Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 21, 1938 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Pajje Three Operation | $ 995 section 35-1104) Dated this 18th day of July, 1938. V. Maintenance and Repair* $2,150 Signed: 1. Repair and main­ 2 Amount of warrant Effie M. Smith, (Continued from Page One) tenance of furniture indebtedness on war­ . District Clerk and equipment $ 80 rants issued and and without — too much grief — DR. A. N. COLLMAN Lucius Robinson, 2. Repair and main ­ endorsed "not They grabbed a piece of that air Chairman of board of directors. Naturopathic Physician tenance of build­ paid for want of Approved by Budget Committee land ings and funds’’ ....... 1,908.37 CAVE CITY, OREGON this 18th day of July, 1938. And held it,—shock and sheaf grounds: 3. Amount of other Signed: 50 (1) indebtedness ,i'lH) So they’ll be leavin’ us ’fore Effie M. Smith, (2) ...... secured by 3,000 COPCO stuck long Secretary, Budget Committee. ¡3'..........................................................................................................................æ 9. Other expense of main­ 4. Total indebtedne«* Lucius Robinson, We're mighty sorry too— tenance and re­ sum of items 1, 2, 3, $4,058.37 Chairman Budget Committee. But if they think its for the Dr. Fred W. Gould | pairs ..................... 100 best— 4. Total Expense of Dental Surgeon Maintenance and Tuff* Building ‘Taint much thar we can do Repair* Phone 4 230 $ Except to bid them both God VI. Auxiliary Agencies Grant* Pas* COMPLETE LINE OF speed I........ ill. .<>■■> ...................... ol 1. Library: 61...... I......*. And try our best to make ( 1 ) Personal service The partings, not too tearful librarian, etc.) ............... (2) Library When they leave for Tule Lake Dr. H. W. Hermann books 110 OPTOMETRIST (3) Supplies, re­ And so dear Geo and Rachel Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted pairs, etc. ................. 15 We're gathered here tonight 2. Health service: Telephone 258-J 519 “H” St. To give you our best wishes ( 1 » Personal service Grants Pass (nurse, etc.) ......... For a future, fair and bright (2) Supplies and We’re going to miss you heaps other expen­ and heaps ses ............. 25 CAVE JUNCTION We hope you'll miss us too 3. Transportation of BEAUTY SALON pupils: For tho' you go to make new Ladie* and Girl« Haircutting ( 1 ) Personal ser­ friends vice ....................... FLO LEEDY You’ve lots of old ones too (2) Supplies and PAINTS, ENAMELS BEAUTICIAN We’re asking you to take along, other expenses AND HOUSEHOLD (3) Repair and re­ from us,— placement of A little gift HARDWARE busses ............ A small reminder of the days 4 Other auxiliary Notary Publics NOTICE OF SCHOOL That passed without a rift agencies: MEETING We hope that when you see ( 1 ) Personal ser­ in Cave City NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN vice ......................... them you’ll think of us, the to -the legal voters of School Dis­ AMY HUSSEY (2) Supplies and while trict No. 1, of Josephine County, other expenses ..... M. C. ATHEY ’Cause we'll be thinkin' of you State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL (3) MEETING of the said district too (4) will be held at the school house on 5. Total Expense of □ E And tryin' hard, —to smile. the 11 day of August, 1938, at Auxiliary Agencies $150.00 ------------- o-------------- 2:00 o’clock p. m., for the pur­ VII Fixed Charge* THE BARBER Democratic “Who’s Who” pose of discussing the budget for 1. Insurance ................... the fiscal year, beginning June 30, 2. Pensions Bart McCue To Be Published Soon 1938, and ending June 30, 1939, 8, Rent ¥ hereinafter set forth, and to 4. Other fixed CAVE CITY, ORE Cave City Democratic committee members vote on the proposition of levying charges: : in charge of printing the program a district tax. <11 ........................ ùì I ìll äjliKiui ùìi ùìi ili* ú’ñ ùïi Æk .uì tìl ìììi ìfii ■GJ □ BUDGET (2) for the 1938 Oregon state demo­ Estimated Receipts 5. Total Fixed B' cratic picnic have launched a cam­ 1. Balance on hand : Charges: L B. HALL paign to publish a booklet of com­ at the begin- VIII. Capital Outlay* I J ning of the fiscal school 1 FUNERAL HOME plete d 'moratic parly information, 1. New sites ................. year (third Monday in 2. New buildings 840 Mrs. I., B. Hall, Manag« i according to Floyd Dover, picnic Bob Rout, Proprietor June) for which this 3. Alteration of build­ AMBULANCE SERVICE treasurer, and Dwight Bunnell, ad­ : budget is made .... ings (not re ­ Phone 388 Cor. 5th A: C Sts. vertising manager. In view of 2. To be received from the s pairs) ............................. County School fund many changes in County Central 4. New furniture, : Authorized Sales and Service for equipment and committees and with a large num­ 3. To be received from I the Elementary School replacements 800 ber of democratic candidates seek­ : Fund ........................ VETERINARIAN 5. Assessments for bet­ ing election, such a booklet will be 4. To be received from > terments .......................... Hor*ei and Cattle my Specialty a valuable piece of literature for the State Irreducible 6. Other capital out­ DR. O. L. HOHLFELD school fund ................... all party workers to have. Pres­ lays: Office Oti* E. Hackett car lot 5. To be received for Vo­ (1) ................................... : ident Roosevelt, James Roosevelt, Day phone 162—Night 538 BATTERIES — TIRES — PARTS cational Education (2) Grants Pass and Postmaster General James A. I (State and Federal 7. Total Capital Complete Lubrication Service Farley are each to be presented Funds) ............................. Outlays $1,640 with a specially leather bound 6. To be received from the IX. Debt Service the Non-High School 1. Principal on bonds copy. TEXACO GAS OIL — GREASES » I USED CARS District for: (include negotiable : : Tuition ........................ Always Better Values All-Ways interest-bearing Mechanical Service lor All Cars Transportation warrants issued un- CLASSIFIED ADS OTIS E. HACKETT 7. To be received from er section tuition for elementary Easy terms—Reasonable trades 35-1104) $ 300 GOOD EATS—Fried chicken din­ school pupils .......... 2. Principal on 627 S. 6th St., Grants Pass ner on Sunday only, from 12 8. To be received from in­ warrants 1,908,37 terest on deposits and to 1, and 6 to 7 p. m. Price 3. Principal on other sinking fund indebtedness 50c. Holland Hotel. 11-ltp 9. To be received from 4. Interest on GRANTS PASS other sources ................. 122.50 bonds ......... FOR SALE — Barred rock pul­ 10. Total estimated 5. Interest on STEAM LAUNDRY lets from good laying stock, receipts (Item 1 to 9, warrants ...... 300 from 2 to 4 months old. H. S. Inc.) ................................. One of the best cattle ranches in Southern Pickup in Cave City and Kerby 6. Interest on other Estimated Expenditures Monday and Thursday Watts, Rt. 1, Kerby. 11-ltp indebtedness Oregon, 280 acres, 60 cleared ready for crop, 81 1. General Control 7. Transfers to sink­ shares in Kerby ditch with perpetual water FOR SALE — Auto Camp and 1. Personal service: ing fund ................ 3C (^Superin­ 8. Other debt ser­ Grocery on Redwood highway. right. This property formerly sold for $14,000, tendent ......... ................. vice : Books will show value $14,000. can now be had for $1,000 down. (2) Clerk $40.00 HULL & HULL ( 1 » ......... Owner wishes to retire. See (3) Stenographers (3) FUNERAL HOME and other office Ted Athey, News office. Total Price 9. Total Debt 5 assistance.................... Service ......................... Ambulance »ervice day or nite (4) Compulsory ed­ SAVE MONEY On Dressed and X. Emergency 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 ucation and Recapitulation Rough Pine and Fir Lumber. census ........ Total estimated expenses Buy direct from Saw Mill. G. (5) Other for the year (sum B. Begg, O’Brien, Oregon. services .... 25.00 Î of items 1-6, 11-5, 9 ltp 2. Supplies 10.00 III 6. IV.8. V-4, VI-5, ' j REDWOODS HOTEI Î 3. Election and VI1-5, VIII-7, WANTED — Horse or mule for publicity 50.00 NEWS OFFICE, Cave Junction Grants Pass IX 9. X $11,435.87 I pack animal. Inquire of Ted 4. Legal «ter­ Total estimated receipts, vice (clerk's not including propos 8-ltp i Athey, News office. bond, audit, • ed tax 1,971.61 I Complete INSURANCE Service etc.) .............. 25.00 SOLICITS YOUR Balance, amount 5. Other expense i We actually save you up to 40rt of general con­ to be raised by di* PATRONAGE trict tax ........... i All forms of insurance, bonds, trol: ................................. Indebtedness I I’UG filing. (1) 50 00 1. Amount of bonded 6. Total Expense Excellent (’offee Shopi Your interest is our interests indebtedness (in­ of General Con ­ IN CONNECTION | Al J. Peake Agency clude all negotiable trol .. ! $2,00.00 interest-bearing war­ REASONABLE RATES | So. 6th Cor. “M” St. Grants Pass II In* true lion—Supervision rants issued under 6-tf 1. Personal service: (1) Supervisors $ (2) Principals PREST O LITE Batteries $4.00 1,630 <3| ... QUALITY FIRST and up. Wholesale and retail. (4) Stenograph PRICE SECOND—The best is Campbell's Super Service, next ers and other of­ none too good if you want to to Courthouse, Grants Pass, fice assistants get results for the money you Oregon. —16tf 2. Supplies, princi­ spend. pals and super­ SEE US FIRST and have no NOTICE TO CREDITORS visors ..................... regrets. In the County Court of Jose­ 3. ............................ S parry’s Poultry and Dairy 4. Other expense of phine County, Oregon. Feeds — Gill Bro*. Garden In th<> Matter of the Estate of supervision Seed* — Swift'* Red Steer 5. Total Expense, Fertiliser* — Berry Cup* and J. I.. Head, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Supervision $1,630 Crate*. unilei-icned has been appointed III. Instruction—Teaching MACK’S SEED administrator of the estate of J. 1. Personal service: L. Head, deceased, and all per- ( 1 ) Teachers $1,170 and Feed Store -nr hiving claims against the (2) 1,080 Bring in your worn tires, estate of the said deceased are (3) 990 retread them with a thick, new he reby required to present the (4) wearing surface of the same ame, properly verified, as requir­ 9 Supplies (chalk, kind of fine rubber you get on ed bj law, to the undersigned ad­ paper, etc.) 210 a new tire — at the cost ministrator ur at the office of his 3. Textbooks 15 •*•> ).« raifrjvalor do»-, more attorney, O. S. Blanchard, in the 4. Safety, full mileage and leap ttwiqt cold. It doe* cold City of Grants Pass, Oregon, 5. Other expense Y omt Electric Ur I r if appearance guaranteed. I within siv months after the date caiAa «. too. k it you caa mal* da of teaching fcaou* froiaa and telhed laladi. and I of this notice. 6. Total Expense of See our American Retreading Dated this 30th day of June, of Teaching «KMderfU koma ir^da that it will Custom I 1.Personal service: Between All Illinois I (1) Janitors and fa • with your maal-qattmq ichad- OF SCHOOL ELEC RETREADING Valley Points and I NOTICE other em­ 4» nicely Cold cooler/ it vary M- TION UPON QUESTION OF ployees I $ 420 VULCANIZING aapane.« too. The reb. Janitors’ sup­ know it doe, that for only a law STATE CONSTITUTION FREIGHT SERVICE I plies ....................... 100 Notice is hereby given that an 3. Fuel pervve» • day Fmd out how aavdy 255 I election will be held in Union High GET OUR RATES you can hare one 4. Light and pow­ I School District No. 1 of Kerby, Jo- er 180 Bob Rout Harold Hill Í -ephine County, State of Oregon, 5. Water 40 THE TIRE MAN Texaco Gara«e Ä* California Oregon Pownr wapaoy I at school house in said school dis­ 6. 7. Other expense Sixth and “ M ” Streets CAVE JUNCTION trict for the purpo e of submitting I of operation to the legal voters of said district 8 Total Expense of I I I I EASTERN STAR the question of increasing the tax levy for the year 1938 over the amount limited by Mction 11, ar- tide XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reasons for increasing such levy are: Increased school expenses of $996.51, the furnishing of addi­ tional class room facilities to con­ form to state standards which are to be financed by negotiable inter­ est-bearing warrants to the amount of $4,200.00, $840.00 of such amount to be retired yearly for 5 years. The amount of tax in excess of the 6'1 limitation proposed to be levied for the said year is $2,004.51. Also to authorize a supplementary district levy of 5.5 mills ($5,281-1 .79) to provide transportation for Union High School pupils, making the total amount of tax to be rais­ ed in excess of the 6'< statutory limitation, $7,286.30. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6'1 limitation proposed to be levied for said year is $2,004.51. Dated this 20th day of July. 1938. Attest: ■ Effie M. Smith, District Clerk. Lucius Robinson, Chairman Board of Directors Builders HARDWARE and SUPPLIES Garden Tools MARTIN HARDWARE Illinois Valley Motor Co Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks 1 I; i ! I i For Sale Ted Athey I I I I I I SAVE One-Half on TIRES Freight Service Duckworth