Courier Gateway to The Oregon Caves Illinois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Volume II Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, December 8, 1938 No. 31 Chamber Student Activities At Kerby High Wade & Co. To Miners At Meeting Held Demonstrate Galice Last Tuesday Irrigation Price 5 Cents Kerby News Notes of General Interest 20 0. K. For Irrigation About 15 members of the P.-T. Basketball season opened with A. met at the grade school on a bang last Friday night when the Monday evening to learn basket local high school quintet dumped making under the direction of the Crescent City high school team Alva Laws. The baskets are made 27 to 20. The “B" squad failed of art fibre and have plywood or to stop their opponents and lost Twenty applications by Illinois A meeting of mine operators, other material for the bottom, Arrangements have been com­ Last Tuesday noon the Illinois 35 to 14. Valley Chamber of Commerce Valley farmers for federal loans snipers and others interested in making substantial and useful The scoring was opened on a pleted whereby W. H. Stout, rep­ came to life long enough to hold short shot by Prentice, Kerby’s resentative of the R. M. Wade mining in the Galice district was baskets or trays. Each member on small irrigation projects havb a meeting in the Hotel Drews with 6 foot 7 inch center, and the bad­ Co., Portland, Oregon, to give held Saturday evening at the Ga­ brought money to pay for the ma­ received the approval of the coun­ a quorum present to transact bus­ gers were never headed again. terials and were able to get the two demonstrations on sprinkling lice school house, states the G. P. baskets well started during the ty advisory committee at this iness. The reason for the small They led at half time 13 to 7. irrigation and pumping systems Courier. attendance, perhaps was the fact evening. They will be used as time, J. W. Deremiah of the Farm In the second half the Kerby that few know there was going to defense loosened somewhat, but put out by the company. The purpose was to form a per­ Christmas gifts so most of the Security administration here re­ be a meeting and could not be not­ the lead was never seriously The first demonstration will be manent organization to further members stated. Some very love­ ported Monday. Authority was ified in time. threatened. held Monday, December 12th on the interest of the miners as re­ ly and useful baskets and trays recently secured from the FSA to President Drews said there In the “B" squad game the the D. C. Thompson ranch at lating to the stream purification ar« being completed in the 7th make such loans at three per cent were some problems that needed ' Crescent City hoopsters were too and 8th grades as part of the interest and provide a free gov­ Deer Creek. bill for protective purposes and manual training work under the attention and the Chamber must ' much for the local lads, and lead ernment survey of irrigation need The second demonstration will any other legislation or laws that direction of Mr. Laws. act! The upper most question at ■ at half time, Hi to 8, going on to and costs to land owners in that be held, Tuesday, December 13th might interfere with the miners in —o— the present time was “What to ‘win handily 35 to 14. area. on the John Smith ranch, next to the future. Pete Bour and daughters of do with the Chamber?’ So few at­ About 30 applications have The lineups: the Grange hall at Bridgeview. Robert Alden, a Galice resident Klamath Falls were here during tended the meetings, and all were Kerby—27 been received in all, their land Cres. City—20 Both demonstrations will be held and miner, acted as chairman. He the past week to be with John asked to give their ideas. size varying from one to 1,200 Brooks (6)F(2> Marchall at 2 p. m. each day. stated that after the miners in the Bour who passed away at his Blake Miller—What I’ve been Berg'mn acres. No application has been (6)F(2) Wilson The Wade company, states Mr. Galice district organized an as­ trying to do is to sell the idea of Prentice Moran Stout, are specialists in irrigating sociation just about a year ago home in Kerby on Wednesday. refused up to now, but final ap­ (7)C(5) general improvement to the entire Hill (6)G(0) Williams systems of all kinds, and have had electing W. B. Grant as their Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson proval awaits the results of the valley. Do our best to enlist the Schum'chr (2)G (9) Thompson great success in sprinkling sys­ president and Roy Eastman secre­ and Mr. and Mrs. George Ander­ land study of the farms under ones that would help us and put Huddleson tems, which will be the type dem tary and treasurer, the organiza­ son of Olene attended the funeral question being made at present 8(1) them to work in the Chamber re­ services. by the Soil Conservation service. “B'* Squad game results: onstrated in the valley. He will tion became dormant as no other presenting their own district. -------------o------------- Kerby—14 Cres. City—35 show the time required to change meeting was ever held. Alden em­ Don Morrison left recently for C. Y. Arnold — Believes as Schum’chr (6)F(6) Huddleson the pipe line from one setting to phasized the necessity at this time Blake Miller. Get more people to Long’nkr Boudinot another. He will also demon­ for re-organization and asked Portland to enter the Veterans <0)F(13) join. Prospects look good for the Morrison Peterson strate how to conserve water and for nominations for a president. hospital where he will undergo an (2)C(4) Chamber and I do believe we McLean Jepsen the ability to irrigate all types of Mr. Alden was unanimously elect­ operation. One operation for re­ (0)G(0) moval of a bullet from his leg should have a splendid year of ac­ Walton (6)G(8) Yamor land without leveling. ed. Due to the absence of Roy from a wound he received during tivity. Johnson S (3) These demonstrations will be Eastman, the secretary, Rowland W. F. Darger—I believe there Bruno educational and very interesting, Harland acted as temproary sec­ the World Wan 8(1) is much good work the Chamber Kerby’s next home game is this regardless of whether one feels retary. John Cooper of Smith River vis can do but we should have more I Saturday night, December 10, justified in buying or not, and The organization decided to ited relatives and friends in Kerby of the business men interested with Grants Pass. Everybody Mr. Stout hopes that all farmers meet on the first Saturday of each recently after spending a few and take part in the Chamber’s come. This is the only game that interested in sprinkling systems i month at 7:30 p. m., at the Galice days at Butte Falls looking after activities. Mr. Miller spoke my is scheduled for Saturday nights. for irrigation will attend one of I school house. However, an extra business interests. sentiments. Favorable and unfavorable fac­ 1 meeting on Saturday, December the demonstrations. Wm. McLean—We should keep tors regarding the registration of A lovely luncheon was given to o------------- 17, was announced by Mr. Alden the name of the Illinois Valley the mothers and friends of the Boyd-Martin Nuptials non resident motorists in Oregon Mrs. Starr Bumby, teacher of and all miners, operators and Chamber of Commerce, because Home Economics girls, Wednes­ are being weighed carefully by O’Brien school is preparing a thoae» 'ti'-ectly interested in min. Last Sunday Evening the people will feel that their in­ day, December 7th. The tables Secretary of State1 Earl Snell, who splendid Christmas program. The ing are especially urged to attend terests were being better served. were attractively decorated with states there is a possibility this The marriage of Evelyn Boyd date of presentation will be an­ this meeting. Refreshments will Get more influential business men snow covered trees, set in the and Eddie Martin took place last service may be abandoned if the nounced later. be served at the conclusion. to come in. It's our job to sell center of the tables. Red stream­ Sunday evening, December 4th, at unfavorable factors predominate. them on the importance of the ers led to favors made of cello- Many out-of-slah motorists 8 o’clock, with the ever lovely chamber. It’s been our fault that phane in the shape of baskets. ring ceremony at Cave Junction have complained because of the the organization is not a more live These were filled with candy. Community church, Rev. Geo. H. time and trouble involved in reg­ club. istering, and because most of the The guests present were Mes- Gray, officiating. M. C. Athey—The club can do dames Ferd Jones, W. O. Burch, Miss Audrey Wilber sang “I registration stations are open on­ and be anything the members Tina Riblett, John Wittrock, Lu Love You Truly,'* accompanied by ly during business hours think it will. It is a matter of cius Robinson, William McLean, Careful traffic checks show Bob Hill at the piano. Marching believing in your club and com­ Lola Frost, Jack McCracken and to the strains of the wedding that only about 60 per cent of munity. Keep everlastingly think­ Phil Patrick. The girls serving march came the bridal party, the the cars entering Oregon from ing that you have a live wire club were, Wanda Burch, Norma Ty- Rev. Geo. H. Gray, Oliver Boyd, other states are registered. In and tell everybody about it and cer, The Illinois Valley News has been fortunate, in­ best man; Eddie Martin, the addition, the registration involves Maxene Patrick, Phyllis it will be a live wire. Jones. Fern Riblett and Myrtice deed, obtaining for its many readers the handsomest, groom; Miss Jeanne Villair, maid some expense to the state, since Elwood Hussey—I think one of Jones. Mrs. Thelma Wilson is there is no fee charged in con­ most useful and durable premium gift ever offered of honor, who wore a gown of nection the best moves that could be made the Home Economics instructor. with it. rose colored silk crepe and car- free to subscribers of a weekly newspaper, who sub­ ried a boquet of sweet peas and Non-resident registration was it to tie up with the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce and be­ A Student body meeting was scribe or renew their subscription to the paper. snapdragons, and the bride, begun in 1923, when there were come a part of it. The Grants Pass called to order December 7th to This remarkable gift is a beautiful fountain pen Evelyn Boyd, on the arm of her about 40,000 registrations during Chamber is not only for Grants settle various bills and plans. The seven months it was in effect. and pencil in an attractive gift box with a two-col­ father who gave her away, wear­ the Pass, but for the whole county, Student body has decided to sell The high point was reached dur­ ing a gown of white taffeta and and really should be called the seasonal tickets for basketball or label for addressing purposes. Only after a visit veil of sheer net and shower bo­ ing 1937, when more than 155,- Josephine County Chamber of games this year. Anyone wishing to this office to view the bright and sparkling colors quet of pink rose buds and white 000 tourists checked in at Oregon Commerce. these tickets may buy them from and styles of these sets and try out their free and easy sweet peas. Ushers were Hugh ports of entry. ■ ■ o — President Drews said the by- any of the high school students. writing qualities can anyone comprehend what we Morris and Ralph Huber. laws should be changed to meet They are good for six games. A reception for the wedding are really offering in this gift. We are anxious for guests was held at Kumfy Kamp Delightful Party Is new conditions. It was suggested o------------ every reader of The News to come in and see them. dining room, of which Mr. and (Jiven Grange Players that they be drawn up and sub­ Kerby High School mitted at the next meeting. There is nothing quite so ap­ not now in our subscription list Mrs. K. Lindgren, are the perfect A very enjoyable evening was Speaking of irrigation, Mr. Basket Ball Schedule propriate for gift giving purposes but whom we would like to add to host and hostess. spent recently when Mrs. Flor­ Hussey said there was a natural The decorations of many can­ ence Hallock entertained at her December 9—Sams Valley at ’to every reader of this newspa our big family of subscribers. (Continued on page five) per as these fine sets and The The sets are absolutely free. dles, wood warta ferns and large home the players that took part Sams Valley. ; December 10—Grants Pass, home. New* is happy to be able to make Just pay $1.50, the regular sub­ boquets of white chrysanthemums in the Grange play a few weeks December 16—Gold Hill, home. its many readers such a present. scription price in Josephine coun­ made a pleasing setting. Mrs. J. ago and their families. These sets are standard size, ty, $2.00 outside the county, and J. Villair and Mrs. Ralph Baum COMING EVENTS The evening was spent in play­ December 17—Crescent City at well made, write as good as any you can pick out your choice of berger, presided at the bride's ing games and prizes given the Crescent City. E>........................ a lucky winners. December 20—Grants Pass at fountain pen and pencil you have the beautiful sets on display at table. There were three lovely cakes, ! ever tried and they are fully this office. If you want more A delicious plate lunch was Grants Pass. Every Monday at 7 p. m.—The a bride's cake, wedding cake and | served the following: Mr. and Girl Scouts meet at Kerby Li­ January 6—Central Point, at guaranteed. The company fur­ than one set, as many readers will, nishing these sets will repair or all that is necessary is to pay a special 25th wedding anniver Mr« Asa Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Central Point. brary building. January 13—Rogue River, home. replace any pen or pencil found $1.50 additional on your subscrip­ sary cake made by Mrs. Harriet .Chas. Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Every Monday—Boy Scouts meet January 20—Phoenix at Phoenix. to be imperfect on the same ser­ tion for each extra set desired. Baumberger. The other wedding Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Payne, in Legion hall, Cave Junction. January 27—Sam's Valley, home. vicing plan used by all pen man­ This payment on subscription can cake was a gift of H. E, Bismark, and daughter Joyce; Mr. and Ralph Huber, Scout Master. January 31—Gold Hill at Gold ufacturers. A guarantee slip is be for yourself for as many years of Beck’s bakery. In the midst Mrs. John Smith and family, Mr. included with each set. as you desire to pay, or for rela­ of congratulations and cutting of and Mrs. Sam Bunch, Mrs. Mat- Saturday, December 10—Basket­ Hill. We are making presentation of tives or friends for one or more the cakes the bride and groom tie Seyferth, Roy Wells and son, ball, Kerby vs. Grants Pass at February 3—Central Point, home. disappeared. Frank Mellow and son George 7:30 p. m. February 7—Rogue River at this very pleasing gift in order years. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Martin will and Kenneth Wells. to show our appreciation of the We invite you to call at The Rogue River. Saturday, December 10—Bazaar ------------ o------------- loyal support of our readers for News office and view the display. make their home at the Cave City February 10—Phoenix, home. and luncheon, Legion hall. All the above games are in the which we are truly grateful. We Glad to have you do this whether Auto Park, Cave Junction. o Tuesday, December 13—Home conference except Grants Pass are also extending the same cour­ or not you are yet ready to make WHAT THE LEGION Economics Unit will meet at i and Crescent City. All home tesy to others of the community your selection. Stree‘ Lights Made AUXILIARY IS DOING Bridgeview from 10 a. m. to games this year are on Friday, Targets for Shooting 3:30 p. m. with meat cookery except Grants Pass on December For the past two weeks the and buying meat the project. 10th. with the White Rabbit, the Wal­ Coming Attractions at Auxiliary has been working on Last Monday about 10 o’clock Mrs. F. W. Jones and Mr«. Alva rus and the Carpenter, the King, things for their bazaar. They Cave City Theater at night several men apparently Laws as project leaders. Queen and Knave of Hearts and met once with Joy Badden, once CHRISTMAS GIFT all other characters of Carroll's felt like having target practice with Pearl Martindale and once The News has a free gift for Another high spot of this Wednesday, December 14—Leg and started shooting out the city with Irene Stallcup, to sew ion Auxiliary sewing day. Pot­ each reader of the paper when month's features at the Cave City beloved fantasy. street lights. “ Call of the Yukon, ” is com ­ Plans are about perfected and luck lunch. At Millie Trefeth- paying for a subscription, renewal theater is Sonja Henie’s newest No apparent damage was done en’s, Kerby. Everyone come. or a new subscriber. Read the triumph, “My Lucky Star,” which ing to the Cave City theater, Wed­ except the light in front of the all the bazaar and luncheon need nesday and Thursday, December now is a good crowd. Saturday, December 24—An­ big announcement in this issue comes Saturday and Sunday, De 14 and 15, and promises to be drug store was completely demol Saturday, December 10 is the and come in and see the beautiful cember 10 and 11. nual election of officers, Belt one of the outstanding adventure ished. Someone said he counted day and lunch will be served from sets. By far the most colorful and ‘ 13 holes where the bullets hit the Lodge No. 18, A. F. A A. M. noon until 2 p. m. Hot roast pork ........... o------------- spectacular number Sonja has yet < pictures of the new entertain­ pole. ment season. Sunday, December 2r>—Christ­ sandwich, vegetable salad, bread Towels, wash cloths, tea towels attempted, her “Alice In Wonder ■ o The plot of the picture deals mas. Aprons, string bags, collars and . and butter, pumpkin pie with and holders at the Auxiliary Ba land," ice ballet in amazing Henie | whipped cream and coffee. fashion the adventures of Alice Sunday, Januar 1—New Year zaar. (Continued on Face Two) i doilies at the Auxiliary Bazaar. Organize Loans Now Registration Of Cars May Be Stopped Beautiful and Useful Gifts For Subscribers of News 4