Page Two Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 8, 1938 (¡round Broken for Redwood Empire Bldg. An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and ita surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Sabbath scho.l at 1:30 p. m. Speaking at 3 p. m. Prayer and study, Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. You are invited to meet with x $1 50 us. F. W. Cooper Selma Elder .75 --------------o----------- — 50 ..................... Editor Bucine», Manager M C ATHEY L. E. ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year Six Months Three Month, Friday, September 2 marked a momentous occasion in the his- tory of the Redwood Empire I counties—the formal ground- breaking for the Redwood Em- pire building on Treasure Island, in which notables from every part of the world will be wel- corned during the exposition year. Preliminary arrangements for the ceremonial were made by the Redwood Empire Erposition Com mission. the California State Ex position Commission and the Red wood Empire association. It em bodied many colorful features, ty pifying the allure of the Red wood Empire, America’s newest natural playground. Completed drawings from the architects boards indicate that the Redwood Empire building, which will be in the form of a typical Redwood forest lodge, will be one of the outstanding ed- ifices on Treasure Island. --------------o-------------- ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Outside of Josephine County $2 00 One Year BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH The Illinois Valley News reserves the right <o reject any advertising Sunday school ................. 10 a. I m. Preaching at 11 a. m. copy which it deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application Preaching at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Church services at 11 a. m. (■REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS uniTl --------------o V -................... Cave Junction Community Church Sunday school..................... 10 a. m. Preaching ........................... 11 a. m. Evening service ................. . 8 P- m. — o------------- THE JUBILEE IS OVER Aviation Meeting to We want to congratulate the Jubilee committee Paramount to Give 1000 Free Tickets Be Held in Medford for the work they have done in putting on the Sec ond Annual Miners’ Jubilee. It was a large assign Manager Fred Rout of the Private fliers and fixed base ment for a few men to do the job that has been done Cave City theatre has made ar- operators will play an important and the results of their labor will be far reaching in rangements with Paramount Pic- ' part in the program of the fifth tures, Inc., so the patrons of his Northwest Aviation Planning the future. theatre may participate in a na- Council to be held at Medford, The Jubilee was an eye opener for many business tional advertising scheme which Oregon, on September 16th and men outside of the valley. They could not visualize Paramount is sponsoring. 17th, it was announced by A. H. Every Sunday night on the ra Banwell, program chairman. that such a little community could put on such a dio at 7:30 Eastern Daylight Sav A certain amount of time has “wow” of a show. ing Time, on the National Broad been set aside in the two-day pro The Jubilee is a civic institution now for a cer casting red network, the “Fitch gram for a discussion of the prob tainty, and it will grow every year until the entire Bandwagon" will be presented. lems of private flying, and ques state takes notice of it and the little valley where it On this program will be explain tions such as Department of Com ed how every one can enter this merce regulation and legal as is held. national contest. This broadcast pects of private flying, State Ae This year’s Jubilee, in three days, did more to ad comes between Jack Benny and ronautic Boards and regulations vertise the Illinois Valley than could have been done the Chase & Sanborn show, two of private fliers, the future for of the most popular programs on private fliers and recommenda in many years through natural channels. People the air. tions for simplified regulations went away with glowing praise for the people of the Tune in next Sunday after Jack will be included in the program. Benny and listen to the details of At previous Council meetings, valley anti the show they provided. The banquet held Monday evening, honoring the this idea whereby 1000 free tickets little time has been devoted to the will be explained. question of the problems of the builders of the Redwood highway and the Redwood to theatres --------------o------------- fixed base operator. For that rea Empire association, will live in the memory of those Government to Help son, fixed base operators will be afforded an opportunity to dis honored for the rest of their lives. As one prominent Tourists See the West cuss their problems at the Med man said—“I have been doing my bit in public life for ford meeting, Banwell stated many years, and have given my talents and time to Having spent severl million A representative of the recent many civic enterprises, but this is the first time I of dollars in creating Treasure ly formed Civil Aeronautics Au Island, backed up by an appro thority will attend the Council have ever received any public recognition for this priation of $1,500,000 for a fed meeting, as will Major General work.” And this gentleman and others, were sur eral exhibit at the Golden Gate Oscar Westover, Chief of the Uni prised beyond expression as those little blocks of red International Exposition on San ted States Air Corps, and other wood with their name and recognition for their lab Francisco bay, Uncle Sam now is prominent aviation authorities pitching in to help bring people from all over the United States, ors engraved on copper were handed to them. to the 1939 World’s Fair of the National defense, airports, One of the most prominent men of San Francisco West, and to encourage them to feeder lines, airplane manufactur er- and amateur aircraft building laid aside his work to attend the banquet, and believe “See All the West in ’39.“ Through the newly organized are but a few of the subjects us he is one of the busiest men in California. This United States Travel Bureau, op will be covered at the meet gentleman is the genial manager of the Redwoods erated by the National Park Ser- which ing. Empire association, Mr. Clyde Edmondson, and his vice, the federal government is ----------------- q ----------------- presence and the message he left gave the banquet preparing to lend a helping hand Cave City Beauty Shop Americans who believe in see- that touch of importance that no other person could to Under New Management ing America first. have given. This newspaper wants to thank Mr. Ed It marks the first time that our mondson for that long trip, and we sincerely hope he government has gone in for tour Mrs. J. D. Lanning has taken ist promotion on a broad scale, over the Cave City Beauty shop not only enjoyed himself while here, but gathered although many European nations and will have complete charge in enough important information that made the trip have had government travel bur the future. Mrs. Lanning will eaus for many years. specialize in individual hair de worth while. signing and will have an assistant While the new Travel Bureau While the committee and the people generally of was not organized especially to in the very near future. the valley are glad the celebration is over, it will live assist the Golden Gate Interna Having had several years for a long time to those who visited the Jubilee. tional Exposition, its activities in perience as an operator and “INVESTIGATE BEFORE SIGN CONTRACT” YOU No doubt you have already been called upon by a number of fast talking solicitors offering all kinds of advertising schemes. With the opening of the Golden Gate international Exposition fast approaching, you will be so licited by many more “special ad vertising i ••in Just a ' vestigate con tracts— or to solicitors” During exposition periods, num erous high pressure scheme- trick ideas are devised to talize for pecuniary profit gain. Many such schemes are ueless and an absolute wast money. However, you are always in in advertising wth establi newspapers, magazines and i established publications; also established radio stations other reputable media We suggest you take your time about signing contracts with high pressure olicitora who offer "the most effective ami resultful ad vertising" This office will be glad to SV cure information for you from the Better Business Bureau regard ing solicitations of a questionable nature. This communication is respect fully directed to you for your own protection and benefit. With best wishes, you a lot n ad- sev it in o the west have been speeded up by reason of the World s Fair. Said J. R. Anderson supervisor of the New York office of the bureau: “We have rushed our plans for a Western office in or tier to assist the people of lile Western state in making their Golden Gate International Expo -ition a success. Eastern people will want to see the scenic attrac tions of the West as well a the Exposition, and we believe that we can help in this big travel pro gram.’’ That "big travel program" is the coordinated Western states travel promotion plan launched by the Exposition more than a year ago, in which the western states, railroads, travel agencies and others interested in tourist pro motion have been brought togeth er in a major effort to attract visitors to all the West. It is encouraging to learn that the governent is joining this movement to make 1939 the greatest travel year in W estern hi-tory. ------------- o----- Eddie Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Martin, returned to Cave Junction last Saturday from California, where he ha- He will been for the past year y remain here permanently and has taken a position at Schumacher’s grocery, recently held by Eddie Slayton, who left last Friday for Corvallis, where he will attend State college. —o— Leona Lillis has moved into Grants Pass to be near her mother who is in the hospital there Mi-s Lillis was one of this year's princesses at the Miners’ Jubilee. the past three years owning own shop. Mrs. Lanning brings to Cave City the very latest in hair designing. ------------- o-------------- Distinguished guests here dur ing the Jubilee included Willis Mahoney candidate for United States senator; Henry Hess candi date for governor; Larry Manuel, secretary of the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce; O. S. Blanchard, attorney of Grants Pass; Sam Baker, of the United States National bank; Ted Cra mer, manager of the United State- National bank, and V. K. Meedom, manager of the Bank of America, Crescent City. ri I I TIMBER CRUISING Accurate Work CLINT HARDS Cave Junction, Oregon K & L TRUCK LINE Freight for Cave Junction and Caves Highway left at Drews Garage, Cave Junction. Daily Service PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C. D. Ladies to Entertain Men Folks DR. A. N. COLLMAN Next Saturday evening. Sept- Naturopathic Physician ember 10th, an entertainment of fun and frolic will be given in CAVE CITY, OREGON the Deer Creek Grange hall. The D. C. D. ladies entertaining the men folks and you can be as sured an evening well spent for 3' .................................... -Ç those that attend. There will be Dr. Fred W. Gould plenty of fun and good eats so Dental Surgeon Tuff» Building : don’t forget to bring your nickles Phone 4 and dimes. Grant* Pa»» After the program and games, ,¿3 dancing will follow for those who 0' care to dance and everyone is welcome. Admission is free. Dr. H. W. Hermann The following program begins OPTOMETRIST at 8 o’clock: Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Welcome song “High Hated Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. Band; skit “When I Was Young"; Grants Pass songs by all group singing; skit, “The Druggist;’’ Dancing girls; reading, “How to Preserve a Hus band;” 4-H club girls singing; Notary Publics skit, “I won't Pay the Rent;” tap in Cave City dancer. Everyone is invited to come AMY HUSSEY and enjoy yourselves and remem M. C. ATHEY ber the admission is free. --------------o-------------- □ a- Pilis for motorists who have difficulty in seeing at night may THE BARBER be the next step toward safety after dark, if experiments being Bart McCue conducted by two eastern scien CAVE CITY, ORE tists prove successful. Capsules filled with a substance rich in vitamin A, which builds up the cells used to distinguish light and shadow, have been developed and L B. HALL are being tested. Secretary of FUNERAL HOME State Earl Snell says “glare blind Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager ness" and inability to distinguish AMBULANCE SERVICE objects after dark causes many Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. serious accidents. ------------- o-------------- Failures may be the forerunner VETERINARIAN of greater success. Hor,e, and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Office Oti, E. Hackett car lot Day phone 162--- Night 538 RIVOLI Grants Pass Thur,., Fri., Sat., Sept. 8 9-10 Mickey Rooney in “LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY” USED CARS With Judy Garland and Lewis Stone Alway» Better Value» All-Way» OTIS E. HACKETT Easy terms—Reasonable trades 627 S. 6th St., Grants Pass PREVIEW Sat., Sept. 10 Vistor McLaglen in "THE DEVIL’S PARTY Sun. Only, Sept. 1 1 Geo. Raft and Sylvia Sidney in “YOU AND ME” Mon. , Tue»., Sept. 12 13 “THE BIRTH OF A BABY” With Richard Gordon and Eleanor King GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Pickup in Cave City and Kerby Monday and Thursday HULL & HULL Wardrobe Cleaners FUNERAL HOME The oldest and best since 1911 Ambulance service day or nite Free Pick up by Grant, Pas, Laundry 502 N 4th St. When in Grants Pass Eat at the CLUB CAFE Phone 334 Freight Service 6th and “G” Streets Between All Illinois Valley Points and Grants Pass ILLINOIS VALLEY I FREIGHT SERVICE I GET OUR RATES ! Bob Rout Harold Hill Texaco Garage JORDANS Make 1 our Headquarters at Jordan's while shopping in Grants Pass Light Lunches — Cool Drinks Delicious Cream 632 South Sixth St. CAVE JUNCTION ’ REDWOODS hotel ] Paia Grants Pass Cronto MtOOF CLUNI SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE PROCES! r* I Excellent (’offee Shopj IN CONNECTION j REASONABLE RATES -•« »*••• FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS I Agencies Spanish Castle CAVE JUNCTION, ORE. 1) A N C E Saturday Night September 10 QUALITY FIRST Complete Fountain Service ENTERTAINMENT Special Meals and Short Orders STATE LINE RENDEZVOUS Open from 5:30 a. m. to 1 a m. PRICE SECOND—The best is none too good if you want to get results for the money you spend. SEE US FIRST and have no regrets. Sparry’s Poultry and Dairy 1 eed» — Gill Bro». Garden Seed» -— Swift a Red Steer Fertilizer» — Berry Cup» and Crate». MACK’S SEED and Feed Store o y