Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 28, 1938 Liiüe Stories 03 bÿ ThornfonVZ <y JSuráess Prospector • Page Five once who took out ten thousand Good baker, reasonable. In dollars out of his mine, thought he quire News. 4-ltfc hail it all, and sold it. The fellow he sold out to took out forty-five DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE of one of these* small classified thousand dollars and was sure he ads. They get results, and cost ha«i it all, so he sold it. That fellow so little. took out a cool million dollars.— Me—I guess I’m staying for-the FOR SALE — Mining location million.” blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the CLASSIFIED ADS Illinois Valley News office. HOP PICKERS — Picking will FOR RENT—Store room in new- start at the Hilton Hop yards concrete building, size of room about August 4th. Good picking. 15 feet wide 35 feet long. In Those who expect to pick should quire at The News office. write or phone for registration. Hilton Hop Yards, Grants Pass, SELL IT!—If you have something Ore., Phone 606 F-2 12-ltp you don't need or don't want, Somehow or other you can’t poor Mrs. Grouse and taken her . help but have a feeling of pity home for his dinner!” cried Sam . for the old fellow whenever you my. see an old prospector, rattletrap COME people like to spre. d be I "I don't believe it.” replied Chat ’ car loaded to the top, or heavy news. They w 1 I terer. who right that minute was ' pack strapped to his patient old bad news than good news. It's eating nuts that he knew Farmer i back as you are sure he must be queer, but it's so. Sammy Jay is Brown’s boy had left for him. that kind. He never seems so happy "You don’t have to. but that a little queer, And I guess you’re FOR RENT — 4-room bungalow, as when he is flying about through doesn't make it that it isn’t so. I ! right. We prospectors are kind large rooms, shower, toilet. Va. the Green Forest telling some saw him do it.” retorted Sammy, of a queer lot. But then some cant by the 5th of August. Ap dreadful news to everybody h e and started on. times 1 get to thinking the-e city ply of Bert Watkins, Cave Junc meets. And this isn’t the worst of Right away Chatterer lost his ap fellows are a whole lot queerer tion. 12-2tc it. He doesn't always tell the truth! petite. He didn't know whether to than we are. Why a big strapping, He sometimes makes things out a believe it or not. He felt dreadfully great deal worse than they really sorry for Mrs. Grouse and then, too, heaMiy man would want to spend FOR SALE — 5-foot 1-man saw,. 7 foot bucking saw, 5-foot drag j are so as to make his story more he didn't like to think that Farmer his life sitting behind a desk in exciting. And so it often happens Brown's boy had been very good a hot stuffy office listening to a saw blade, 6-foot failling blade, that Sammy spreads false reports. to him. and though he had once lot of other peoples troubles, in Ottowa gas engine, box heater, i You know false reports are stories hated him. he rather liked him now stead of being out where you can GO tier wood. 24-in. crosscut j that are not true or only partly that he had come to know him. get a wide -weeping view front buzz blade, 1 -gallon churn, 26 true. though Chatterer wouldn't have ad- Chrysler sedan, 4 Guernsey Now, Sammy Jay had happened mitted this to anybody for the a mountain top, or get a drink of heifers and 4 year old Guern along just in time to see Farmer world, "Oh. my no! I don't believe good cold water out of a mountain sey cow. All on the Don \Veb it," he muttered over and over to stream. Now that's too much for ster farm, Box 121 Cave Junc- himself. “I don't believe it.” But me. tion, behind the Yarbrough | just the same he lost his appetite. For instance 1 happened to be Presently Sammy Jay saw Reddy up north a while back, and had OC- place, or call at News office Fox. "Great news! Great news!” for directions. 12-ltp casion to call on a lawyer friend shrieked Sammy. "What is it'.’” demanded Reddy. of mine. FOR SALE — Plymouth Rock "Farmer Brown's boy has killed “Now see here,” said he, kind pullets. Will lay soon. Inquire poor Mrs. Grouse and taken her of patient like he was talking to C. G. Martin, Esterly Mine. home for his dinner.” replied Sam a child “Can’t we figure out some 12-2tp my. way to sell out that mine of How do you know?” demanded FOR SALE — Auto Camp an«l I yours. Get the money out of it for Reddy suspiciously. Grocery on Redwood highway, i "I saw him do it,” replied Sam you so you can have it before you Book- will show value $14,000.1 my. ’ get too old. You know that’s what i Owner wishes to retire. See C.4Í "I hate Farmer Brown’s boy!” most of you old fellow- do. Keep Ted Athey, News office. growled Reddy Fox. "Mrs. Grouse looking for a bigger strike until belonged to me. I meant to have you are too old to use it if you do SAVE MONEY On Dressed and her for my dinner some day.” "Why didn't you catch her then?” make a stake. I'll try and help Rough Pine and Fir Lumber. you sell it if I can.” asked Sammy Jay slily. Buy direct from Saw Mill. G ' I would have, some day,” Now I don't trust all of these B. Begg, O'Brien, Oregon. •‘Great News! Great News!” snapped Reddy. city lawyers, not by a whole lot, Screamed Sammy. 9 Up I "The way you have Peter Rab but I ve known this one quite a Brown's boy pick up poor Mrs. bit!" laughed Sammy. long while, and 1 really think he WANTED — Horse or mule for Grouse after he had broken the Idn’t mj a word, for felt sorry for me and wanted to pack animal. Inquire of Ted hard, icy crust that had made her you knpw he had tried and tried Athey, News office. 8-ltp» a prisoner underneath. She had to catch Peter Rabbit and never help me. Hair turning gray, should been so weak and worn out that could He just glared up at Sammy, ers bent over from carrying she could only flutter feebly when who just laughed and then flew off heavy loads of grub up steep Complete INSURANCE Service We actually save you up to 40'7 he had set her free, and So he had to spread the dreadful news All the mountains. Skin tanned like a piece picked her up and started for home rest of the day he told the same of leather from the wind and sun. All forms of insurance, bonds, with her. Sammy Jay had seen story until all the little people who PUG filing. , At first I thought maybe he this. His eyes had popped out with were out that cold winter day in Your interest is our interests excitement. Here was great news. the Green Forest and on the Green was right. And then 1 kind of look Al J. I’eake Agency He couldn't sit still a minute. And Meadows, green no longer because ed him over too, before I answer what a splendid chance to say some they were covered with snow, had ed, Years ago when I first knew So. 6th Cor. "M" St. Grants Pass : 6-tf thing bad about Farmer Brown's heard that poor Mrs. Grouse had him as a young lawyer just out of boy! Sammy never misses a chance been killed by Farmer Brown’s boy. law- school he was as straight and : PREST-O-LITE Batteries $4.00 to make trouble for F a r m e r And some it made very, very sad. : tall and slim as a young suppling, and up. Wholesale and retail. Brown's boy. And some, like Reddy and Granny So off he started ns fast as he Fox ..nd Old Man Coyote, it made and about as wiry. Now he sat CampbelFs Super Service, next could go. The first one he met was angry, for each of them had meant solidly behind a desk piled high to Courthsuse, Grants Pass, Chatterer the Red Squirrel. some day to have Mrs. Grouse for with letters and papers, all about Oregon. —16tf "Great news! Great news!” dinner themselves. And all the time other people's troubles. The office screamed Sammy. Mrs. Grouse wasn't dead at all, as outside was crowded with people FOR SALE—470 Acres. Owner "What is it?" asked Chatterer. you and I know. waiting to pour their troubles into mfist sell, not able to work. Lo T. \\ Burg« —WNU Service. "Farmer Brown's boy has killed his ears. Ami those ears. Years ago cate«! on Caves highway, 30 I remembered they stood out stiff springs on property, 90 acres : ly above a slim neck and spare cleared, 35 in cultivation. See PICTURE OF NEWS Tides at Crescent Ted Athey, News office, Cave I BUILDING NO GOOD shoulders, listening eagerly for for the Week people’s troubles. Now they sort of Junction, Oregon : drooped over a neck a little loo È FOR SALE — Small cook stove red for health and just beginning We had planned to publish a Day Time Ht. .Time lit. to fold over his shirt collar. Kind PTuimiuiiuiiiiuiiHiimmHiimiiitiiiiiiiunmiiiiiimip] picture <>f The News building on 0:15 6.6 5 :56 — 1.0 I 29 of tired of listening to other peo 1 :24 5.8 7:13 1.2 th<- first page in this is-ue. We ple’s troubles I figured. Fr I 7;.'ts —0.4 took several snap shots of the 30 1:09 6.0 “No," I decided, “I guess their 1 :OS 5.9 8:11 1.1 building in th«* hopes of getting just isn't much help for a fellow Sa 2 2:07 5.3 0.3 31 8:19 one good one, but, too bad. Not like. I guess all we old prospector- Special Chicken Dinner? . l.'o 6.0 2 :53 9:13 ' Su but I'm living the kind of life 1 3 :09 4.7 9:04 1.0 one of them turned out clear like. I guess al we old prospectors 1 : Served Anytime : 10:20 M 3 : to 6.0 1.0 enough to make a cut. Conse kind of like it, or we wouldn’t X •» 4:19 4.2 9:52 1.6 quently we are disappointed in not stay with it. And sure as anything, Home Cooking a Specialty 11:28 0.9 having the picture. 4:30 5.9 Tu if I sold these claims I’d be out 9 2 :.-;s 3.8 4 10:50 In the near future we hop«* to looking for another one. It's sum Try Our Lemonade and Ice W 5:24 5.8 get a good picture that will do th«* mer you know- in the high moun Coffee or Other ,7:01 3.8 12:41 0.7 building justice, and then we will tains.” 4 : Cold Drinks : 1 12:00 2.6 publish it. 6:19 5.8 Th "Besides, I heard of a fellow SAMMY JAY SPREADS A FALSE REPORT why not use this column to sell it. Costs so little and results are astounishing. Can t Something Be Done About This? CAVE JUNCTION, ORE. cessions will face the highway from the Legion hall to the Span ish Castle with a w ide street down the center extending back from the street. The plot is now avail able to look at. Call at The News office and pick out your spot and have it reserved. Now Is the Time to Get Your Canning Beef 1 SAVE One-Half a Pound by the Quarter KEITH'S MARKET on TIRES Holland, Oregon Bring in your worn tires. We retread them with a thick, new wearing surface of the same kind of fine rubber you get on a new tire — at ’a the cost Spanish Castle Safety, full mileage and appearance guaranteed. See our American Retreading Molds at Work Custom RETREADING VULCANIZING REPAIRING SPECIAL MEALS Duckworth Real Mission Orange J uice FOUNTAIN SERVICE THE TIRE MAN Sixth and “M” Streets ( AVE JUNCTION, ORE. □ Announcement To the good people of the Illinois Valley I wish to announce that I have acquired the fine furniture store formerly kn<>\vn as Moore's Furniture store in Grants Pass. We will carry on the fine line of furniture thnt was handled by Mr. Moore and will be very glad to have the folks from the Illinois Valley call and get acquainted. No obligation to buy. Just com«* in and look around and make yourself ut home in this fine furniture store. Manchel Furniture Co GEO. V. MANCHEL, Owner Formerly Moore’s Furniture Store, Grants Pass I la E. Hickman, Prop (Continued from Pane One) 2 Year-Old Steer» and Heifer» City Camp-U-Rest FREE TRIP TO Hadley's (¡rants Pass, Oregon A thrifty store for thrifty people—that is why we are always glad to have Illinois Valley folks shop in our store I ■s Congratulations to The Illinois Valiev News on Your New Home WW*’ • ik if • ii H 1 T JI HOME OF AMERICAN BEAUTY DODGE AND PLYMOUTH I Carner's Automotive Service Co 621 East M. Street Telephone 34 J *