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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1938)
Page Four Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 18, 1938 Locals Doyle Hamilton made a busi ness trip to Klamath Falls over the week end We Offer You Only Proven Robert Balxke of the Waldo Camp, O’Brien made a business trip to Grants Pass Wednesday. Misses Edith and Edna Rossiter and Edith Randolphe, are picking hops in Grants Pass. Mrs. Ben Whorley has grandmother. Mrs. Eels with her now. Mrs. Eels is 98-years-old. — o— L. E. Bidache was receiving the best wishes of his many friends today as he was celebrat ing his 67th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H Brooks of the Deer Creek valley, accompan ied by Joe McCarger, made a trip to Happy Camp last Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Clayton of Selma, and Mrs. Roy Mattoon of Oak Flat, were business visitors in Cave Junction the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westover of Arlington, Washington, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Babcock recently. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith and family of Bellingham Washington, spent a few days last week visit ing the C. C. Babcock family. Jeanette Martin was a dinner guest of Marguarette Dunworth last Saturday at the home of Miss Dunworth’s aunt Mrs. Bert Wat kins. —o--- Mr. Silva of Crescent City is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellow on Caves Highway. Mr. Silva is Mrs. Mel low's father. Mrs. Bert St. John and daugh ters, Dora, Vera, Emogene and son, Russell have been picking hops in Grants Pass They are home for a few days before re turning to pick the later hops Elwood Hussey left last Sunday for Salem and Portland to attend a meeting in the interest of the water system here, He was ac- companied by G. A. Peterson of Kerby and M. C. Athey. Mr. and Mrs. W A Brouillet left last week for a trip to Cra ter Lake, Ashland and Medford. They were accompanied by their niece. Miss Marjorie Seely of San Francisco. —o— Marion Rossiter's house caught on fire last Sunday. The fire was started from a gas stove and burned curtains and wall paper. Fortunately neighbors were there to help put it out. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eggers, and daughter, Helen, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Eggers' par ents, L. R. Webb and wife. Their home is at Klamath, where Frank is employed by the State High way Commission Mrs. Ethel Pickett returned to Cave Junction Tuesday evening from Klamath Falls, where she has been since the middle of July. Mrs. Pickett was called there by the illness of her mother, who passed away July 29. Miss Marjorie Seely who has been visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rrouillett for the past several weeks, return ed to her home in San Francisco, last Monday. Mr and Mrs. Brouil let motored as far as Crescent City with their niece. —0--- Mrs. L. Rollman and daughter, Peggy. returned to their home in Spokane, last Sunday, after hav ing spent the past five weeks vis iting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C J Jacobson of the Variety store. —o— Mrs. Earl Boyd and Mrs. E. J Wilbur were very pleasant call ers at The News office Wednes day. They brought some beautiful Glads and a large boquet of Zin nia< We are always glad to have folks call on us. but when they bring flowers Oh Roy’ —o-- W F. Darger of the Associated Oil Station and Frank Hoffmier met with a -light auto accident last Sunday as they were return ing from a trip to Crescent City The car struck loose gravel on the California side and turned turtle. Other than some damage to the car and several bruises to the men, they were able to re turn home. Buy Known Value Here—It Has to Be Good If We Hope to Continue to Merit Your Good Will and Patronage Prices Good Friday, Saturday and Monday COFFEE Fresh Fruits and Vegetables PORK AND BEANS, Fargo, Just heat and serve No. 1 cans, 3 for .......... .............. SAUER KRAUT, Del Monte No. 2*/2 cans, 2 cans Prices Good Friday and Saturday Only PEACHES, Meco, Yellow Cling, America’s favor- O ite fruit at popular prices. No. 2,/j cans, 2 cans SALMON, Alaska Pink, Equals meat in nutritive values, l-lb. tall cans .......................... g rior Quality Meats Friday and DEVILED MEAT, The old reliable for sand wich filler. No. 2l/2 cans, 2 cans (’AKE FLOUR, Swansdown. The ideal flour for perfect cakes. Per Pkg. ROLLED OATS AND WHEAT, A blended cereal nourishing and delicious. 9-lb. bag —()— Fruits and Vegetables Are Essential for a healthy summer diet —Use plenty of them At these Low Prices. CHEESE. Kraft Elkhorn, cream. Its mellow rich flavor is always uniform. Per lb. —()— (ANTALOUPES These are 1.7s g 3 for MW —() 17c g SOAP. Lifebouy, health soap. Its cleansing lather refreshes. 3 bars Prime Steer Beef 24c g 25c 25c 2Oc JAM. Pride. Assorted flavors 2-11». jar JEL-KWK K, Fruit pectin for making jelly and jam. 2 hit ties DILL PICKLES Large 2 for —0— SALT PORK 35c 2 lbs. POT ROAST OF BEEF Per Pound PEANUT BUTTER. Royal Club. All children enjov it. 1 !b. jar COCOA. Much More. High in nutritive value. 2-lh can —0— —O— NUBORA. with tumbler. The easy way to get clothes clean. Per Pkg.......................... .... 12 to! 3' 15c 32c 25c —o— Top Prices Paid at All Times for Prime Beef. Poultry and Pork. Illinois Valley SALAD DRESSING. Miracle Whip. Qt. MACARONI or SPAGHETTI. 10-lb. box. the economical way to buv. Each Shortening We Take Pride As Well As (’are in the Meats We Offer to Our Custo mers. —()— LI). SOAP, (). K. The big yellow bar for all laundry purposes. 6 bars —O- ♦> *** Saturday kill STEAKS SHREDDED WHEAT. Whole wheat ready to eat. 2 pkgs. GREEN PEPPERS For Salads Lb. 15c RUP, Karo, Blue Label. An energy giving food. l()-lb. pail WATERMELONS Sweet and Juicy ('/«c Lb. —()— l»c 25c DILL PICKLES, Paradise, l/l gallon jar —o— POTATOES New ones 10-lbs. 27c HILL BROS. OR GOLDEN WEST. 1-LB. 89c Meat Co. Cave Junction Pearl, A Vegetable Product l-lb. Pkg. Schumacher’s Cash,Grocery