Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 13, 1938 SELMA NOTES Page Three day. A committee of three were with little expense. A demonstra the mode!. Mrs. Nellie Wilber was appointed to meet the pioneers tion of the home made skin ap- in charge of the meeting with of Southen Oregon and get their plications was made by Mrs. Bar- Mrs. Ferd Jones appointed secre- The C. W. C. will meet at the story of early happenings to put ry Floyd with Mrs. Addie Martin tary. church this coming Saturday. into a book. The committee is Mr. HORNING’S SHACK Vining of Ashland, Sen. Rearnes Mr. and Mrs. Lew Krauss were Grants Pass and Mr. Applegate. visitors at the Ebb Hogue home The association is open to any last Sunday. pioneer of this section and it is GRANTS PASS hoped many will join before the Mrs. P. Pyle of Grants Pass end of the year. Anyone desiring was a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. STEAM LAUNDRY Barnes. Directors of the Redwood Em to do so should get in touch with Keep Warm With One of Our Good Pickup in Cave City and Kerby pire Association from Josephine one of the above committees. Monday and Thursday ------------- o------------- Mrs. Erma Barnes, Mrs. Su- county to serve during the fiscal san Krauss and son, Jr., Laura year of 1938-39 were disclosed KERBY NEWS Hogue spent last Tuesday at the this week by the election board's All sizes and prices canvass of mail ballots as follows: (Continued from Page One) K & L TRUCK LINE home of Mrs. Lew Krauss. Josephine county — M C. Athey, Freight for Cave Junction and The W. W. Girls met at the Cave Junction Sam H. Baker, sion on “Personal Attractiveness’’ Caves Highway left at Drews Light, Medium and Heavy Garage, Cave Junction. home of Mrs. Davidson last Sat Grants Pass; O. S. Blanchard, with material furnished by the Daily Service ROOFING PAPER urday after their business meet Grants Pass; Charles R. Cooley. OSC extension service. Deodor ing. They sewed on a quilt. Cake, Grants Pass; Theo P. Cramer, Jr., ants and skin creams were made ROOF COATING ; cookies, jelly and a large birth Grants Pass; C. H. Demaray, from recipes furnished the ser Not too late to fix up the roof for winter day cake was served. The birth Grants Pass; G. H. Grover, Grants vice. It was learned that whole storms day cake was in honor of Mrs. Pass; Frank Mashburn, Grants some and pure beauty aids could P' MINER’S SUPPLIES Ebb Hogue. Pass; H. S. Morgan, Grants Pass; be made easily in the home and —o--- George C. Sabin, Grants Pass; SPECIAL—All Pyrex Cooking Utensils A SPECIALTY Ebb Freeling Sawyer, Kerby; C. A. Saturday evening Mrs. Hogue was surprised by a group Winetrout, Grants Pass and three When in Grants Pass General Merchandise of friends and received congraiu members of the County Court. Eat at the lations on her birthday and thirty- The entire new board will meet for Every Family CLUB CAFE second wedding anniversary at Eureka, at 4 p m. Saturday, 6th and “G” Streets Guests were. Mr. and Mrs. Lew October 22nd, in one of the most Need Hammer and family; Mr. and Mrs. important sessions of the Assoc Radcliff, Jr.; Mrs. M. Walton ami iation's 18th annual convention. family; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Neus- At this meeting, the directors Wardrobe Cleaners wanger and family; Mr. and Mrs. will elect the association’s presi F. Hogue; Mrs. J. Davidson ar.d dent, treasurer, attorney and exe The oldest and best since 1911 Cave .Junction iat? arrivals were Mr. and Mrs cutive board members at large. Free Pick up by Grant* Pas» Atchison of Kitmath Falls; Mr. Completing the past year’s bus Laundry üï ,iìl iii ùu ù'ù ù’iì ù'à il'f. ÙU ìl'ù Uù’il’ù tl’f. il'f. .tìi ÙÌi ÜÏ ìl'li j llogue and Mrs. Atchison are chil iness the retiring board of direc Selma, Oregon •> dren of Ebb Hogue. The evening tors will hold its final meeting at I was spent playing games. Cake, 9 p. m. Friday, October 21st. cot fee samlwicnes were serv- County vice-presidents of the CAVE CITY BEAUTY I Redwood Empire Association soon I SHOP will be elected separately by di I Under New Management The Selma P.-T. A. met at the rectors in each respective county. I school house last Thursday eve- Local city and county chairmen DUART OIL PERMANENT I WAVE ning, Oct. 6th. Our president, Mrs. this week were appointed in every I F. Krauss being ill the meeting community of Josephine county $3.50 I was called to order by the vice by Harry G. Ridgway, chairman Sat. and Sun., Oct. 15 16 School Girl Ringlette I president, Mrs. D. Warren. The of the “On-to-Eureka Committee” Permanent $2.00 “TOY WIFE” : roll call was answered by a sug of the Redwood Empire Associa I : With i Luise Rainer and Melvyn gestion of “What I as a Citizen tion. The purpose of this commit I Gertrude Bloomingcamp, Prop. Douglas • : Can Do to Help Safety.’’ Mrs. tee is to build up attendance at I Hogue membership chairman the Association's 18th annual con also I. turned in eight new members. The vention, October 21 and 22. “March of Time” I ladies voted to get material for City chairmen will cooperate II new stage curtains and screens to with local organizations to pre s WANTED Wed. and Thur»., Oct. 19 20 I be made before the pie social and vail upon residents of their re Head Off lea, Portland, Oregon program to given this month. Af. spective communities to bring new I MtWf FlltHl IIMUT INSVIUNCt C•RP«R • T I 0N : BIDS ON “Dangerous to Know’’ ter the business meeting was ideas and effort to the many con : with Akim Tamiroff, Gail Pat closed a short talk was given or vention sessions. Following are : rick, Anna May Wong “Citizenship and Safety,” by Sen. the county and city chairmen ap 5 Tier Heater Wood. ¡’.tor Johnson, followed by a reci- pointed by Chairman Ridgway in tation by Miss Betty Wilson, “My Josephine county: 11 Tier Stove Wood. Gr n.¡mother.” Pumpkin pie and County chairman : F. L. Brew I 1-3 oak, 2-3 seasoned fir. punch was served by the commit er of Grants Pass, Oregon. ice. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. City chairmen: Charles Cooley, Wood to be delivered to Grange Williams of Dryder, Mr. and Mrs Freeling Sawyar and M. C. Hall, Bridgeview. USE K E AND SAVE MONEY Norte i., of Selma, v. l.o joined our Athey. urga1 nation befor? the evening Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Athey 1 | Bids to be opened Thursday, FREE DELIVERY was over, Mr. and Mrs. Earl and urge all who can to make the trip Don Craig of Selnu*. to Eureka, California, for the two i October 20. Address, Effie -------------- o------------- days of the association's conven IM. Smith, Kerby, Oregon. ASK ABOUT STORAGE RATES Mrs. A. C. Epperly of Jeffer tion, Friday and Saturday, Octo son, Oregon, is visiting with her ber 21 and 22. ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE CO brother, Don Morrison at the Mor CLASSIFIED ADS Phil Sawyer, Prop. 3 rison ranch. Mrs. Epperly is an Wilber Family Reunion ................................................................................................................................................. . old timer in the Illinois Valley, Goat milk, the health food. Come being born at Sailor Diggings in Held At Homestead and get it by the gallon. Two AMERICAN LEGION 1881. or 3 gallons each week gives A family reunion at the E. j. ------------- O' ■■ ■ you a supply of fine sweet milk. [ Edward F. Preble of Holland was Wilber home, Big Pine homestead Winter rates 50c per gal. 5 transacting business in Cave near Cave Junction, brought eight miles south of Cave Junction. of the nine children Sunday. Din Junction the first of the week. Inquire or leave order» at Hen- ! F : ner was served at 2 o’clock with X ry Service Station, P. O. address X recreation, visiting and a family : J. E. Bullock, R. F. I). 1, Ker SATURDAY i [ RE DWOODS HOTEL ball game in the afternoon. by. ’ 23-ltc : : The eldest child, Mrs. Matt OCTOBER 15 Grants Pass I Smith, of Forest Grove, Ore., was FOR SALE — Sugar Pine shing f unable to be present. les, W. O. Burch, 3 miles south I - : Bennett’s : 1 Other sons and daughters at of Cave Junction on Redwood SOLICITS YOUR Orchestra tending with their families were' Highway. 23-2tp PATRONAGE Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Boyd of Cave <■ Junction, and Oliver and Evelyn FOR SALE — Fresh Jersey cow. e American Legion Hall ! Excellent Coffee Shop Boyd, Mrs. H. W. Vollmer of San Inquire at Lind home, Caves : Highway. 23-ltc itarium, Calif., Mrs. Bud Hoskins Cave Junction : IN CONNECTION 1 of Kerby and children, Dorothy, FOR SALE — 3Mi acres, good ( REASONABLE RATES Adelaid, Norma and Richard Mc à house, on Caves Highway. Grady and Douglas and Sara Ann Price $600, terms. See Ted Hoskins, Mrs. C. G. Wiljielms of Athey, News office 18-tf John Day, Ore., • » Norman Wilber MIDNIGHT LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT of Cave Junction, Mr. and Mrs. K. WANTED — All kinds cement It’s the * work - chimney building - fire G. Berkner of Sleepy Eye, Minn., by AND MUSK "Hljh Style" places. Frank Hoffmier, plast and Marylin Ruth and Russell er, Hotel Drews, Cave Junc Legion Auxiliary Berkner, Mr. and Mrs. John Wil of »he SATURDAY AND tion, Oregon. 18-tf ber, Cave Junction, Miss Audrey Hallowe’en Candies and Novelties Directors Of Redwood Empire Ass'n Winter is Near Wood Heaters s g i I I Lew Hammer's I Off MARTIN HARDWARE VUM IMPROVEMENT * Ä1/X LOANS CAVE CITY THEATRE i Grants Pass Branch o/ the United States National Bank 1 DANCE | | I I I I & at Legion Dance Saturday Hot Roait Beef Sandwich With Brown Gravy Salad SUNDAY October 15 and 16 STATE LINE RENDEZVOUS Season! Wilber, Cave Junction. PREST O LITE Batteries $4.00 Guests were Ralph Huber and and up. Wholesale and retail. Eddie Martin.—Grants Pass Cour Campbell s Super Service, next ier. to Courthouse, Grants Pass, Oregon. —16tf Southern Oregon Pioneer Association Holds Meet Illinois Valley Motor Co Bob Rout, Proprietor Authorized Sales and Service for Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks BATTERIES — TIRES — PARTS Complete Lubrication Service TEXA('O GAS — OIL — GREASES Mechanical Service for All Cars #>••••••••< •••••••••••••••I•••••••••Ml llll'ItHtlltl «I l»tt Ml SELL IT!—If you have something you don’t need or don’t want, '3 why not use this column to sell I-ast Thursday the Southern it. Costs so little and results Oregon Pioneer Association held are astounishing. their 62nd annual meeting in the FOR SALE — Mining location old court house at Jacksonville. blanks, both quartz and placer The ladies of the Jacksonville and trespass notices at the Grange served a wonderful din Illinois Valley News office. ner. The dues of the association are one dollar per year and FOR RENT—Store room in new includes the dinner as served concrete building, size of room year. 15 feet wide 35 feet long. In It is reported that there are quire at The News office. several people in the Illinois Val- ley who are eligible to join this ¡ association. The object of the as Clarence E. Eggers I sociation is to preserve the his I I JEWELER tory of Southern Oregon and help I WATCH REPAIRING I mark historical spots I All Work Guaranteed at a I Price you Can Afford to Pay Senator Rearnes the retiring De) Rogue Hotel Building president was chairman e of the You'll "walk a little higher"... and like it... in these two smart styles in BLACK SUEDE1 The slashed and twist *9-98 ed insets are lined with shiny BLACK PATENT to match the platform soles. The step-in also with high heel. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED IN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING and $3.95 Golden Rule Store Grants Pass, Oregon