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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1938)
Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 6. 1938 ey Illinois ews An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as<second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 LETTERS • JL X 0........................... « Editors Note:—We will always publish letters that are construc tive when the name of the writer is given. We hold the name in confidence when requested. We ...................... Editor will hot publish letters if they are Butine** Manager not signed. The following letter was sent us and the writer re- quested we do not publish the $1 50 name. M C. ATHEY L. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year Six Months Three Month« .75 50 rier be authorized to stop at the Cave Junction post office and re ceive the mail already cased and deliver to the rural boxes. This would not take over five minutes time for the carrier. Mail deposi ted by these patrons could be picked up by the carrier and de posited in the Cave Junction of fice for cancellation if it was thought necessary. The above suggestions I believe would if authorized at once allow the patrons affected immediate service. They could later be check ed on by an inspector, and I be lieve it would eliminate all cause for complaint as it would not be necessary to change any patrons mailing address which has been the real reason for complaint. Respectfully yours, Wm McLean, Postmaster. o-------------- | To the Editor and People of the Illinois Valley. One Year May I say a few words about The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising theschool bus problem? I don't copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application see how so many people can fight against it—What does a few ex tra dollars in taxes amount to 1 REDWOOD EMPIRE NEW5P,\PER PUBLISHERS unfrj if it will give the boys and girls a chance to go to high school? It would be a big boost for SELMA NOTES the Illinois Valley. So many times I've heard people say they'd like Mr. and Mrs. Dan Neuschanger SCHOOL ELECTION SATURDAY to live here if there were better have moved to their former place . means of getting to school. Al- Next Saturday, October 8th, the high school most any little old hick town near Selma. Outside of Josephine County $2 00 election will be held in the school house at Kerby, has a school bus and a good school Every property owner whose name was on the tax lf ^ey ha^ noth,n‘r eLs^ So why roll as of March 31, 1938, is entitled to vote, others' and boost the school bus idea? cannot. It’s been about four years since The people of the valley are surely interested 1 1 went to high school at Kerby. I enough in our high school to go to the school house i had to quit because I had no way b to get there. My husband was un Saturday and vote on the two measures that will be able to finish, also his brothers on the ballot. One is for the budget for the fiscal year, i and I could name a lot of others, and the other one is whether the school district . I just take a look around and you'll should purchase busses or not for the pupils to ride to i see a lot of boys and girls who wanted to go, but couldn’t: (some school and home. of them who had graduated from We urge every property owner to go to the school the eighth grade with high hon- and cast their ballot. We are not asking you to vote ors) yet there was no means of one way or the other, but we do ask you to show the transportation, so their education right there! school board you are interested in the school and go stopped Some of the students who out and vote your conviction. would like to stay at home and The budget should carry 100 per cent. There go to high school have gone to should be no divided opinion on that question. The Grants Pass to work for their bus question is open to argument. Some are inter board and a chance to go to school. ested in having the busses others are just as enthus Another thing a lot of the cars iastic that we should not. There is little majority one that are being driven to school way or other, so the question as it affects the res aren't safe. Look how it was last year. Some idents of the valley, is a closely contested matter. But drivers couldn't even get a driv regardless which way the ballot goes, we should all er’s license, several were arrest accept the ultimatum and go to work seriously in ed for not having them and some making the school as good as we can under the con arrested for other charges. Par ents of students going there do ditions. not know when their children The busses are not the real issue at this election. start out in their rattle-trap cars, The REAL thing is a united front that will promote with as many other students as the good of the school so our children can have a good can ride with them, if they will education. If the busses don't come this year, they get home all right or not. So don’t may next. But regardless of how the question goes, we need a good school bus just for safety? Think what a relief it let’s all put our best front forward and accept the would be for a lot of parents. verdict in good sportsmanship and with cooperation. There'll be a lot of happy peo ple if we do get the school bus. so come on everybody, let s give the “kids” a chance! There'll no doubt be a lot of them who'll have to quit this year before the term is over, if something isn't done, | There are a lot of people who don’t even have children in school who are boosting for it, and will gladly pay a little more taxes, just to see someone else’s boys and girls get a chance to get an educa tion, that is all the reward they want, and it'll make them happy to have helped. It seems like a lot pie who are against the one’s who should be all for it! So come on folks and boost for the bus. A Shbscriber. -o------------- -O THE ( LOSEI) I 1ST All over our land today people are standing with their fists closed trying to hold on to whatever they have left out of the wreck of ’29. No one apparently stops to realize that if they continue to keep their hands tightly closed they are in no position to receive anything if it were offered. Try it yourself, put out your hand tightly closed and see if you can take anything in that hand; now open the hand as though you wen* giving something ind see the position—you are able to receive anything offered—in other words your offer to give puts you in a position to receive. Maybe you art1 one of those who sit and wonder why you do not get more out of life or do you give se rious thoughts to whether you are making the most of Kerby Postmaster’s what you have. Are you giving freely and gladly of what you Letter to Washington have. The following letter from Wm. No one is so poor that they cannot give some McLean, postmaster at Kerby was thing. even if it is only a smile—that smile might help handed to us with the request that others to do the same thing and as it is passed along, we publish it: Kerby, Oregon. help to cheer some lonely heart that needs just such October 5, 1938. encouragement to win their fight. Second Assistant Postmaster Today there are thousands who are hungry for General, food but there are also thousands who are hungrv Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Cole; for a smile and a kindly word so if you can help in no Your letter received revoking other way. smile and give that friendly greeting that the proposed rural change from mav help someone else to win their fight against Kerby to Cave Junction lonesomeness and despair. OPEN THAT FIST AND The majority of patrons of the SMILE. route apparently are in favor of o Some people' yell for forest protection and then drive out in the woods and destroy all the wiki flow- ers they can find. ------- o fair; ■O I)o it now, delays are dangerous. wav but once. ■<>• We pass this The more happiness you give the more you have left. O the route remaining at Kerby However there are patrons be- tween Cave Junction and O'Brien who are inconvenienced by the change of address from Cave Junction to Kerby. In order to eliminate this cause for complaint I am making the following sugges tion for your consideration in or der that the patrons concerned may receive immediate mail ser vice (1) That the postmaster at Cave Junction be instructed to case mail separately for patrons who receive mail on the rural route between Cave Junction and O'Brien who formerly receive»! their mail addressed Cave June tion Star route. (2) That the Kerby rural car Hammer’s General store. I Mr. Laurie of Bandon, spent over Sunday in Selma. While here he was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dex ter. 1 DAILY Freight Service Don Craig, Cleo Haberman I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frost and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frost have all 1 been spending the last week on Upper Deer creek on a hunting expedi tion. * --------------o---------- Between AU Illinois Valley Points and Grants Pass I ILLINOIS VALLEY FREIGHT SERVICE I Lady Lions Plan Big Dance Oct. 8 1 GET OUR RATES ¡Bob Rout Harold Hill i Texaco Garage The first big dance of the win . CAVE JUNCTION ter season at Grants Pass is an-1 nounced as a Jungle Dance, by the Lady Lions, auxiliary of the G. P. Lions club, sponsors. Probably the most elaborate decorations ever to be attempted at the fair grounds pavilion will be placed by the club, to trans PROCESS form it into a veritable jungle. ■ A The Lady Lions issue a special invitation to people of this section ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY to the first big dance of the sea I & DRY CLEANERS Otis Smith of Medford, spent son. ------------------- o ■ I over Sunclay with his sister, Mrs. A noble part of every true life Maude Hogue. I Agencies is to learn to undo what has been I Alma’s Dre** Shop, Cave City Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hammer wrongly done. ! Wittrock’* Store, Kerby went hunting last Sunday and re Lew Hammer, Selma turned in three hours with two K & L TRUCK LINE I fine bucks. Freight for Cave Junction and —o--- I Call: Wed. and Sat. Caves Highway left at Drews The Clayton family who have I Garage, Cave Junction. V been living on the Neuschanger Daily Service place have taken a house near 0................................................ .. f E. G. (Jayman Says: | Scoop, Sensational Offer! E i THE BEST FEED IS f THE CHEAPEST FEED lj Only One Hour, 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. Good Monday Only, Oct. 10th j : : j QlO'llliiiUlllllMIIIKIIIItllllllllllilllllHKIIItllHtlliifllHHIItillllilllllllllllllllllUMIHIIIIIIIIIttlUltllHInQ] i SPERRY’S FARM - TESTED $15 Ever-sharp^^rShaver SEEDS : Suremilk, Surelay, Surebuild, Surebroiler, Sureturk, Surerabbit (Only Fifty to Be Said at This One Hour *ale) On Sale Only | | | Buy in half or ton lots and = save money .99 By arrangement with the manufacturer of this $15.00 nationally advertised dry shaver we are positively limited to 50 only. GET YOURS IMMEDIATELY! i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Chrome Plated HEAD, Plat- Icon Cate, including new Precision Motor DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Phy*ician If you can’t attend •ale, leave money before • ale and «haver will be held for you. Unconditional Guarantee by the Manufacturer No Catch to Thi*—Ju*t Pay $2.99 and It’» Your* MAIL ORDERS—Add 15c for'Po»tage SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT CAVE CITY, OREGON 3' I Dr. Fred W. Gould i Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Grant« Pas« : : •43 Dr. H. W. Hermann Cave City Drug Store OPTOMETRIST CAVE JUNCTION. OREGON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. Grants Pass Notice to Electors Notary Publics in Cave City AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY REGISTRATION BOOKS CLOSE OCTOBER STH Persons who will be twenty-one years of age on or before November 8, election day, and who have acquired a six month’s residence in Oregon, should register on or before October 8th. Electors who were registered but have failed to vote at least one? in the last two years and those who have changed their residence since registering should reregister. Persons desiring to register may come to the County Clerk’s office, or go before the Reg istrar in their precinct. Registrars of the County with their ad dresses are as follows: Anna Williams, \\ <»lf ('reek. Hattie Brock. Leland. Thus. Mackenzie. Hugo. Ruth Lendberg, Merlin. Dora West, Galice. Harrt Messenger. Takilma. Lucille Floyd. Holland. .1. H. Wittrock, Kerby. M. ('. Athey. Cave Junction. Marie Balzke. O'Brien. R. L. Hammer. Selma. Christine Baker. Wilderville. Harry A. ( ougle. Williams. Iva Gilmore, Murphy. F. L. COON. COUNTY CLERK MACK’S Seed & Feed Store : 514 S. 6th Street Grants Passi à............................................................ á Women, too, will wel come thi* ideal aid to per*onal daintine** Vou'll get the thrill of your life when you use the New Ever- Sharp Dry Shaver. Just ___ _ plug __ _ in a socket and shave—No water —no blade-—no soap—no brush, Will pay for itself in reason- able time. Nothing else to buy. Buy the feed which has the best ingredients „ _____ ____ , ___ money can buy—Milled by a company of over 75 years experience — 0............................................................... : s ! THE BARBER Bart McCue CAVE CITY. 5 ORE : : «!•••"•....................................................... USED CARS Always Better Value* All-Way* OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms—Reasonable trades 612 South 7th Street HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance *er»ice day or nita 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 k