Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 29, 1938 Locals 9 Edward F. Preble of Holland made a hurried business trip to Grants Pass today. Leon Farrat of Cave Junction was taken to the Josephine Gen­ eral hospital the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mar tin made a business trip to Cres­ cent City last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cannon of near Holland were Grants Pass visitors the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Brigg*- and sons are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Schumacher at their home in Kerby. —o— H. P. Collins of Takilma was discharged Tuesday from Jose phne General hospital much im­ proved. Bert Badden left for San Fran­ cisco last Monday for examina­ tion and possible medical treat ment. W. M. Wasmond of the Orange and Black auto camp reports his hand greatly improved since ar» accident several weeks ago. Dr. Hall, superintendent of this district of the M. E. churches, was in the valley recently inspect­ ing the Althouse and Kerby churches. Mrs. Helen Duffield and young daughter, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hein. Mrs. Duffield is a cousin of Mrs. Hein. —o— Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy left last Monday afternoon for their home in Sausalito, Califor­ nia, after spending a couple of weeks on their ranch near Kerby. Frank Hoffmier and Jim Nealy made a business tria to Grants Pass Tuesday to Ret some mater ial for building some new chim­ neys they are putting up in the Hayden cabins. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fattig and Charles Fattig returned home Alaska Friday, Paul says Alaska is a marvelous place and all of them enjoyed their trip immense ly. —o— Miss Anna Hanzik of San Fran- I cisco and Minneapolis, is a guest at the Casa Willadora. Miss Hanzik has lived in Czechoslovak­ ia for some time, being a native of that country. —o— Mr. and Mr«. Herb Marchant and Mr. and Mrs. Alec House of Klamath county left for home last Tuesday after visiting Amos Slack of Kerby and the Harry Mills family m ar Bridgeview. —o— Mr. and I Mrs. Keith Wells Were in Grants Pass last Tuesday to have the tonsils of their little daughter removed. Both tonsils were taken out and the little girl was doing remarkably well after the operation. —o— Mrs. Fannie Swigart and Mrs. Ella May Simpson of Fresno, t'al ifornia. are visiting at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. James Lewis of Holland. Mrs. Swigart is a sister of Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Simpson a niece. Don Russell, a friend of the family, accompanied them. TO THINK ABOUT--LOW CASH PRICES Prices Good Friday, Saturday and Monday Cheese KRAFT Pasteurized Brick or American 2 POUND BOX .................................. ........ 49c TRIANGLE OATS— Quick or Regular. 3 POUND PKG. Make it a habit to have plenty rough­ age and good ripe fruit and standard juices on your menu. Health is a pre­ cious item to us all and fruits and vege­ tables keep us in good health. JELLO— Six Delicious Flavors, PKG. Macaroni 19c A HOT dish for cold days Bulk, I POUNDS FOR SAM-( LOR BLEACHER— 2 QUARTS For 2»e FRUIT PEELS— Citron, Lemon, Orange, PER POUND 27c Honey STEWART’S — Light Amber 5 POUND CAN for 39c SAUERKRAUT— Del Monte, 2'//s, 2 ( ANS FOR 23c PEAS, MECO— No. 393 Cans. 3 CANS FOR 25c The W. O Burch family, whose ranch is located on the Redwood highway southeast of ( ave June tion. have moved from the house across the west fork - f the Illin­ ois, onto the highway side of the river and until completion of their new home, are livir. in their small house near the highway, formerly occupier! by th« James Welsh family. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mallery. publishers of the Oakland. Ore­ gon Tribune, stopped briefly in Grants Pass Tuesday. Mr. Mai lery was returning from Crater lurke where he had spent the sum mer as educational adviser to the Oregon Caves CCC camp station ed there. It is expected that the camp will return to their home m th«* near future. PRICES GOOD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY lOc CAULIFLOWER— Large White Head GRAPE FRUIT— Full of Juice, DOZEN ORANGES, Sweet and juicy. Doz...................... 25c 17c POTATOES, Klamath Falls— No. 2’s, 50 LB. SACK SPINACH— Tender, 2 POUNDS FOR 15c Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP QUARTS 33c PINEAPPLE, Royal CluK- Sliced. 2'/2’ s , PER CAN Stock Up On These Specials OC Raisins 23c 19c THOMSON SEEDLESS I POUND PKG. COCOA, Muchmore— 2 POUND CAN FOR 15c COFFEE­ REI) “A” ground to your order, 3 POUNDS TOM A TOES. Standby— 2'fs. 3 CANS FOR WALNUTS— Shelled. 8 Ounce can, each 27c 17c FLOUR— ALBER’S FLAPJACK. 9 8-10 LBS. Milk 35c MORNING OR NESTLES Tall cans. 6 FOR PORTER’S SOUP TREATS 111 Ounce Package. 3 FOR 25c II KLEY’S ( UK KEN & NOODLES 1 <>« 15 Ounce ('an. each ■ •FC 19c CORN FLAKES— Albers, PER PKG. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE— 'rexsun. No. 2 can, 2 FOR - --o Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Pittman of Los Angeles arrived in Cave Junction the first of the week ami were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs E J. Wilber. Mi­ ami Mrs. Pittmun were the orig inal owners of Camp Muir and en joy being in the Illinois Valley Fruits and Vegetables TOWELS- Scot Paper. 2 HOLLS FOR 23c 35c OYSTERS— MECO, 3 CANS FOR CRACKERS— SUNSHINE. Soda. 2 POUND BOX Cash Grocery Cave Junction, Oregon