« .W Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 3, 1938 JORDANS CAVE CITY THEATRE Ladino Clover Has Big Possibilities FAC F Oh Ohl VtM Rain Is Here! Early estimates of the Ladino «AKI tBCll twrat-r, X clover seed crop may be exceeded Make lour Headquarters at S' IHmuittHtttUIMttHtlHUiiHMHUMMIUIIIIIIIHUUMv] LOOK TO YOUR BOOTS—WE HAVE ’EM if the returns from the first fifty Jordan’s while shopping Excessive speed of motor ve­ lots of seed are an average of the in Grants Pass Good Rain Clothes are sound economy “Cocoanut Grove Light Lunches — Cool Drinks 230 seed growers who had field hicles always takes its toll, but at Delicious Cream Come in and see what we have inspections made this year, ac­ this season of the year fog and With Fred MacMurray 632 South Sixth St. cording to O K. Beals, county ag rain are factors which become in­ Tuesday and Wednesday, Large Stock of Quilt-Size Cotton Bats ricultural agent. Estimates made creasingly dominant in contribut­ November 8 Both stitched and unstitched for that at the time of field inspection and ing to traffic accident-, Secretary REDWOODS HOTEL j NEW COMFORTER actual yields for the fifty growers of State Earl Snell warned this “Keep Smiling who seed is cleaned were practic­ week. Special Dry roads and good visibility ally identical. Earlier estimates New Shipment of Grants Pass : predicted 88,000 pounds, but this have become taken for granted by (¡AY, WHITE ENAMEL-WARE Election Returns Tuesday may reach 90,000 pounds due to many motorists during the sum­ Night with rust trim, for your kitchen some late field inspections being mer months, and they often un­ SOLICITS YOUR EJ der-estimate the increased dis made. PATRONAGE TURKEY ROASTERS for Thanksgiving The 1938 crop will more than tance required for stopping their SUGAR BEET SEED are here waiting for you to choose double last year's crop of 43,000 cars on a wet surface, or the dan­ I POSSIBILITY HERE ger of skidding on even slight pounds. Prices to the grower this Excellent Coffee Shop| Fog year will average about the same curves following a rain. IN CONNECTION | as last year, which was 6'4 cents patches are death traps and al­ REASONABLE RATES i George T. Scott, representing for the blue tag or highest grade. though the road surface may af­ the West Coa.-t Beet Seed Com- Some of the better individual ford good traction, over-driving mittee of Berkeley, California, yields this year are: one three- the distance ahead that one may visited Josephine county, Tues- acre field, a yield of 213 pounds see to be clear of obstacles fre­ day, September 13, to contact per acre; one five acre field, a quently results disastrously, con­ farmers who had applied for con­ yield of 203 pounds per acre; one tinued Mr. Snell, recalling several tracts to raise sugar beet seed ten-acre field, a yield of 199 instances of fatal accidents in Ore­ this season, Agreements were pounds per acre. gon arising from this condition. reached with three farmers for a The average yield per acre The traffic safety adage “Slow total of six acres of the seed to however of the first fifty growers down at sundown,’’ likewise may be planted this fall. is 93 pounds per acre, which is be applied to rain and fog. These plantings are in the na- Between All Illinois Glaring headlights are always considerably higher than last ture of a trial with the view to Valley Points and year's figure. confusing and dangerous, but extensive production of the seed Increase in yields this year may when this condition is intensified : Grants Pass in this county. Seed has been by a mud-splattered or oily wind I be due to the following reasons: grown successfully on the South­ ILLINOIS VALLEY Weather conditions were very shield, drivers are forced to rely :: Oregon Branch Experiment good, especially during the har­ on luck for their safety. While a : FREIGHT SERVICE ern and Station farm at Talent for two motorist may do no more than vest period. GET OUR RATES seasons, the average of production ZERONE ANTIFREEZE Growers as a whole doing a mutter his opinion of the other being over 3,000 pounds per acre. better job of management, espec­ chap, he should be sure his lights Bob Rout Harold Hill These yields obtained on fertile Equip Your Car for Winter Driving NOW! ially in the cutting and handling do not offend by having them Texaco Garage soil with the use of commercial of the- seed crop. checked for correct adjustment CAVE JUNCTION fertilizer. Contracts are being The presence of a large number and keeping the lens wiped clean. TEXACO GAS — OIL — (¡REASES written for 7 Vs cents a pound on of bumble bees in the field aiding He may further secure better vis­ the clean seed. pollination. ibility by renewing his worn wind­ .Mechanical Service for All Cars The sugar beet seed that has Growers in this section should shield swipe blades or adjusting been grown in the United States E. G. Gayman Says not become over enthusiastic the tension of the blades against has been produced in California, about Ladino clover seed produc- the glass. THE BEST FEED IS Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, tion due to this larger crop with —o— THE CHEAPEST FEED Bob Rout, Proprietor but satisfactory yields and good good prices. Other sections of the quality seed have been .obtained Buy the feed which has the Popular Place west are increasing the number of best ingredients money can in western Oregon during the past The supper will be held at 6:30, acres of this crop and prices will buy—Milled by a company of: over 75 years experience —: two seasons in experimental trials. probably decline in the next few in the State Prison at Thomaston, It is expected that the attendance years. However, seed can profit­ o SPERRY'S FARM - TESTED will be large, as that is a popular ably be produced here and meet FEEDS Roy C. Dundas made a business competition at a much lower price place of assembly,—Damariscotta Suremilk. Surelay, Surebuild, (Maine) paper. trip to Grants Pass last Monday. per pound. Surebroiler, Sureturk, Surerabbit The chief value of Ladino clov- A SPECIAL USE ICE AND SAVE MONEY er to the Rogue River Valley is Buy in half or ton lots and fi 0c N om Drops save money in supplying hay and pasture to fiOc ChMt Rub LOTA FREE DELIVERY 35c Castoria support the diary industry. How­ 2 PEARCE THIS WEEK ONLY MACK’S ever, the production of seed is a CAVE CITY valuable asset and often means the Seed & Feed Store Beautician ASK ABOUT STORAGE RATES difference between profit and loss 514 S. 6th Street Grant- Pass to the farmer, since hay and seed Finger Waving, Shampoo and ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO. can be produced in the same year Permanent Wave» Phil Sawyer, Prop. on the same acres Street Barber SUGAR PINE CAFE Some practices in growing clov­ OLD TIME Shop er for hay and seed that are more Grants Pass Midnight Dance Specials or less standard are: AND MODERN ILLINOIS VALLEY VOTERS! 1. Fall seeding where a seed Chili and Beans and crop is planned the following year, If you want equal representation for all Sandwiches 2. Use of the highest, or blue sections of Josephine County Notary Publics tag seed. In addition to seeding Cave Junction blue tag seed, growers should se ­ in Cave City Vote E>. lect seed that has alsike clover or for AMY HUSSEY timothy seed present. SATURDAY, CLASSIFIED ADS M. C. ATHEY 3. Fertilizing in the early NOVEMBER 5 spring with a fertilizer carrying Cute holders for gifts or home sulphur and phosphorus: use at the Auxiliary Bazaar. Super phosphate; gyp-um; sul­ State Representative, Josephine County (¡RANTS PASS WANTED TO BUY—45-70 Win phur STEAM LAUNDRY ehester rifle. Inquire at the MRS. C. C. BABCOCK S 4. If the third crop is used for ORCHESTRA News office. 26-ltp PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby seed the second crop should be Monday and Thursday <3........................................................... (3 cut for hay not later than July ! Tickets 50c DR. A. N. COLLMAN 10th. BUY Out of the high rent district : : I)R. E. E. BROOKS Naturopathic Physician 5. Irrigating often but not al­ and save on Murphy road. ; I DENTIST lowing the soil to be continually GEORGE GROEBLI, your trac­ CAVE CITY, OREGON Clarence E, Eggers I filled with water. Proper irriga­ tor, Implement and Machinery 1 : Office Hours from 9 to 4 Thursday, Friday and Saturday I tion of a field depends upon soil JEWELER man. Perfection Milkers, Cream | of each week WATCH REPAIRING I conditions, lay of the land, wheth­ Separators, Aermotor Wind All Work Guaranteed at a n n ■ I vrsa to »V a Pay «y I er or not the soil sub-irrigates, and mills, J. I. Case Tractors and Price you Can Afford Implements, Water Systems Del Rogue 1 Hotel Building | other factors. PROCESS 6. Excessive or close pasturing and Pumps. Everything for the ' : THE BARBER does not go with seed production prospective farmer. 24-39 Bart McCue as white clover will come in and THANKSGIVING PREST-0 LITE Batteries $4.00 FRENCH LAUNDRY lower the grade of the field. CANDIES CAVE CITY, ORE and up. Wholesale and retail. White clover seed an