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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1938)
C.urier Cjrs.nts Pass Gateway to The Oregon Caves Illinois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Volume II No. 23 Cave Junct Postmaster Examination The following article from the United States Civil Service Com mission was received the first of the week. It is the official notice for calling examinations for the position of fourth class postmast er for Cave Juncton. Oregon. The date of the examination will be announced later. Following is the bulletin received from the com mission: Fourth Class Postmaster Examination Receipt of applications to close Oct. 21, 1938. The date for assembling of competitors will be stated in the admission cards which will be mailed to applicants after the close of receipt of applications. The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an ex amination, as a result of which it is expected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth class post master at Cave Junction, Ore., and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unless it shall be decided in the interest of the service to fill any vacancy by re instatement. The examination will be held at Grants Pass, Ore. The compensation of the postmaster at this office was $894 for the last fiscal year. Applicants must have reached their twenty-first birthday but not their sixty-fifth birthday on the date of the close of receipt of applications. Applicants mu«t reside within the territory supplied by the post office for which the examination is announced. The examination is open to all citizens of the United States who can comply with the requirements. Application blanks, Form 9, and full information concerning the requirements of the examination can be secured from the post master at the place of vacancy or from the United States Civil Ser vice Commission, Washington, D. C. Applications must be properly executed and on file with the Com mission at Washington, D. C., pri or to the hour of closing business on the date specified at the head of this announcement. Birthday Dinner for Bert Watkins Last Saturday evening Mrs. Bert Watkins gave a dinner party in honor of her husband’s birth day, and “oh, how she can cook.” Among the guests that enjoyed the evening were Mrs. William \. Brown, Miss Anna Hanzik of San Francisco. Mis. E. L. Coo vert, Roy C. Dundas, Ted Athey .«nd Mi. and Mr.-. Bert Watkins. 0.......................................................... <■ COMING EVENTS | E>.......................... til I Wednesday, October 19 — Busi ness and social meeting of Le gion and Auxiliary. Every World War Veteran and fam ily invited. Women please bring covered dish or pie. Thursday, October 20 — Booster night at Bridgeview Grange hall. Members are invited to bring a prospective member. Friday, October 21 — Women's Civic club at the home of Mrs. Paul Hein. Friday, October 21 — The Friday- Evening Pinochle club at the I. O. O. F. hall, Kerby, instead of Friday, October 14. Saturday, October 22 — Candi date’s night at Bridgeview Grange hall. Dance after the meeting. All candidates and friends invited. Tuesday. Nov. 8 — General elec tion. Friday, Nov • • 11—Armistice day. Cave Junction, Oregon. Thursday, October 13, 1938 U. S. Reports Illinois Valley Eligible for Water Use Projects Student Activities At Kerby High Myrtle Kretsinger was absent the past week because of a severe cold and ear ache. She returned to school Monday. Mildred Norman and Edward Santos have returned from at tending the Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. They both report having a good time. —o— Girls Glee club has began work on "Syncopated Lullaby”, a three- part song. First and second so prano and alto voices have been selected for this song. Tuesday noon the Girls League officer-, and committee chairmen held a business meeting to dis cuss plans for this year. Socials and ways of earning money were discussed. Ice cream and cake wa- served for refreshments. Mrs. Wil son and Miss Connell are Girls League advisors. —o— Friday, October 7, was the first Girls League meeting of this year. The purpose of this meeting was to elect officers for this year. It ! was decided to have officers elected each term; so that more girls would have a chance to hold an office. The girls elected to hold offices this semester are the following: President, Maxene Patrick; Vice- president, Phyllis Jones; Secre tary-Treasurer, Dorothy Hogue; Student Council Representative, Jeanne Villair. There are to be four standing committeess. Those elected as chairmen are: social commitee, Adelaide McCrady; program committee, Charlotte Badden; finance committee, Dol- lie Branham; refreshment com mittee, Bernice Allen. Girls League meetings will be held every two weeks on Friday afternoon. --------------o Farmers of the Illinois river watershed southwest of Grants Pass now have an opportunity to improve their facilities for water utilization. Designation of the watershed as an elgible area for a new water development service offered by the U S. Department of Agricul ture was announced today in a re lease by the soil conservation ser vice at Spokane. “Under the new program pro vided for by the last session of congress, loans bearing 3 per cent will be made for the purpose of constructing dams, installation of small pumping plants, wells, stock ponds, springs and other produc tive installations, with payments spread over five to 20 years,” the release says. “For the present the depart ment in concentrating the pro gram in areas where most can be accomplished for farm welfare, limiting assistance to farmers, in- eluding tenants, who otherwise are unable to finance such devel opments. Facilities constructed under the program must be in strumental in achieving wise land Use and economic betterment, with Meeting of Chamlier of Commerce Tuesday Last Tuesday President Drews called the Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce to start their fall sessions or weekly luncheons. The call was not well advertised and only a handful were notified, so the attendance was not large. Business transacted consisted of discussing some promising ac tivities for the Chamber for the future—a new building, incorpor- ation, and other matter of inter- est. Next Tuesday noon, the Cham ber will meet for noon lunch in . . ' | Kerby News Notes of General Interest Miss Dorothy McCrady who is employed at Arcata, California, spent part of last week at the home of her mother, Mrs W. A. individual participating farmers Hoskins in Kerby. committeed to sound land-use agreements during the life of Doris Jones -pent the week their loans. end with her class mate, Lois “The program will be carried Kunkle at the home of Lois' on by already established agencies grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal within the department. The bur ton near Holland. eau of agricultural economics re —o— commends areas in which the Lt. and Mrs. Scobey have mov work is to be done. The soil con ed into the Maple Court auto servation service is in charge of camp for the winter. Lt. Scobey operations, including individual is connected with the Greyback farm planning and construction, CCC camp which is to have new anil the Farm Security administra recruits for the winter. tion supplies the necessary credit to elgible farmers.” Mrs. A. C. Barnes toon the Fred A. Mark of the soil conser place of Mrs. John Banta a- cook vation service has been named ad on the Pomeroy ranch last week ministrator with headquarters at while Mrs. Banta did some paint Spokahe. Joseph W. Deremiah, ing on her house north of Kerby. Josephine county supervisor for —o— the FSA, is designated to receive Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson of applications from interested San Francisco, are living in the farmers for participation in the small Jim Hogue house near the water development program.— highway. Mr. Anderson is mining Grants Pass Courier. with Bill Stramka on the Illinois river north of Kerby. A committee from the Illinois —o— Valley Grange will meet at the Miss Alvenia Connell of the Grange hall, Friday, October 28th high school English department to gather information on the wat spent the week end at her home er situation. Anyone interested in McMinnville, also enjoying the should let the committee know. home coming at Linfield college. 4-H Club Winners Home Mr. and Mrs. Early of Medford were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Wilson on Sun day. Mrs. Early is English instruc tor in the Medford high school and taught with Mrs. Wilson at McMinnville high school a few years ago. School Bus Election Decisive Last Saturday, Union High School District No. 1, comprising most of the Illinois Valley, held an election to vote on the new school budget for the year and whether the district should provide transportation for the pupils or not. It was perhaps the largest school election ever held in the district as 241 people voted at the election. The results on the bal lot were as follows: For budget, 144. Ayainst budget, 88. For bus, 84. Against budget, 88. The election was the result of technical complications in former ones and had to be voted again on account of school bonds. The peo ple of the district were asked to come out and let the school board know what they wanted The board can now understand. -------------- o Townsendites Going Strong for Mahoney Straw poll taken at the last meeting of the Reedsport Town send club on the United States senatorial race gave Willis Ma honey, Democratic nominee, 33 out of 39 votes, L. B. Judy, pres ident, reported this week. The club members donated $25 to Ma honey's campaign fund. ------------- o-------------- WHAT THE LEGION I. V. CHAMBER MONDAY IN GRANTS PASS Next Monday noon, the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce is honoring the Illinois Valley Cham ber of Commerce yith Illinois Val ley day, and the local chamber will have charge of the program. The officers of the Chamber of Commerce here hopes that a large delegation will accompany the members to Grants Pas-, next Mon day morning and attend the lunch eon at the Del Rogue hotel at 12 noon, and help swell the at tendance. All the Illinois Valley folks who are in town Monday are urged to attend this luncheon. All members of the chamber are urg ed to make special efforts to at tend the luncheon. President Drews will have a good program and we hope to have the Miners’ Jubilee Min strels, Buck, Sonny and Frank, to entertain the G. P. members with their string trio, and while the musicians have not as yet been contacted, we believe they will be on hand and also several singers as Well. We are anxious to show Grants Pass some of our talent and this is an excellent opportun ity. The luncheon will not last long, so those who have to come right back home can do -o. The lunch starts at 12 and is out a little after 1 p. m. --------------o-------------- Price 5 Cents Josephine county's outstanding 4-H club boy and girl, Edward Santos and Mildred Normon, both of Selma, returned home last week from a three-day visit to the Pacific Internationa) exposi tion as guests of the First Na tional Bank of Portland in the an nual achievement and leadership contest sponsored by the Portland bank. Portland proved a hospitable city, the two reported, and the entire group of 74 wjnners, re presenting every county in Ore gon, received every courtesy. In addition to daily Pacific In ternational visits, high points of the program were a group dinner on the exposition grounds, follow ed by attendance at the horse show; a sightseeing tour of Port land, including visits to the Jant- xen Knitting Mills, residential sec tions of the city, and luncheon at the Coon Chicken Inn; a ban quet and dance at the Heathinan hotel, the visitors' headquarters, Thursday evening; and a trip” to the Swan Island Airport. Of spec ial interest, also, was a conduct ed tour over the Dutch Motor ship ”.M. S. Marken,” newest type re frigerated motorship from Hol land. After luncheon Friday at the Columbia Edgewater Country club the winners set out for the return trip home. the dining room of the Hotel Drews and all members are urged to attend and help get the fall and winter meetings off to a good start. There are several import ant matters that should have im mediate attention, and the mem bers should attend this meeting and -tart the ball rolling. —..... o-------------- Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bailey of Denver, Colorado, are the house guests of Dr. and Mr Wil liam Brown, at Casa Willadora. Mrs. Bailey served for two terms as County Superintendent of schools in Adams county, Wash ington (¡OLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The Ladies Missionary Society of Cave Junction met al) day la-t Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. How ard Yarbrough. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with a kitchen shower. Many use ful gifts were left with them. A luncheon was served at noon anil topped off with a beautiful cake, appropriate for the occasion. An interesting guessing game helped pa-s the afternoon and time to leave soon came, each guest wishing them many more happy years. Miss LaVerne Roberson, inter mediate teacher in the Kerby AUXILIARY IS DOING grade school, returned to Kerby The following business was Tuesday after several days illness at her home in Ashland. Mrs. Bes transacted at the October 7th sie Watts of Holland had charge meeting of the Auxiliary: of Miss Roberson's work Monday Marie White was appointed to and Tuesday. serve the dance supper Saturday October 15th. Amy Hussey was ap Mrs. Lucius Robinson spent pointed to take the check room. the week end at Medford, where The check room is maintained for she visited with her mother and your convenience, you may check other relatives. She was accom your wraps for the entire evening panied by her son, Ken Robinson for one dime. who visited at Ashland and al-o They voted to pay the follow made a trip to Diamond Lake, ing. where he caught some fine fish. Check-a month club at $1.00 a —o— month $12.(HI Miss Bertha Houck and Mr. Dimes for Disabled 3.20 and Mrs. Win. Houck and three Christmas Cheer 5.00 children of Rogue River, were Each unit in the state contri guests at the home of Mr. and butes what it can afford each Mrs. Wm. Bigelow on Monday. month to the Check a-month club. Miss Bertha ha- been employed in This money is all sent to depart Grants Pass, but will make her ment headquarters at Marshfield, home with her brother, Wm. where it is divided equally be Houck at Rogue River Mrs. Bige tween hospital and child welfare low is an aunt of Wm. and Ber work. The department finance of tha Houck. fice reported that approximately —o— two-thirds of the hospital allow Eldon and Owen Mobley of ance was used for family contact Gates, Oregon, and their sister, work. That is, when a veteran is Mrs. Morna Repetto of Palo Alto, enrolled, at either Roseburg or were guests over the week end at Portland, the ho-pital chairman the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd immediately insuires and finds out Jones. Saturday the visitors and whether his family is in need. If Phyllis Jone- visited the Oregon so they are cared for. This phase (’aves. Mrs. Repetto and brothers of the Auxiliary work is growing were on their way to Palo Alto, heavier each year as more veter to move her household effects to ans are hospitalized. G iles, where she will spend the Each unit also pay- 10c per winter with her father. member each year as “Dimes for —o— the Disabled.” This money is spent Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badden en to help disabled veterans get tertained last Saturday evening claims adjusted and various mat at their home in Kerby. The fol ters which ari-e through improp lowing couples being present, Mr. er government records. and Mrs. Martindale, Emily Kel- The Christmas cheer money is lert and Millie Trefethen, Mr. used the same as the Check-a- and Mrs. Stallcup, Mr. and Mrs. month, but is used at Christmas. G. A. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bud The money is -ent now so the hos Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold pital and child welfare chairman H U. and Mr. and Mrs. Al Watt will know just how much they can Pinochle was played and high do for each person they hav«. The score was won by Pearl Martin hospital and child welfare chair dale and Carl Stallcup with low men also ask the units for clothing score going to Emily Kellert anil favors or refreshments for part Bud Hoskins. ies, etc. ■ o Glenn Morrison Unit planned a Mrs. Lucius Robinson, Mrs. W. sewing day, twice each month, on A. Hoskins and Mrs. Ferd Jones the -econd and fourth Wednesday attended the Home Economics ex to do that work. tension meeting held at Bridge The first meeting of this year view Grange hall Tuesday after was held Wednesday, October 12 noon. Although a small crowd of in the Auxiliary's meeting room. women were in attendance the in A chicken dinner with all the * terest was intense. Mrs. Harry trimmings, was served at noon Smith led an interesting discus- and the afternoon was spent in quilting. (Continued on Paco Thraa)