Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 8, 1938 As Usual City chap—Guess there's a lot of big men born in this town. Local citizen—Nope, just ba bies. CHRISTMAS GIFTS CARDS AND DECORATIONS CAVE CITY DRUG STORE CHRISTMAS CANDIES at HORNING’S SHACK Grants Pass REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass New Books Donated To Kerby Library Thanks to the courtesy of A. L. Mallery of CCC camp No. 5483, 19 good books have been added to the Kerby library. A nev. supply of books has also been ob tained from the County library. Hereafter there will be a fine of lc per day on books kept out overtime. Each person is intitled I to two books at a time, and may keep them two weeks. They may be renewed, however, for another two weeks, unless they are popu lar books from the County li brary which must be returned within a certain time. This time limit will not apply to students taking out books for school work, however. Students may arrange with the librarian to keep books out as long as necessary. -------------- o—----------- Postmaster McLean Gives Information SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Postal Patrons: When you mail that friend or loved one a package or gift, you are sending the a token of your friendship or love, and your kindest thoughts go with your gift, you do not want those 1 thoughts or kind intentions mar red by the arrival of your pack age in poor or bad condition. Show your appreciation of that friend or loved one by taking every precaution that your gift arrives in time for Christmas and in GOOD condition. Pack your parcels so that the contents cannot be damaged or broken in transit, mail them early to assure delivery in time for Christmas. Insure your package for your own protection, request a return receipt so that you know that your parcel has been received and when it arrives. A return re ceipt can be had for a cost of Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon Freight Service Come in and look over our line of GIFTS—Something for every member of the Family SPECIAL — Discontinued line of Children’s Shoes, sizes 1, 2 and 3, reg. 2.50 value at $1.59 One lot of Boy’s Coats, sizes 8 and 10, Black, All Wool Melton, Zipper Closing, a regular $2.89 value, now at 81.95 EVERYTHING IN RAIN ( LOTHES and HARDWARE MARTIN HARDWARE Cave Junction Many applicants for Oregon drivers’ licenses have a very hazy idea of the things they are re quired to do in order to pass the actual driving test for the license. After studying the Operators’ Manual, which gives a coplete summary of the motor vehicle law relating to driving, they are not sure how much ability and exper ience in handling a car they must Friendly Service TO KNOW WHAT TO DO IS . WISDOM TO KNOW HOW TO DO IT IS proper speed and must not cut in too quickly. Hills—Must be able to shift gears on hills and to stop and start without rolling backward. Speed—Must be able to adjust speed to conditions without lag Ring or driving too fast. In addition to these things the examiner takes note of the appli cant’s attention, attitude toward other drivers and miscellaneous faults or abilities. SKILL TO DO THE THINGS AS IT SHOULD BE DONE IS | k ELECTRICITY AND WITHOUT ADVERTISING — ftu Gillette Tires & Tubes and ZERONE ANTI-FREEZE Equip Your Car for Winter Driving NOW! THIS SERVICE CAN BE HAD AT Des' Garage TEXACO GAS OIL — GREASES Mechanical Service for All Cars Complete Facilities for Overhauling all car« STANDARD OILS & GAS Illinois Valley Motor Co. CAVES HIGHWAY G. A. Hicks, Proprietor □ "•••••• aaiaaiaaaiaaaaiaaaaaaiaaaaaaia WHENEVER YOU WANT IT Rent a Cold Storage Locker at Reasonable Rates HAROLD HILL I I D................................................... ... 8 E. G. Gayman Says: I ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO. Phil Sawyer, Prop. ■MiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniRiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuniiniiiuiiiinniiiuiniiuiniiiiiiiiuiiiiuuan^ aa a aaaaa aaaaaa a a ail a a aaaaaa aaaaaaa aa Q IJttllHHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIHIHHIIIHIII For Christmas THE BEST FEED IS THE CHEAPEST FEED Buy the feed which has the | best ingredients money can i buy—Milled by a company of! over 75 years experience —: «6 oZzZW/ZZTZ GIVE HER ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CANARY WARBLERS A Gift That Lives Warbler and Roller Cross ...... $3.50 and $5.00 SPERRY’S FARM - TESTED 1 FEEDS Suremilk, Surelay, Surebuild, : Surebroiler, Sureturk, Sarerabbit Colors: Yellow, Yellow and Green, White, White and Blue GUARANTEED BEAUTIFUL SINGERS Also a Fine Line of Bird Cages — Tropical Fish— Buy in half or ton lots and = save money MACK’S Seed & Feed Store lOtlflt f Gold Fish— Puppies— PET SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Bettendorf’s Pet Shop 514 SI 6th Street Grants Pass; {j THE HOME OF PET SUPPLIES 507 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon ««I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,m Perfection Bread Fruit Cake Specials FOR YOUR HOLIDAY Lew Hammer’s At Y’our Grocers Selma, Oregon Keibel’s Bakery BUT WHY TRY? (Jet My Prices on ENJOY FRESH MEAT GET OUR RATES you CAN GET F along W ithout j-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiinuiiniJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.:. Between All Illinois Valley Points and Grants Pass ILLINOIS VALLEY FREIGHT SERVICE • «*«.1 SNfll «< tt«» ......................................................................................... Ê $12.50 Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats $9.90 $16.50 Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats $12.95 $25.00 and $29.50 Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Coats ..................................................... $16.95 $9.90 Tailored Coats.................................. $8.95 $15.95 Tailored Coats .............................. $12.95 DAILY General Merchandise for Every Family Need ft IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER ■EJ : ■ ALL COATS REDUCED Grants Pass MINER’S SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY CHRISTMAS ÙÏ Ù JÙ ÙÏ ¡LÍili'¿ ùt Ili ÙÏ ù’û ÙÏ 'ifû \ìll ÙÌ ÙÏ Ù Ù Ü Ü.Û Ù. a 1 GF Buy Her a Coat for Christmas “G” Street Barber Shop CAVE JUNCTION E. S. Heydenburk has been ap pointed general chairman of the Elks annual smoker, to be held December 17, to raise funds for the kiddies Christmas party and treat on December 23. Mr. Heydenburk will have as his assistants, Fred Roper, D. H. McCargar, Jim Lium, Mervin Chastain, L. G. Gates, Loren Cooper and Louis Stidham. The Elks anticipate 2500 kid dies at their party this year, and are making preparations to enter tain and give treats to that num ber. Last year’s party saw the Elks play Santa Claus to 2100 youngsters and to 1800 the year before. Open to every man, the smoker will provoke entertain ment to please all who attend. DOYLE’S Finger Waving, Shampoo «nd Permanent Wave« Texaco Garage Elks Smoker Given for Benefit Of Kiddies have. Here is a brief survey of the maneuvers w’hich are covered in the driving test — maneuvers which the applicant must com plete correctly and with reason able skill and confidence: Starting—Must look around be fore starting, shift gears properly and start at reasonable speed. Stopping — Must give signal, stop gradually and set handbrake, i Turning—Must turn from pro per lane, give hand signal, look in mirror and make turn without swinging out or cutting in too far. Backing—Must watch path of car and steer in correct line. Parking—Must bring car with in correct distance of curb, sig nal before leaving parking posi tion, and must not hit other cars with jolt. Traffic Signals—Must stop on red and must not start too soon or too late on “green.” Must not run through “ amber’’ if possible to stop smoothly. Signs—Must observe all “stop”, “caution,” or “ warning” signs and must notice direction signs. Passing—Must wait for clear space ahead, avoid passing on hills and blind curves, pass at SERVICE LOTA PEARCE Beautician G. A. HICKS only three centa. Insurance can be had at a very small cost. If it is impossible to mail your package early, send it by special delivery so that it will be delivered as quickly as pos sible. Airmail is also available for packages; the rate is 6 cents per ounce. -------------- o-------------- Page Three The California Oregon Power Company a aaaaaaaa |