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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1938)
Gateway to The Oregon Caves III inois ValleyLNews A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRIC TS Volume II Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, December 15, 1938 No. 32 » Young Matron Honored With Stork Shower Chamber To Reorganize Is Decided President Last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Ralph T. Baumberger and Of Club Mrs. George L. Martin were charming hostesses to about 40 friends who gathered at the for Gives Views mer’s beautiful home on the Il Price 5 Cents i Rainbow Gardens Being Built of General Interest Woodrow Nealy and Joe Albin eft Sunday night for Clatskanie, Jregon, where they have employ nent in a logging camp. News' Gift Meeting Favor linois river and Redwood highway The grade school pupils are very to honor Mrs. Paul Hein with a busy these days putting extra By Art Drews Few people of the valley rea Getting off to a splendid start surprise stork shower. NOTICE TO CHAMBER time in preparation for their lize what is being done on the old with announcement last week, The The rooms were lovely with MEMBERS Ui considering the change pro Christmas program which they two Christmas trees brightly dec- posed last Tuesday by the Grants Rickert ranch, about a mile and a expect to give on the evening of News' free gift of a famous pen the Next Tuesday noon, in orated with glistening tinsel and Pass Chamber of Commerce in re half from O'Brien on the old stage Dec. 22. Plays, songs and readings and pencil is meeting the approval Hotel Drews dining room, the colorful ornaments, and around gard to our club submerging and road. A visit will surprise the are being prepared with costumes of everyone who has been in to view the display at this office. of Illinois Valley Chamber the larger tree were loads end affiliating with them I find a lot citizens. to add color and interest. Paul R. Schnider and Mrs. This fact is naturally encourag Commerce will meet to decide loads of daintily wrapped pack of things to be considered both in Gladys M. King, have under con ing but not the least bit surpris whether they shall disband or ages which kept the hoporee busy favor and against the move. The children who were having ing. These sets are truly remark struction one of the most attrac stay the way they are at a lo- for a greater part of the after art work Isat week under Miss It has be<n, and 1 hope always tive places in the valley. They able fine writing equipment, giv cal chamber. noon. Roberson were much interested in will be, the endeavor of the lllin ing just as good service as highly have given the name of "Rainbow The matter is most import- After a social conversation was ois Valley Chamber of Commerce finger painting using the small of the officers ant, and the enjoyed, pencil and paper were I to help build the valley, as each Gardens" to the place, because jars of bright colored paints the expensive sets. They are standard every asks that chamber handed each guest with instruc community in this valley is de they will specialize in rainbow children dip their fingers instead in size and in a wide array of and be present member tions to be followed for a word pendent on the entire valley. My trout, either for fishing or com of paint brushes into the paints bright and attractive colors. Each discus take a hand in the contest and five minutes the time property interests are centered in mercial purposes, as they will and work out designs on their art is in a holly decorated gift box sion and voting. This is YOUR limit to finish. The prize was Cave Junction, but my success de hatch hundreds of thousand of paper, or where they wish to and has a two-color holiday label so suitable for addressing for de rainbow trout when the gardens make the design. chamber and what becomes of won by Anna Athey. pends on every phase of the valley livery or mailing. it is your planning and deci Delicious refreshments were activity and nearly every business are completely finished and ready Other art work is evident in the New*' Gift to Subscribers for operating. sion. If you are not there, it served later with Mrs. H. T. man is in a like situation, there window decorations of Christmas Those beautiful sets are the The owners have a state fishing will be your fault you did not Baumberger and Mrs. Eva Hill, fore, the problem is to build a wreaths, jack frost figures and hatchery license mtid have several other seasonal designs. Also mak News Christinas gifts to its many have a voice in the matter. assisting. bigger and better Illinois Valley. large hatching tanks under con- ing tree decoration has occupied readers. We are giving these sets Lunch sharp at 12 p. m. The We do not all see alike and if absolutely free of any charge. One struction as well as a large lake spare moments. meeting should be over by 1 we did it would be a very monot i FRISCH’ BACK NOT set with each new or renewal sub where fish will be stored The p. m. Plan to attend and take onous world, and it has betn said BROKEN IN SLIDE scription at the regular rate of rifich consists of 160 acres and part in the discussions. The Illinois Valley Teachers for hundreds of years that “A every bit of it will be utilized organization held their regular $1.50 per year. As long as our The condition of William prophet is not without honor ex when the gardens are completely supply lasts you can obtain as Last Tuesday the Illinois Val meeting at the high school build Frisch, injured when buried be- cept in his own town.” We may finished. many sets as you desire, one set ley Chamber of Commerce held ing Tuesday evening, December neath a mine cave-in near Holland know our neighbors too well to be Starting with the coming sea 13th. There were about 14 present, with each $1.50 paid on subscrip a most important meeting with Sunday afternoon, is not serious, carried away by their oratory, but son, Mrs. King said, they would tion. Secretary Larry Manuel of the Dr. S. B. Osgood, county physician knowing them we may know whip only have a few cabins ready, but others being kept away by illness Ideal for Christmas Presents Grants Pass Chamber and C. W. or the weather. Mrs. Lola Peter to trust them. What I am getting reported Tuesday after ascertain These sets and the News are construction will be kept up when Thornberry, editor of the Grants ing that the man did not have at is this: Is it better to maintain possible, and when completed, son, president, called the meeting two ideal Christmas gifts as many Pass Bulletin attending. a broken back as was at first our individuality or identity as a many modern cabins will be avail to order. It was necessary to send of our subscribers are agreeing. a delegate to the O. S. T. A. which President Drews asked for a thought possible. His injuries con (Contlnued on Page Three) able for those who desire to get will be held in Portland after They can be sent to separate ad- resolution changing the by-laws I ---------------- O ---------------- sist of scalp lacerations, and a away for a few days or weeks va Christmas. Mr. Alva Laws was dresses if desired, thereby serving so that five members of the ex sprained knee and hip, but he has cation, and they will be able to elected to represent the associa as two gifts. There is no better ecutive committee would consti suffered most from loss of blood, Coming Attractions at find any accommodations they de tion. After the business meeting way to remember relatives and tute a quorum. The resolutioin Frisch had been working the Cave City Theater sire at the new gardens, a small the entertainment committee de friends. Try this method this year will be voted on at next Tuesday’s Modrel mine, located six and a cabin to live in and meals in a cided to hold a Quizz which is for economical but highly satis meeting. Coming next Saturday and fine dining room at the main half miles up Sucker creek from factory Christmas giving. W. B. Wilber, a prominent the Oregon Caves CCC camp. Sunday, Dec. 17 und 18 to > the build)ig, or a completely fur very popular on the radio today Get Your Sets at Once mining man of the west, was a Alone w’hen the accident occur- Cave City Theatre is the s show nished housekeeping cabin with Later, they all assembled in the With the demand growing home economic room for lunch. guest at the meeting and took ed. he had dug himself out and called by all critics as the "Year’s everything that goes with it. stronger each day, there is nt» The table was beautifully dec considerable interest in what was crawled 150 yards to his cabin de Greatest Show,” with Nora Shear The fish hatchery will start orated in the Christmas spirit, absolute assurance that we will going on, as he stated that he spite his extremely weak condi er and Tyrone Power. next fall, and six and eight inch favors of candy gum drops, with be able to obtain sufficient seta expected to be a regular mem tion. Other miners later found The world has read and remem trout will be available for the tiny candles inserted and lit. The to take care of the demand. The ber in the near future. him at the cabin and transported bered the story of Marie Antoin trade The owners expect to fur pen company has promised to do committee on refreshments were Elwood Hussey introduced Mrs. him by stretcher three and a half ette, the glamorous queen of nish Los Angeles with all the trout the best it can but does not guar teachers from the Selma district. H. L. Hemingson and Mrs. K. miles down an icy mountain trail France. Of her virtues, her in they can use when the hatchery is antee the supply. To make sure Mrs. Myrtle Walton, Miss Lois D. Le Van, who have recently to receive medical attention and trigue and brilliance as a queen functioning to capacity. you get the sets you want, come Speaker, and the Misses Ida Mae located in Cave Junction and will be brought to Josephine General but more than anything else, we in today and make your selection Two wells have been drilled and Ruby Higginbotham. have an official announcement of hospital.—G. P. Courier. from the beautiful assortment at read of her scarlet history as the that will furnish all the water their business interests in another this office. playgirl of Europe, of her flirta needed for every purpose, one We’ll Wrap and Mail Sets column of this week’s paper. tions, her escapades with the no with 500 gallons and one with Maxinc Allen Honored H & L CAFE TO Larry Manuel was called on and OPEN SATURDAY When requested the News will blemen of her court, her extrava 1200 gallons capacity, and this At Birthday Party he spoke of enlarging the Grants be happy to wrap, address and gances, even while her subjects will supply the camp and hatchery Pass Chamber of Commerce to a A delightful birthday party mail a set to any address in the starved. with all the fresh spring water A new cafe and fountain will Josephine County Chamber, and open its doors to the public next Now the screen gives us, needed, even if the streams do get was given in Takilma, Friday, Dec United States for five cents ex asking if the Illinois Valley Cham ember 9th, honoring Maxine Al tra. We will hold these sets to Saturday, December 17th, when “Marie Antoinette' the woman we low. ber would affiliate and become a the H. & L. Cafe, under the pro see her, as tho’ through a key len, Betty Strong and Barbara the time you designate they be The ranch is ideally situated on part of the county organization. Owen whose birthdays came in mailed. There is every advantage in hole, not on the pages of history, prietorship of two very charming the banks of the west fork of the He explained that a director of ladies, Mrs. H. L. Hemingson and but in her boudoir, in the per Illinois river and they also have the same week. The hostesses were making your selection now. You the new Chamber would be elect Mrs. K. D. Le Van, hold their op- fumed halls of the palace of Ver a water right from Rough and Mrs. Chas. Strong and Mrs. Cecil thereby make certain there will be ed from the valley and the local sailles, on the moonlight nights in Ready creek that they will use to < Owen, and the party given at Mrs. no disappointment later. ening day. chamber would become a part of Owen’s home. The new cafe is situated in the her garden. A rendezvous with her fill the lake when it is ready for the new caunty chamber. The cost There were places for twenty lover, we follow her through Brooks building, next door to the water, the lake having been al- at the table. The decorations were WHAT THE LEGION of membership in the new organi triumphs and glory, midst the old News office, which has been ready tested rind filled. zation would be most nominal, i lovely, appropriate to the time of AUXILIARY IS DOING thoroughly renovated and pre pageantry of that shameless court, The proprietors have had 22 year, and with three large rakes, business men $10.00 and farmers we see the tottering of her throne, sents a very pleasing appearance men working at different times i on all decorated with pretty candles, and individual mining men $4 per The Auxiliary bazaar and as this reporter saw the place thi* the uprising of her people, her the ranch and roads and trails are i year. He asked if we wanted the for the three girls. They all de luncheon which occupied the Aux arrest and imprisonment, and we week. being completed as fast a* weath clared the lunch and cake delic iliary's time the pest month was Grants Pass chamber to expand On their opening day Saturday, follow her on that last ride er conditions permit. Landscap and take in the entire county, giv ious. A great deal of fun was had a very successful event. the ladies will serve free coffee through the streets of Paris to the ing this huge project is a large watching the three girl* open their guillotine. Never, not since the (Continued on Page Three) , to all who come to see the cafe, Maybe someone has been won job, and several thousands of dol gifts while at the table. screen found voice, has there been dering why the Auxiliary always and to the kiddies, a free ice .............................. -................................ a After the lunch they all went needs money, We have been try- a drama so mighty in emotional lars have already been expended cream cone. outside to a huge bonfire, where ing to tell you through these col- conflict, so sublime in romance, so on the improvements. COMING EVENTS I Regular meals will be a part of When completed, "Rainbow they had a lot of fun and a merry umns what the money is used for. brilliant in spectacle, so magnifi ( I O __ il mill i n mi iiiniiiimiiii mi in 11 i mu i iji the menu with short orders at all cent in performance, truly “Marie Gardens" will act as a dude ranch time. Those pesent were: Elva At Christmas time the need is hours. The ladies will make a and fish hatchery second to none Messenger, Maxine Allen, Betty greater. Every disabled World Monday’s—Every 2nd and 4th, feature of their fountain service. Antoinette” reaches the zenith of co the Pacific coast, and will be Strong, Minnie Eggers, Marjorie War veteran who spends Christ Girl Scouts meet at Kerby Li Saturday and Sunday they will extraordinary entertainment and an acquisition to the county at MacFarlin, France« Eggers, Ron mas in a hospital will receive a thrill ! brary building. have a special turkey dinner. I There will be a special matinee large and Illinois Valley in par nie Strong, Dane Allen, Harold gift from the American Legion Every Monday—Boy Scouts meet Allen, Herman Eggers, Albert Auxiliary. Last year gifts went Saturday, Dec. 17, at 2 p. m. and ticular. THANKS A MILLION! in Legion hall. Cave Junction. Eggers, Paul Mossburg, Mike Mc- to S3,470 hospitalized veterans -o only one show at night, starting Ralph Huber, Scout Master. That is a frequent expression Briety, Kenneth MacFarlin, Keith and as many or more are expected at 7:30. This show is about three | Friday, Dec. 16 — Holland School these days when our readers are hours long. Special prices for the ' I>ocal Man Has Souvenir MacFarlin, Jackie Owen, Jimmie this year. The gifts will have an Improvement club, business made a present of a beautiful pen matinee Is announced in the Cave . From Air Mail Plane Owen, Barbara Owen, Charlie average value of SI.00 and will be meeting completing plans for and pencil set. Your set is waiting City Theatre ad of this issue of Owen and Howry Robert*. selected, as far as possible, to for you at The News office. Christmas program. Scott Turner of Holland, has a LOCAL MAN The News. meet the individual needs. o — -------------o------------- Saturday, Dec. 17—Joint meeting For Wednesday and Thursday, souvenir of the Point Reyes Air In addition to the work for the and installation, Deer Creek Kerby High School Dec. 21 and 22, Manager Rout has Mail crash. An air mail letter men in the hospital, the Auxiliary Honored at Birthday and Illinois Valley Granges. Basket Ball Schedule booked “The Old Barn Dance,” written his mother. Mrs. Winnie will contact the needy families of Turner, Windsor, Illinois. The let Dinner Party Last Week starring Gene Autrey. This is one Wednesday, December 21—Leg these men and supply Christmas ter was received by her, and she ion Auxiliary social night. All December 16—Gold Hill, home. of those unusual "Western*." Miss Edda Burke and Miss Ger food and gifts. At a number of come and help decorate the December 17—Crescent City at A logical story, based on the ef returned the envelope to her son. hospitals, arrangements have been The letter was readible in part. trude Bloomingcamp were hostes forts of Autrey and his crony, Crescent City. Christmas tree. made for the disabled veterans to Wednesday, Dec. 21—Garden December 20—Grants Pass at “Frog,’ (“Smiley” Burnettel to The envelope was back stamped, ses at a dinner party last week select for their children, and these Grahts Pass. sell horses to farmers at various “Damaged due to air mail inter given in honor of Eugene Vance. will be sent to the children in the club Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. J, M. Smock, January 6—Central Point, at rodeos through the western Uni ruption near Pt Reyes, Calif., Enjoying the affair were, Nelle name of the veteran and paid for Hayden, Eileen Whitehead, Lucy Central Point. ted States, gives these two excel Nov. 2V, 1938." Holland. by the Auxiliary. Last year this Whitehead, Edda Burke, Gertrude January 13 — Rogue River, home. A number of people heard the lent actors an opportunity to dis > Saturday, December 24—An family crntact service reached Bloomingcamp, Eugene Vprice, Al nual election of officers. Belt January 20—Phoenix at Phoenix. play their talents in a forceful, plane circle three times around 7,875 families at Christmas time. the southern part of the valley, Brown, I-awrence Musil, Charles January 27—Sam's Valley, home. amusing way. Lodge No. 18, A. F. & A. M. The Christmas activities are January 31—Gold Hil! at Gold Fred Rout wishes to remind eve and around Bolen Lake, on ita way Ward and Leroy Branham. Sunday, December 25—Christ- only part of a continuous program After dinner the guests were Hill. ry me in the valley that they are south, soon after it left Medford mas. carried on throughout the year by taken to the Owl Cafe where the ■ - ■ o invited to the show Monday, Dec. Air Port, on its fatal trip. the Auxiliary to aid disabled war Monday, December 26 — Legion ------------- o------------- evening was spent in dmcing M. E. Treadgold of the Cope- 26. This is Fred's Christmas pres veterans. Auxiliary Christina* party after land Lumber company of Grants ent to citizens of the Illinois Val ........ . o------------- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rout were Government hospitals are vis- the first show. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rout left last transacting business in Grants Pass was in Cave Junction last ley and the show is free, no cost Saturday for southern California. i Pass the first of thia week. Sunday, Januar 1—New Year Wednesday on business. whatsoever to anyone. (Continuad on Pa*« Three) r hi iihiiiii ii iii 1