Page Eight Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 10, 1938 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND Mrs. Nicn Curnow and baby are visiting relatives at Glendale for a short time. Herman Leuthye of Hulland spent several days in Grants Pass last Week. SEE THE COOKING SCHOOL — WE CAN SUPPLY ALL THE GROCERIES Les Henry, Sr., of Kerby, left | for Lakeview where he will spend several weeks. Mrs. Florence Hallock will at­ tend the National Grange conven tion in Portland next week. F Flour The Pinochle club will meet Friday night, November 18, at the Masonic club room in Kerby. PANCAKE, CROWN’S BEST, 9 8-10 lb sk. Mr. and Mrs. MacMitchell have sold their place on the west Il- linois and moved to Los Angeles. Mrs E. D. Haines of Takilma, attended Rebekah lodge at Med­ ford Munday evening, November 7th. A poison station for wild ani- mais has been established above Mr. Beard’s ranch on Chapman creek. —o— Mrs. A. N. Collman and baby son, Jon Arnold, were brought home last Sunday from the Grants Pass hospital. " POP CORN, MOR ZIP— 10 Ounce can, 3 for ................................. 35c SPINAC H, ROYAL CLUB— No. 2*4 Cans, 2 for ................................... 39c Dates James Logan of Happy Camp visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Johnson at Takilma November Sth. 45c NEW CROP, BULK, 3 Pounds for Last Monday, Richard Messen- ger of Ashland, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Harry Messenger of Takilma. JELLO, 6 Delicious Flavors— Per Package ................. ............................. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baumber- ger of the Cave City Park, were transacting business in Grants Pass the first of the week. CEREAL» I. G. A. CREAM- 28 Ounce Package for .............. 25e 5c 17c —o— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. and Archie Strong were called to Grants Pass last Sunday due to the serious ill­ ness of their mother, Mrs. C. H. White. Macaroni Mr. and Mr». E. H. Messenger accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Owen are leaving Friday morning for Corvallis to attend the Oregon State-Stanford foot ball game. OR SPAGHETTI, Bulk, 10 pounds 39c SOAP 39c O. K., Giant Bar, 10 for MEAL SALMON, MOUNTIE, Alaska Pink- No. l’s, tall, 3 Cans for...................... 29c CORN, ALBER’S YELLOW, 9 lb. sack Beans Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Varner, who have been living on the Ray Lee property the past summer, left for southern California where they will spend the winter. RED OR WHITE, 10 pounds Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Shcrier left for Long Beach, California, where they will visit for a few weeks. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. O’Reilly of Klamath Falls SOAP POWDER, Peets Granulated Large Package for ................................. Mr. and Mis. Phelps of Klam ath Falls spent Sunday in Cres cent City. They were accompanied by L. O. Sherier and Ann Sherier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. j Sherier. SALT, LESLIES— 2 Pound Package, 2 for • ...................... Corn Miss Muriel Keith of Seattle, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Owen of Takelma. Miss Keith's mother will be remem­ bered as Ida Messenger, sister of Harry Messenger of Takilma. MECO, Yellow Bantam, No. 2 cans, 3 for M. D. Elliott and his father re­ turned to Takilma for the winter after spending the summer at their mine, the Frog Pond on the Althouse. They will resume min­ ing operations in the spring. Milk Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hunch re­ turned from Alturas. California, where they had been visiting re­ cently. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Mattie Seyferth and Mrs. Lilly White, after hav- ing visited Fred Seyferth and family for the past several weeks. Four residents of Cave June tion took the examination for fourth class postmaster last Sat­ urday at Grants Pass. There is a vacancy in the Cave Junction office and the examination was to have an eligible list so it might bi­ filled. Those taking the exam ination were, Edda Burk. ■ 1 Arnold, Lloyd Hayes and L. E. (Ted) Athey. I COOKING SCHOOL NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 2 p. m. each afternoon, Cave City Theater HEINZ BABY FOOD 3 Cans for ................... Mrs. James Curnow has return 1 ed from the Josephine General I hospital, where she underwent a major operation. Last reports she was gaining rapidly. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Hi Pomeroy, who arrived recently from Califor­ nia, left for Portland the first of | the week and are expected to re | turn the latter part of the week, j IN MY N ESTLES. per can Buy by the case at CATSUP, Favorite Brand 11 Ounce Bottle for 39 35c 15c 25 6 SOAP POWDER. WHITE KING, large pkg. and one California Pottery ('up and Saucer for 63« ruits and Vegetables PRICES GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY » POTATOES, KLAMATH U. S. No. 2’s, 50 pound sack 35c YAMS— 4 Pounds for 19c ONIONS, SPANISH. Sweet— 10 Pounds for 15c GRAPEFRUIT, Arizona— Large Size. 1 for 19c CABBAGE, Ix)cal— Per pound 3c t Schumacher’s Cash Cave .function. Oregon »