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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1938)
Courier Gateway to The Oregon Caves Illinois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY ’ AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS 3 Cave Junction. Oregon. Thursday. September 2R. 1938 Volume II No. 21 Boys Return From Legion Convention Kerby News Notes of General Interest Joseph M. Seyferth passed away Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Woolridge of Central Point, Ore gon. Mr. Seyferth was born in Jack- son county August 25, 1869, but was a resident of the Illinois Vai. for many years. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Nina Yark and Mrs. Nellie Yark of Murphy, Oregon and Mrs. Fern Woolridge of Central Point. He leaves five sisters and one brother, Lillie M. White and Alice Hogue of Kerby; Mary E. White of Takilma; Margaret Zell and Lucy Seyferth of Medford; Mar tha Kaning of Seattle; Anna G. Black of San Francisco and Fred Seyferth of Likely, California. He also leaves five grandchil dren and a host of friends and relatives. Services were held at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday, September 28 at the Hull & Hull Funeral Home in Grants Pass. Farmers To Get Loans to Irrigate Following a meeting of the Josephine County Land Use committee Monday, September 26, it ap pears fairly certain that between twenty and twenty- five thousand dollars of Farm Security Administra tion funds would soon be available for loans to farm ers who want to improve their irrigation set up on farms in the Illinois Valley. Price 5 Cents High School News Of General Interest This week the freshmen are going through their annual tor ture of initiation. All freshies are required to wear a green bib. Miss Connell is also being initiat ed by wearing a bib. No fresh men are to be seen in front of the building, so they are making good use of the back doors. Maybe it is because of the hefty looking paddles they see the seniors car rying. Probably the hardest rule for the freshie boys to keep is to eat lunch at noon with a fresh man girl. This seems to worry the boys a great deal. Friday, will be dress up day for the be ginners. Friday night will end the initiation with more stunts and a dance. —o— Miss Connell had try outs for a Girls Glee club Monday after noon. The purpose was to find out the range of each girls voice for part singing. —o— Boys physical education class will take up speedball when the weather is favorable. Quite a few boys have turned out to practice basketball. —o--- Girls physical education class is beginning volley ball practice seriously hoping for competition with other schools. John Valen Named On Rep. Ticket Three members of Glenn Mor At the meeting of the Repub rison Post No. 70 American Leg lican County Central committee ion, returned last Thursday night held last Thursday in the court from their trip to the convention house, John Valen of Holland at Los Angeles. C. Y. Arnold, was named as the Republican can Elwood Hussey and Ted Athey didate to succeed George Thrash said the trip was well worth while er, resigned, for the unexpired J. C. Moore of the Bureau of to meet in Portland on September both from the pleasure side and term of county commissioner. Agricultural Economics, USDA, 29 to 30 at which time the final the advertising it gave the Illinois The nominating committee from Corvallis, met with the com decision will be made as to the Valley, the Redwood highway and made its report. The chairman mittee to explain the program availability of the loans, After the Oregon Caves. not being present, Terrill Carner made possible by the Water Facil approval by the Federal Water There were others from the said he would tell the committee ities Act for which Congress has Facilities board, a survey will be valley who went down to the con what happened. We met and the made an appropriation for the made of the Illinois Valley basin vention but the above mentioned vote for commissioner was three fiscal year ending July 1, 1939. by the Soil Conservation Service. did not happen to see them on the for John Valen and two for John The money available for loans After this survey is completed, trip. Dougall. may be borrowed by individual farmers who may be interested in The Hussey car left here at M. C. Athey made a motion that farmers or by several farmers in installing pumping systems should 3 :20 a. m. Saturday morning and the majority report of the nom a group. For money borrowed get in touch with any of the mem did not stop until Medford where inating committee be accepted. there is three per cent interest bers of the Land Use committee, 15 minutes were given for coffee An objection was made to the with 20 years for repayment. The Joe Deremiah, Farm Security Ad and on to Weed, California where motion, the objector asking that Soil Conservation Service will ministration supervisor, of the a caravan was to leave at 8 :30 a. the motion be made that Mr. Val perform the necessary surveying County Agent's office. d. with a police escort. en be named as the party’s candi at no cost to the individual or Members of the Land Use Com I The caravan arrived late in the date, Athey withdrew his mo- Miss Laverne Roberson, teach group of farmers. mittee present at the meeting afternoon at Stockton where the tion with the consent of his sec The Land Use committee was were: chairman, George R. Rid Legionnaires of that town held er of the intermediate grades in ond ond made another motion the Kerby school was unable to asked to select an area in the dle, Ben R. Bones, A. A. John- open house for those out of town. that Valen be named the candi- attend classes on Tuesday because county which would best fit into son, W. W. Canby, E. Reed Car Leaving Stockton at 7:40 Sun date, which motion prevailed. day morning the caravan motored of illness. Mr. Laws and his this program, and since prelim- ter, Howard T. Edson, Victor Many of those present lauded through the famous and hot valley students kept the work going for inary surveys showed that the ir- Boehl, J. L. Woodward, Radbui*n Mr. Valen and spoke very highly rigation in the Illinois Valley of San Joaquin river and over Miss Roberson. of him and stated they were glad Robinson, G. H. Broons, J. C. could best be improved by pump- the “rim" route into Los Angeles. to have him as the party’s candi- Thompson and O. K. Beals, sec Mrs. Jaces Kanely and Miss ing, this area was chosen. Sunday night the boys visited date. The Water Facilities Board is retary. Several more students register and Genivieve Fox left last week for several state headquarters 1 After there appeared to be no ed Monday bringing the total en- further left the papers they took with Whittier, California, where they business coming before rollment to 86. This is the same the committee, M. C. Athey, mem them asking all I to return home will spend the winter. Mrs. Kane Officers of the bank will act aB number registered last year at ber from the Kerby precinct, via the Redwood I highway and vis- ly owns the Maple Court Auto chaperons. Mrs. Wm. Bigelow will this timet it the Oregon Caves. Monday camp. stated that he was glad to have Special sight seeing trips are they called upon the different have charge of the camp this been a member of the committee, on the program and banquets and On Tuesday afternoon the first newspapers telling them of their winter. luncheons planned. Two floors Student Body meeting of the year but since he could not endorse the mission and posing for pictures of a large Portland hotel have was held, The meetini was call- entire Republican ticket, he chose Mrs. Lottie Woodcock and Mr. as well as other state headquart been reserved for the party, and ed to discuss ways of earning to resign rather thi»n cause the and Mrs. Adams were at Kerby ers. headquarters will be established money to build up the student committee any embarrassment on Monday on business. Mrs. Wood Monday night they were in the his account. Athey is an ardent on the mezzanine floor. cock is employed in Grants Pass body treasure. Freshmen initia 40 et 8 parade where they sang supporter of Willis Mahoney for and Mr. and Mrs. Adams have a -0- tion was fully explained to the United States senator on the “The Gang’s All Here,” while mine on Canyon creek. The two beginners. Athey beat the bass drum. They Democratic ticket. Announcement will be made Social Security Board women are sisters. The new student body officers right behind the Albany were Last Friday was the dead line during the coming week of the | Member Visits Here — o— for this year are, Les Henry, pres box car in an open car where all for nominations and the filing of Congratulations are being winners of the third annual 4-H ident; Bud Brooks, vice president; petitions. The complete county could be seen and at one time showered on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. club achievement and leadership Richard C. Stillwell, manager Myrtice Jones, secretary-treas there were nine 40 et 8’ers riding ticket as it appears will be as fol i (Bud) Hoskins on the birth of contest sponsored by The First of the Social Security Board for urer. on the car all singing lustily. lows : a baby daughter last Friday. She National Bank of Portland, ac this district with headquarters in --------------o------------- County Judge Tuesday was the big parade but has been named Sara Ann. cording to H. C. Seymour, state Eugene, Oregon, was in the val Coming Attractions at Stephen Jewell, Democrat. only Hussey made it and he rode club director. o ley Wednesday making a tour of W. A. Johnson, Republican. on the engine of the Albany con Cave City Theater Miss Alice Hogue had her ton- As a result of their selection southern Oregon to be of help in W. I’. Hazelrigg, Independent. tingent. sils removed last week. by the local judging committee, case anyone wants his advice. George R. Riddle, Independent. Oo-lo-la! The drum and three Legion —o— the outstanding boy and girl He asked to have anyone who I. . R. Webb, Independent. The sauciest escapade in the naires had their picture taken by Lester Frost, Norma, Faye, chosen from each county will be wants information about their Commissioner history of love, as gay as a Mardi Norman Alley of the Universal Ellis and Dean Tycer made a trip guests of the bank on October 5, statement of wages credited to (Four Years) Gras, with three delightful stars News, but they did not realize to Klamath Falls over the week 6 and 7 during the Pacific Inter Richard McEllgott, Democrat. their old-age insurance account, and merry with tunes, brings Don that Alley was the famous person end. They visited Mr. and Mrs. national Livestock exposition in II. Noble I’arner, Republican. Ameche, Simone Simon and Rob to write to Richard C. Stillwell, age who took the pictures of the H. F. Tycer and other relatives. Portland. All transportation, ho T. H. Dawson, Independent. ert Young to the Cave City thea sinking of the Panay in China. tel accommodations and enter 435 Miner building, Eugene, Ore Commissioner ter Saturday and Sunday, Octo- They left Los Angeles Wednes George Thrasher and daughter tainment for the 74 guests are ' gon, and he will see that they get (Two Years) ber 1 and 2. day morning and drove back the Virginia, came over from Tule being provided by the host bank. th<' information desired. E. R. Brown. Democrat. It ’ s vive 1'amour in naughty coast route stopping in San Fran lake California, last Saturday to John Valen, Republican. New Orleans as Don and Bob cisco long enough to have more spend the week end. While here E. E. Brooks, Independent. chase Simone, who must think pictures taken by the advertising Miss Virginia was the guest of J. D. Creech, Independent. faster than one and run faster department of the Redwood Em M iss Heidi Sachse. George drove W. A. Fern, Independent. than the other — but not too much pire association. over a load of grain. R. O. Kennedy, Independent. faster. The tantalizing little co Arnold, Hussey and Athey all J. B. Reiering, Independent. quette has talked herself into a talked of the beauties of the Il RURAL ROUT TO --------------o-------------- pretty mix-up, so there are two linois Valley, the Redwood high STAY AT KERBY Josettes, one for the boys' papa BANQUET AT CAVES way and the Oregon Caves and ; and another for the boys them CHATEAU ENJOYED did all they could to induce the Cave Junction, Oregon. selves. veterans to return home via the My Dear Postmaster: Coming Wednesday and Thurs Last Sunday evening the cast Redwood highway. Confirming our telegram day. October 5 and 6, is a glorious of the Miners’ Jubilee pageant They all feel that they did a September 27 as follows: romance on a tropic South Sea was invited to a banquet at the good bit of advertising and tho “Transfer route one Kerby island, coupled with daring thrills i Oregon Caves Chateau. AH but it may not show immediate re Cave Junction October one and the beauty of technicolor, en seven were able to attend and sults they feel sure that those voked. Letter follows.“ titled “Her Jungle Love.” A re those present voted the evening whom they talked to will some day ’ You are advised that, in view markable picture with Dorothy well spent. make the trip to the famous Ore- of representations made to this Lamour and Ray Milland, the ro Several talks were made and gon Caves. Bureau, the decision has been mantic team of “The Jungle Brin- I most of them were in favor of a - ---------------- Q- - _ reached to revoke the pending cess.’’ | bigger and better pageant for transfer of rural route No. 1, Examinations for o next year with suggestions for Kerby, to tbe jurisdiction of the Drivers License (’an plays during the winter months Local Man (¡rows Cave Junction post office, which Be Secured in City to keep in practice. was to have become effective on Peanuts and Yams It was suggested that a minstrel October 1, 1938. Ward McReynolds will hold ex- show be put on within a couple of This matter Is being referred A. Allard who has a ranch five aminations in Cave Junction for months and then a comedy drama for a further investigation by miles south of Cave Junction drivers licenses, Friday, October and maybe a musical comedy. post office inspector. brought in a sample of small 7th from 9 at m. to 3 p. m., in the After dinner there was rom- Spanish peanuts and sweet pota Respectfully yours, Chamber of Commerce building. munity singing and all seemed re toes to show us what will grow in J. W. COLE, luctant to break up the party. Prospective applicants may se Illinois valley Actng Second Assistant. The Jubilee committee through cure the Oregon Drivers Manual The peanuts are of the small the president. Art Drews, thanked ■ o at the chamber building in Cave French variety, mostly used as every member of the cast for the Few hours after returning from Junction, and it is recommended I salted peanuts. The sweet potatoes splendid work they did and as* Alaska/ Mrs. Paul Fattig went that they get a copy and study are large and seem just ax good xured them they would be called same before taking the examina for a horseback ride, The cinch as the southern varieties. One po upon next year as the Miners’ of the saddle broke and Mrs. Fat- tion. tato measured 14li inches around Jubilee is a civic celebration that tig was thrown to the ground BN tlU IHttlllWHHHIIIIHHIHIHHIHHHIIHIIIHIIIttlllllM] Lach year, as America observes Columbus day, attention is Focused the top. striking her head, She was un is here to stay. conscious for about half an hour. on Jackson park in Chicago, where stands the sole survivor of three Mr. Allard also grows a gar ------------- o- [ COMING EVENTS | Dr. caravels—exact replicas of Columbus' Pinta, Nina and Santa Marla— Collman was called and took which were constructed in Spain for the Columbian exposition. The Pinta den berry which makes very de The World’s Fair of the West ^AM*<*>******H**aaa***«*«iitit««M ttuiii mQJ her to the hospital where an X- and Nina were destroyed by fire in 1918 but the Santa Maria (In the back licious jams and preserves. The will run for 24,983,200 seconds Wednesday, Octover 5—Regular Ray showed no fracture but con ground! is still afloat. The boats in which Columbus made his pioneering bush he has grown wax from seed after its opening at 10 ». m. on business meeting of the Amer cussion and injury to the right voyage are dwarfed by modern ocean liners. For comparison, note the and yields from three to four gal | Treasure Island next February 18 row boats In foreground. ican Legion Auxiliary. ear. lons of berries to the bush. | —or 288 days. 4-H Club Winners to Be Announced Celebration of Columbus Day Recalls iiihiuiiii hhiiiii