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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1938)
Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, November 3, 1938 Coming Attractions at ELECTION DANCE AND BASKET SOCIAL Cave City Theater Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June II, 193", at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ..................... Editor Butineia Manager M C ATHEY L. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year Six Months Three Month« ................ n..................................... Outside of Josephine County $ 1 50 .75 50 $2 00 One Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which it deems ohgectionable. Advertising rates on application C redwood empire newspaper publishers unîïj WILLIS MAHONEY A -.core of well-known enter The American Legion in co operation with the Illinois Valley tainers are in the supporting cast Chamber of Commerce will give of the film, “Cocoanut Grove,” an election dance and basket so which comes to the Cave City the cial, Tuesday night, November 8, ater Saturday and Sunday, No vember 5th and 6th. election night. The plot of the new comedy is The Chamber and Legionnaires ask all to attend the show at the a true story of how swing bands Cave City theater first and then originate. Mac-Murray is seen as come over to the hall and enjoy a barn-torming young bandleader the rest of the evening with an whose desire to punch his bosses old fashioned basket social and on the nose leaves him constant dance. Mrs. Babcock's orchestra ly without a job. To save the will furnish the music. Ladies band from breaking up because of must bring a basket or pay an ad lack of work, he tells them he has mission fee, which will be worse arranged for an audition at the than preparing a basket for two. Cocoanut Grove. The baskets will be auctioned off Arriving in California, Mac- by a “Dutch Auction.” A lot of Murray secures the audition, only fun and little cost. to have the job given to a rival 1 Both the show and dance will because of an error. However, give election returns as fast as due to the efforts of Rufe Davis, they are received. the Kansas hill billy, he is able to rectify the mistake at the last mo ment, and the band opens in a blaze of glory at the Grove. For next Tuesday and Wednes day, November 8 and 9, Manager Rout has booked, "Keep Smil ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH ing, ” with Jane Withers. OF SEVENTH DAY “Keep Smiling is a great show ADVENTISTS with a great cast and affords Jane almost unlimited range for Sabbath school at 1 :30 p. m. her spirited talents. Speaking at 3 p. m. Of particular interest to those Prayer and study, Wednesday who want to hear the election re evening at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with turns, Manager Rout has arrang ed to announce the election re- | us. turns as fast as they come in. F. W. Cooper Selma Elder Before The News goes to press again, an election will have been held and a new United States senator elected for the State of Oregon. November Sth, Tuesday, is election day, and The News sincerely hopes every voter in the great Illinois Valley will go to the polls and cast his or her ballot. The News with L. E. (Ted) and Mornay C. Athey are intensely interested in the United States senator ship. When the government is appealed to for help and assistance in developing any section, the partic o ular section seeking the assistance, necessarily must BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY go to the representatives or senators in congress. The CHURCH Vetch Weevil Found Illinois Valley and Josephine county along with Cur In Willamette Valley 10 a. ni. ry county, are the least developed counties in the Sunday school at 11 a ni. state, and we do need help from the government to Preaching Four Willamette valley coun Preaching at 8 p. m. ties were found infested with the help develop this section. This necessarily brings us Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. I newly-reported vetch weevil in a again to the United States senator, and the represen Church services at 11 a. m survey just completed by cooper tative from this district. They must absolutely be ating seedmen and state agricul favorable to us or we will not get the help we need, Cave Junction Community Church tural agencies, the state agricul school ... 10 a. m. tural department reports. and The News and the Athey brothers are indeed ser Sunday Pitaching 11 a m. iously fighting for the development of the Illinois Evening service ................. 8 p. m. Considered a serious menace to the state’s $750,009 vetch seed --------------- o--------------- Valley. So far so good. WHO is going to help us? industry, the weevil was located MISSIONS SUNDAY Before we try to answer this, let us ask a few per near Gresham, Boring, Sandy, tinent questions. We want to ask the people of Jos Sunday, November 13th, is Canby, Aurora, St. Paul and Wil ephine county, especially the business men, if they “Men and Missions Sunday,” a sonville. Plans now call for a further ever remember the Portland Chamber of Commerce suggestion of the Laymen's Mis survey in the spring when condi Movement, a movement exerting their influence or even raising a little finger sionary of laymen in the various denomi tions will be more favorable for to help any section of the state except Multnomah nations which is set to deepen the discovery of the pest. Between county? What has this to do with the senatorship, understanding and interest of now and that time, seedmen and state agricultural department re you ask? Let us ask another. Why elect a man who men in the Christian missions, presentatives will meet to discuss both at home and abroad. This has been prominently identified with the Portland year is the eighth annual observ- the problem and map out plans. Chamber of Commerce for years to the United States ance of the day. I.ast year the senate and then expect to get help for this county? day was observed in 131" cities not suit even one single patron. That’s what the Portland Chamber has to do with the and towns across the continent. From Takilma to O'Brien, one senatorship. Every business man in Southern Ore Frederick J, Michel, secretary reason is, a letter given to the the Laymen’s missionary move carrier has to go to Kerby post gon knows that the Portland Chamber dominates the of ment with headquarters in Chi office and lay over there until state. A United States senator from Multnomah cago, has asked the Rev. William the next day before it is delivered county gets the “heebe-geebes" when some section of A. Brown to assist in the observ to O'Brien and a good many other the state outside of Multnomah county, gets hot and ance of the “Men and Missions” excuses. Sunday in Oregon. Through the Now as for the change in the bothered about some improvements needed and as courtesy of Fred Rout there will route I believe if they would still sistance desired from Uncle Sam. We never had a b»> a brief observanct* of the day let the rural route No. 1 come to United States senator from Southern Oregon until at th»> Cave City theater on Sun Takilma and go from Takilma we had our own Senator Reames, and again we ask, day night, November 13th. over what is known as the Rocky Dale road and put back a star why don’t we keep a man from Southern Oregon on There will be aprons galore at route from Takilma to O’Brien the job in the senate for Oregon? We have this op the Auxiliary Bazaar. they could serve more than a doz portunity in the present election. We believe it is ------- 1 ■■ o- en more patrons and also would not back track themselves. The good, honest business judgment to elect a man from Mott Helps Shingle only difference which is one ob- this section of the state. We believe this man will <lo Industry in West jective is, it will cut out the rural more tor us than a senator from Multnomah county, service from O'Brien to Cave and every business and professional man and woman, Congressman James W. Mott Junction and give us back our received a letter from farmers ami laborer . know this is the truth. It is recently Star route service from O’Brien President Roosevelt assuring Ore- obvious that a man from our own section is going to Oregon's First District Represent to Takilma. As for the box service with the be more interested in our problems than one from ative that the President will not Grants Pass and Crescent City enlarge the duty-free quota on Port land. stage, since they have taken out shingles, as he had been Who is going to help us? Let us qualify this by Canadian the freight service we feel they requested to do by New England asking -Who is going to help us MOST? There can Senators and Representatives fol have plenty of time for the box Kerby to O’Brien. be no other honest answer—Wll.lJS MAHONEY. lowing the recent hurricane-flood service from Sincerely yours, We are indeed selfish about our own district. We disaster in the New England S. B. POTTER, admit that. If we can help this section by electing a States. Patron on mail route. The President's letter was in man who will give us the aid we crave, regardless of reply o— to a telegram sent by Con- party affiliations, we would go for that man. Our gressnian Mott on October 8 rd interests are centered here, and if we can play some urging the President not to en North Los Angeles, Reseda, Calif. October 15,1938. small part in its development, it is to our own interest large the Canadian shingle quota Illinois Valley News, to do so. We are sincere in our belief that Willis Ma and pointing out that as there is M. C. Athey. Editor. pre«»nt an adequate supply of honey will do so much more for us than the other at On gon and Washington shit'giv Cave Junction. Oregon. candidate that we consider it a waste of time to vote to tak< care of the New England It has been my pleasure in life for the Republican nominee for United States sen.- emergency and that these shir. ’- to travel a great deal, taking in ator. We art* not for Willis Mahoney because he is les ar< available at reasonable Europe on my honeymoon, visit ing \\ ashington and Lincoln a Democrat. We are for him because he is the man , rices. The decision of the President homes, but never have I seen such WE NEED. If the citizens of this county are as sel not to invoke the emergency a world wonder as I did yesterday fish about our section as we are, thev will cast their clavse of the Canadian T rode as guest of Geo. C. Sabin, mana vote for WILLIS MAHONEY. Agreement will result in n sub- ger of the Oregon Caves. We went o « increase to the Pacific Northwest shingle business which otherwise would have gone large ly to Canada. »• GRANGE (ALENDAR Illinoi* Valley First and third Thursdays, 8 p. m. Deer Creek First and third Sat unlays, 8:30 p. in. Redwood Second and fourth Thursdays, 8 p. m Fruitdale Second .»nd fourt h Saturdays, 8 p ni. William» First and thud Thu ra days, 8 p. m. Rogue River Valiev — First and third Saturdays, 8 p. m Merlin — First and third Frn lays. 8 p. ni. Grave Creek Second and fourth W ednesdays, 8 p. ni. Shan Creek Second and fourth Saturdays, 8 p. m. Mixouri Flat First and third Fridays. 8 p m 9 LETTERS E through your wonderful caves. San Francisco and New York has been spending millions of dollars to build the World’s Fair 1939. but God has been years in build ing the world's greatest beauty spot. Oregon Caves. They are wonderful and it ill be my plea sure to tell others to come visit the world's best beauty place, namely, Oregon Caves. Bill Courtney. ------------- 0 ............ O’Brien. Oregon, November 1. 1938 To The Patrons of Rural Route No. 1 It Ought to Be Due to recent changes in flie Facetious Neighbor (to very mail route I have the following to proud baby car owner)—Can it offer, as the present route does say "Daddy’ yet? SPEICAL Pre-Holiday SALE Alma is offering the people of the valley one of the biggest sales ever given—Standard merch andise at nearly cost prices. — TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE — DRESSES Regular $1.67 Dresses Specially priced at Regular $1.95 Dresses Specially priced at Regular $2.95 Dresses Specially priced at Regular $3.95 Dresses Specially priced at Regular Now on Regular Now on Regular Now on $1.00 $1.67 $1.05 $2.95 APRONS 69c Aprons sale at 59c Aprons sale at 49c Aprons sale at 60c 50c 40c SLIPS Rollins Satin and Crepe Tailored and Lace Regularly priced at $1.95 (£ |(l Now on sale at only ROLLINS KNIT SLIPS Regular $1.10 to $1.25, now only Permanent Finish Rayon Slips Regular $1.59, now at 79c 89c PAJAMAS Crepe, regular $1.10, now at Rollins Knit, regular $1.98, now at Rollins Knit, regular $1.25, now at 89c $1.67 98c GOWNS Rollins Knit, regular $1.59, special Batiste Print, regular $1.00, special $1.29 89c HOSE—ROLLINS RINGLESS Full Fashioned, latest shades Regular $1.00 values, now only 3 PAIR FOR $1.98 Full Fashioned, good wearing Regular 79c hose, now only 3 PAIR FOR $1.98 Good Quality Hose Regular 50c variety, now 3 PAIR FOR $1.25 89c 69c 45c MEN’S E. & W. SHIRTS Regular $1.98 Shirts, now Regular $1.15 Shirts, now Regular $1.00 Shirts, now I $1.49 89c 79c HANES UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Broadcloth Shorts, regular 35c, now 25c Knit V. Shorts, regular 19c, now 35c Knit Shirts, Swiss Lish, regular 19c, now 35c MEN’S TIES 75c and 50c values, now on sale at 15c yard ' materials ('loth of Gold, 80x80. square print— Regular 20c per yard, now 17c ('retonne Sun and Tub, fast. reg. 25c yard. ni Crinkle Crepe. Pastels, regular 25c, now ne Broadcloth. Pastels, regular 16c. now 12'/2 c Outing Flannel, white, regular 18c, now 14c Outing Flannel, colored, regular 15c, now 12'/2c « J & P (OATS THREADS Mercerized and Cotton, reg. 5c spool. 6 for 25c Cotton, 10c spools. 3 for 25c Embroidery Floss. 6 strand and Strandsheen. Per Skein 2c BABY GOODS All at 20 Per ('ent Discount KOTEX and KLEENEX At Chain Store Prices Other Items Too Numerous to Mention Alma’s Dress Shop Cave Junction >