than that of tle later and have spent most of property is really valuable. Notary Publics and Pumps. Everything for the stealing chickens from an old Don't miss these pictures. the time in this county. in Cave City prospective farmer. 24-39 She was the mother of eight o- children and the following five sur AMY HUSSEY PREST-0 LITE Batteries $4.00 Get My Prices on vive to mourn her loss: Mrs. Har-1 Christmas Dinner Is and up. Wholesale and retail. M. C. ATHEY ry Tresham of Kerby, Mrs. Mae ! Campbell's Super Service, next Rutier of Washington, and Mrs. Served At O’Brien to Courthause, Granta Paas, Laura A. Penny of California, Oregon. —16tf (Contributed) GRANTS PASS James Coffey of Kerby and Arthur and din DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE of A real old time Christmas Coffey of Chiloquin, Oregon. STEAM LAUNDRY ner was served Saturday evening one of these small classified ZERONE ANTI-FREEZE Mrs. Spears made her home with Pickup in Care City and Kerby at the Art Williams home near ads. They get results, and cost her son, Jim of this valley for the Monday and Thursday Equip Your Car for Winter Driving NOW! so little. past years until about two months O’Brien, Ore. The piece de resistance was a ago she went to live with her FOR SALE — Mining location daughter in Washington, while un roast turkey with all the fixings TEXACO GAS — OIL — GREASES blanks, both quartz and placer and reinforced by two tine roast der medical treatments. and trespass notices at the chickens. “ Oh Boy, ” what a roast. “Wanted - Mrs. Spears was well known on Mechanical Service lor All Cars Two kinds of potatoes, two kinds | Illinois Valiev News office. J. <0 the Applegate and Williams Creek ' A Parachute by the residents of that vicinity. of salad, two kinds of pie and all NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION At She was 76 years old last June. kinds of cake. Those O'Brieti women are some cooks. She had 15 grandchildren and 12 Once" G. A. Hicks, Proprietor The evening was spent in vis | United Stater Department of the great grand children. Interior iting and singing. Those present ____ FOR ------------- o------------- EJ.. were the hosts, Art and Julia Wil ANYTHING General Land Office at Rose liams; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stiwalt, burg, Oregon, December 27, IN O’Brien Grade School YOU NEED Mr. and Mr«. Eugene Brown and 1938. TRY OUR WANT ADS Presents Fine Program daughter, Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Notice is hereby given that Floyd Lewis; Mr. and Mrs. Del-1 Stella Cole Putnam of Murphy, The O’Brien school program bert O’Brien and two children, Mr. Oregon, widow of Herbert E. Put WHENEVER YOU WANT IT under the direction of their teach and Mrs. Ed Wright and Mr. and nam, who, on November 18, 1931,' er Mrs. Bumby was a very pleas Rent a Mrs. Murphy Hicks. made Original Homestead Entry ant affair. Dialogues and play under Act June 9, 1916, No. lets were given. o 019892, for SE% SE14, Section M rs. E. H. Kretsinger sang, | 29, Township 37 South, Range 5 Miscellaneous Shower “Star of the East’’ while the lights at West, Willamette Meridian, has were turned off and the star on Given for Treshams Reasonable Rates ____ filed notice of intention to make the tree lighted. A piano solo final Proof, to establish claim to was given by Eleanor Galeno. A miscellaneous shower was After the program there were given recently by the Illinois Val the land above described, before ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO boxes of apples, oranges, nuts and ley Garden lub at the home of E. W. Madison, United States Phil Sawyer, Prop. popcorn balls passed around to Mrs. Eva Hill for Mr. and Mrs. Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon on the 14th day of Feb , FllUW#B0001llltllllllllllllllllJHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllltll|ll||ini||||lllil'lliill!ININIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllUtllinniBBBUB+ both children and adult». The W. A. Tresham of Bridgeview, UUuuur * i children also had for a gift a who lost their entire home by ruary, 1939, Claimant names as witnesses : stocking plentifully* filled with ' fire several month» ago. H. A. and Joseph Swisher, George Kelly, goodies. i Jesse Tresham, sons of Mr. and Kelly, Mrs. Jean Morgan James o ■ Mr». Tresham made a special trip Mr. and Mrs. John Semple re- | to Prineville last Saturday to de all of Murphy, Oregon. George Finley, turned home to O'Brien Tuesday liver the gifts to their parents. Register. from a trip to Portland. They returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tresham wish to thank the members of the Garden club and all their friends DAILY MINER’S SUPPLIES in the valley who helped them I IS It 1111*1 IM M tl Ilf St 11MS91M11 < t It 11MI tt f M • M M Mt M Ml IM I* * 191 lilt 111M11 * Ml ISMI t II t 191 Mil t ISSM Stt IM S' after the loss of their home. They A SPECIALTY BUSINESS GOES WHERE IT IS are making their home in Prine ville temporarily with their son-in- ATTRACTIVELY INVITED General Merchandise law and daughter, Mt*, and Mrs. ILLUMINATED NEON SKINS Howard Harker. In the spring for Every Family Between All Illinois redwoods hotel they expect to return to Bridge POINT THE WAY Grant» Pas» Valley Points and view and build a new home. Need MARTIN HARDWARE Dance GIFTS Gillette Tires & Tubes Illinois Valley Motor Co ENJOY FRESH MEAT Cold Storage Locker Are You Getting YOUR SHARE? Freight Service [ ■■■I I SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shopj IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES | Lew Hammer's Selma, Oregon o Mr. Fred McClintock narrowly escaped injury last Thursday en route to Oregon from California, when a car swung out in front of him and a collision was the result. The driver of the other car admit ted the blame but was not able to take care of any part of the sixty- , five dollar garage bill. Grants Pass ILLINOIS VALLEY FREIGHT SERVIC E GET OUR RATES G. A. HICKS HAROLD HILL Texaco Garage CAVE JUNCTION Eugene Neon Sign Co. Medford Branch, Medford, Oregon