I Page Eight * Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 28, 1938 Locals Helen Jacobson is confined to her home with a severe cold. Pay Cash and Pay Less for Your Groceries Mrs. Flo Leedy spent Sunday visiting friends in Medford. M. B. Harper was transacting business in Grants Pass last Tues­ day. Miss Theda Akers has returned from Eureka, where she ha* been visiting. Dorothy McCrady is now help ing Mrs. A. G. Jackson at the Span ish CaBtle Takilma reports the town full of widows. All the men are out fighting fires. A A This Week’s Prices Good Friday, Saturday and Monday Mrs. C. E. Adair, of Grants Pass, is visiting for an indefinite time, Mrs. A. R. Lockwood. Fred Rout returned to Cave Junction Thursday morning from an extended trip to Los Angeles. - --0——• M. E. W’hite of Takilma was a business visitor in Cave Junc­ tion the first of the week. — o— Eddie Slayton returned from Corvallis last week and is now helping his brother, Fobres B., in the drug store. Misses Victoria and Loleta Jas- person of the Cave City Coffee shop were business visitors in Grants Pass last week- I. K. Drake ran a nail in his hight hand la-d Saturday. While the injured hand is very sore it is healing nicely. —o— Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smalley of Oakland, California, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balzke of Waldo Camp, last week. o- ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn and son, Harry, Jr., of Los Angeles, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cass Wy more at the Camp Shona Wauna on Elk Creek. FLOUR SUGAR 4- Mrs E. B. Pearsall was a busi­ ness visitor in Grants Pass last week end. She was accompanied by Mrs. Jack Hout and Mrs. C. F. Hards. —o— Mr. and Mrs. W. r> Goodrich of Fresno, Calif., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Babcock Mr. Goodrich is a nephew of Mr. Babcock. C. C Babcock left Friday morn ing for Marysville, Washington. He was accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Mary Robinson who received word that her son, Arthur Robin­ son, had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stuart of Hollywood, Calif., and Mrs. Ed Beaver and Miss Henrietta Hill of Los Angeles, were guests of Mrs. Florence O. Hallock last week Mr and Mrs. A. L. Ramsey of Albany, visited their niece, Mrs. Flo Leedy of the Cave Junction Beauty shop last week for a short time. They were on their way to California, to visit relative« Mrs. James Yates, and son, Lansing, of San Francisco, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs Robert Balzke of the Waldo camp Mrs. Yate« and Mrs. Balzke are sisters. Dr. Louis Shade and family, who have been visiting at the home of Dr. Shade’s brother, George H Shade, for the past several week«, returned to their home in Oakland, California, recently Mr. Shade ac companied his brother south and while there visited his mother, and other relatives. He returned home last week end. PORK AND BEANS. Fargo, For a quick econom­ ical lunch. No. 1 cans, 3 for l»c and GRAPE ERL IT. Whole, firm segments in the fruits own juice. No. 2 cans, 2 cans 25c* Friday and Saturday CATSUP, Meco, Adds sparkle to every day foods, 12-oz. bottles, 2 for PICKLED PIG FEET. Roth’s 14-oz. jar Saturday lî)c* 25c* SHRIMP, I. G. A. .For summer salads. 2 cans 35c* SANDWICH SPREAD, Tasty. A zesty spread, ready for sandwiches, Qt. jar ( ALLII LOWER Large white heads BEEF BROTH, Haley’s KP j oz. can, 3 for 25c* Each SHREDDED WHEAT. 2 pkgs. 25c* TOMATOES Home Grown oc Lh. ([’(UMBERS Large ones ()— SALT. LESLIE’S, Plain or Iodized 2-lb. shaker, 2 pkgs. 25c* 25c* I île ()— STEAKS Nice and tender O— I Lb. A JEL-KWK K. Fruit Pectin 2 bottles Coffee Schumacher’s ub I- I Oc* LI). 25c* Top Prices Paid at All Tinies for Prime Bed'. Poultry and Pork. 17c* Illinois 25c* Valley (A N NI NG SU Pl’Ll ES—J A RS-UA l»S—RI’ BBERS ET( ’. al BEEF LIVER Fine with bacon ( )— MATCHES. Green Diamond 6 I m ) x carton I c* '/¡,° —()— ()— Lh. BEEF ROASTS Prime Steer Lb. From i I OC GRANULATED SOAP. Peet’s Large pkg. 3 for —O— PORK SAI SAGE For breakfast LAUNDRY SOAP, 1. G. A„ 10 bars 2 for We Take Pride As Well As (’are in the Meals We Offer to (hir ('usto- mers. IJ». TOILET SOAP. Camay 4 bars —O— Meats Friday and Fruits and Vegetables Are Essential for a healthy summer diet —Use plenty of them At these Low Prices. —O— Superior Quality TOMATO Jl'ICE. A vivid refresher between meals. Large 16-oz. can. each Only —O— 53c Pure Cane, lO-lb. bag 35c* Prices Good —o— Riley Boyd, Frank E. Miller and Louis S Jones of Eugene are visit ing Earl Boyd. Riley Boyd is hii uncle of Earl. They expect to be in the valley about 12 days. —o— Mi. and Mm. A J. Schmalz and son, Anton, and Warren and Pa trica Dunn of San Gabriel, Calif., were week end visitors of Mr. anil Mrs. C. Y. Arnold last week. The party had visited five National Park« before coming here They took in the Oregon Caves and left for home Sunday $1.39 PINEAPPLE, Meco, For your health’s sake, eat it every day. No. 2’4 cans, 2 cans —()— Ladies Auxiliary of the Ameri­ can Legion have decided not to sponsor a queen candidate. Every member can vote for their choice. I Fresh Fruits Vegetables Mr. Ernest Drews and Mrs. Em­ ma M. Drews brother and mothei of Art Drews arrived last Saturday for a weeks visit. Kitchen Queen, Last chance at this low price—buy now. 19-lb. sack . tin Meat Co. Cave Junction 23c Cash Grocery ('axe Junction. Oregon