Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, Octolier 13, 193S T* Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and ita surrounding district*. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M i L. E Editor ATHEY ATHEY Business Manager SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County section of Oregon. We would like to subscribe for a newspaper print ed at Cave Junction. Some time around the 17th of April this year, we registered in your city. We enjoyed Southern Oregon very much. L. L. Eusing. plete our work for today. What do you think we are going to do? Since we started this article, we are go ing to take some of the above advice and stay on the job and finish today’s work. Put-it-off, if you want to. But you will feel bet ter if you do it now, and it will make you happier. There is one thing, however, none of us will put o- off. When Saint Peter takes a good look at our ugly mug it will be just too late to postpone that little or- Government Grant to deal. So while the going is good, why not put forth an Help Reduce Predators honest effort to DO TODAY? I • I DAILY Freight Service Between All Illinois Valley Points and Grants Pass ILLINOIS VALLEY FREIGHT SERVICE With the additional help made ic for crippled children in Jose- possible by a $49,000 Works Pro GET OUR RATES OFF IN THE CORNER phine county at the health unit in gress Administration grant to S la Months Three Month» WITH PHIL SNORT Bob Rout Harold Hill the Court House, Grants Pass, on , employ trappers, predatory ani- Outside of Josephine County $2 OO One Yrar Tuesday, October 25th, at 10:30 j mal control work in Oregon is Texaco Garage Dear Ed: 1 again making significant progress a. m. CAVE JUNCTION The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising In my letter of last week I The clinic service will be avail- , j after the slump caused by lack of copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application promised to continue the subject able to any person under twenty- funds during the depression years, J of homes on the Rough-and Ready one years of age who has his | Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinar- | flat. I am taking this part of the family physician and parents sign ian, reported this week. Illinois Valley—as 1 have long vis State department of agricul the application blank. These forms Ç redwood empiri : newspaper publishers UnlfJ ualized potential homes there, and may be had at either the county ture records show that the July there is not much else that any relief office or the county health “take" of predators made big in one can visualize there—for the roads into coyote numbers. Four unit. PROCESS reason, as I have mentioned bo hundred and forty-four of the an definition of what consti- The SCHOOL ELEC TION fore, that people who have plenty tutes a crippled child is very imals were killed during the of money and wish to retire can broad, It includes any deformity month. Other animals taken in The Illinois Valley News wants to thank the peo build homes there, homes that will in bones, muscles or joints, and clude 39 bobcat, eight bear and ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY be free of the disasters of earth I & DRY CLEANERS ple for coming out and voting at the high school elec quakes also such conditions as cleft pa miscellaneous other animals and floods, such as are paid through funds of | tion last Saturday. It was a fine demonstration of experienced in the much lauded late, hare lip and burn contrae- i the Hunters department and cooperating I Agencies duty, and the school board also appreciates the in southern California. It is true that tures. Following the clinic, all chil- counties were responsible for bag in winter-time we have much rain terest shown. dren needing treatment, the cost ging 374 predators, and WPA I Alma s Dre»» Shop, Cava City The bus question is settled. Now let us all turn our and swollen rivers and streams, of which their families are unable trappers accounted for 119 during I Wittrock*» Store, Kerby but, in all the years 1 have been to meet, will be cared for by the the month, the latest for which (Lew Hammer, Selma thoughts to building a better high school where the here (35), life or property has Crippled Children’s Division of the figures are available. I children of the valley can get an education that will not been endangered. State Relief Committee. I (’all: Wed. and Sat ■o ------- Something like ten years, or permit them to enter college after graduation. -------------- o--------------- • « When a boy or girl seeks employment from the big more, ago, Roy Wilson came up New Trails Being from Los Angeles and bought FISH PLANTED IN 0........ corporations and even many of the government posi from Elwood Hussey, a piece of Constructed Nearby 1 E. G. Gayman Says tions, one of the first questions asked is: "Are you a ground that 1 deemed about as LOCAL STREAMS : college graduate?” If the answer is no, the applicant worthless as land could be, and 1 Rainbow trout were planted in New trails are being construct- 1 THE BEST FEED IS I has no chance of getting the position. This is becom thought Hussey a skinner and a number of local streams during ed in the lower Illinois River Val THE CHEAPEST FEED I ley area by the Forest service. At Wilson crazy. Today this same the past week, The fish were ing a habit with many firms. They seek college grad u I place is a place of beauty, a place hatched at the Federal hatchery present the construction work is i Buy the feed which has the : uates. best „ _______ _____ „ ingredients money can : of utility and a place of comfort. at Butte Falls anil secured for taking place on the Chetco river i buy—Milled by a company of : If we wish to give our boys and girls an even I well remember when Hugh Hen planting by the cooperative ef- and Tincup trails. This improve- J over 75 years experience — I ment work has opened up a vast break with other young men and women of the nation dricks homesteaded a 40 acres, forts of the Kerby Rod and Gun for recreational use aside SPERRY’S FARM - TESTED! and state, we must provide a chance for them to get north and east of the Balzke place. club and the Forest service. The area SEEDS I laughed at him for doing it, told State Game Commission delivered from its protective value, Suremilk, Surelay, Surebuild, : an education, otherwise we are sending them out into him that he was betting the gov Eight miles of trail has been small trout which were plant Surebroiler, Sureturk, the world with little chance of getting any place. ernment $15 that he could live the finished to date. The crews are Surerabbit ed by the Forest service and the : composed of local men. W’orking Without an education we are sending our children there five years without starving Oregon Caves CCC camp. Buy in half or ton lots and s under Dan Mclrwin on the Chetco a comfortable home on that forty, »save money The young trout which were out into the world of hard knocks under a handicap I: death. Today live Hearing has from one to two inches long were trail are Don F. Johnson, James : they may not be able to rise above. Self educated men to MACK’S and it also encloses the O’Brien planted in the following streams: A. I.eatham ami John A. George i and women are becoming mighty scarce. A college Post Office, store, service station 30,00 in Greybaek creek. Farther back in the hills on the : Seed & Feed Store : Tincup trail Frank X. Buchheit, : certificate is the key that unlocks the doors of oppor and tourist cabins, the whole place 1 4,000 in Caves creek. 514 9. 6th Street Grants Pass R. D. Tucker, Jimmie Miller and I tunity today, and the boy or girl who does not have serviced by gravity water—a tan 6,000 in Soldier creek. Arthur J. Lindley are under the a ......................................................... 0 gled wilderness transformed to a 25,000 in Briggs and Secret that certificate is shoved aside and must take less | supervision of Paul Kunkel. spot of beauty. creeks. promising positions, though they may be more suit In speaking of the Rough-and- Aside from the fact, and still it Earlier in the season the State able for the position at hand, the college certificate Ready flat, I mean that part of Game Commission divided 60,000 has been rumored, that the miners PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY is the barrier that prevents them from getting their the Illinois valley lying between steelhead between Deer creek. around Chetco Pass are making the west fork of the Illinois riv Sucker creek and the west fork of daily trips down to the Illinois riv chance in the business world. er for the sheer enjoyment of DR. A. N. COLLMAN northwards toward and almost the Illinois river. Therefore, it seems to us. that it is most import er, walking over the new trail. Naturopathic Physician to Cave City and through which •P ant that we give the kids the best education we know the Rough and Ready flows, 0“ CAVE CITY, OREGON how to give. It can’t be too good. Our high school so mething like 4000 acres I Fresh Pop Corn should be recognized so that a graduation certificate —not hert acres but home acres. ■ 5c and 10c Of course, the places I have men )«< m Q would (‘liter the holder to any state college. Do we 3' ... à tinned, are places of business, 0.................................................. CAVE CITY have that kind of high school? If we don’t let’s get it. mostly for tourist trade, but what The following letter from De- Dr. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon It might cost a little, but it is worth it and more, to has been done to make the tourist troit is encouraging: Tuff» Building Detroit, Mich., give industrious boys and girls their chance in life, business attractive can be applied Phone 4 October 4. 1938. 3' 0 more extensively to the beauty even if we did not have ours. Grant« Pas» Q ••»»«« «i»»«it(i(»»»i »»»«<•» »i» («»»»i »■«» »»»» »«««» »»»»«««ii »«»*■■ »43 and comfort of homes, and there Cave Junction Newspaper ---------------- o---------------- LETTERMENS BENEFIT is room for more than a thou-and C ave Junction. Oregon. M \I’S \RE CONFUSING Gentlemen : uncrowded homes in and around Dr. H. W. Hermann This year during the month of the Rough-and Ready flat Cov optometrist April we motored through your ering this country could be had I’he News is bringing to the attention of several s Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted one of the finest water systems, oil companies and others who publish maps showing Telephone 258-J 519 "H” St. by gravity known. Water could roads, cities, etc., to the tact that Cave Junction is a be Grants Pass impounded in reservoirs, arti LOTA thriving little city and should recognized and j ficial lakes, and pipe lines ceuld OCTOBER 22 PEARCE placed on their maps. be put upon every acre, an over 9:00 p. in. \ part) from California started out to tour Ore head system installed that would Beautician Notary Publics supply sufficient moisture for the gon and see the Oregon Caves. Three cars left the culture Hgh School in Cave City of any flora desired. The same time, l ooking on their maps that were provided initial cost of this water system Finger Waving. Shampoo and Gym AMY HUSSEY Permanent Wave» by an oil company, it showed the road leading to the would conte high, but the upkeep GOOD MUSIC M. C. ATHEY "G” Street Barber Ca\i - leaving the Redwood '"igiiway at Kerby. They would be almost nil for all time, : In the long run there is no water Shop Admission 75c ••«•♦••••••••••»••«••«•••••««•«»«•••«*««»•«>•«•••■•»»■»»••»»»«..■ Q agreed to all meet at Kerby on a certain day. One car system as cheap or as effective Grants Pass arrived here and thought t e\ were in Kerby and as gravity LADIES FREE THE BARBER a * ; waited some time for the other cars when they found I shall tell more of homes on JORDAN S out they were in Cave Junction They finally found Rough and-Ready in Bart McCue their party ail right, but some time was lost and con- tens. $1 50 .75 50 One Year I I LETTERS DRUG STORE DANCE SATURDAY, fusion re suited. This may have happened before, but we know ■ particular inst; a nee. CLINIC PL \NNF.D FOR We w >sh to advise the oil t companies and other GRIPPI ED CHILDREN map ma er> th at the road lead ling off the Kedwood Children » Divt high w ax to t b u Oregon Cave< branches i off at Cave • en The of Crippled the State Mfef C ■ -it- un J *1 Junction. >> city should I n e shown on the maps. tee. tn conjunction with the coun IHF Pl r IT OFFS We are ail n—we all play the game of "Put- it-Off” unt: I l»k ow. or <ome time next week the things that > wuid < le today, we pass ud until to- morrow, ami an oppt. nity to do something for yourself, or do somei g for someone else is lost, I'hese opportune lit are passed by for the lack of u • j K 14 h k >. L 1 \ back bone anc ' w ill to do today w hat ought 1 — $ 'v i onioFro to be done r ci portunities will come if we do what we shouh today. You mig’r t S4IV. "Y 'U re a fine fellow to preach to us. how abc ut your own glass house?'’ In reply we rise to state t! At k • stones are just as big as any. and we throw e •o But that fact should not stop us from trying to i p someone else and maybe a of the advice might me and do us a measure gvott also. Kight now. we are to go to a football game. ty relief and hea hold its first fi CAVE CITY. ORE •J >•■••■•»»•■»»•(»■»».»»i. Make Your Headquarters at Jordan's while shopping in Grants Pass l ight Lunches — Cool Drinks licious Cream South Sixth St. L B HALL FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall. Manager AMBILANCE SERVICE Phone 3SS Cor. 5th i C Sts. \ ETERIN ARIAN FOR EFFICIENT 81 SINES» LIKE CONDUCT OF COUNTY Horse» and Cattle me Specialty DR O L. HOHLFELD Office Oti» E. Hackett car lot Day phone 182—-Night 538 OFFICE VOTE FOR Grants RICHARD McELLIGOTT P jss USED CARS ■*>•«»» Better Value* All-Way» DEMOCRAT C CANDIDATE FOR OTIS E. HACKETT terms—Reasonable trades 612 South 7th Street COUNTY COMMISSIONER LONG TERM HULL & HULL RICHARD McELLIGOTT funeral home Ambu «nce MACK 502 N 4th St. ar ait« Phone 334