Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1938)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 1, 1938 Page Two SELMA NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Homer White, Jr., PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY of Takilma, had as dinner guests Fritz Morrison spent Thanks Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. giving vacation with relatives. White of Grants Pass and Mr. An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest DR. A. N. COLLMAN and Mrs. Homer White, Sr., of | valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Fritz is a student at Oregon State Naturopathic Physician ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH Takilma. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois college in Corvallis. OF SEVENTH DAY CAVE CITY, OREGON Valley Publishing Company. ADVENTISTS G. A. Hicks took over the Illin-1 Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the 1‘ost Office at Mrs. L. R. Wilson and children Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 returned to their home after sev ois Valley Motor company last ¡ eral weeks visit in Southern Cali Monday, November 28. Mr. Hicks; Sabbath school at 1:30 p. m. ........................ Editor fornia. was with General Motors for a i Speaking at 3 p. m. M C. ATHEY ... Business Manager L. E. ATHEY . Prayer and study, Wednesday I DR. E. E. BROOKS | long tme in the Hawaiian Islands, evening at 7:30 p. m. DENTIST before coming to Cave Junction. Mrd. L. B. Jewell is visiting at | | SUBSCRIPTION PRICES You are invited to meet with 1 Office Hours from 9 to 4 ! the home of her daughter, Mrs. In Josephine County ----------------- O------------- us. i Thursday, Friday and Saturday! $1 50 J. Tucker while Mr. Jewell is be- One Year IN THE MODE of each week F. W. Cooper Selma Elder .75 ing employed at Galice. Six Months ... ..... o ------------- 50 Three Months Outside of Josephine County BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krauss $2 00 One Year CHURCH and two sons spent Thanksgiving Dr. H. W. Hermann The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising with William Akin and family OPTOMETRIST Sunday school ................. 10 a. m. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application near Grants Pass, This gather Preaching at 11 a. m. ing was also in the nature of a Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. -------------o Grants Pass family reunion, all the children Cave Junction Community Church being there except one. Sunday school .. 10 a. m. ■> IMtiUtQ \ REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Mt] Preaching........ 11 a. n>. I Deer Creek P.-T. A., will meet Dr. Fred W. Gould Evening service 8 p. m. I Friday, December 2. Music will Dental Surgeon I be featured with a community Tuff* Building I “sing." The program will start Phone 4 A UNITED FRONT I at 7:30 p. m. The landscaping I Grant* Pa*» "You say you’ve worn that hat teams led by Ebb Hogue annd for years?” “United We Stand; Divided We Fall,” is a quota Myrtle Walton met at the school "Yes, sir, and it looks all right tion often used to good advantage to prop up mora house last week to work on the still. Twice I’ve had it cleaned, and L B. HALL school budget. Roses, trees, once I exchanged it in a restaurant or faltering spirit among communities. FUNERAL HOME bulbs and various shrubs were for one that was almost new. Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager We heard the quotation changed a little and it planted. AMBULANCE SERVICE GIDDAP, HORSIE caught our attention for fancy American slang— -------------o------------- Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. Fred Schroeder and daughter, “United We Stick; Divided We’re Stuck.” Mary Lou of Powers, Oregon, Communities, like we have in the great Illinois spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Valley, can go .just as far as they THINK they can. Mrs. Jimmy Miller. Mrs». Miller VETERINARIAN Horses and Cattle my Specialty and no farther—They can do just what they THINK will be remembered as Leona DR. O. L. HOHLFELD they can do and nothing more, for the outsider is not Schroeder before her marriage. Office Otis E. Hackett car lot Mrs. Schroeder has been here for coming in as a Santa Claus or a Good Samaritan anc several weeks visiting her daugh Day phone 162—Night 538 Grants Pass do the things we should do for ourselves. The jobs ter and son-in-law. Illinois ey ews are ours and we are the ones who will have to do them Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wymore if we go any place and accomplish MUCH. HULL & HULL turned a business trip The greatest need in the valley is a pay roll. No Medford from Wednesday evening. FUNERAL HOME “I like a man with some go to one denies this or argues against it. A few thousand STAIORUF him, don’t you?” Ambulance aervice dev or nite dollars spent each month would accomplish wonders Art Drews was transacting bus “Yes, if he takes me along.” PROCESS 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 for the residents of the valley. Foreign money gets iness in Crescent City today. OLD GOSSIPERS mighty scarce in the winter in the valley. The 40 et 8, of the American There was a chance to get five or ten thousand Legion, have decided to hold their FRENCH LAUNDRYj dollars spent in Cave .Junction for a drainage system. first meeting of the New Year in THE BARBER the Illinois Valley. It will The chance seems to be slipping and we are in a good j & DRY CLEANERS Bart McCue position to lose this needed help. The wages are not some time before January 20. CAVE CITY, ORE. Agencies much to brag about, but they are much better than Mrs. J. J. Villair and Mrs. nothing at all, and ten thousand dollars is ten thous Howard Bearss drove to Medford Alma’s Dre** Shop, Cave City □ Wittrock’* Store, Kerby and dollars in any man’s country and is not to be the first of the week, Mrs. Bearss Lew Hammer, Selma will remain there for medical sneezed at. USED CARS Call: Wed. and Sat. The above quotation comes in very handy right treatment. Alway* Better Value* All-Way* here. To get this drainage system through, we must Miss irtene Athey of North "Was it a love match?” OTIS E. HACKETT have a solid front, otherwise, the “powers that be” Bend, Oregon, was a guest at the "Looks like it, but you never can Easy terms—Reasonable trades tell. One of them may have thought 612 South 7th Street won’t listen to us. “United We Stick, and we’ll add, home of her aunt, Mrs. E. L. the CAVE CITY BEAUTY other had money.” Coovert over the Thanksgiving ‘Get’—Divided We’re Stuck,” and again we add, “we holiday. SHOP o- Clarence E. Eggers I don’t mean maybe.” -------------o Holiday Special There seems to be some divided opinion with the Lew Hammer, the populr mer GRANGE CALENDAR Mahaska Olive Oil Shampoo JEWELER WATCH REPAIRING and Finger Wave ... 75c I property owners of the city on the drainage. We all chant of Selma, was operated up v today at the Josephine General Genuine Oil Permanent* $2.25 All Work Guaranteed a know that the city needs the work and we all know on I i Price A11 you Can Afford to at Pay Illinois Valley — First and third hospital in Grants Pass. Last re Thursdays, 8 p. m. Shop will be closed ‘1 Del Rogue Hotel Building that the wages paid would help materially this win ports were Lew was resting easy. Deer Creek—First and third Sat Thursdy, Friday and Saturday I M M ■ ter. Why can’t we all get together and see that this urdays, 8:30 p. m. November 24, 25, 26 work is done? And we should do this at the very Mrs. Fred Galeno, Mrs. Robert Redwood — Second and fourth Balzke, Mrs. Semple and Mrs. Gertrude Bloomingcamp, Prop. Wardrobe Cleaners earliest possible moment. Thursdays, 8 p. m. Cochran of O’Brien, left for Med Fruitdale — Second and fourth We all have our own opinions and we are all en ford last Friday where they at The oldest and best since 1911 Saturdays, 8 p. m. Free Pick up by Grants Pass titled to have them. It would be a funny world, in tended the musical recital given William* —First and third Thurs- Laundry by Miss Eleanor Galeno. deed, if we all agreed. But surely there is a common days, 8 p. m. ground where we can all meet and discuss this drain E. P. Rogue River Valley — First and is leaving O’Brien third Saturdays, 8 p. m. age business and see to it that it gets done. If we for Los Oppie Angeles Thursday, I)e Merlin—First and third Fridays, I’m Hog Enough to don’t like the cut of someones whiskers, it should not cember 1st, with a load of Christ 8 p. m. Want Your Business stop us from doing something to help the city. We inas trees for the southern me Grave Creek — Second and fourth And Man Enough To Appreciate It don’t have to kiss or make a fuss over everyone else in tropolis. Wednesdays, 8 p. m. KEITH’S MARKET the business of building a city, if we don’t like ’em. Mrs. Mary Valen and her son. Mi**ouri Flat — First and third Fridays, 8 p. m. But we can work with ALL if they have a genuine in County Commissioner Elect John Shan Creek — Second and fourth terest in building up the community. When the work Valen, spent Thanksgiving in Saturdays, 8 p. m. DAILY SERVICE is through, if we want to hold our grudges, that’s our Grants Pass at the home of Mrs. Valen’s daughter, Mrs. E. D. Cain- business, but holding the grudge to the disadvantage eroni. of doing something needed for the city is holding a grudge against ourselves. Miss Edda Burke, postmistress at Let’s forget personalities for a change and all get Cave Junction, requests all pat rons of the postoffice to mail together and pull for the development of the city. their Christmas cards and pack There is work to l>e done ami we are the only ones to ages early and avoid the last min AT THE ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE COMPANY do it. If we are successful in getting this drainage ute rush. If mailed early they system through, we have added many thousands of are sure to arrive on time. o No. 1— No. 2— No. 3— dollars to the valuation of our own property, and that Look out for pedestrians. Silverware by Wm. A. Rogers. 9 In. Pyrex pie plate at the Roasters. Lady Hibbard 12- should be incentive enough for us all to get into the Beautiful new patterns that new low price of 25 cents pound bird size, dark blue en carry a cheery message of collar and get busv with some constructive THINK amel. Regular $1.59, special at "Good Fortune." 26 piece set $1.29. Other sizes to answer ING and DOING. in tarnish proof box, $16.75 any need at special prices. This makes an ideal Christmas No. 5— It is NOT too late to get the drainage system this gift. Genuine Silex Coffee Maker. winter. All we have to do is get together and see that Values to 13.25, S cup site, No. 6— Special, $2.39 it IS done. We have enough wt ight in our shouts to announce a For American Boys, Daisy Air No. I— make ourselves heard and we should use our vocal Rifles. “Buzz Barton," special Spaulding Footballs. Official at $2.50. Other Air Rifles at wonderful showing size and shape. He’ll welcome cords loud enough to reach the high heavens to get $1.75 up. Boys love ’em. No. 8— one. $1 00. $1 50. $2.00 in our immense the needed improvement and also get several thous Vollrach Tricoat quality enam line of elware. White trimmed in red and dollars distributed among our workers. or blue. 7-piece set. special, No. 9— No. 7— “United We Stick; Divided We’re Stuck.” $5.95. 3 piece sauce pan set Brilliantly enameled cake cov Child ’ s Dinner Set. His own for $1.00 Furniture ers, priced at 65c and up ----------------O--------- ----— equipment to inspire price in use. Knife, fork, spoon, the tamps We would like to call our readers attention to the set for $1.75 Pendleton No. 11— No. 12— article on the first page concerning the minerals Look “Fellers!" Coaster Wag Stevens bolt action 22 caliber Blankets need to manufacture various kinds of war material No. 10— ons. $165, $2 25. $3.15. $4 95. Rifle. “Take Down" model. Fireplace Sets. A large var $5.25. $6 45. $8 45 Have old Fellows, don’t miss this one. as well as other products used in the every day life iety ranging from $10 95 up. Santa check up on these. Dad will like it too, only $6 50 For Christmas Gifts of our nation. During peace times the needed min erals could I h 1 imported from foreign countries, but We wrap Christmas packages at no additional charge. Save time, trouble “The Home of in troublesome times the imports are precarious. and money by shopping at the GOOD Furniture” A company has been organized to make a survey and when found develop our own natural resources. 301 S. 6tht Street Part of this material is found in Josephine county. Grants Pass In the not distant future we hope the engineers will ••WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE" visit this county and see what we have. —o— IH< : : I : I 1 2 I Î Christmas Gifts Helmer’s Rogue River Hardware Company ■